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岩体经历的成岩和构造改造等作用通常使其优势节理组发育,使得工程岩体呈现各向异性特征。本文首先说明当大尺度工程岩体含断续节理组时,岩桥对各向异性强度特征的影响突出。进而指出在采用遍布节理模型描述含优势随机节理的岩体各向异性时,模型中结构面参数为贯通节理的参数,不能直接采用现场断续节理的测试结果,需要进行大尺度岩体各向异性参数等效。然后,提出基于连续方法FLAC3D遍布节理的参数变化吻合非连续方法3DEC揭示的宏观岩体各向异性特征的途径,完成由连续方法间接描述非连续节理岩体各向异性力学行为的等效过程。研究表明,在无法应用解析法估算含随机断续节理岩体宏观参数时,数值试验成为了更有效的途径。采用遍布节理模型描述断续节理岩体各向异性强度特征时,节理强度参数值受断续节理与岩桥的综合影响,等效节理参数高于节理真实参数。此外,在进行等效连续过程中,为保证等效贯通节理导致的岩体强度凹陷与断续节理作用的方向一致,遍布节理模型中节理走向取值应与断续节理走向呈( - )/2夹角。  相似文献   

由于目前仍难以将建立的结构面网络模型直接应用于岩体力学行为的分析,构建反映节理真实空间状态的等效岩体模型是岩体工程稳定性分析与计算的研究基础。以内蒙古白云鄂博铁矿东矿为研究背景,通过现场节理测线法调查,运用概率统计理论对节理倾向、倾角、间距和迹长进行统计分析、偏差校正并建立概率分布模型。在此基础上,根据Monte Carlo随机模拟理论并采用Matlab软件,获取节理模拟数据,并通过OPEN GL三维可视化技术构建能充分反映工程岩体节理分布特征的等效岩体随机节理三维网络模型,模拟结果与实测数据具有良好的统计相似性。该研究成果可为等效岩体技术所利用,并为后续开展节理岩体变形特性、强度特性、尺寸效应、各向异性、表征单元体积(REV)、关键块体识别、开挖效应、破裂机理等量化分析研究奠定基础。  相似文献   

为了在复杂节理网络中获得关键节理,为结构面选择性测量提供科学定量标准,实现节理网络的简化,以迹长为变量研究关键节理迹长阈值。采用3D打印技术,并根据Monte Carlo理论制备随机节理网络模型,浇筑成100 mm×20 mm×100 mm平板试样,在单轴压缩作用下对类岩体完整性系数、强度、变形和能量特性进行了分析,基于节理岩体力学等效原理,研究确定关键节理的迹长阈值。研究结果表明:(1)节理迹长是影响试样力学特性的核心要素之一。当剔除小于某一长度节理时,试样强度、变形和能量特性均无显著变化。(2)基于主成分分析和高斯混合模型聚类算法,建立节理岩体力学等效分析方法,实现鉴于多种力学参数岩体质量分类,进而对比力学不等效试样节理网络差异,形成一套关键节理迹长阈值研究方法。(3)综合考虑9种物理力学参数,认为试样边长的19%为关键节理的迹长阈值,对试样力学特性影响显著,为未来人工智能分析节理岩体工程如何科学取舍节理提供理论依据。  相似文献   

节理岩体等效模型及其数值计算和室内试验   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7       下载免费PDF全文
分别使用Goodman节理单元模型和所推出的等效模型,对具有一组和二组节理的受力岩体进行了有限元计算。最后应用所推出的等效模型对一个在节理岩体中的洞室开挖进行了数值模拟,看到试验与计算结果大致符合,显示了所推出的等效模型是有效的。  相似文献   

基于广义Hoek-Brown准则的边坡稳定性强度折减法数值分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Hoek-Brown屈服准则作为估计完整岩石或节理岩体剪切强度的半经验准则,已成为岩体强度预测及计算领域应用最广泛的准则之一,并在边坡极限平衡法计算中得到了广泛应用,但很少应用于数值模拟计算领域。本文结合工程实例,以广义Hoek-Brown屈服准则建立数值计算模型,并基于强度折减方法计算边坡安全系数,经与等效Mohr-Coulomb屈服准则数值模拟及极限平衡计算对比,得出基于Hoek-Brown屈服准则的模拟计算结果与其它方法一致并且正确的结论。并认为不同屈服准则条件下的边坡潜在滑移面位置及变形特点存在差异,原因在于不同的屈服准则采用了不同的流动法则。与Mohr-Coulomb屈服准则相比,Hoek-Brown屈服准则采用基于应力水平的塑性流动法则更加体现了节理岩体的变形和破坏特点,可有效反映岩体的非线性破坏特征,更加接近工程实际,适于节理岩体的强度计算及稳定性分析。  相似文献   

柱状节理岩体宏观等效弹性模量尺寸效应研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
以金沙江白鹤滩水电站工程为背景,结合相关的岩石力学试验方法,建立了柱状节理岩体三维离散元模型,对柱状节理岩体进行了三轴压缩试验数值模拟。数值试验研究了六棱柱形柱状节理岩体柱体直径变化、四棱柱形柱状节理岩体柱体边长、节理错距变化对其等效弹性模量的影响。为研究随机柱状节理岩体柱体尺寸对岩体等效弹性模量的影响,提出柱体大对角线长尺寸控制方案,并研究了柱体大对角线长变化对岩体等效弹性模量的影响。通过与现场试验的对比研究,结果表明:随机柱体尺寸控制方案可靠;柱体尺寸的变化对与柱体垂直方向的等效弹性模量影响较大,是主要影响因素;四棱柱形柱状节理岩体错距变化主要对与错距平行的岩体等效弹性模量产生影响,对其它两个方向的等效弹性模量的影响较弱,是次要影响因素。研究结果为工程实践中等效力学参数的确定提供了相关参考。  相似文献   

张炳生 《土工基础》2019,(4):483-487
在实际工程中常遇到带有节理、裂隙等不连续结构面的岩体,这些不连续的结构面的分布情况和几何形态,尤其是节理倾角对于岩石的力学特性具有重要的影响,涉及到工程结构的稳定与安全。本文采用离散单元法对具有不同倾角的单一节理岩石开展了系列的数值模拟实验,试验结果表明节理岩石的强度要小于完整岩石,并且节理岩石单轴压缩峰值强度随节理倾角呈U形发展规律,当节理倾角为45-60°之间时,节理岩石主要沿着节理面发生滑动破坏,在其他倾角下,岩石在外部荷载的作用下则主要发生劈裂破坏,内部节理裂隙发育比较充分。  相似文献   

针对贯通节理岩体动态变形特点并结合已有岩石动态本构模型的相关研究成果,将贯通节理岩体变形过程中的动态应力视为贯通节理岩体静态应力分量与相应动态应力分量的叠加。其中贯通节理岩体静态应力分量采用考虑岩石细观损伤的非线性元件、节理面闭合及剪切变形元件等3个基本元件的串联来模拟,动态应力分量采用黏性元件来模拟,从而建立了贯通节理岩体动态单轴压缩损伤本构模型。其次,根据贯通节理岩体在单轴压缩荷载下往往会沿节理面发生剪切破坏的特点,在前述已建立的损伤本构模型中引人节理剪切破坏准则对该模型进行修正,从而更好地考虑了节理剪切强度对该模型的影响,最终建立了考虑节理剪切强度的贯通节理岩体单轴压缩损伤本构模型。最后利用该模型对贯通节理岩体在压缩荷载作用下的力学特性进行了分析计算,重点讨论了节理倾角对岩体单轴动态压缩峰值强度的影响规律。研究结果表明随着节理倾角的变化,节理岩体将发生岩块张拉或剪切破坏、沿节理面的剪切破坏及上述两种破坏模式的复合破坏,相应地节理岩体的单轴压缩动态峰值强度也随之有较大变化。  相似文献   

等效岩体技术在岩体工程中的应用   总被引:6,自引:6,他引:0  
 以某露天矿边坡为工程背景,结合岩石力学参数室内和现场原位试验,基于颗粒流理论和PFC3D程序,运用等效岩体技术,建立充分反映节理分布特征并考虑细观破裂效应的等效岩体模型,采用Fish语言编制加卸载命令流,研究岩体的强度和力学效应。研究结果表明:(1) 等效岩体在单轴压缩时,轴向应力–应变曲线分为弹性变形阶段、非稳定破裂塑性阶段和破裂后阶段,抗压强度和弹性模量与标准岩块试样相比,有较大幅度降低;(2) 随围压增大,等效岩体抗压强度和残余强度明显提高,延性特征增强,逐渐向理想塑性过渡;(3) 等效岩体技术能有效地描述岩体受节理分布影响而表现的各向异性特征;(4) 等效岩体内部微裂纹主要沿节理走向分布并扩展,破坏形式受主导节理面产状及性质控制。  相似文献   

通过建立单一闭合水平节理岩体的数值模型,运用数值模拟软件对节理岩体模型在直剪试验条件下节理的剪切变形和强度特征进行模拟,并对模拟结果做了分析。  相似文献   

 岩体的尺寸效应包括完整岩块的尺寸效应与节理岩体的尺寸效应,但两者之间还缺乏有机联系。基于物理力学试验与细观参数统计分布理论,建立试样尺度的随机概率模型。通过统计宏观节理分布,建立包含随机分布节理的岩体尺度模型。将实验室获得的岩块强度应用于岩体的计算中,提出一种从细观层次、宏观层次的多尺度岩体工程计算方法,建立2种尺度效应的联系。最后,就非均匀性、围压与节理密度对岩石尺寸效应的影响问题展开探讨。随着均值度的增加,试样的特征尺度逐渐减小。随着围压的增大,岩体特征强度逐渐增大,而岩体力学参数的特征尺寸增大不明显。随着节理密度的增大,特征尺寸和相应的特征强度都是减小的。本方法试图建立细观与宏观力学参数之间的桥梁,获得岩体计算的力学参数,为解决工程岩体参数取值与计算提供一条思路。  相似文献   

Practical equivalent continuum characterization of jointed rock masses   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
A simple practical method to characterize the strength and stiffness of jointed rock masses is presented in this paper. The empirical relations for the strength and stiffness of rock masses have been arrived based on the statistical analysis of a large amount of experimental data, which are used for representing the jointed rock mass as an equivalent continuum. The effect of joints in the rock mass is taken into account by a joint factor. These obtained relations are incorporated in a non-linear FEM code to represent the equivalent continuum analysis. The equivalent continuum model has been validated against experimental results for jointed rock masses with different joint fabric and joint orientation and also with the results from explicit modeling of joints using FEM. The developed model has also been applied to calculate the deformation around a large power station cavern in rhyolite rock at 200 m depth.  相似文献   

灌浆的数值仿真分析模型探讨   总被引:13,自引:4,他引:13  
在岩土工程中,就灌浆这一施工措施对岩土体力学特性的影响进行了较全面的分析讨论,并在此基础上提出了灌浆对岩土体变形、强度、损伤及渗透等力学量的量化影响模型与分析计算方法。为进一步在岩土工程数值仿真分析中考虑灌浆的力学效果提供了科学依据。  相似文献   

非贯通节理岩体是同时含有节理、裂隙等宏观缺陷及微裂隙、微孔洞等细观缺陷的复合损伤地质材料,基于此提出了在非贯通节理岩体动态损伤本构模型中应同时考虑宏、细观缺陷的观点。首先对基于细观动态断裂机理的经典动态损伤本构模型——TCK模型进行了阐述,其次针对目前节理岩体损伤变量定义中仅考虑节理几何参数而未考虑其强度参数的不足,基于能量原理和断裂力学理论推导得出了同时考虑节理几何及强度参数的宏观损伤变量(张量)的计算公式;第三,基于Lemaitre等效应变假设推导了综合考虑宏、细观缺陷的复合损伤变量(张量);第四,借鉴前人基于复合材料力学的观点,考虑了节理法向及切向刚度等变形参数对岩体动态力学特性的影响,进而建立了基于TCK模型的非贯通节理岩体单轴压缩动态损伤本构模型。并利用该模型讨论了载荷应变率、节理内摩擦角、节理厚度、节理法向及切向刚度和节理倾角等对岩体动态力学特性的影响规律。计算结果与目前的理论及试验研究结果比较吻合,从而说明了该模型的合理性。  相似文献   

Rock mass is characterized by the existence of distributed joints whose properties and geometry strongly affect the mechanical behavior of jointed rock masses. A finite element model considering the anisotropic characteristics of fractured rock mass was proposed which could deal with a wide variety of joint distribution in rock mass and then applied in Shirengou iron ore mine in Tangshan, China. First, the scale effects and anisotropy were investigated by using multi-scale discrete fracture network models under uniaxial compression tests. Then, the principal direction of elasticity was found and used in the constitutive law of the equivalent continuum model. Finally, the deformation and failure behavior were studied and verified through site-specific microseismic data. It is found that the stress and damage zone are influenced by joint orientation. This proposed model can efficiently study the effects of rock joints on rock mass behavior and thus contribute to a more reasonable explanation on the dominant effect of the joint sets on deformation and failure of rock mass.  相似文献   

节理岩体强度的分形统计分析   总被引:4,自引:2,他引:4  
岩体中存在大量节理、裂隙,导致岩体力学性能弱化。基于岩体节理断裂扩展和剪切滑移2种失稳破坏机制,运用分形和统计断裂力学方法探讨了2种破坏方式下节理岩体的统计强度。结果表明,岩体强度与岩体中节理分布的分形维数密切相关,分形维数增大导致岩体强度非线性降低。  相似文献   

节理岩体力学参数取值研究   总被引:16,自引:0,他引:16       下载免费PDF全文
本文提出了一种确定节理岩体力学参数的计算机模拟试验法。该法基于节理裂隙的野外勘探资料建立岩体的损伤断裂模型,可在计算机上模拟计算实际试验过程,获得应力-应变全过程曲线和岩体变形模量、抗剪强度参数的各自异性特征。文中具体研究了拉西瓦工程岩体参数的取值问题。  相似文献   

Three-dimensional (3D) numerical simulation of Shiobara hydropower cavern was attempted with the developed practical equivalent approach. This simple equivalent approach integrates the effect of joints and corresponding nonlinearity in the rock and predicts its deformation behaviour. The model requires minimum inputs from field or laboratory tests and is efficient to capture the nonlinear stress–strain responses associated with the jointed rock mass. In this study, the applicability of the model was demonstrated with the 3D analysis of Shiobara hydropower cavern. The numerical results were also compared with those of six other computational models to analyse the same cavern. The 3D modelling of powerhouse cavern shows that the present approach, though simple, can be applied to large-scale field problems. The model can precisely predict the deformation values well, and this study confirmed the effectiveness of the approach for simulation of underground structures in jointed rocks.  相似文献   

The Hoek-Brown(HB) failure criterion and the geological strength index(GSI) were developed for the estimation of rock mass strength in jointed and blocky ground where rock mass failure is dominated by sliding along open joints and rotation of rock blocks. In massive, veined and moderately jointed rock in which rock blocks cannot form without failure of intact rock, the approach to obtain HB parameters must be modified. Typical situations when these modifications are required include the design of pillars,excavation and cavern stability, strainburst potential assessment, and tunnel support in deep underground conditions(around s1/s ci 0.15, where s1 is the major principal compressive stress and s ciis the unconfined compressive strength of the homogeneous rock) in hard brittle rocks with GSI ! 65. In this article, the strength of massive to moderately jointed hard rock masses is investigated, and an approach is presented to estimate the rock mass strength envelope using laboratory data from uniaxial and triaxial compressive strength tests without reliance on the HB-GSI equations. The data from tests on specimens obtained from massive to moderately jointed heterogeneous(veined) rock masses are used to obtain the rock and rock mass strengths at confining stress ranges that are relevant for deep tunnelling and mining;and a methodology is presented for this purpose from laboratory data alone. By directly obtaining the equivalent HB rock mass strength envelope for massive to moderately jointed rock from laboratory tests,the HB-GSI rock mass strength estimation approach is complemented for conditions where the GSIequations are not applicable. Guidance is also provided on how to apply the proposed approach when laboratory test data are not or not yet available.  相似文献   

《Soils and Foundations》2005,45(2):43-59
Underground excavation can induce significant deformation of pre-existing joints in rock mass. Due to the sliding and opening of the joints, consequent changes in the flow characteristics of a jointed rock mass would be anticipated. In the present work, the finite element excavation analysis for a jointed rock mass and the finite element flow and transport analysis using the discrete joint network model are employed and combined so as to make it possible to evaluate excavation induced changes in flow properties of a jointed rock mass. A separate computational module connecting these two codes is incorporated to modify initially imposed transmissivities into the excavation induced ones considering the deformation of joints during an excavation. The effect of excavation on the flow properties is evaluated by including these excavation induced transmissivity changes of individual joints. The excavation induced transmissivities are calculated using the analytical approximation solution developed for flow through a single rock joint. The calculation of the excavation induced transmissivity involves the distributions of shear displacements and normal stresses around the excavation, and explicitly takes into account of the effect of surface geometric roughness. A test simulation for a deep underground repository is performed to demonstrate the typical results predicted in the proposed approach.  相似文献   

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