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水泥窑协同处置危险废物主要实施过程包括危险废物收集、转移、贮存、预处理、入窑焚烧等环节,各环节均可能产生环境污染事件和生产安全事故。本文结合HJ 2025-2012《危险废物收集贮存运输技术规范》、GB 18597-2023《危险废物贮存污染控制标准》等规范要求,对我国水泥窑协同处置前端危险废物收集、转移、贮存管理现状进行分析,并提出防控措施。  相似文献   

危险废物由于自身的危害性,对存储设施有着严苛的要求.为了研究危险废物固化体存储设施的抗震性能,本文利用ABAQUS软件建立危险废物固化体存储设施有限元模型,并分析其在地震作用下的结构强度.模型分为单管模型和整体模型,单管模型由单个存储管和多个危险废物固化体组成,整体模型由48根存储管、支撑架、立柱和脚柱组成.对于单管模...  相似文献   

<正>6.1.4 厂址条件应符合下列要求:3 水泥窑协同处置危险废物预处理车间选址时,应符合国家现行标准《危险废物贮存污染控制标准》GB18597及《危险废物集中焚烧处置工程建设技术规范》HJ/T176中的有关规定。  相似文献   

1范围 本标准规定了二维可移动圆盘式锯切机的型式与基本参数、技术要求、试验方法、检验规则、标志、包装、运输与贮存。  相似文献   

本文就我国有关危险废物的管理现状和烧结砖行业现状作了简要介绍,在对烧结砖隧道窑的温度、压力、烟气等特性进行研究的基础上,结合我国对危险废物处置要求,提出了对隧道窑的改进建议。  相似文献   

朱斌  王刚  马小刚 《城市勘测》2021,31(4):7-10
油基岩屑属于危险废物(以下简称危废),必须严格执行国家和地方危废管控的相关法规、标准。 文章以国家相关制度为依据,从建设项目环评、承包商选择和合同签订、危废管理计划申报、危废收集和贮存、危废委托转运处置、应急管理和培训、资料归档7方面系统阐述了新疆油田公司在危废各管理环节的管控要点,提出危废产生单位应持续完善管理体系,严格过程监管,强化应急处理,依法合规处置,切实做到危废减量化、无害化处置等建议,具有可操作性、针对性和借鉴性。  相似文献   

简述了基层监测部门的危险废物管理现状及必要性,总结了当前管理办法中存在的问题,并从源头监控、分类贮存、合理处置、强化管理等环节提出了改进措施,旨在提升监测部门危险废物管理效率,降低危险废物对环境污染程度。  相似文献   

总结铁路通信机房智能一体化管控目标,从监测、保护、控制和管理四方面分别论述智能一体化管控的技术要求,并结合实际搭建及运行程序,给出铁路通信机房智能一体化管控实现要点.  相似文献   

<正>环境保护部发布了《水泥窑协同处置危险废物经营许可证审查指南》(2017年第22号公告,以下简称《指南》)。问:《指南》的适用范围和主要内容有哪些?答:《指南》适用于环境保护主管部门对水泥窑协同处置危险废物单位申请危险废物经营许可证(包括新申请、重新申请领取和换证)的审查。主要内容包括水泥窑协同处置危险废物单位关于技术人员、危险废物运输、协同处置工艺和设施、规章制度与事故应急等方面的审查要求以及针  相似文献   

本文对我国陶粒行业所用回转窑的温度、压力、烟气等特性进行了研究。同时,结合我国对危险废物处置要求,提出了对陶粒回转窑改进建议。  相似文献   

The closure of waste management facilities, whether Subtitle C, Subtitle D or CERCLA, requires consideration of site-specific information, the Federal regulations and applicability of state regulations and the liquids management strategy. This paper will present the current EPA guidance for covers at hazardous waste facilities. Also discussed are insights into the proposed Subtitle D and CERCLA requirements for closure.  相似文献   

本文针对我国建筑设备管理系统的节能现状和智能建筑设计标准的要求,从功能结构和系统集成策略的角度设计了大型公建设备管理系统节能规划总体框架。详细探讨了能耗分项计量模型构建、能耗数据处理和基于能耗分项计量的节能诊断的一般思路。提出了我国建筑设备管理系统节能规划与实施过程中存在的关键问题及对策。  相似文献   

The storage of hazardous wastes in subsurface facilities, i.e. in mines, salt caverns and hard rock caverns, offers a high degree of security potential. This is because the contaminants are entombed in geological formations of the deep underground a long way from the biosphere. In order not to prejudice the security offered by the geological barriers certain geotechnical demands have to be met with respect to stability, tightness and sealing in the construction of these subsurface waste repositories. Furthermore, prior to their emplacement, wastes have to be conditioned to exclude the possibility of reactions between the wastes and between the wastes and the surrounding material, e.g. rock or lining. Depending upon the intended function of the subsurface facility, i.e. for interim or final storage, different demands are pertinent with respect to the emplacement technology and the facility seal. In the following paper the geotechnical security objectives for subsurface repositories for interim and final storage are discussed and technical concepts for the construction and operation of mined, salt and hard rock caverns presented. The possibilities for using current mine operations and abandoned underground spaces for the storage of hazardous wastes are discussed.  相似文献   

Hazardous wastes present a critical environmental challenge for the United States in the 1980s. Part of the challenge involves cleaning up or containing abandoned and uncontrolled waste disposal sites. The larger part of the challenge is to properly manage the hazardous wastes that are keyed to the productivity of the national economy. This article briefly overviews what the wastes are and how much exists; what their potential is for adverse human health effects and environmental degradation; federal legislation designed to regulate hazardous wastes; and the nature of public opposition toward siting new facilities. This summary precedes a more in-depth discussion of research designed to assess land use suitability for siting new hazardous waste facilities based on water supply, and other physical and cultural siting criteria. Results indicate that initially suitable sites do exist for siting new facilities. Planners can play an important role by identifying suitable sites through their knowledge of land use, environment regulation, and with the aid of the screening process reported here.  相似文献   

During the late 1970's the Love Canal hazardous waste site in New York State, U.S.A. became a benchmark for negative feelings towards the siting of future hazardous waste landfills and facilities. At the present time social and political factors often dominate the siting process. There is growing anxiety being shown by the public about the location of waste facilities, and especially for hazardous materials. There are repeatable socio-political patterns associated with siting events and disposal agencies need to identify the appropriate «cast of characters» in the siting «play». There is an increasing need for the communication of disposal information to the community as well as their inclusion in the decision making process. More sympathetic consideration needs to be given to compensation strategies.  相似文献   

余庄 《新建筑》1999,(5):5-7
阐述了智能住宅小区的设计、建筑性能表现以及管理等各个环节中的可控性概念。设计过程的可控性表现在模拟和设计的相互交换过程中。建筑性能取决于每一个设备的可控性和工作中心的控制策略。物业管理的可控性则存在于信息交换过程之中  相似文献   

针对酒店建筑不断增多、智能化系统配置庞杂的现状,给出智能化系统设计与配置的基本纲要,目的是使其逐步走向规范化,避免不必要的浪费或系统配置不合理。  相似文献   

Graphical modeling and simulation to analyze and visualize geometry and dynamic processes can improve construction and maintenance in many ways. This paper presents the usefulness of graphical modeling and simulation for the development of construction/maintenance equipment that requires extensive geometry analysis for machine design and remote-operation for control purpose. The development of a tele-operated clinker clearing robot for the maintenance of lignite-fired power facilities is described. The geometric and kinematic design of the robot was performed based on graphical modeling and simulation through interference analysis and visualization. The use of this graphics technique was further extended to the control of the robot from a remote distance because of the hazardous work environment condition. Graphical representation of the equipment and the work environment enhanced equipment control by providing better spatial perception to the operator. Real-time simulation with graphical models also ensured safe and reliable operation of equipment. It is believed that the workflow and the techniques discussed in this paper can also be successfully employed for the development of new equipment that needs to deal with geometrically complex and hazardous work environments.  相似文献   

从自然排烟设施达不到排烟目的,设置机械加压送风防烟设施部位所要求的余压值难以形成,机械排烟设施的排烟效果不明显,防排烟风机的配电不符合规范要求,应设机械防排烟设施的部位未按规范要求设置等方面论述了高层民用建筑的防排烟系统的设计和施工中问题,并分析了解决问题的对策。  相似文献   

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