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大连滨海阳光别墅小区供配电系统设计方案   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
根据别墅小区供配电负荷较大,负荷分配分散以及供电回的类型及区域划分,以箱式变电站为中心,进行分组优化,采用灵活足用户的用电要求,使别墅小区的配电系统更经济、可靠、安全、适用.  相似文献   

李康华 《建筑电气》2004,23(4):38-39
根据别墅小区供配电负荷离散性和所需供电回路多的特点,按别墅的各种类型以箱变为中心组团进行灵活多样形式的供配电设计,满足用户的用电需求,使别墅小区的配电更合理、适用。  相似文献   

我国是多山之国,山地城镇约占全国城镇总数的一半。山地居住区建设已逐渐成为我国许多城市拓展住宅建设用地的重要方式。在山地区域建设别墅小区,实现各种资源的优化配置和共享是缓解建设用地紧缺的有效途径。文章综述了山地别墅小区建筑布局的主要形式和环境景观规划的指导原则及设计要点,以崇左市某别墅小区为例简述了建筑布局形式应用及其景观规划特点,对别墅小区的规划设计进行探讨,以求为山地别墅小区规划建设提供参考。  相似文献   

燃气暖风炉—电制冷一体机别墅住宅空调设计   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
徐柱天 《暖通空调》2001,31(4):60-63
以一别墅小区空调系统设计为例,介绍了采用燃气暖风炉--电制冷一体机和地板送风口的别墅住宅空气空调系统设计经验。  相似文献   

本文通过对EPON技术及产品的了解,结合别墅小区的工程特点,提出了别墅小区网络设计的一种解决方案。  相似文献   

目前不锈钢防盗门在上海、广州、浙江等地的中高档装饰领域的普及率已经超过30%,部分别墅小区超过50%,甚至整个小区进户门全部采用不锈钢防盗门。  相似文献   

邹树鹏 《建筑知识》2013,(10):9-9,12
随着时代的发展和环保意识的增强,生态型住宅已经是许多的人群选择,而生态型住宅别墅小区的出现就是一些既有资金又有环保意识的人群的首要选择。生态型住宅别墅小区建设前和建设后的工作都会很大程度上影响到别墅小区的生态性能的高低。只有在规划设计阶段充分的考虑,在建造的过程中采取先进科学的方式才能真正的做到生态。下面就从生态型住宅别墅小区的特点和功能、设计思路以及蛇口龟山别墅区的示例等来分析。  相似文献   

在浙江杭州安装热水工程的某别墅小区,每栋别墅有供居住的两层,还有阁楼和车库,用水点分布在居住层,每户安装了一台260升非承压太阳热水器,管路是采用建筑预埋好的  相似文献   

陆伯波 《山西建筑》2007,33(1):248-249
结合价值工程的概念和某别墅小区的工程概况,简单介绍了其地质情况,详细阐述了价值工程在别墅小区房屋建造中的应用,最终达到提高经济效益和投资效益的目的。  相似文献   

渡上是北京市一个高档别墅小区。在创作现代别墅时,设计师运用传统院落的理念.使现代别墅具有传统内涵。  相似文献   

本文在分析了寒冷地区别墅区供热特点的基础上,提出了一种生态循环供暖的空气/水 户式水/水双级耦合热泵系统,对双级耦合热泵系统的运行可行性进行了预测分析后,针对其在我国北方寒冷地区代表城市运行状况进行了模拟分析,模拟结果表明本系统可以在寒冷地区别墅区的供热中应用。本文还进一步分析了双级耦合热泵的特点,并在系统上做出改进,提出了供别墅区使用的单、双级混合供热系统。  相似文献   

介绍了大连地区某别墅概况,因其夏季度假休闲用、冬季入住率非常低的特点,经过筛选比对,选择了风冷热泵空调地板采暖系统。按照大连地区空调制冷、采暖设计标准,对项目进行设计分析,测试了采暖效果。该项目中多功能VRV空调的配置方案和设备性能保证了别墅独立采暖的要求,采暖费用合理,适合度假别墅或无市政热源的住宅使用。  相似文献   

别墅建筑的间歇使用对其地埋管地源热泵系统影响的分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
由于别墅建筑相对于普通住宅在使用时间上具有很大的灵活性,因此在别墅建筑中使用地埋管地源热泵系统必然会给系统的设计和运行带来一定的影响.本文结合工程设计实例,运用建筑环境设计模拟分析软件DeST-h和地热换热器设计及模拟专用软件"地热之星",讨论了别墅间歇使用对建筑负荷、地埋管换热器地下传热、机组功率及辅机容量、机组能效比及系统经济性的影响.分析可知别墅间歇使用可以改变土壤温度的变化规律、增强传热并实现更佳的热泵运行工况.  相似文献   

该别墅选择直燃型溴化锂冷热水机组为空调冷热源,冬季采用地板辐射供暖,夏季除了新风加风机盘管系统外,还设1套单独的排风系统,保证了别墅高标准舒适性的要求,实际运行表明,别墅冬夏室内温湿度达到了设计要求。  相似文献   

Large housing estates in former state-socialist countries had been hardly affected by social erosion before the political changes. However, the emergence of new, capitalist forms of housing after 1990 started to endanger the position of large housing estates on the local housing market. The question was repeatedly raised in the literature about whether large housing estates of post-socialist cities would experience physical decay and social downgrading similar to the West. This paper investigates the socio-economic differentiation of large housing estates in the former state-socialist countries using a case study approach. Housing satisfaction and mobility of residents in four post-socialist housing estates were analysed through a standardised household survey. Empirical data confirm that despite their similar physical appearance, the attitude of people towards large housing estates and their position on the local housing market vary significantly. The authors conclude that even though socialist large housing estates are affected by social downgrading, nevertheless they represent relative social stability and can offer affordable housing to people who are at the start of their housing career.  相似文献   

从国家房地产政策和别墅类住宅的市场需求出发,分析比较联排住宅和高层空中别墅的功能、定位以及在节能节地方面的特点,对我国别墅类住宅产业的创新发展具有一定的思考和研究,并且提出适合我国的别墅住宅类型,满足节能节地和住宅舒适性的和谐统一。  相似文献   

王金刚 《山西建筑》2011,37(16):254-255
针对当前层出不穷的居民社区火灾,阐述了改善和加强城市居民小区消防安全的必要性,分析了当前居民小区消防安全管理工作存在的问题,并结合城市居民小区消防现状,提出了相应的消防安全防范措施,以期提高居民小区预防和抵御火灾的能力。  相似文献   

采用Dest软件对福州市某别墅空调冷热负荷进行模拟计算,同时计算该别墅全年生活热水热负荷.据此对土壤热平衡进行分析,为地埋管地源热泵三联供系统在福州市应用提供参考.  相似文献   

The large post-war housing estates constitute an important part of the housing resources in the large Norwegian cities, and the estates seem to present fairly satisfactory conditions physically and socially, compared to similar areas in other countries. Even so, Norwegian large housing estates are held in low esteem. Many of them are stigmatised, and there are some examples of areas facing grave problems. There are several reasons why large housing estates are held in low esteem and have a rather low score on socio-economic and social indicators. Low attraction, low preference for high-rise living, a deregulated housing market, the labelling process, spatial inequality and increasing socio-economic inequality have an impact on segregation and deprivation. We identify some additional factors to explain why large housing estates in Norway still seem to offer fairly satisfactory conditions: a mixed housing stock, the small size of Norwegian cities and estates, a growing local housing market, tenure (low proportion of rented dwellings and public housing), the composition of the occupants, low unemployment rate and a highly redistributing welfare system. Still, many estates are stigmatised and to a certain degree deprived. In these areas we see a need for initiatives to improve the situation. The results of most area-based initiatives in Norway have been positive, but it requires a long-term engagement, a broad perspective and variety of actions, close cooperation with the residents and sufficient resources. The housing co-operatives (co-ops) can create a good starting point for such processes of change when most of the population are already organised through co-ops.  相似文献   


Since 1990s Stockholm housing market has seen deregulations in accordance with liberalization trends in other European welfare states. The new governance principles together with increasing immigration and public rental housing conversions into cooperative housing in attractive inner city areas have put pressure on still rental-dominated estates because fewer rental dwellings must now cater to expanding numbers of people who have little choice on the housing market. In recent decades, many estates have displayed increasing signs of stigmatization, social exclusion, and outflow of relatively affluent people. This paper improves our knowledge of how the housing policy and economic changes have affected out-mobility from the housing estates in case of three cohorts of young people and how the childhood neighbourhood conditions affect this. Individual annual Swedish registry data (1990–2014) are employed to longitudinally study the out-mobility patterns of three cohorts that grew up in the estates against the backdrop of marketization, growing inequality and deteriorating conditions. This study supplements the existing literature on housing estates by clarifying how income has become more and ethnicity less important over time in explaining sorting patterns from these estates. However, the combination of the two has determined sorting throughout the study period. Growing up in a higher socioeconomic status neighbourhood had modest impact on reducing socioeconomic differences in out-mobility from the estates, while leading to more sorting based on ethnic background.


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