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丁建 《世界建筑》2015,(1):99-101
<正>由中国政府无偿援助的老挝国际会议中心,是老挝政府承办2012年第九届亚欧首脑会议的主会场,承载着老挝人民走向繁荣现代、致力世界和平的新希望。老挝是一个民族文化非常浓厚和多样的国家,其建筑风格也颇具特色,呈现出丰富多彩的面貌。建筑师在分析了老挝的气候特点及传统建筑的特点后,从空间布局、结构形式、风俗习惯等方面对老  相似文献   

有关水族文化的研究多集中在语言、文字和风俗习惯等方面,对于水族建筑文化的探究甚少。本文在实地调研的基础上,通过历史文献梳理,并采用对比研究的方法,以贵州省三都县怎雷村的水族传统民居为主要研究对象,从平面形制、结构特征和装饰装修等三个方面探究水族建筑文化,发现水族传统民居是现存为数不多的能展现"干栏式"建筑原始面貌的建筑。首先,水族民居"左-中-右"的平面布局呼应了我国春秋时期"一明两暗"的建筑平面形制;其次,水族民居的"干栏式"结构保持了较为原始的"栅居"特征;最后,水族民居的横向装板体系又展现出"仓廪建筑"的特色。在此基础上,笔者通过对水族民族文化、迁徙历史、政经背景、图腾崇拜等的分析与讨论,追溯水族传统民居建筑特色的文化根源。  相似文献   

中国传统民居建筑及其装饰是我国劳动人民创造性活动的产物,是中国传统文化的物质载体和存在的形式.不同时代、不同地区人们的生活方式、风俗习惯、审美情趣决定了中国传统民居建筑及其装饰风格的多样性、复杂性,并直接反映出普通民众的信仰和理念,极大地丰富了传统民居建筑及其装饰艺术的文化内涵.该文从传播学的视角,以传统徽派民居建筑及其装饰为例,从传统徽派民居建筑、装饰、及其构造的空间等4个方面,探讨了源自建筑引发交流的媒介性存在的可能.为现代建筑及其装饰设计的中国传统文化自觉思考提供的学科交叉的新路径.  相似文献   

指出山西传统民居历史悠久,源远流长,对中国民居文化产生了重要的影响,从建筑特征、总体布局、建筑造型、建筑装饰艺术等几个方面分析了山西民居的创作手法及其内涵,以更好地吸收民居建筑中的技术、艺术、文化等来完善现代建筑创作.  相似文献   

传统民居建筑是文化的重要物质载体,而文化又决定着传统民居建筑的发展走向。通过研究中国传统文化对其建筑空间产生的影响,力求达到建筑与自然及人文环境的融合与协调。文章在分析深澳村传统文化精神的基础上,从天人合一的哲理思想、孝文化、宗族文化的等层面就深澳村传统民居建筑的文化精神及其内涵进行了初步探讨。  相似文献   

云县受大理地区以及北方建筑文化的影响,其传统民居既有北方建筑的特征,同时也具有本地建筑的特点,本文在大量田野调查的基础上,从云县传统民居的木构架承重结构、墙体围护结构、屋顶遮盖结构三个方面,对当地传统民居的建筑技术进行初步分析,并探讨蕴藏在建筑技术中的文化内涵,对于传统建筑文化的保护与传承提供一定的理论参考。  相似文献   

中国是一个历史悠久的文明古国,在漫漫的历史长河中,流淌着中国古老的传统文化,包括民居建筑文化、风俗文化等,其中传统的民居建筑文化对后世的影响是比较大的,徽派民居建筑作为传统民居建筑类型之一,其建筑元素设计具有多样化的特征,现代建筑中借鉴徽派民居建筑设计手法的建筑物数不胜数。本文就针对徽派民居建筑元素设计特征及对现代建筑的启示进行了分析和探讨,以本人设计的施甸善州大道西侧民居为例进行剖析。  相似文献   

云县受大理地区以及北方建筑文化的影响,其传统民居既有北方建筑的特征,同时也具有本地建筑的特点,本文在大量田野调查的基础上,从云县传统民居的木构架承重结构、墙体围护结构、屋顶遮盖结构三个方面,对当地传统民居的建筑技术进行初步分析,并探讨蕴藏在建筑技术中的文化内涵,对于传统建筑文化的保护与传承提供一定的理论参考。  相似文献   

在双廊的城镇化进程中,现代化、旅游等因素渗透到白族传统民居文化当中,白族传统民居文化在建筑技术、建筑装饰、功能空间等方面出现了较大的变化。现代双廊民居建筑对于传统民居文化因子,虽仍有保留、甚至是强调,但忽略、遗失、背离的情况也较为明显。在白族传统民居文化变迁中,绿色生态民居建筑已成为现代白族民居发展的重要主题。  相似文献   

对复杂环境中的西藏林芝地区传统民居建筑受城市化的冲击,导致其独特性产生了同质化的问题进行了探究。在田野调查与文献资料考察的基础上,重点以林芝工布地区碉房为例,自上而下地从地理、文化、宗教的影响,以及民居院落、建筑形体、建筑构造等方面进行了深度分析,归纳出西藏林芝地区传统民居的主要建筑特征。  相似文献   

Building has significant impacts on the environment and natural resources. The emerging world energy and environment challenges demand a substantial revolution of building design philosophies, strategies, technologies, and construction methods. Vernacular architectures, built by people whose design decisions are influenced by traditions in their culture, have been gleaned through a long period of trial and error and the ingenuity of local builders who possess specific knowledge about their place on the planet, and thus are valuable in promoting climate-specific passive building technologies to modern buildings. This study introduced an approach to categorizing distinct vernacular regions and evaluating energy performance of ancient vernacular homes as well as identifying optimal constructions using vernacular building techniques. The research conducted an extensive computer energy modeling for a number of representative ancient vernacular architectural characteristics observed for different climatic regions. The vernacular test subjects were compared against those established according to the International Energy Conservation Code and those generated by the optimization software. The simulation results of the energy models suggest that considering traditions seen in ancient vernacular architecture as an approach to improving building energy performance is a worthwhile endeavor and a scientific guidance can help enhance the performance. The study indicates that, although many vernacular dwells exist in the world, it is challenging (but desired) to package vernacular architecture traditions and quantitative design knowledge to modern building designers. This project is the first part of a much larger project that intends to create a knowledge base of vernacular building traditions that will include information about not only the energy performance of traditional building techniques, but also address areas of cost, material availability and cultural traditions.  相似文献   

In an increasingly globalized world, national governments appropriate vernacular building traditions to support national identity-building political agendas. In England the neo-traditional house has become an established feature of suburban architecture. This is not, however, as is often assumed, indicative of the nostalgia of the consumer. Rather, neo-traditionalism is the result of planning policies introduced by the government to preserve regional architectural identities and maintain a visual "Englishness" in the built environment. These policies have, in turn, been undermined by the nationwide standardization of "traditional" designs by national house-building companies.  相似文献   


In an increasingly globalized world, national governments appropriate vernacular building traditions to support national identity-building political agendas. In England the neo-traditional house has become an established feature of suburban architecture. This is not, however, as is often assumed, indicative of the nostalgia of the consumer. Rather, neo-traditionalism is the result of planning policies introduced by the government to preserve regional architectural identities and maintain a visual “Englishness” in the built environment. These policies have, in turn, been undermined by the nationwide standardization of “traditional” designs by national house-building companies.  相似文献   

本文简要回顾了阳羡紫砂陶物馆概念设计过程,主要从总体布局、空间建构与材料质感三个方面阐述在满足紫砂陶物馆功能需求的同时,结合当地气候条件与紫砂文化传统,塑造积极的室内外空间,并重点探讨了如何在地方传统语境中体现建筑的时代特征与场所精神。  相似文献   

通过介绍上海商城的设计创作,探讨了如何充分发掘传统空间类型的设计精华,使得当代建筑设计的场所精神与形式创作在继承传统的基础上得以升华,进而使传统的空间类型焕发新的光彩。  相似文献   

The authenticity of architectural heritage is interpreted differently in diverse cultural traditions. Can this inspire the conservation and contemporary regeneration of architectural heritage to adapt to the changing needs of modern life and society, rather than static exhibits in museums? This research focuses on Ganlan (pile-built timber construction) architecture to demonstrate how adaptive conservation and regeneration can keep traditional construction systems living and sustainable. Ganlan, a vernacular architectural archetype in the humid subtropical regions of Asia, has the following common features: free plans with an assembling frame structure, open and interactive envelopes to cope with the hot and damp climate, and stilts to deal with the rugged terrain. This research employed a threefold method of field investigation, topological deformation, and experimental design in examining Lianghekou, a historic Tujia village in Western Hubei, China. The findings reveal that Tujia people build their stilt houses with adaptable features to meet the changing functional requirements and variable topographies. These traditions can be transmitted into the contemporary design, as our experimental design illustrates. The self-adaptability and topological deformation of Ganlan architectural heritage demonstrate a unique perspective of understanding authenticity, and contribute toward innovative application in the conservation and regeneration of vernacular architecture.  相似文献   

摘 要:风水理论对中国传统建筑的设计与发展有着深远的影响,从建筑的选址、建筑规划、建筑设计、建筑景观营造无不体现着风水的思想.福建土楼作为中国传统建筑的奇葩,则完整的表达了民族的传统生态思想和天人合一的至善境界,其最高的价值更在于通过风水表达了哲学思想和审美理念.  相似文献   

陈镌  赵巍岩  张鹏 《新建筑》2010,(6):54-59
由于材料的更替是当代设计的必然趋势,而且材料也影响了文化,因此如何从材料更新中来延续传统就成为泉州当代建筑创作的一个焦点所在。在此基础上,借鉴当代建筑表皮设计和极少主义建筑中的材料运用,根据当代审美眼光分析并归纳出泉州传统建筑材料的特点,将其与当代建筑的材料特点进行了对比,进而阐明了当代泉州建筑设计的材料选择原则以及对传统材料进行转换的一些原则和手法,以延续那些具有当代价值的材料特点。  相似文献   

古典园林的启迪--析中国古典园林对现代建筑设计之影响   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
通过对我国古典园林设计理念及空间处理手法的解析,探讨中国古典园林对现代建筑设计之影响.结合国内外优秀现代建筑实例,剖析现代建筑设计是如何从中国古典园林中汲取营养的,并进一步指出,我国传统造园艺术的技巧和手法,对现代建筑创作具有指导意义.  相似文献   

王益 《华中建筑》2007,25(1):32-34
绿色建筑本土化的研究是一项长期与动态的系统工作,对于我们这样一个绿色设计刚刚起步的国家,探索一种适合自身发展的绿色本土化设计策略尤为重要.绿色设计本身是一个可持续发展的概念,强调因地制宜和因时制宜,中国是一个发展中的大国,不同地区的地理环境、自然资源、经济发展,生活水平与社会习俗都存在巨大差异,所以在中国推行绿色建筑、必须考虑不同时间段和特定地区的具体特点.  相似文献   

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