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孙勇军 《山西建筑》2007,33(7):296-297
介绍了强夯加固机理,阐述了强夯技术的几个发展阶段及其研究方向,着重对影响强夯处理的主要因素进行了论述,并结合具体的工程实践进行了工程试验,试验结果表明,强夯用于铁路路基土体的的夯实加固具有良好的效果。  相似文献   

结合原油储罐的强夯地基处理工程实例,介绍了储罐对地基承载力和变形的要求,阐述了强夯法的加固原理、施工工艺,论述了强夯法在大型原油储罐地基处理工程中的应用.  相似文献   

结合广州市从化某基地实际工程情况,采用强夯法对该工程的软土地基进行处理,简述了强夯法在此工程中的施工顺序、施工方法以及强夯后的检测方案,工程施工取得了良好的效果,可为同类工程提供参考。  相似文献   

刘军 《山西建筑》2007,33(34):104-105
结合具体工程实际,提出采用强夯和强夯置换法进行地基加固处理的方案,阐述了强夯法加固地基技术的优点和适用范围,分析了强夯法和强夯置换法的作业机理,详细介绍了强夯施工工艺,指出该方案的应用大大提高了工程效益和社会效益。  相似文献   

叶航 《四川建材》2009,35(6):135-136
近年来强夯加固软土地基理论和实践发展很快,积累了不少经验,在很多工程中取得了良好的效果,其中有强夯结合袋装砂井综合处理法、强务置换法处理软土地基等新措施。本文通过笔者多年来对市政道路工程中软基处理工作的实践和认知,结合工程实例,对强夯法在该工程中软基处理有关问题进行简要的分析。  相似文献   

结合北京城市快速铁路回龙观车辆段地基处理工程,对高回填土地基采用强夯处理方案,进行了强夯现场试验。利用测斜仪、工程探测仪、动土压力盒等对强劲加固效果进行了检测。该研究工作对今后强夯工程具有一定的理论指导作用,对强夯施工参数的选取具有重要的参考价值。  相似文献   

王洪现 《山西建筑》2008,34(15):94-96
结合具体工程特点,主要介绍了冬季斜坡面上的强夯施工工艺,探讨了工程布置及其设计原则,并进行了强夯试验,保证了强夯施工效果,为北方冬季斜坡地基基础强夯施工提供了参考借鉴。  相似文献   

通过介绍强夯法的应用技术,结合工程实例,对该工程强夯加固路基设计施工参数、强夯效果检测和数值模拟进行研究。  相似文献   

本文结合南宁市江南污水处理厂地基处理工程,应用强夯法对南宁市江南污水处理厂回填土和原地基进行了加固处理.对强夯施工中对附近建筑物产生的振害进行了测试,并提出了防止振害的措施.最后对强夯法加固地基的效果进行了检测,检测结果表明,强夯法加固地基成功应用在该工程中.  相似文献   

强夯法加固地基在工程施工中的应用   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
结合工程实例,简要介绍了强夯法在杂填土地基处理中的施工特点,并对强夯的参数进行设计,阐述强夯法加固地基的施工工艺,详细分析了强夯法地基处理检测成果,从而保证施工的安全性和可靠性。  相似文献   

本文通过阅读国内外大量的文献资料,对高性能混凝上火灾高温计算机模拟分析的研究现状进行了汇总及分析,得出目前的模拟分析方法主要有微观模拟及宏观模拟两大类方法,并对目前模拟分析的范围、结果及解决办案的模拟等进行了分析,最后对今后的研究方向进行了展望,提出应将高性能混凝土受火后的降温过程及耐久性等方面列入模拟范畴,进行全过程与全方位的模拟。  相似文献   

罗桂银 《山西建筑》2009,35(19):207-208
通过对国内外类似管理模式的经验学习,并结合参与公路代建项目的代建管理实践,对代建工程项目管理的内容进行了较为详细地阐述,也为公路工程代建制在公路工程中的实施与应用提供了参考资料。  相似文献   

中西方传统建筑:一种符号学视角的观察   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
王贵祥 《建筑师》2005,(4):32-39
本文从西方20世纪流行的符号学概念,特别是符号的“能指”与“所指”概念出发,在对符号学一般性定义进行分析的基础上,将中西方建筑思想中一些基本观点纳入其中进行比较分析,从而发现中西传统建筑在基本出发点上的一些差异。西方古典建筑将“美观”作为基本目标,并将着眼点落在建筑之形式及形式美的艺术性探索上,而中国传统建筑将具有实用性质的“空间”及具有“意义”内涵的礼制规则作为基本目标,从而将建筑的着眼点落在建筑之空间、体量与装饰的等级差别(度)上。这一基本分析,标识了中西传统建筑的一个基本差异。  相似文献   

分别对同一基础上设置多台机器,设计工作频率相同和不同的情况;基础上只设置一台机器,在其旋转主轴上带有几个不同转速的运动部件的情况;基础上设置一台往复式机器,其旋转运动质量的频率和汽缸往复运动频率相差一倍的情况进行分析研究,最后给出这几种情况下振动合成计算的建议。  相似文献   

基于有限元方法,建立了空间钢桁梁桥上无缝线路梁轨相互作用耦合模型。通过实例,对钢桁梁桥上无缝线路纵向附加力进行计算分析。模型的建立可为今后钢桁梁桥上无缝线路纵向附加力的建模分析提供一种新的思路和方法,并对今后钢桁梁桥上无缝线路设计问题提出一些建议。  相似文献   

软粘土地基静压桩挤土效应的分析与实践   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
简要地分析了软粘土地基中静压桩挤土效应的产生机理 ,运用圆孔扩张理论和经验公式对之进行分析 ,并结合上海某商住楼基础静压桩施工过程所做的测试 ,分析了施工中静压桩对建筑场地周围环境的严重不良影响 ,最后提出了防治或减轻静压桩挤土效应对周围环境影响的一些有效措施  相似文献   

Corrosion, abrasion and fretting fatigue may cause deterioration and, eventually, the failure of a post-tensioning tendon or a stay cable on a cable supported structure. In the present study, the stress acting during the rupture on the remaining portion of the stay which fails is derived, and the role of the rupture time on the response of the structure is discussed from a theoretical and a numerical point of view. In addition, the load-time curve during the rupture and the total time of the rupture of undamaged and damaged wires of seven-wire steel strands are investigated in an experimental program defined on the basis of the previous theoretical results. In the locally damaged specimens, a notch is machined into their outer wires. The specimens are tested under tension at three different strain rates in order to determine the influence of this parameter on the rupture time and on the load-time curve. The damaged specimens also allow us to determine the influence of a local reduction of the cross section on the stiffness and ultimate load of the specimen.  相似文献   

The uptake of trace metals in the leaves of fast-growing woody species is a crucial factor in ecological risk assessment and in the evaluation of phytoextraction potentials. In this study, we present a long-term data series of foliar Cd, Zn, Mn and Cu concentrations in poplar (Populus trichocarpa x P. deltoides). Leaves were collected every three weeks from 2001 until 2007 on three sites, (i) a new plantation on an alluvial soil polluted by river sediments, (ii) a new plantation on an unpolluted soil and (iii) a 10-year old plantation on a polluted dredged sediment soil. In addition, tree rings were measured on the alluvial soil in order to better assess growth over the past seven years. Foliar concentrations of Cd, Zn and Mn decreased considerably with time in the new plantation on polluted soil. Concentrations of Zn and Mn decreased in the new plantation on unpolluted soil as well. The older plantation on polluted soil did not show changes in foliar concentrations for Cd, Zn or Mn. Foliar Cu concentrations slightly increased for all sites. Within one growing season, foliar concentrations of Cd, Zn, Cu and Mn increased towards the end of the season. The tree ring data of the poplars on the alluvial soil indicated a strong decrease in growth due to declining tree condition from 2005 onwards, the same year that foliar Cd and Zn concentrations markedly decreased. Lower transpiration rates probably induced a lower uptake of dissolved trace metals. It is concluded that stand health and growth rate have a strong impact on the variation of foliar trace metal concentrations over time.  相似文献   

The customary method of computing the hydrodynamic force on a pier of a bridge is based on the model tests of stand-alone piers. This implicitly ignores the influence of the deck on the flow pattern around the piers. The hydrodynamic force exerted on the piers by a solitary-like wave generated in a hydraulic wave flume is investigated using a complete pier-deck model, which includes both the pier and deck in the actual proportion. The experimental results reveal that the hydrodynamic force on the piers is influenced by the presence of the deck. For the complete bridge configuration studied, the actual force component which results from the hydrodynamic pressure acting on the piers only could be increased by as much as 50% over that for the case of stand-alone piers. This is due to the influence of the deck in obstructing the free splashing and topping over of the wave upon striking the piers, resulting in accumulation of fluid in front of the piers, and hence increasing the pressure on them. Thus, the hydrodynamic force computed based on experiments on stand-alone piers could be non-conservative for design of piers.  相似文献   

This paper presents a discussion on the basic concepts behind engineering safety and proposes a general framework, which considers risk analysis as a fundamental tool for the decision-making process in engineering. A discussion on the nature of damage and a characterisation of failures, accidents and disasters is presented. Then, a brief discussion on the existing failure modelling alternatives and requirements is given followed by a critical review on existing definitions of concepts such as hazard, vulnerability and risk. New strategies for understanding, modelling and carrying out hazard, vulnerability and risk assessments are proposed. Finally a general framework for the decision making process based on risk analysis is presented.  相似文献   

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