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<正>2014年租赁行业盘点之关键词租赁分会热租产品租赁品牌营改增信用评价二手机标准转型洗牌高空作业平台应收账款干租融资电商租金《中华人民共和国生产安全法》出路融资租赁信用体系建设近年来,中国工程机械租赁行业的发展取得了丰硕成果,尽管如此,我们也不能对国内市场持盲目乐观的态度。虽然不能完全用欧美成熟的租赁市场标准来衡量中国市场,但是中国租赁市场存在的问题值得业内人士深思。人工成本高、"价格战"、出租难收租更难、纠纷案件频发等问题成为租赁行业乃至工程机械全行业不可忽视的大问题。这些问题的成因,主要还是由于信用体制不够  相似文献   

<正>7月3日,由中国工程机械工业协会工程机械租赁分会牵头主办的"第二届中国高空作业平台租赁峰会"圆满落幕。会议以"重安全,保生态,抓机遇,促发展"为主题,呼吁逐步推广先进的高空作业施工工艺,打造安全、高效的工作环境,促进高空作业平台租赁行业的健康发展,得到了众多行业人士及租赁商的强烈共鸣。科技创新推动可持续发展近年来,随着国内经济增速放缓,工程机械行业量价齐跌的态势日  相似文献   

主持人:最近,国家有关部门相继出台推进租售并举、租购同权、共有产权住房以及农村集体建设用地可以进入租赁市场等政策文件,您如何认识这项工作对行业发展的意义? 冯 奎:最近一段时间,全国各大城市都开始推出租赁住房用地.但是大规模、有计划地发展租赁住房市场,在我国还是新生事物,也才刚刚起步.有效推动这项工作需要行稳致远.  相似文献   

刁媛 《工程机械》2012,43(6):I0024-I0025
数据显示,国际工程机械行业巨头美国卡特彼勒公司在全球50%以上、发达地区80%以上的销售都是以融资租赁的方式进行的.沃尔沃等欧洲主要工程机械制造商也不例外. "欧洲的工程机械融资租赁市场发展较中国要成熟许多,平均市场渗透率为40%~50%.特殊行业和制造商,通过融资租赁的购买会达到60%以上."法国巴黎银行融资租赁集团副总裁莫薇表示,经过多年的推广和市场发展,融资租赁或者单纯的出租在欧美工程机械市场已经相当普遍.  相似文献   

火暴行情演绎强势发展形容中国工程机械2010年的市场,最恰当的两个字应该为"火暴"。全行业超高的增长速度,创造了一个新的历史。而这一切在BICES2009上已初见端倪。作为行业发展的风向标,BICES一直已来都是业界关注的焦点。不仅在展会现场能看到市场的热点、技术的潮流,而且从  相似文献   

自2015年以来,高空作业平台市场强劲增长,引发行业普遍关注.国内制造商、租赁商蜂拥而入,不仅有三一、徐工、临工、柳工、中联等传统工程机械巨头加入混战,还有不同背景的租赁商强势进入,打破了原有市场格局.根据精英智汇设备租赁研究中心最新统计,目前国内市场高空作业平台制造商增至80家左右(不含纯桅柱类产品制造商),租赁商则增至550家左右.  相似文献   

正日前,全球领先的高空作业平台及伸缩臂叉装车制造商JLG(捷尔杰)旗下的Ultra系列直臂式高空作业平台1350SJP,荣获"2016年中国工程机械行业最受用户认可产品奖"称号。这是继2014、2015年连续荣获中国工程机械行业热租产品奖之后,JLG又一次获得工程机械行业的重要奖项,再一次体现了JLG的产品与服务得到了中国工程机械行业用户的广泛信赖和认可。评选由中国工程机械租赁网主办,并在中国工程机械工业协会工程机械租赁分会指导下进行。经过4年  相似文献   

作为中国工程机械版图的第一大基地,徐州工程机械租赁市场也是全国工程机械租赁行业的主战场。徐州路面设备租赁市场的发展可以映射全国租赁市场。走过租赁业疯狂发展的2010年.在道路建设如火如荼地开展,各生产厂家赚得盆满钵满的同时.徐州路面机械租赁市场又是如何?市场繁荣的背后有无隐患?面对未来,租赁企业又该如何应对?  相似文献   

<正>本刊讯7月6日,由中国工程机械工业协会工程机械租赁分会主办的第二届中国高空作业平台租赁峰会在北京召开。本届峰会紧扣新常态下的工程机械租赁业态,以"重安全、保生态、抓机遇、促发展"为主题,吸引了100多位高空作业平台领域的协会领导、业内专家、国内外知名制造商及租赁商代表、客户群体、行业媒体等参与,大家共议焦点、同享成果,为保护行业竞争环境,引导行业健康发展献计献策。  相似文献   

苏宇 《建设机械技术与管理》2012,(7):31-31,33,35-41
今年年初,在工程机械行业市场整体下滑的环境下,已有不少关于市场"冷"的报道,而大部分都是以土石方机械为聚焦点,作为工程机械行业权威媒体,作为起重机行业知名刊物《今日起重机(中文版)》的出版单位,前不久,本刊记者走访了浙江、上海、河南、黑龙江、新疆等地汽车吊用户及销售代理商,由于汽车吊90%以上是用于租赁,故重点调查汽车吊租赁市场。  相似文献   

Recent literature on the Swedish rental system has missed the central significance of the Swedish system for international comparative purposes by neglecting the rent‐setting system and by unwittingly adopting an Anglo‐Saxon perspective. In this paper I attempt to rectify this by developing a comparative conceptual framework for the analysis of rental systems. I outline the post‐war history of the Swedish rent‐setting system, and argue that this constitutes an example of a unitary social rental market in the making, whereby public and private renting are integrated and public renting expands to become market leader for rent‐setting purposes. According to this model, public renting is allowed to compete with private renting such that its cost structure increasingly determines the rent levels on the rental market as a whole. This ‘market strategy’ constrasts to the Anglo‐Saxon model in which public renting is segregated from private renting, its growth suppressed (or even reversed through discounted sales) to prevent public renting competing with private renting and owner occupation. The ‘command policy’ uses the principles of the command economy to achieve the goal of sheltering both owner occupation and private renting from competition from a non‐profit form of rental housing. Other countries where a market policy has been adopted, such as Germany and the Netherlands, are also discussed.  相似文献   

Canadian housing policy objectives are generally pursued through a market framework. There is little provision of non-market housing. Thus, while Canada has a substantial private rented sector, it has only a small social rented housing sector. About a third of all dwellings belong to private landlords for market renting and only six percent are owned by public and private landlords for non-profit renting. The supply of dwellings newly constructed specifically for private market rental has fallen over the last 20 years. This fall has been compensated for in part by the supply of existing dwellings that have been transferred from other tenures. There has also been a fall in the proportion of private market rented dwellings owned by corporate landlords and an increase in the proportion owned by small-scale individual landlords, including individuals buying existing dwellings in other tenures to convert to private renting. These recent supply-side changes have been in response to three factors. First, changes to the federal tax system and direct supply incentives have reduced the attractiveness of investing in private renting for corporations but increased it for individuals. Second, the demand for private renting has fallen amongst middle- and high-income households because of demographic and tax changes. This has reduced the numbers of private renting households able to pay the rents needed to make new construction profitable. Third, other public policies have also had an impact on supply, including rent controls imposed by provincial governments and land use planning restrictions and building standards imposed by local authorities. An important feature of the Canadian private rental market is its geographical diversity, with supply-side trends varying in different provinces and urban areas in accordance with variations in demand and local policies. Tony Crook is Professor of Town & Regional Planning and Head of Department at the University of Sheffield. His main current research interest is housing policy, especially the investment decisions of private landlords and housing associations and the relationships between housing policy and land use planning. His research work has been funded by DoE, ESRC and the Joseph Rowntree Foundation. It has been widely published in books and in academic and professional journals. He is currently Chair of the Conference of Heads of Planning Schools. He is also active in the worlds of policy and practice. He is a member of the RTPI Housing and Renewal Panel, trustee of two housing associations, and an independent director of one of the new Local Housing Companies.  相似文献   

殷刘伟 《山西建筑》2012,38(10):263-265
通过了解建筑企业机械设备管理与维护现状,对机械设备的企业管理模式和租赁市场管理模式进行了对比分析,并对机械设备管理模式的发展方向及路径作了探讨,以实现机械设备的高效管理。  相似文献   

By and large the tenure change literature has focused on the shift from renting to owning. The converse process, the move from ownership to renting, has received less attention. In this paper we provide a context for examining who ‘drops out’ of the home owner market. The results show that families with children are less likely to be able to remain in the home owner market than couples and, conversely, that two income earners are more likely to be able to stay in the market or buy another dwelling after a spell in renting than a one income earner. Although those results are somewhat expected, we provide additional new information on the nature of temporary moves out of the home owner market and returns at a later time, and on the seemingly greater role of accidental effects on exit from the home owner market than entrance into that market.  相似文献   

公路施工中工程机械的租用及管理   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
探讨了公路施工中工程机械租赁合同中有关租用方面应注意的条款,租用工程机械过程中遇到的问题以及采取的管理措施,论述了对外租机械操作员的要求及管理,以积累经验、创造更好的经济效益。  相似文献   

During the transformational period from a planned economic system to a market-oriented one, China's construction business system is in an intermediate stage of development. The developing business system has played an increasingly important part in regulating the relations between various actors in the building sector, but the disordered situation in the construction market has fully revealed the shortcomings of the system. Using international experience and practice for reference, China is making efforts to promote the construction business system with Chinese characteristics. The institutional change involves reforms in legislation, property rights, price mechanism and the investment system. The crucial issue lies in deregulation, but this is difficult to realize for a government-led reform. Only if government's control and intervention are decreased enough can the construction market and related professional bodies play their proper roles so that the development platform of China's construction industry can be gradually perfected.  相似文献   

During the transformational period from a planned economic system to a market-oriented one, China's construction business system is in an intermediate stage of development. The developing business system has played an increasingly important part in regulating the relations between various actors in the building sector, but the disordered situation in the construction market has fully revealed the shortcomings of the system. Using international experience and practice for reference, China is making efforts to promote the construction business system with Chinese characteristics. The institutional change involves reforms in legislation, property rights, price mechanism and the investment system. The crucial issue lies in deregulation, but this is difficult to realize for a government-led reform. Only if government's control and intervention are decreased enough can the construction market and related professional bodies play their proper roles so that the development platform of China's construction industry can be gradually perfected.  相似文献   

PPP融资模式在我国廉租房建设中的应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
针对我国廉租房建设中存在的资金问题,探析了廉租房建设中引入PPP模式的必要性和可行性,并说明了我国在采用PPP模式进行廉租房建设中应注意的问题。  相似文献   

朱为民 《江苏建筑》2014,(2):118-120
诚信是市场交易的基石,是企业生存和发展的基础。为规范建筑市场秩序,加强建筑业企业诚信管理,需要建立健全建筑业企业诚信信息平台。文章在对建筑业企业诚信信息平台用户需求、功能需求进行分析的基础上构建了诚信信息平台的业务流程架构,并提出建筑业企业诚信信息平台实施的保障措施。  相似文献   

俞静  朱嵘 《规划师》2006,22(10):68-70
城镇低收入群体很难依靠自身收入改善居住条件,而我国经济结构的现状又决定了这一群体将长期存在.为此,应采取调整住房供应结构、开放和完善租售多元市场、加强配套政策的调控作用等政策措施,并加快户籍制度改革,进一步加强住房金融保障,逐步解决城镇低收入群体的居住问题.  相似文献   

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