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雷正杰 《中外建筑》2007,(11):44-48
本文对沿线乡土景观进行发掘,并论述了解读乡土景观对现代高速公路景观设计的意义。提出充分保护和利用乡土景观是进行现代高速公路景观设计、贯彻“安全、舒适、环保、和谐”公路设计新理念的重要手段;了解乡土景观对现代高速公路景观设计的意义在于理解乡土景观是乡土经验的一种历史记载,帮助设计师用一种新的、非自我的视角,设计高速公路延续的、动态的景观,从一种不自觉的、没有设计师的原始景观和唯设计师的人造景观,走向自觉的为使用者而设计的和谐景观。  相似文献   

从乡土景观的含义,分析了乡土景观的构成要素,以及在景观设计中的运用。反思现代城市建设出现大批无个性的景观以及生态危机。从我国国情出发,深入理解乡土景观内涵,借鉴其经验,以创新的方式寻找最佳的立足点,这是设计师实践的一个发展方向,也是城市景观走上可持续发展道路的一种良好的途径。  相似文献   

介绍了苏州万科公园里展示区景观设计的项目背景、思考、设计及建造过程。基于对社区景观展示区的理解,该项目力图构建成满足当代城市生活和审美需求的社区景观。依此,探讨了如何在设计中传递设计师对于自然和生活的感受;如何顺应现代城市生活的需求去拓展景观设计语汇,从而提升人们生活的幸福感;同时就当代城市景观设计中对中国古典园林传承和借鉴的可能途径做出了相应思考。  相似文献   

乡土景观是重要的文化景观类型,是人工长期干预自然的产物。本文以杭州市富阳县乡土景观为研究对象,以其演变过程中人与自然相互作用、相互影响的方式,及乡土景观空间格局为研究内容,通过田野调查、访谈、记录和测绘的研究方法,梳理和归纳了由人工干预自然形成的富阳县乡土景观物质层面的4个构成要素,即:自然山水环境、水利设施、农业生产及聚落营建;总结出县域内4种乡土景观空间格局类型:江中沙洲型、沿江平原型、浅山平原型及丘陵山区型。以此来客观解读乡土景观的内涵,同时汲取长期以来地方百姓适应自然的生产生活智慧,为该县乃至江浙地区的乡土景观保护与发展提供借鉴。  相似文献   

田的艺术——白话景观与新乡土   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
作为一种生存的艺术,田,是真善美的和谐统一,是千百年来人类对土地及自然过程和格局的适应的智慧结晶;作为乡土的文化景观,田承载了特定地域人们的生存与生活的历史,同时也为当代人应对生态环境和能源危机带来新希望.田,既是我们的记忆,也是我们的希望景观设计师因此可以从田的艺术中吸取无穷的营养,创造丰产、健康而且美丽的新景观,一种白话的、新乡土景观.  相似文献   

景观乡土化这一概念对于设计师来讲并不陌生,尤其对于学习景观设计专业的人来讲,更应该对其有深层次的理解,景观乡土化对于景观设计的影响可以说非常深远,乡土化的设计可以利用最节约的手段达到最出彩的设计效果。因此,因地制宜,成为这个课题的核心和灵魂。本文通过对昆明两条相对典型的街道进行调查和分析,总结出目前昆明市的街道景观设计乡土化元素的存在比例,以及在云南地区发展的巨大潜力。  相似文献   

设计源于解读地域、历史和生活--都江堰广场   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
广场是人与人交流的公共场所.一个完整意义上的场所由空间的物理特征、人的活动和历史文化涵义所构成.本文从川西的自然和文化景观、都江堰的治水历史,场所的现状问题和当地人的生活及休闲方式诸方面入手,理解和分析问题并提出解决问题的方案,进行都江堰广场的设计,并将景观的艺术设计理解为解读和显现地域及场所精神的过程.  相似文献   

文章重点从乡土景观对现代景观设计的影响入手,分析乡土景观的价值和对现代景观设计的意义,重点对乡土景观表现、乡土景观的存在意义和作用进行研究,指出其对现代景观设计的重要启示。  相似文献   

乡村景观对西方现代风景园林的影响及启示   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
人类在乡村地区因生产、生活的需要,逐渐改造自然、适应自然而形成的乡村景观,展现了农业文明特有的田园风光.作为西方人心目中的理想环境,乡村景观对西方历史园林产生了实质性的影响.乡村景观对于西方的现代风景园林设计师的影响也是一种非常普遍的现象:一方面,设计师有意识地从乡村景观中汲取设计的语言、得到创作的灵感;另一方面,对乡村景观的关注与思考也启发了他们的设计策略.这种影响对塑造属于中国的园林景观也具有一定启示.  相似文献   

浅析乡土景观中地域性元素的应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
乡土景观是遵循本土自然和人文因素而建的,具有本土独特性的景观。地域性是指某一地域区别于其他地域的特性。在全球化背景下,各地的景观设计都存在文化内涵减弱、本土特色缺失的问题。随着景观的均质化越来越严重,在乡土景观设计中运用地域性元素是势在必行。文章认为在充分了解场地乡土文化、风土人情的基础上,巧妙提取地域性元素,合理运用转化手法形成景观,是景观设计师需要认真思考和实践的事。乡土景观中地域性元素的应用不仅要注重文化内涵的深度,还要力求与现代化都市相融合。  相似文献   

李浩然  董璁 《中国园林》2022,38(1):64-69
面对大自然塑造的不同地理空间单元,人类为获得生存的话语权,不断探索出应对自然环境的适应性生存智慧,营造出各具特色的乡土场景。从营造的角度,首先界定乡土景观营法,分析其内涵与策略,以鄂西南土家族为例,探索在万山稠叠、坡多地少的自然条件下乡民创设出的满足自身生存所需的生态、生产和生活空间的乡土景观营造方法,分述了地法、农法、水法、居法、匠法、礼法的具体措施、营建智慧和相关经验,总结其价值所在,以期让人们重新审视乡土景观营法,留住乡土景观营造之本,指导当前乡土建设,固守鄂西南土家族乡土特色。  相似文献   

寻常景观的诗意   总被引:16,自引:0,他引:16  
俞孔坚 《中国园林》2004,20(12):25-28
人本应该在大地上诗意地栖居,但当代城里人在追求异常景观的过程中,失去了自我,失去了大地,失去了我们本当以之为归属、藉之以定位的一片天地,因而使栖居失去了诗意.景观设计的首要任务是回到土地,从人与土地的关系中,找回寻常景观.这需要中国当代设计师和开发商进行设计思想的革命.  相似文献   

Since 1997, LA PKU has conducted a series of studies on China’s traditional ecological wisdom and related application in contemporary landscape planning and design. This paper first reviews the background and the course of LA PKU’s research: In early years, they studied on Feng-shui and vernacular landscapes that stemmed from their understanding and response to local natural and human processes in planning and design practice; In 2006, Kongjian Yu proposed the concept that Landscape Architecture is a discipline concentrating on the art of survival, which has greatly promoted the study and revival of traditional eco-wisdom, not only providing a historical base for the modern development of Landscape Architecture, but also applying the research results in responding to contemporary environmental and ecological problems; In 2014, developed upon the achievement on the art of survival, LA PKU further explored the deep form of China’s traditional landscapes by studying local spatial forms and design strategies on micro- and site-scales and translating such ecological solutions into China’s contemporary landscape design. The paper also reviews on LA PKU’s important research results over the past two decades, including traditional agricultural landscapes, vernacular settlements, and traditional water-adaptive landscapes.  相似文献   

基于文学地理学视野,以白鹿原地貌形态之“实”和文学描述之“虚”共同建构其文学景观,探究白鹿原文学 景观与白鹿原乡土景观研究之间的互动关系,分析其文学景观与乡土景观之间的内在关联,从而梳理白鹿原生态、生产、 生活的乡土景观体系,为当下的乡土景观研究提供新的启示。  相似文献   


A vast and varied literature exists on the history and archaeology of vernacular landscapes, yet still heritage ‘value’ is often weighted towards the extravagant landscapes created by powerful elites. This article is concerned to bring the wealth of historic landscape and archival research closer together with recent theoretical writing on landscape and dwelling, by focusing on the early modern period in particular. Recent theoretical approaches open up creative space for thinking through the archival material and invites landscape historians to think in terms of movement and dwelling as essential to understanding landscape at the human scale. As this article attempts to show, this is by no means a one-sided dialogue; rather historical landscape research can inform theoretical work in new and productive ways. Bridging the gaps between research areas has the potential to enrich our understanding of everyday landscapes as heritage, created by ordinary people going about their day-to-day activities. The paper argues for the importance of recasting mundane, commonplace features of the landscape—roads, fields and boundaries—as an essential part of our social and cultural landscape heritage. Read in this light, the archival sources suggest that the meanings afforded to the extant remains of the past in the landscape were made through intangible heritage practices, customs, memories, naming, rituals and performances by ‘ordinary’ people.  相似文献   

Land use planners in many countries have recognized the importance of the aesthetic values of landscape. Their desire to incorporate these values into decision-making processes has created a need to identify valid ways to quantify the scenic characteristics of landscapes. This has led to an increasing interest in the use of spatial data and geographic information systems (GIS) methodology in assessing visual attributes of the landscape. The objective of the present study is to assess the visual changes in a rapidly developing coastal area of Egypt using remotely sensed data (satellite images and aerial photographs) and raster GIS modeling. The analysis assesses changes between a period characterized by a vernacular, relatively natural landscape (1950s) and the beginning of the exploitation of the region for resorts (1990s). Using land use/land cover classes extracted from the satellite images and aerial photographs, four visual attributes of landscape are identified: land use/land cover diversity, activity (degree of naturalness), proximity to the shoreline, and topographic variety. A composite index is also developed. Although these attributes and the composite index rely mostly on the type of land use/land cover information on the landscape under consideration, the adopted techniques succeed in detecting several changes in the attributes, spatially locating them and mapping the magnitude of their changes. This study demonstrates what can be done to analyze and assess what is usually considered an incommensurable resource, the visual attributes of landscapes. It also reveals the extent of the impact of unplanned or ill-planned activities on one of the fragile resources of arid landscapes.  相似文献   

乡土詈观是近几年国内城市规划和景观设计界的热门词汇。如何去理解“乡土景观”的定义意味着如何运用这一设计理念。挖掘其价值、发挥其作用。本文从一个实操项目入手.通过项目设计实践的过程去理解乡土景观的概念,并对其内涵及意义进行探讨。文章分为四个部分,第一部分主要对乡土景观的概念和特征进行研究:第二部分对实践项目的设计历程作一个总结:第三部分是对该项目的反思与延伸思考;第四部分为结语。  相似文献   

Available examples of multifunctional landscapes are derived from developed countries, and do not typically shed light on the spatial clashes and synergies between traditional subsistence and commercially intensive production activities in developing countries. This paper explores the relationships between multiple land uses in a rural South African landscape, and in particular, the interactions between a community involved in subsistence agriculture and mixed livelihoods, and adjacent commercial forestry. Using both field and desktop methods, the paper aims to enhance understanding of landscape conflicts and synergies in this developing country context. The findings reveal a landscape polarised between highly productive monofunctional commercial forestry and tribal authority lands comprising a continuum of human settlement and indigenous vegetation. Conflicts and synergies centre around the natural resources required for these uses. Proposed policy solutions for landscape management include the need for better understanding of dual economy landscapes; maximising land use synergies; and providing direct community benefits and livelihood opportunities.  相似文献   

夏甜  郭巍  文斌 《中国园林》2020,36(10):86
堤垸是洞庭湖区最为重要的乡土景观类型,综合了 农业生产、水利调控和聚落建设。人们在湖区的淤洲上建设堤 垸来控制垸区的水位,以获得生活和生产空间;数百年的堤垸 开垦历史,使得洞庭湖区几乎每一寸土地都经过了设计,积累 了大量的水土整合经验。从风景园林的视角出发,将堤垸看作 一种空间结构和文化表达的结果,而不单纯是水利工程的产 物;通过系统分析和图解的方式,探索堤垸景观的空间设计法 则,推断和解读这类景观的发生机制和特征。首先,简要阐述 了洞庭湖区堤垸的围垦历史,理清了堤垸的发展脉络;其次,总 结了湖区堤垸的现状空间分布情况;再次,从水利、垸田和聚落 3个空间层,对不同空间层、不同尺度下的堤垸空间及其嵌套式 的相互关系进行了解析;最后,总结出洞庭湖区的堤垸景观具有 堤垸的更新性、尺度的层级性、形态的整体性等相关特征。上述 分析可以使人们对洞庭湖区的堤垸景观有一个较为全面和深刻的 理解,并获得堤垸保护与转型的线索。  相似文献   

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