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自然通风环境热舒适性评价与分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
分析了用于自然通风环境热舒适评价的PMV模型、PMV修正模型和适应性热舒适模型,指出了3种模型的不足之处.对天津地区1栋办公建筑在过渡季节自然通风情况下的室内热环境和CO2浓度进行了测试和主观问卷调查,得到了室内热环境相对室外热环境的变化规律和人们的热评价结果,认为自然通风环境热舒适模型应当综合考虑热环境因素、个人行为因素、空气龄及人们长期的生理适应和心理预期.  相似文献   

以郑州市一采用制冷剂辐射式供冷系统的办公室样板间为例,利用Airpak3.0软件模拟分析了热泵标准制冷工况下、蒸发毛细盘管间距为100mm时室内的温度场、速度场、相对湿度场、PMV和PPD分布云图。利用实验结果证明了模拟结果的可靠性。模拟结果显示:该办公室采用制冷剂辐射式供冷系统,仅距离地板0.36 m以上范围内能满足人体热舒适性要求。  相似文献   

本文针对含多孔型地板的室内低温地板辐射采暖的传热问题进行研究,采用有限元法求解控制方程,分析了太阳辐射对整个室内空间温度场和速度场的影响,探讨了不同时刻太阳辐射对室内温度场和速度场的影响规律。在保证室内空气温度和速度均达到规范中冬季供暖的舒适性设计值的前提下,再根据温度和速度计算出PMV和PPD的数值,获得不同时刻下所需求的地板辐射热流密度最佳范围。  相似文献   

利用热舒适仪测试了温湿度等参数,分析了这些参数对人体热舒适指标PMV值的影响,研究结果表明室内空气温度是影响人体舒适性的最主要因素,相对湿度在60%时,温度每升高1℃,PMV值约增加0.3;室内温度在26℃时,相对湿度每升高10%,PMV值约增加0.1,相对湿度对人体舒适性的影响不容忽视。基于PMV的控制方法对于提高人们的舒适性和空调节能有重要意义。  相似文献   

根据寒冷地区人类居住特点,利用VB语言编程,以ISO7730为理论依据,通过PMV和PPD模拟计算了寒冷地区室内热环境,给出了寒冷地区人体不同代谢率条件下常规采暖和地板辐射采暖的舒适性温度。结果表明,在PPD≤20%的前提下,寒冷地区满足人体热舒适的室内常规采暖设计温度推荐值为20℃,地板辐射采暖设计温度推荐值为19℃,明显高于我国现行的设计温度。  相似文献   

对PMV热舒适模型适用性的分析   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
PMV热舒适模型是目前广泛应用的室内热舒适评价模型,在其实际应用中有时会出现较大的预测误差.本文首先研究了PMV热舒适模型在实际使用中出现的预测误差,而后对其产生误差的各方面原因进行了详细分析,最后总结了PMV热舒适模型预测准确的应用范围.研究结果对提高室内热舒适和建筑节能具有一定的意义.  相似文献   

臧效罡  赵树兴  李文杰 《山西建筑》2010,36(33):174-175
对天津市某医院候诊厅在夏季空调运行状态下进行了现场测量,并应用ADPI和PMV两个指标对该候诊厅的热舒适性进行了计算分析与评价,进而对ADPI和PMV两种评价方法的特点进行了比较分析,得出了每种评价方法的适用范围。  相似文献   

新陈代谢对人体热舒适的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
介绍了新陈代谢的基本概念及影响因素,通过PMV计算程序,分析代谢率对PMV的影响,并对影响人体热感觉和热舒适度的多种因素中比较重要的新陈代谢因素对人体热舒适的影响程度重点进行了论述。  相似文献   

本文介绍了最小二乘支持向量机的原理,并针对热舒适性指标建立了最小二乘支持向量机预测模型,以人的新陈代谢率、衣服热阻、空气温度、相对湿度、平均辐射温度和空气流速作为输入变量,以PMV指标作为输出。该模型计算结果与Fanger方程的计算结果吻合很好,与BP神经网络模型及传统的支持向量回归机模型进行分析比较的结果表明最小二乘支持向量机模型具有较高的拟合精度和泛化能力,可以满足PMV指标作为被控参数对空调系统进行实时控制的要求。  相似文献   

Fanger PMV热舒适模型发展过程及适用性分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
丹麦学者P O Fanger综合分析了物理变量和人为变量后提出了PMV热舒适模型,至今已有40余年。在该模型工程应用过程中,有部分学者对模型假设条件提出质疑,也有部分学者就质疑焦点作补充实验说明并给与充分肯定。但该模型仍然作为热舒适评价指标在全世界范围内广泛应用。本文首先从论述模型出发明确其假设条件,进而找出影响假设条件的相关因素。而后通过Fanger自身的补充完善与其他研究人员或相关组织研究的论述分析其适用性。  相似文献   

平均预计热指标(PMV)是评价环境热舒适的主要指标之一,具有很强的实践操作性。在充分肯定其优点的基础上,应用人体在出汗状态下皮肤湿度这一概念,通过对皮肤湿度与PMV之间的关系展开讨论,指出PMV在考虑某些环境因素的影响方面还有待于完善。  相似文献   

王春 《暖通空调》2004,34(12):43-45,65
讨论了在静态热环境下,空气湿度与人体热平衡、皮肤湿润度和人体对衣物的感觉以及人体热舒适之间的关系,分析了湿度瞬态变化对人体平均体表温度、热感觉和热舒适造成的影响。  相似文献   

Climate change and the urgency of decarbonizing the built environment are driving technological innovation in the way we deliver thermal comfort to occupants. These changes, in turn, seem to be setting the directions for contemporary thermal comfort research. This article presents a literature review of major changes, developments, and trends in the field of thermal comfort research over the last 20 years. One of the main paradigm shift was the fundamental conceptual reorientation that has taken place in thermal comfort thinking over the last 20 years; a shift away from the physically based determinism of Fanger's comfort model toward the mainstream and acceptance of the adaptive comfort model. Another noticeable shift has been from the undesirable toward the desirable qualities of air movement. Additionally, sophisticated models covering the physics and physiology of the human body were developed, driven by the continuous challenge to model thermal comfort at the same anatomical resolution and to combine these localized signals into a coherent, global thermal perception. Finally, the demand for ever increasing building energy efficiency is pushing technological innovation in the way we deliver comfortable indoor environments. These trends, in turn, continue setting the directions for contemporary thermal comfort research for the next decades.  相似文献   

程卫红  齐靓 《山西建筑》2014,(9):124-126
针对冬季哈尔滨某高校电梯轿厢内空气品质的问题,通过以客观测试和主观调查的方法相结合,对电梯的热舒适性问题进行了调查研究,并对电梯的空气品质问题提出几种改善措施。  相似文献   

This survey of thermal comfort in classrooms aimed to define empirically the preferred temperatures, neutral temperatures and acceptable temperature ranges for Australian school children, and to compare them with findings from adult populations. The survey was conducted in a mixture of air-conditioned, evaporative-cooled and naturally ventilated classrooms in nine schools located in three distinct subtropical climate zones during the summer of 2013. A total of 2850 questionnaires were collected from both primary (grade) and secondary (high) schools. An indoor operative temperature of about 22.5°C was found to be the students’ neutral and preferred temperature, which is generally cooler than expected for adults under the same thermal environmental conditions. Despite the lower-than-expected neutrality, the school children demonstrated considerable adaptability to indoor temperature variations, with one thermal sensation unit equating to approximately 4°C operative temperature. Working on the industry-accepted assumption that an acceptable range of indoor operative temperatures corresponds to group mean thermal sensations of ?0.85 through to +0.85, the present analysis indicates an acceptable summertime range for Australian students from 19.5 to 26.6°C. The analyses also revealed between-school differences in thermal sensitivity, with students in locations exposed to wider weather variations showing greater thermal adaptability than those in more equable weather districts.  相似文献   

This study has focused on the evaluation of the optimal temperature in each cabin of the Korean maritime patrol vessels. We aptly modified the inland indoor items and criteria of clothing and activities, and then investigated the human factors in the cabins of Korean maritime patrol vessels. The total thermal resistance of clothing in the wheelhouse was 0.097, 0.079, 0.096, and 0.130 m2 °C/W and that for the accommodation areas was 0.067, 0.059, 0.084, and 0.101 m2 °C/W in spring, summer, fall, and winter, respectively. The metabolic rate was 228.04 W/m2 in the training room and above 100 W/m2 in the engine room and auxiliary machine room. In the wheelhouse and accommodation, the metabolic rate was 78.14 and 44.45 W/m2, respectively. Based on human factors, the optimum temperature was 23 °C in the wheelhouse and 29 °C in the accommodation. Therefore, 6 °C of energy can be saved in case of PMV/PPD-based air conditioning.  相似文献   

关于"热舒适"的讨论   总被引:33,自引:4,他引:33  
赵荣义 《暖通空调》2000,30(3):25-26
指出了人体热反应研究中关于热舒适的一些模糊概念及对热舒适与热感觉关系的含混认识。分析了热舒适与热感觉的不同含义、现有的不同解释及两者的稳态和动态条件下的差别。  相似文献   

This paper presents the findings of a field study of occupant thermal comfort and thermal environments with a radiant slab cooling system. The study combined field measurements and questionnaires based on the ASHRAE RP-921 project protocol. A total of 116 sets of data from 82 participants were collected in summer and winter. The results reveal that occupant whole-body thermal sensations with radiant cooling were consistent with the PMV model. The main advantage of radiant cooling for thermal comfort was found to be reduced local thermal discomfort with reduced vertical air temperature difference as well as reduced draft rate. The survey results revealed that 14–22% of participants in the study reported local cold discomfort in the arm–hand and the leg–foot regions. The results indicated that there may be lower limits on air speeds acceptable to occupants. Statistical analysis indicated that occupant thermal votes were free of significant correlation with personal, contextual and psychological factors. Suggestions to improve the questionnaire and the field survey process are offered.  相似文献   

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