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根据《北京交通发展纲要(2004~2020年)》,近期北京交通发展策略重点放在大力发展公共交通上,而实现步行与公共交通方式快速、便捷的换乘是促使居民出行方式向公共交通方式转移,合理优化居民出行结构的手段之一。北京中心城区特别是旧城区,文保区占44%,因此交通问题的解决应主要依赖于步行  相似文献   

从供需关系、成本效益等经济学的基本原理对优化城市交通结构提出了一些建议,并重点阐述了如何采取措施发展公共交通,优化资源配置,分析了公共交通、小汽车交通、自行车交通3种主要交通出行方式及它们之间的关系。  相似文献   

公共交通对道路资源来说是一种最为经济的交通方式。世界各大城市,几乎都把优先发展公共交通,压缩小汽车交通需求,作为城市交通主要战略。根据城市发展特点,上海提出以"公共交通优先"作为城市客运交通基本政策。其中,轨道交通是最为主要的出行方式。预计到2015年,上海市民出行搭乘轨道交通的比例将超过50%。当乘坐公共交通成为我们日常出行的主要方式时,我们该如何乘坐公交,以保证自己和他人的安全呢?  相似文献   

提高公共交通竞争力的措施分析   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
政府确立的公共交通优先发展战略实质,是想通过政府手段来提高公共交通在交通运输市场中的竞争力.在此基础上,提出了在自由竞争的市场环境中,各种交通方式间竞争关系的基本分析框架.并在该框架内,以出行距离来衡量交通需求,着重分析了公共交通与自行车基于时间成本上的均衡点和公共交通与小汽车基于出行综合成本上的竞争均衡点,并分别推导出相应的判别模型.根据判别模型推论各个影响因素与公共交通竞争力间的函数关系,提出相应的政策措施,并对各个措施进行评述总结.  相似文献   

交通是一所城市发展的大动脉,而城市公共交通更是城市的重要设施之一,关系着本市居民的居住幸福指数和一个国家的经济发展。以哈尔滨为研究对象,结合哈尔滨市公共交通现状,分析哈尔滨市公共交通存在的不足,提出实施公交优先的策略,为哈尔滨市公共交通的发展提供了思路。  相似文献   

地铁车站公交一体化格局的核心任务是将各种公共交通方式内部、各种公共交通方式之间、私人交通与公共交通、市内交通和对外交通有效衔接。结合工程案例分析公交枢纽、公交停靠站、小汽车停车场、出租车上下客站位及自行车停车场的设施布局,为类似工程提供借鉴参考。  相似文献   

曾亮 《四川建材》2015,(2):137-138
公共交通系统是由各种不同的交通方式组合而成的,每一种公共交通方式都有其各自不同的适用范围。只有充分发挥各交通方式的优势、取长补短,才能保证交通系统的平衡,保证公共交通发展战略的正确性。快速公交(BRT)与常规公交,作为目前公共交通系统的重要组成部分,二者的换乘衔接在公共交通系统的高效运转中有着关键性的作用。本文就快速公交(BRT)与常规公交规划管理协调方法进行了深刻的研究。  相似文献   

绿色交通旨在协调、优化各种运输方式,提高整体的交通效率,降低能源消耗和污染,促进环境与社会公平,其本质是可持续发展.慢行交通是最能体现绿色交通本质的交通方式,实现居民的短距离出行和接驳公共交通.慢行系统的规划方法可从街区尺度、慢行网络、公交衔接和设施景观设计等方面入手.涿州生态示范基地慢行系统规划对此进行了实践.  相似文献   

外围大型居住社区居民出行特征分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
外围大型居住社区是上海市的快速发展地区,其交通需求产生和分布、交通设慈供给等均对上海交通产生重要的影响。通过入户问卷调查获取数据,分析了外围大型居住社区居民的出行行为特征。研究发现,外围大型居住社区居民的出行将长期依赖于公共交通;外围大型居住社区居民与中心城居民的出行差异较大,出行更为不便,且柔性出行需求受到抑制;外围大型居住社区的公共交通配套较为落后,居民公共交通出行的满意度较低,必须优化其公交线网并为其提供更为先进的公交管理技术。研究结果为外围大型居住社区的交通规划,尤其是公共交通规划提供了决策支持。  相似文献   

在分析回顾我国城市交通方式发展态势之后,认为在城市化高速发展的转型期内,各种交通方式间的竞争格局已经形成.生态位概念及生态位分化启示:各种交通方式在满足出行距离需求时所占据的“生态位”间存在着重叠,由此产生的竞争必然造成各种交通方式生态位的重新分化.分化过程是一个不稳定的过程,但将会随城市化过程而逐趋于稳定.为使分化过程沿可持续发展方向进行,应该采取鼓励公交优先发展政策,通过提高公共交通的竞争力来“管制”小汽车的使用.  相似文献   

We present in this paper an analysis of economic centers and their role in shaping employment development patterns and travel behavior in the state of Maryland. We begin by identifying 23 economic centers in the Baltimore-Washington region. We then examine these centers first in their role as centers of economic activity and then in their role as nodes in the state’s transportation system. Finally, we identify the commute sheds of each center, for multiple modes of travel and travel times, and examine jobs–housing balance within these various commute sheds. We find that Maryland’s economic centers not only promote agglomerative economies and thus facilitate economic growth; they also generate a disproportionate number of trips and promote transit ridership. These results provide empirical support for policies that promote polycentric urban development, and especially policies that promote polycentric employment development. Further, they suggest that polycentrism as a sustainable development strategy requires careful coordination of regional transportation systems designed to balance jobs and housing within a center’s transit commute shed. Based on these findings we recommend that the Maryland state development plan, and regional sustainable communities plans across the nation, encourage the concentration of employment within economic centers and encourage housing development within the transit commute sheds of those centers.  相似文献   

Trip characteristics, travel utility, socio-economic characteristics, and built environment influence travel mode choice. Since the elements have a hierarchical structure, this study conducted multilevel multinomial logistic regression to evaluate the relationship between these elements and travel modes. Particularly, this study focused on how twelve types of expressed travel utilities affect travel mode choice for five travel purposes. The results show that people consider various travel utilities for each travel purpose; these elements influence the travel mode choice of cars, public transit, or non-motorized modes, for example, public transit is preferred for punctuality and multitasking in commute, and for health benefits in shopping.  相似文献   

何正强  卢任贵 《山西建筑》2009,35(24):38-40
基于广州市轨道交通近期线网建设规划,在分析与轨道交通衔接的其他交通方式的特点和定位的基础上,结合城市空间发展战略,提出轨道交通衔接功能区划分策略,以指导衔接设施的规划、设计及建设。  相似文献   

In this study, we ask how the ability to use multiple transportation options affects one's subjective wellbeing (SWB), including aspects such as physical health, financial security, standard of living, and personal relationships. A clearer understanding of these associations can inform investments in multimodal infrastructure. We draw on 232 surveys from a diverse set of residents in the Denver, Colorado metropolitan area and find that having more transportation choices can improve standard of living for low- and middle-income residents. Multimodal middle-income residents are also more satisfied with their health and what they are achieving in life. Vehicle owners report higher levels of satisfaction with their standard of living, health, and achievements, compared to non-owners, unless auto is their only travel mode. Only low-income respondents had significant differences in standard of living by where they lived, with greatest satisfaction in the urban core. These results confirm the relationship between public transit and SWB, and contribute to our understanding of how the concept of motility (social and spatial mobility) shapes one's quality of life. The findings have implications for investments in transportation modes across neighborhood types and populations, so that people have a range of travel options to meet their needs and increase their satisfaction with their goals through improved daily travel.  相似文献   

公交优先是上海长期以来构建综合交通体系的重大战略.回顾发展历程,剖析上海作为超大城市在经历集中大规模建设期后,在与空间形态的协调、出行效率和服务品质、城市交通结构的集约性等方面的瓶颈.结合国际经验、国家战略、上海转型以及交通需求情景研判,立足建设卓越的全球城市的目标愿景及分解指标,提出未来25年上海要以“绿色发展、永续发展”的价值导向,建立高效协作的门户枢纽城市、便捷高效的城市交通体系、绿色低碳的交通发展模式等三个维度的交通发展目标,并指出从区域、市域、分区等不同空间层面,交通与空间协同优化的规划方法及内容要求.分析并提出了交通引领、公交主导、人本协同等理念指引下,如何突出骨架作用、打造轨道都市、引导绿色出行的思路及策略要点.  相似文献   

An economic utility theory model specifying automobile ownership decision-making in terms of intra-urban locational factors is presented. The long-range objective of the research is to provide an improvement in urban transportation planners' understanding of the relationships between automobile ownership by families residing within urban environments and the supply of transportation system facilities and services. Determinant variables in the model are: the spatial locations of trip destinations accessible to urban travellers with and without use of an automobile and at various times of day, the respective travel times to these destinations by auto and by alternate public transit modes, and the yearly capital and operating cost of automobile ownership in excess of cost by the alternate mode(s). Explicitly evaluated factors in the theory of decision-making proposed include the perceived benefits to tripmakers of travelling to destinations at various times, and the values placed on leisure time and consumption of all other goods. Emphasis is placed on decisions to purchase a second car, predictions of which are particularly relevant to urban transportation planning. Empirical tests for application with traditional transportation planning data are developed for various model hypotheses. These hypotheses are interpreted in terms of future research needs and directions.  相似文献   

石飞  周江评 《室内设计》2015,(1):125-129
政府和社会在城市交通发展中的导向性非常重要。文章从补贴这一独特的视角出发,试图论证当前政府对不同交通方式的补贴差异。从运营环节和基础设施建设两个角度,分别测算和对比对公交和小汽车的补贴,最后得出结论:目前全社会对小汽车的补贴远高于公交,与公交导向的城市交通发展方向相悖,并使市民的出行方式更偏向小汽车。最后,指出需去福利化和形成市场主导的停车建设和收费机制,并用补贴和税费的"正负效应"促使形成公交导向的城市交通发展模式。  相似文献   

Shanghai is well known for a high level of non-motorized travel, in particular by bicycle. This research investigated firstly whether significant differences in the use of non-motorized transportation between areas of the city can be attributed to particular features of the local environment, in particular road network characteristics and design; secondly, the extent to which personal and household characteristics contribute to this variable use of foot and bicycle modes of travel. The most recent trips and daily repeated trips of 1,811 individuals were collected in four districts in Shanghai in a one-week period. Distances were extracted from a GIS while regression analysis examined the significance of district, age, income, trip purpose and mode choice in the distance travelled and in the proportion of travel by non-motorized means. District accounted for up to 22% of variance in the proportion of non-motorized travel. Differences in the allocations to motorized and non-motorized modes between districts were significantly related to block structure and road density but not to public transportation provision. There were also significant differences in travel distances by mode and trip purpose. Finally, age, income, household composition and type of employment had very minor effects on travel mode and travel distance by non-motorized modes.  相似文献   

基于我国当前城市空间蔓延、功能分区单一以及"以车为本"的场所设计带来的个体机动化出行增加、公共交通效率低下、步行环境欠佳等问题,提出需要建立沿公交走廊的密度点轴结合发展(density)、用地混合多元布局(diversity)以及步行友好场所设计(design)的用地"3D"发展模式,以减少机动化出行需求。在此思路下,借鉴香港地区轨道沿线用地发展经验,研究香港实现"3D"模式的具体方法与措施,并以广州花都CBD为例,运用"3D"理念,对花都CBD内轨道沿线的用地密度、混合度、场所进行规划设计,以探索城市用地"3D"发展模式在我国发展的适应性。  相似文献   

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