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Urban and rural populations face disparities in gender equality as well as access to safe drinking water, which have deleterious consequences for their well-being. Past studies highlight interdependencies between gender equality and sustainable water management, but they fail to account for effects of shifting urban and rural populations. We find that improved gender equality and access to safe drinking water are likely to persist within urban populations, and empowering women in urban areas could increase access to safe drinking water. Our research aims to enhance the understanding of sustainable provision of water under the circumstances of rapid urbanisation and climate change.  相似文献   

Domestic drinking water supply systems (DDWSs) are the final step in the delivery of drinking water to consumers. Temperature is one of the rate-controlling parameters for many chemical and microbiological processes and is, therefore, considered as a surrogate parameter for water quality processes. In this study, a mathematical model is presented that predicts temperature dynamics of the drinking water in DDWSs. A full-scale DDWS resembling a conventional system was built and run according to one year of stochastic demands with a time step of 10 s. The drinking water temperature was measured at each point-of-use in the systems and the data-set was used for model validation. The temperature model adequately reproduced the temperature profiles, both in cold and hot water lines, in the full-scale DDWS. The model showed that inlet water temperature and ambient temperature have a large effect on the water temperature in the DDWSs.  相似文献   

The prevalence of water quality incidents and disease outbreaks suggests an imperative to analyse and understand the roles of operators and organisations in the water supply system. One means considered in this paper is through human reliability analysis (HRA). We classify the human errors contributing to 62 drinking water accidents occurring in affluent countries from 1974 to 2001; define the lifecycle of these incidents; and adapt Reason's ‘Swiss cheese’ model for drinking water safety. We discuss the role of HRA in human error reduction and drinking water safety and propose a future research agenda for human error reduction in the water sector.  相似文献   

While humans require water for life, one-sixth of our species lives without access to safe water. In Africa, the situation is particularly acute because of global warming, the progression of the Sahara desert, civil unrest and poor governance, population growth, migration and poverty. In rural areas, the lack of adequate safe water and sanitary infrastructures leaves millions with doubtful water quality, increasing the harshness of daily life. In this paper, a pilot study was conducted during the wet season on Bolama Island (Guinea-Bissau, West Africa), a UNESCO Man and the Biosphere Reserve. Twenty-eight shallow wells, supplying water to most of the population, were sampled for microbiological, physical and chemical water quality characteristics. A ten-parameter water quality index (WQI) adapted to tropical conditions was applied to compare the different wells. About 79% of the wells showed moderate to heavy fecal contamination. From the surveyed parameters, it was found that chemical contamination was less important, although all samples were acidic, with the pH averaging 5.12+/-0.08. The WQI was 43+/-4% (0%-worst; 100%-best quality), showing that the water from the majority of wells was polluted but should be suitable for domestic use after appropriate treatment. At the onset of the wet season, diarrhea represented 11.5% of all medical cases, 92.5% of which were children aged <15. This paper suggests inexpensive steps to reduce the fecal contamination and control the pH in order to increase the potability of the well water and, concomitantly, to raise the living standards of the population in one of the poorest countries of the world.  相似文献   

There has been increasing interest in the widely used perfluorinated chemicals such as perfluorooctane sulphonate (PFOS). PFOS has been shown to be toxic, persistent and bioaccumulative in the environment and is a focus for restriction within the European Union. Limited monitoring data, especially in the United Kingdom, are available for PFOS in environmental waters, and even less for its detection in drinking water. Data available in the United Kingdom indicate that PFOS contamination of environmental waters has only occurred following specific incidents. Monitoring of 20 raw and treated drinking water sites in England, covering four seasonal periods, showed that PFOS is not a widespread background contaminant of raw and treated drinking water in England. Low levels of PFOS (0.012–0.208 μg/L) were detected at four specific sites, which were at a higher risk for contamination. At three of these sites, where PFOS was detected in both raw and final drinking water, treatment processes [chlorination, ozonation and granular activated carbon (GAC)] did not appear to remove PFOS. The findings of this work are pertinent to risk assessments now required by the drinking water quality regulations.  相似文献   

美国现存供水管网系统的管径是按照消防用水最大流量确定的.由于现在火灾频率已变得很低,使得管网流速变缓,导致供水被输送到用户端时水质下降、甚至恶化.为此,美国已开始倡导并应用分用途供水的双管道供水系统,以小管径的不锈钢管输送直饮水,并保留传统管道作为消防等非饮用水之用.这样不仅可以达到供应直饮水的目的,而且可大大降低非饮用水的处理成本.另外,中水也可纳入传统管道系统,使分用途供水第二条管道铺设成本有所降低.  相似文献   

Detection of enteroviruses in treated drinking water   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Vivier JC  Ehlers MM  Grabow WO 《Water research》2004,38(11):2699-2705
This study deals with the routine monitoring of drinking water for the presence of enteroviruses, over a period of 1 year. A rapid and simple method was employed for the simultaneous detection and typing of enteroviruses in large-volume water samples. This included an integrated cell culture/nested PCR approach, followed by restriction enzyme analysis. The two drinking water supplies studied were derived from acceptable quality surface water sources using treatment processes, which conform to international specifications for the production of safe drinking water. Enteroviruses (predominantly coxsackie B viruses) were detected in 11% and 16% of the drinking water samples from two treatment plants, respectively. This study confirms that acceptable water quality indicators do not necessarily reflect the virus content of drinking water.  相似文献   

刘建  刘丹 《工程勘察》2012,(7):41-43,54
保护饮用水源是隧道建设过程中必须重视的关键问题之一,若处理不当,易引起民众纠纷。本文以某在建高速公路隧道为例,在开展隧道涌水及地表水源点水质和水量动态监测的基础上,通过估算隧道排水的影响范围、分析隧道及水源点流量变化特征和开展隧道涌水来源识别工作,分析得出,隧道建设对水源点M1影响较小,对M2影响最为突出,与M3存在紧密联系,但有明显滞后,当其中之一出现流量增加或减少趋势后,另一者会在地下水系统动态调节并达到新的平衡后出现相反的变化趋势。上述结论可为科学评估隧道施工对饮用水源的影响和向隧道建设单位及有关部门解决因隧道施工而产生的水源纠纷提供科学决策依据。  相似文献   

Geme G  Brown MA  Simone P  Emmert GL 《Water research》2005,39(16):3827-3836
A capillary membrane sampling-flow injection analysis method is presented for selectively measuring the concentrations of total trihalomethanes (THMs) and total haloacetic acids (HAAs) in drinking water. The method is based on the reaction between nicotinamide and THM or HAA species to yield a fluorescent product. Two configurations are presented, one selective for total THMs and another selective for total HAAs. The construction of a capillary membrane sampler is described, and the results of method detection limit, accuracy and precision studies are reported for each method. Interference, selectivity and linearity studies are reported as well as the effect of temperature and ionic strength changes. Drinking water samples were analyzed by each proposed method and the results were compared to USEPA methods 502.2 and 552.3.  相似文献   

Corrosion scales and deposits formed within drinking water distribution systems (DWDSs) have the potential to retain inorganic contaminants. The objective of this study was to characterize the elemental and structural composition of extracted pipe solids and hydraulically-mobile deposits originating from representative DWDSs. Goethite (α-FeOOH), magnetite (Fe3O4) and siderite (FeCO3) were the primary crystalline phases identified in most of the selected samples. Among the major constituent elements of the deposits, iron was most prevalent followed, in the order of decreasing prevalence, by sulfur, organic carbon, calcium, inorganic carbon, phosphorus, manganese, magnesium, aluminum and zinc. The cumulative occurrence profiles of iron, sulfur, calcium and phosphorus for pipe specimens and flushed solids were similar. Comparison of relative occurrences of these elements indicates that hydraulic disturbances may have relatively less impact on the release of manganese, aluminum and zinc, but more impact on the release of organic carbon, inorganic carbon, and magnesium.  相似文献   

综述了氟化物和人体健康的关系,以及世界各国和地区饮用水中氟化物浓度标准限值的规定,分析了我国不同类型、不同地区、不同流域的水源水和出厂水中的氟化物浓度的分布、超标、超检(检出并超过标准值的50%)和检出情况,并针对这些分析结果提出了关于标准限值的修订及今后进一步研究的方向。  相似文献   

Discolouration of drinking water is one of the main reasons customers complain to their water company. Though corrosion of cast iron is often seen as the main source for this problem, the particles originating from the treatment plant play an important and potentially dominant role in the generation of a discolouration risk in drinking water distribution systems. To investigate this thesis a study was performed in a drinking water distribution system. In two similar isolated network areas the effect of particles on discolouration risk was studied with particle counting, the Resuspension Potential Method (RPM) and assessment of the total accumulated sediment. In the ‘Control Area’, supplied with normal drinking water, the discolouration risk was regenerated within 1.5 year. In the ‘Research Area’, supplied with particle-free water, this will take 10-15 years. An obvious remedy for controlling the discolouration risk is to improve the treatment with respect to the short peaks that are caused by particle breakthrough.  相似文献   

In this study we determined the fluoride content in drinking water and hair of 12-year-old schoolchildren from different Serbian municipalities, i.e. Valjevo, Veliko Gradiste, Kacarevo and Vranjska Banja. The analyses were performed using composite fluoride ion-selective electrode. Average fluoride levels were 0.10, 0.15, 0.79 and 11 ppm in well water, 0.07, 0.10, 0.17 and 0.15 ppm in tap water, 19.3, 21.5, 25.4, and 32.5 ppm in hair samples, in Valjevo, Veliko Gradiste, Kacarevo and Vranjska Banja, respectively. Correlation analysis indicated statistically significant positive relationship between fluoride in wells water and fluoride in hair, for all municipalities: correlation coefficients were 0.54 (p < 0.05), 0.89, 0.97 and 0.99 (p < 0.001), in Vranjska Banja, Valjevo, Veliko Gradiste, and Kacarevo, respectively. Positive correlation was obtained also between fluoride in tap water and hair samples in all regions under the study, with statistical significance only in Valjevo municipality, p < 0.05. Dental examination of schoolchildren confirmed dental fluorosis only in the region of Vranjska Banja. Moreover, in endemic fluorotic region of Vranjska Banja, positive and statistically significant correlations were confirmed between fluoride in well water and dental fluorosis level (r = 0.61; p < 0.01) and additionally between fluoride in hair and dental fluorosis level (0.62; p < 0.01). The primary findings from this study have shown that fluoride content in hair is highly correlated with fluoride content in drinking water and dental fluorosis level, indicating that hair may be regarded as biomaterial of high informative potential in evaluating prolonged exposure to fluorides and to individuate children at risk of fluorosis regardless of the phase of teeth eruption.  相似文献   

为进一步摸清各地农村饮水现状,为做好农村饮水“十三五”规划提供全面准确的基础数据,水利部办公厅 下发《关于开展全国农村饮水工程现状与需求调查的通知》(办农水〔2015〕102 号)。按照省水利厅《关于开展全省农 村饮水安全工程现状与需求调查的通知》,在省水利厅、市水务局的直接指导下,清水县组织相关工程技术人员,於 2015 年 5 月 23 日至 5 月 31 日对全县农村供水安全工程现状与需求进行了全面的调查摸底,并提出了“十三五”需求及相应技 术措施,希望能够对相关人士有所帮助。  相似文献   

结合工程实例,介绍了以纳滤为主的办公大厦直饮水系统的工艺流程,并对其性能进行了分析.运行结果表明:出水水质达到健康引水要求,口感好,整个工艺系统运行稳定、效果良好.  相似文献   

In order to better leverage past experience of water quality incidents, and to tap into the unique incident database currently being maintained and required by regulatory authorities, a data mining approach is herein proposed. The quality of drinking water is paramount to protecting public health. However water quality failures do occur, with some of the hardest to understand and manage occurring within distribution systems. In the UK, a regulatory process is applied in which water service providers must report on significant water quality incidents, their causes, actions and outcomes. These reports form a valuable resource that can be explored for improved understanding, to help with future incident management and evaluate potential solutions. Case-based reasoning is a knowledge-based problem-solving technique that relies on the reuse of past experience. The WaterQualityCBR software system presented here was developed as such a decision support tool to more effectively manage water quality in distribution systems.  相似文献   

周易 《山西建筑》2010,36(28):172-173
根据强化混凝技术在国内外的研究和发展状况,在分析强化混凝技术的机理及其常用方法的基础上,重点探讨了强化混凝技术的影响因素,对于自来水净化处理工艺设计具有一定帮助。  相似文献   

The microbiological quality of drinking water from 144 private water supplies in the Netherlands was tested and additionally the occurrence of Escherichia coli O157 was examined. Faecal indicators were enumerated by using standard membrane filtration methods. The presence of E. coli O157 was determined using a specific enrichment method. Eleven percent of the samples contained faecal indicators whereas E. coli O157:H7 was isolated from 2.7% of the samples that otherwise met the drinking water standards. The E. coli O157 positive water supplies were located on camp-sites in agricultural areas with large grazer densities. Pulsed field gel electrophoresis (PFGE) analysis suggested that cattle might have been the cause of contamination. Our results indicate that compliance with microbiological quality standards obtained in routine monitoring does not always guarantee the absence of pathogens. The presence of pathogens such as E. coli O157 may suggest possible health consequences; however, a risk assessment process should be performed as the monitoring of both faecal indicator parameters and pathogens do not predict the effect of microbial contamination of drinking water on a population.  相似文献   

Unreliability of water systems has become a major concern in many developing countries. A referendum-format contingent valuation (CV) survey was implemented to investigate household preferences, in monetary terms, for improved water services in the small town of San Lorenzo, Guatemala. A random sample of 500 households report that they currently adopt a variety of averting measures (e.g. in-home water storage and treatment) to cope with service interruptions and low water quality. Findings also indicate that households are willing to pay an increase of more than 200% in their water bill for reliable supplies of safe drinking water.  相似文献   

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