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本文通过实地勘察、问卷调查与GIS空间分析的方法,对岳麓山大学城周边的流动摊贩的人群构成及经营活动的时间特征、空间分布特征进行分析,探寻流动摊贩在区域内的时空分布规律,旨在从规划角度提出流动摊贩治理策略。研究发现流动摊贩的集聚特征呈现相对稳定性,为流动摊贩的疏导规划提供了依据。文末基于包容性的多方融合协同原则,分别从规划主体、城市管理主体及流动摊贩主体出发,提出治理策略,以期为新时期的城市治理提供借鉴。  相似文献   

吴文泉  吴昊 《城乡建设》2014,(10):47-48
正随着我国市场经济的快速推进,流动摊贩已成为遍及全国大中城市的一个特殊经营群体。流动摊贩管理是"堵"还是"疏"?"堵"与"疏"的度怎么把握?如何解决管理者与摊贩长期积累并不断激化的矛盾,成为考验政府行政智慧和执政能力的试金石。一、流动摊贩管理的双重考量  相似文献   

流动摊贩是社会上数量庞大的一个群体,但目前流动摊贩的经营存在无序管理,质量安全挤占交通等许多问题,影响了文明城市的建设。本文通过研究流动摊贩存在问题的原因,对流动摊贩的治理提出建议,同时结合互联网+提出了流动摊贩全新的经营模式。  相似文献   

在城市管理过程中,流动摊贩、市民、城市管理者这三方之间的矛盾日见明显。流动摊贩希望在最多的顾客最可能光顾的地方以最低的成本做生意,城管不要来管:市民要的是流动摊贩提供的方便和实惠,但是不要他们带来的肮脏、交通堵塞等等;城市管理者最大的希望是“天下无摊”,希望城市街道干净、整洁,市民支持他们的管理工作。如何调和并解决这三方之间的矛盾呢?  相似文献   

流动摊贩作为非正规经济中的代表,其引发的社会问题越来越受到社会各界关注。基于社会发展需要的考虑,本文将从流动摊贩产生的原因。存在的意义等方面对其做出合理分析,并从城市规划管理的角度研究怎样对待及缓解流动摊贩给社会带来的各种问题。  相似文献   

人性化管理流动摊贩   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
依法治国、构建和谐社会进程的加快,要求我们必须把打造诚信城管、规范城市秩序、加强对流动摊贩的管理、改善城市环境、提升城市品位、提高市民素质,与促进经济发展、提高城市生活质量有机结合起来,实现城管行政执法者和行政相对人的双赢互动,才能有效地推进和谐城管执法环境建设。一、树立和谐执法理念城市管理中比较敏感的问题是流动摊贩乱摆乱放、占道作业等,这些影响环境卫生、扰乱城市公共秩序的现象在某些区域还呈蔓延趋势“。脏、乱、差、杂”状况的存在,既有经济方面的原因,又有人文方面的原因,已不仅仅是单纯的城市经营秩序问题,…  相似文献   

针对广州以空间疏导治理流动摊贩的模式,以青年社区摊贩疏导区及周边流动摊贩区为例,对疏导区政策效应进行研究,结果表明,虽然疏导区满足了摊贩对获得安定感、改善经营环境、扩大经营规模的需求,但摊贩内含的靠近主要人流、经营空间开放化、分享市场和集聚分布、灵活流动、低成本、利用社会联系等需求未能得到满足。不符合摊贩需求的疏导区可能会扼杀摊贩原有优势,使其陷入更糟的状况而倾向于重返非正规活动。据此,摊贩疏导区规划应满足摊贩特定组合的需求,以使摊贩入疏导区后能获得比入疏导区前更好的经济收益。  相似文献   

陈艳 《城建监察》2005,(10):18-19
无证流动摊贩一直以来都与城市管理维持着拉锯战的状态,你来我躲,你罚我藏;你整治我休息,你休息我开张。一旦“不幸”被逮住,有些”老江湖”们就站在路边上来个“一哭二骂”,必定能吸引来无数的围观群众,以弱势群体的姿态来取得周围人的同情。使我们的管理工作处于被动状态。看来,有时与行政相对人直接正面的交涉,不一定能达到教育纠正酌效果,而且集中整治的长效也不一定明显。因此,城市管理执法部门应该尝试改变目前单方面、单一手段执法的方式,以多渠道、多手段来治理无证流动摊贩。  相似文献   

许春芬 《城建监察》2007,(10):14-16
最近全国对流动摊贩管理讨论得非常热烈。笔者认为,目前值得我们商榷的,不是该堵还是该疏的问题,而是在治理流动摊贩过程中如何处理堵与疏之间关系的问题。如果不能正确认识二者之间的关系,难免在分析和解决问题时失之偏颇,甚至在工作中把握不准方向,酿成更加棘手的困难,带来新的社会问题。从我国城市发展现阶段特点来看,治理流动摊贩,应当从客观实际出发,坚持堵(禁止、控制)为主、疏为辅的理念和方法,主次不能颠倒。[第一段]  相似文献   

张炬 《城建监察》2007,(5):21-22
西安市取缔马路市场后,原来在占道市场内的经营户开始走街串巷式的流动经营。城市管理部门虽投入了大量的人力、物力、财力,但取缔占道经营工作始终在“取缔回潮再取缔再回潮”的恶性循环中徘徊,成为城市管理的一个顽疾。西安市新城区执法局在城市管理活动中,在总结以往取缔非法占道经营工作经验教训的基础上,及时转变思想观念,确定了先疏后堵、疏堵结合的工作思路。以劝阻、宣传的人性化管理方式,有序引导占道经营摊贩进店入室,进入新城区各街办建立的便民超市内合法经营。此举不但有效解决了流动商贩的生计问题,而且弱化了由于行政执法行为引发的各类矛盾。辖区的市容环境面貌也随着流动商贩的消失而变得整洁亮丽起来。  相似文献   

陈煊  魏小春 《建筑学报》2006,(10):72-75
"学生街"作为一种空间形式已经存在于国内各大高校周边地区,但是"学生街"的概念和名字在我国仍属于新的概念,本文试以湖南大学周边的"学生街"为例,从校园规划地域社会生活的新的视点分析其生成的原因和存在的意义,并指出它所存在的独特形式和含义,试图对校园规划等等相关规划的内容进行新的补充.  相似文献   

In recent years street vending or street trading has become a focal point of political agendas throughout cities of the Global South. The literature of street vending tends to develop within two fields of analysis: 1- socio-spatial regulation, 2- socio-spatial appropriation. This research is centred on socio spatial appropriation analysis of street vendors in the city of Valparaíso, Chile, revealing social and spatial disputes over the use of public space.Through a quantitative and qualitative analysis, we present an in-depth view of social and spatial conflict identified by street vendors themselves, revealing how socio-spatial appropriation by street vendors is an expression of the social and spatial dispute over the use of public space. This study makes an original contribution by associating spatial conflicts of street vending with the socio-spatial appropriation of public space.Results show the need to include the socio-spatial logic and dynamics of street vending in the design and management of public spaces in cities faced with this growing phenomenon.  相似文献   

In 2014, the Bangkok Metropolitan Administration (BMA) introduced the ‘Reclaiming pavements for pedestrians’ plan. This plan, appealing to the Act on Maintaining Public Cleanliness and Public Order, promised to bring ‘safety and orderliness’ to the city, and its implementation led to the removal of street vendors. This article investigates the goals, practices, and effects of the street clean-up plan in Bangkok's old town and shows the ironic consequences of the plan: the streets became less safe. By analysing the vendors' rights, interests, and strategies for coping with the eviction that affected their livelihood, this article focuses on street vendors' survival strategies and analyses various forms of conflicts over streets: the vendors versus city authorities, among the vendors, and the vendors versus powerful gangsters, and discusses the mediation of these conflicts by a senior Buddhist monk who spoke on behalf of street vendors in negotiations with city authorities.  相似文献   

Street vending is a global phenomenon in both developing and developed countries. While this activity is often framed through clashes between state policy and street vending activities, we argue that it would be a mistake for state actors and critics to ignore nuanced explanations of why street vendors do what they do despite the continuous tension around them. We draw on the case of Lilongwe, Malawi, and other cities in southern Africa, to discuss some observations that can better reflect on how street vending has become such a contentious space that even leads to violence. We conclude that there is a need for sensible urban planning that recognizes informality as a reality, addresses its potential and underlying danger, and redistributes the ordinary people’s struggle for spatial justice.  相似文献   

In Latin America around 45% of the working population work in the informal economy. In Colombia it is almost half. The informal economy is made up of multiple and different kinds of jobs, one of them street vending. This study examines the heterogeneity of street vending by comparing and contrasting two groups of street vendors. In this analysis, detailed information of social demographic characteristics, earnings, aspirations and perceptions of their work are used. Links between this sector and the formal economy are shown. This study shows that indeed street vendor sector has different components and policy makers should take this in account when framing public policies.  相似文献   

The informal economy is an important part of urban economies in the global South. Almost half of Colombia's working population relies on the informal economy to obtain income. This study examined street vendors in downtown Cali, Colombia. A recent survey of 527 street vendors provides the basis for a detailed analysis of who works as street vendors, how much they earn, aspirations and perceptions of their work, and how closely they resemble the rest of the working population. The presented data also show the links between this sector and the formal economy. Connections between people working in this sector and the State were also examined, and welfare payment flows from the State to the sector were revealed. This study shows how the informal sector is closely tied to the formal economy and the State's welfare functions.  相似文献   

Particles emitted from vehicles can threaten human health. Therefore the investigations about the particle dispersion characteristics inside the street canyon are of significance. For the current work, the airflow fields and the particle movement inside an isolated street canyon with three aspect ratios under perpendicular wind direction and two typical wind speeds are studied numerically, for which the particle distributions are obtained by solving the drift-flux model. The conclusions demonstrate that the trees will result in the particles gathering. However, the particle deposition fluxes on the trees are so small which cannot effectively remove the particles from the ambient air. Besides, the vehicles tend to cluster particles around the street axis and slow down the dispersion to the curbside buildings. Therefore, the vehicles should not be ignored in the numerical models, especially for the cases in the wind direction of 90°. Moreover the cases with the aspect ratio of 0.5 are more sensitive to the effects of trees and vehicles. The shop vendors expose to the highest particle concentrations in most of the scenarios.  相似文献   

李百浩  姚顺 《华中建筑》2010,28(4):161-165
该文通过对湘西土家族苗族自治州花垣县茶洞(边城镇)古镇历史发展演变的阐述,分析了其所在的自然地理条件、社会时代背景以及经济发展对古镇发展所起的作用,探究了过去和现在古镇的空间形态,阐述了古镇"四街·十巷·六石桥"的街巷空间结构和特有的节点空间,通过研究古镇建筑和营建特色,以揭示茶洞古镇的地域文化特点。  相似文献   

传统零售(菜)市场是过去经济未发展起来的产物,摊贩问题是城市中长久以来的弊病,面临快速的城市现代化,传统零售(菜)市场已经逐渐失去原来照顾百姓生活的功能,而摊贩问题如何以疏导方式导入正规的经营方式?如何将这些活在城市历史中的记忆重新改造?以达到城市环境改善,城市再生等均为本文研究的重点。  相似文献   

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