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21世纪是知识经济的时代 ,我们的教育观应该顺应知识经济 ,通过教育、科技创新来协调人、资源、环境与科学技术 ,来达到具有中国特色的社会主义市场经济在新世纪可持续发展的目的。我们的教育观应该顺应知识经济 ,促进其发展 ,简而言之就是全民的、终身的、参与式的能力教育  相似文献   

小的是美好的   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
单军 《世界建筑》2004,(11):108-109
北京七月的一天,已经离开了金融街“吕祖宫”北院,我脑子里还一直在想着舒马赫《小的是美好的》这本书。 在和王路教授,金融街13号院发行设计者朱育帆教授一起,参观了这个基地面积不过300多m^2的院子后,笔者最大的感受不是作品本身的竟境,这不是作者在细节上的匠心,而是一种“小”的感动。  相似文献   

<正>恐怕没有人认为《世界建筑》对花枝招展的项目感兴趣。事实上,我们也很少发表花团锦簇的项目。我们的编辑团队一直坚定地反对任何试图模仿活体形态的建筑物。因此,长期关注我们的读者可能会发现,存这一期中,我们的品味似乎发生了变化,竟然毫不犹豫地批量出版了与花卉植物相关的项目。  相似文献   

多项式的权重知识在编码理论中具有很重要的地位.本文在对多项式权重分析结果的前提下,对多项式权重的应用作出了说明和阐述,多项式权重为编码理论的研究和发展奠定了基础.  相似文献   

正如今,超写实主义在艺术界占着日益重要的地位。世界级超写实主义画家联展——《画笔下的照片》展出了七位来自四个不同国家的画家:法国Jacques Bodin、西班牙Miguel Cardona、Matti Bofarull和Rafael De la Rica、美国Thomas Stiltz和Glennray Tutor及苏格兰McAlpine Mllle的作品系列,籍以展示自六十年代后期开始盛行的照相写实主义的演变过程,同时也为超写实艺术重新定义,反映时代与艺术发展相互影响、不可分割的密切关系。超写实主义始于二十年代初,是当时崭新的艺术流派、着重绘画技巧、观察力及视觉交流。它不仅仅是对照片单纯的描摹,更致力挖掘  相似文献   

<正>"这是个最好的时代,这是个最坏的时代。"当工业革命成功地让英国变成世界工厂,当无敌的殖民舰队让英国成为人类历史上第一个日不落的国家。在这个统治全球的帝国里,狄更斯说出了这样的话。维多利亚时代的英国在不到100年的时间里,实现了人口的城市化。资本聚集和技术进步创造了许多伟大  相似文献   

正我国是一个发展中的大国,又是农业大国,目前仍有近一半人口在农村生活。距离实现新型的现代化农村建设目标,仍有一段很长的路要走,地区的现代的新农村建设是摆在我们面前的重大事业。国家对"三农"问题十分重视,近十年来,开年的一号文件中都提到农业问题,这是政策性的要求,也是指导全国人民和农业建设的总要求。如今,农民已减免了税负,得到相应的福利保障,农村交通大体便捷,县县通公路,大大扶植了农业的发展。  相似文献   

易可 《百年建筑》2007,(1):128-128
有句话说“只有民族的才是世界的”.那么我们应该怎样从“世界的”角度去看我们的“民族的”?《建筑实录每鉴》是中国建筑工业出版社和美国麦格荣·希尔建筑信息公司合作编辑出版的,本书并不仅仅是将“世界的”介绍给国人.还让我们从一种新的角度认识我们的“民族的”.  相似文献   

<正>"转型升级在路上",我们如何才能走得更远?时下,在互联浪潮和新型商业模式的冲击下,受到极大冲击的传统行业无不在探索"转型升级"前路。近年来,行业内如万科物业、长城物业、彩生活、碧桂园物业、新龙湖物业等一批优秀企业走在转型升级的前列,并取得了明显成效。为引导行业转型升级的实践,2015年,中国物业管理协会组织开展了"物业管理转型升级在路上大型公益讲堂"系列巡讲活动,引发了业界企业的热烈响应。  相似文献   

正出版:译林出版社,20071996年以可持续设计为方向的博士论文开题之后,我沉浸到大量的资料收集工作中。埋头梳理的过程中,逐渐有了一个困惑:在上世纪石油危机之后,替代技术研究如雨后春笋般出现,其背后的逻辑或者理论基础会是什么?里面有着太多类似的做法,太多相同的关注。对我来说,梳理起来,在众多资料中做到抽丝剥茧,殊为不易。直到有一天,我读到了一本书——《小的是美好的》。这本书和设计无关,但又深深影响了我的设计观。它应该是一本关于经济的软学科书籍,里面提到了几个令我醍醐灌顶的  相似文献   

The Rhine Bridge at Breisach – Alteration and maintenance work at a 45‐years‐old steel structure across the river Rhine. The Breisach Rhine Bridge between Breisach in Baden‐Württemberg, Germany, and Neuf‐Brisach in Alsace, France, is next to the Europe Bridge Kehl–Strasbourg the most important road connection between the two countries. The three‐pillar road bridge was built in 1962 using the foundation of an old railway bridge. The box girder of the bridge is welded as well as riveted and bolted. Both the design of the curb with its underseepage – a feature that was often used at that time but is now out of favour – and damages at the drain pipes in the girder box led to significant corrosion damage. In the future a bicycle lane will run over the bridge. For this an enlargement of the southern footpath is required. Bridge repair and maintenance work began in the spring of 2008. In this paper not only the details of the projects will be considered, but also the solutions to the problems discovered during repair work. An additional special feature of the bridge is the fact that two road construction agencies, one French, one German, are in charge of maintenance.  相似文献   

The main roof of the ”Haus der Kulturen der Welt“ in Berlin Which is very well‐known on account of its history and striking structural design – was to be inspected by the author to determine its condition and analysed with regard to the durability of the existing liquid synthetic sealant. The roof structure consists of a biaxial, curved area‐covering structural element with circumferential edge beams of pre‐stressed lightweight concrete. This is the result of the reconstruction between 1984 and 1987 following a partial collapse of the then Berlin Congress Hall in 1980. The very thin roof shell is also made of lightweight concrete and, like the edge beams, has a polyurethane‐based spray‐on seal that was specially developed for this purpose as protection against the ingress of moisture. The reason why this, at the time, novel type of seal was chosen was that it should take into account the fact that the roof design urgently needed some kind of protection against moisture that had to compensate the expected changes shape and crack movements of the roof with no damage. The following article reports on the nature, scope and main results of the analysis of the condition of the roof seal, edge beams and abutments. It will also describe the repair recommendations resulting from the investigations, which form the basis of the execution of work at the present point in time. Apart from presenting the technical principles and special features of the building that have to be taken into account during any repairs, the special features of the execution will also be addressed.  相似文献   

The new railway bridge across the Donaukanal and the Winterhafen in Vienna. The load tests for the new Winterhafenbrücke performed on September 1, 2008 were the last steps in reconstruction of the railway connection between Donaulände und Donauuferbahn, which was destroyed in April 1945. With a length of 168 m this new single‐line railway bridge, which is designed as a two‐field continuous girder bridge, is the central link and the heart of the project. The bridge spans were realised by triangular trussed girder across the Donaukanal on the one hand and a trough bridge across the Winterhafen on the other. Design, manufacture and assembly of the steel bridge was carried out in different stages and constituted a great technical challenge. The completion of the entire project in September 2009 will be an essential contribution towards shifting commercial transport from the road to the environmentally friendly rail.  相似文献   

Assessment of the accuracy of concrete cover measurements using Eddy Current devices The use of non‐destructive testing in civil‐engineering (NDT‐CE) is well established to assess as‐built drawings for existing structures as well as for quality assurance of new buildings or in case of concrete repair. To gain reliable results the choice of the appropriate testing method in combination with the correct data assessment is essential. Hence this article starts with the basics of the two typical testing methods for concrete cover measurement with high precision. Methods based on Eddy Current and based on Radar are different. The strengths and limitations of both methods are presented. In the second part the achievable accuracy of concrete cover measurements using Eddy Current will be assessed for the most important parameters that have been varied in a wide range. It is shown how results are influenced by an improper input of the diameter or by the effect of neighbored rebars. At the end of the article it is shown how the deviation of the results can be minimized using the internal neighboring rebar correction of some of the devices. This article does not intend to be a product test rather the influence parameters of measurements close to reality will be identified and quantified how the accuracy of concrete cover measurements is affected.  相似文献   

Landscape planning in the UK tends to concentrate on the site and the landscape scales. Concepts of sustainable development and the re-discovered importance of regional-level planning suggest, however, that there is a growing case for the landscape community to develop a regional planning perspective and to engage in wider areas of decision making in order to assist landscape planning goals. These challenges are explored with particular reference to the North West of England which, through the work of an organization called Sustainability North West and the production of a Regional Landscape Strategy, has been at the forefront of regional-level landscape planning in the UK. A brief account is provided of the production of the Regional Landscape Strategy with some reflections on the experience, highlighting some of the problems and potential of the approach. An exploration of the scope for the wider integration of landscape planning within the new regional arrangements is given.  相似文献   

Magnetoelastic Measurement of Prestressing Force in Civil Structures The knowledge of the tensile force of prestressing steel elements and its reliable and non‐destructive determination are of essential importance for the assessment of the structural health condition of prestressed concrete structures and tie‐back systems in terms of structural safety, serviceability and durability. For the evaluation of the prestressing force in steel tension members, the measurement technique presented in this contribution is using the magneto‐elastic effect (ME‐effect) of ferromagnetic materials. This effect describes the reverse‐proportional correlation between the mechanical stress and the magnetic properties of ferromagnetic materials. The cylindrical coiled sensors pushed over the tendon and the measuring device developed and practically optimized at the iBMB/MPA of the TU Braunschweig enable a fast and reliable measurement of the prestressing steel force after an initial calibration. In this contribution first the state of the art of prestress measurement techniques for steel tension members is presented. Afterwards, the ME‐measuring method with the basics and merits of magneto‐elastic prestressing force identification is shown. Further recent research results as well as several building applications will be discussed.  相似文献   

基坑开挖对邻近任意角度建筑物影响的有限元分析   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
实测结果表明,邻近基坑的建筑物与基坑边互不垂直时,基坑开挖将导致墙体同时发生挠曲变形与扭转变形。三维有限元分析表明,对与基坑边成一定角度的建筑物,当其跨越坑外沉降槽最低点或沉降曲线上凸区域时,建筑物所产生的扭转变形最为显著。随着建筑物与基坑距离的变化和建筑物纵墙与基坑边之间夹角的变化,当建筑物位于天然地面沉降挠曲程度较大的位置时,建筑物的挠曲变形对墙体拉应变起主要作用,墙体最大拉应变发生在建筑物纵墙垂直于基坑边,即纵墙与基坑边相互垂直时是建筑物的最不利位置;而当建筑物位于天然地面挠曲程度较小的位置时,墙体的拉应变源于挠曲变形与扭转变形的共同作用,纵墙墙体的最大拉应变将发生在与基坑边成一定角度的建筑物纵墙上,此时纵墙与基坑边垂直并不是建筑物的最不利位置。  相似文献   

Marco Pogacnik 《Bautechnik》2009,86(6):342-356
Two domes in Munich: The Armeemuseum and the Department of Anatomy (1903–1905) – The first concrete shells in Europe. In 1903 Wayss & Freytag merged with the Heilmann & Littmann studio establishing the Eisenbeton‐Gesellschaft, a manufacturer of reinforced concrete structures operating in Munich and the surrounding area. In the following two years the company – directed by Ludwig Zöllner – realized the most innovative works of the time: the Isarbrücke near Grünwald and the domes of the Armeemuseum and the Department of Anatomy of the University of Munich. This paper focuses on these two shell structures calculated by the young engineer Emil Mörsch. The innovative realizations – 7 cm thick and with a span of 16 and 22 m – were built at the same time as the Law Court (1891) and the Ministry of Transport (1904) and presented a high level of engineering that marked the final transition from 19th century steel constructions to 20th century reinforced concrete ribbed domes. The Armeemuseum was formally reminiscent of a historicist language, while the Department of Anatomy – designed by Max Littmann and built in exposed reinforced concrete – resulted in an organic unity of form, construction and material, the first such example in Munich and perhaps in Germany.  相似文献   

ÖBB Steyrtalbridge – Load test and long term measurements At km 65,621 of the railroad track between Linz and Selzthal the Steyrtalbridge was rebuilt in the years 2013 and 2014. The essential design criterion from the client ÖBB Infrastruktur AG was the endeavor of an optimized bridge under consideration of life‐cylce‐cost, which among other things despite a bridge length of 182 m can be designed without high‐maintenance breather switches. Based on the current standards and certain design flexibilities, which are allowed in the codes special ways and techniques were used to calculate the rail tension. With this results of the rail‐structure‐interaction it was possible to design without breather switches. As consequence of the assumptions in the planning process it was necessary to make comprehensive measurements which shall give information of the real behavior of the bridge and compare them with the assumptions and results of the static calculation. Therefor static and dynamic load test were performed before opening to regular traffic. In addition long term measurements were carried out to evaluate the load‐bearing behavior over time and to confirm the calculation approaches for the verification of the rail‐structure‐interaction. In this article the planning of the monitoringsystem, the implementation and results of the load test and the following long term measurements are illustrated.  相似文献   

通过对现代电影院设计的分析,强调了银幕工艺设计的重要性,重点研究了银幕宽度和高度的设计,探讨了各地电影院采用的等高法、等宽法、等面积法等银幕处理方法,从而给观众创造出能感受现代电影艺术的良好环境。  相似文献   

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