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A range of carbon nanoparticles, agglomerates and mineral phases have been identified in burning coal waste pile materials from the Douro Coalfield of Portugal, as a basis for identifying their potential environmental and human health impacts. The fragile nature and fine particle size of these materials required novel characterization methods, including energy-dispersive X-ray spectrometry (EDS), field-emission scanning electron microscope (FE-SEM), and high-resolution transmission electron microscopy (HR-TEM) techniques. The chemical composition and possible correlations with morphology of the nanominerals and associated ultra-fine particles have been evaluated in the context of human health exposure, as well as in relation to management of such components in coal-fire environments.  相似文献   

Taxi drivers’ exposure to traffic-related air pollutants inside their vehicles has been reported in different countries but not yet in Lebanon. Thus, we conducted a cross-sectional study on 20 Lebanese taxi drivers to (1) assess their exposure to ultrafine particles (UFP) and black carbon (BC) inside their vehicles and (2) identify determinants of this exposure. UFP and BC were measured using Diffusion Size Classifier Miniature® and microAeth ® Model AE51, respectively, for 5 hours. Data on characteristics of vehicles and trips were collected by face-to-face interviews. Associations between pollutant levels and their determinants were analyzed by multiple linear regression. The mean of UFP count (35.2 ± 17.6 x 103 particles cm-3) and BC (5.2 ± 1.9 μg m-3) concentrations in-taxis was higher in the morning measurements compared with those in the afternoon measurements. UFP count increased in-taxis by 60% for every 10 minutes spent in blocked traffic and by 84% starting from two trips with smokers compared to trips without smokers. Conversely, UFP count decreased by 30% for every 10 minutes under both air-conditioning and air recirculation mode with windows closed. BC was not affected by any of these factors. Our findings suggest easy ways to reduce UFP exposure inside vehicles for all commuters.  相似文献   

Research regarding the magnitude of ultrafine particle levels at highway toll stations is limited. This study measured ambient concentrations of ultrafine particles at a highway toll station from October 30 to November 1 and November 5 to November 6, 2008. A scanning mobility particle sizer was used to measure ultrafine particle concentrations at a ticket/cash tollbooth. Levels of hourly average ultrafine particles at the tollbooth were about 3-6 times higher than those in urban backgrounds, indicating that a considerable amount of ultrafine particles are exhausted from passing vehicles. A bi-modal size distribution pattern with a dominant mode at about < 6 nm and a minor mode at about 40 nm was observed at the tollbooth. The high amounts of nanoparticles in this study can be attributed to gas-to-particle reactions in fresh fumes emitted directly from vehicles. The influences of traffic volume, wind speed, and relative humidity on ultrafine particle concentrations were also determined. High ambient concentrations of ultrafine particles existed under low wind speed, low relative humidity, and high traffic volume. Although different factors account for high ambient concentrations of ultrafine particles at the tollbooth, measurements indicate that toll collectors who work close to traffic emission sources have a high exposure risk.  相似文献   

The aim of this work was to assess ultrafine particles (UFP) number concentrations in different microenvironments of Portuguese preschools and to estimate the respective exposure doses of UFP for 3–5‐year‐old children (in comparison with adults). UFP were sampled both indoors and outdoors in two urban (US1, US2) and one rural (RS1) preschool located in north of Portugal for 31 days. Total levels of indoor UFP were significantly higher at the urban preschools (mean of 1.82 × 104 and 1.32 × 104 particles/cm3 at US1 an US2, respectively) than at the rural one (1.15 × 104 particles/cm3). Canteens were the indoor microenvironment with the highest UFP (mean of 5.17 × 104, 3.28 × 104, and 4.09 × 104 particles/cm3 at US1, US2, and RS1), whereas the lowest concentrations were observed in classrooms (9.31 × 103, 11.3 × 103, and 7.14 × 103 particles/cm3 at US1, US2, and RS1). Mean indoor/outdoor ratios (I/O) of UFP at three preschools were lower than 1 (0.54–0.93), indicating that outdoor emissions significantly contributed to UFP indoors. Significant correlations were obtained between temperature, wind speed, relative humidity, solar radiation, and ambient UFP number concentrations. The estimated exposure doses were higher in children attending urban preschools; 3–5‐year‐old children were exposed to 4–6 times higher UFP doses than adults with similar daily schedules.  相似文献   

The hypothesis that exposure environment and land use influence element accumulation and particulate size composition in transplants of Hypnum cupressiforme has been tested using moss-bags containing oven-devitalized material. The samples were exposed for three months in ten green sites and ten roadsides in two areas with different land use (A, residential; B, residential/industrial) in the Trieste conurbation (NE Italy). Observations by SEM and EDX-ray microanalysis revealed that particle density was smaller in samples exposed in A than in B, with prevalence of particles containing Al, Ca, Fe and Si, and in good accordance with the element contents measured by acid digestion and ICP-MS. Moss-bags were generally less contaminated in green sites than in roadsides, apparently due to the different enrichment in coarse particles. In both environments, however, the majority of entrapped particles (up to 98.2%) belongs in the inhalable, small size classes (≤ PM10). The need for careful selection of the exposure sites during the phase of biomonitoring planning is discussed.  相似文献   

This study presents real-time concentrations of traffic-related air pollutants during 499 trips conducted by 50 Parisian taxi drivers from PUF-TAXI project. Ultrafine particles (UFP), black carbon (BC), and nitrogen dioxide (NO2)/carbon monoxide (CO) were measured inside vehicles by Diffusion Size Classifier Miniature®, microAeth®, and Gas-Pro®, respectively, for nine hours. Vehicle/trip data characteristics were collected by questionnaires and on ambient conditions by monitoring stations. The associations between pollutant levels and their potential determinants were analyzed using generalized estimating equation model. Determinants of in-vehicle pollutants levels were identified: (1) ambient factors (meteorology and ambient pollution)—affecting BC, NO2, and CO; (2) vehicle characteristics—affecting all pollutants; and (3) trip-related driving habits—affecting UFP, BC, and CO. We highlight that commuters can, therefore, avoid high in-vehicle air pollutant concentrations mainly by (1) closing windows and activating air-conditioning under air recirculation mode in congested traffic; (2) smooth driving; and (3) maintaining cabin air filters.  相似文献   

Burning candles release a variety of pollutants to indoor air, some of which are of concern for human health. We studied emissions of particles and gases from the stressed burning of five types of pillar candles with different wax and wick compositions. The stressed burning was introduced by controlled fluctuating air velocities in a 21.6 m3 laboratory chamber. The aerosol physicochemical properties were measured both in well-mixed chamber air and directly above the candle flame with online and offline techniques. All candles showed different emission profiles over time with high repeatability among replicates. The particle mass emissions from stressed burning for all candle types were dominated by soot (black carbon; BC). The wax and wick composition strongly influenced emissions of BC, PM2.5, and particle-phase polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs), and to lower degree ultrafine particles, inorganic and organic carbon fraction of PM, but did not influence NOx, formaldehyde, and gas-phase PAHs. Measurements directly above the flame showed empirical evidence of short-lived strong emission peaks of soot particles. The results show the importance of including the entire burn time of candles in exposure assessments, as their emissions can vary strongly over time. Preventing stressed burning of candles can reduce exposure to pollutants in indoor air.  相似文献   

This study aimed to measure in French children personal exposure concentrations of black carbon (BC) and ultrafine particles (UFP) and to quantify the contribution of different microenvironments (home, school, places of extracurricular activities, transport) to their total exposure. It was conducted on 96 9‐year‐old children from the PARIS birth cohort. BC and UFP were continuously measured by portable devices (microAeth® AE51 and DiSCmini®) for a minimum of 24 hours, while participating families simultaneously filled in a space‐time‐activities‐budget questionnaire. BC exposure concentration was higher during trips (principally metro/train and bus), while UFP exposure concentration was higher during indoor activities (mainly eating at restaurants) and in trips. The most important UFP peaks were measured at home, especially during cooking. Home and school together accounted for much of the total exposure, 83.8% for BC and 85.3% for UFP. The contribution of transport to total exposure was 12.4% for BC and 9.7% for UFP, while extracurricular activities were responsible for 3.8% and 5% of the total exposure to BC and UFP, respectively.  相似文献   

梁鑫  程海 《矿产勘查》2021,12(6):1434-1440
由于特厚煤层综放开采过程中工作面容易变形问题,需要加强开采岩层的结构研究,以提高出采率,降低开采中的安全事故发生率,采用智能化开采可以解决这些问题.本文主要概述了特厚煤层的智能化综放开采工艺与技术装备实践,分析了放煤的智能化、巷道智能化快速掘进、工作面直线度智能控制3个方面的技术与装备瓶颈,展望了可能的发展方向.本文提...  相似文献   

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