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王艳  胡克杰 《砖瓦》2009,(7):14-17
指出了空压机常见的故障及事故类型,分析了引起故障及事故的原因,提出了处理故障及事故的相应措施。  相似文献   

黄平 《门窗》2013,(8):316
文章介绍了超限运输对各种桥梁结构及桥面系的破坏机理及病害状况,并探讨了解决对策及桥梁养护中应注意的问题。分析了超限运输对各种桥梁结构及桥面系的破坏机理及病害状况,并探讨了解决对策及桥梁养护中应注意的问题。  相似文献   

公路桥梁养护管理系统的开发与应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
介绍了桥梁养护管理系统的起源及发展过程,阐述了现代桥梁养护管理系统的原理、功能及作用,描述了国内外桥梁养护管理系统的研究、开发及应用现状,分析了未来桥梁养护管理系统进一步发展的需求及方向。  相似文献   

介绍了群溧公路改造工程的规模及建设内容,并根据道路及桥梁的设计标准,探讨了平面及纵断面、路面及路基的设计要点,同时对施工中应注意的事项进行了总结,为今后类似道路的改造提供了借鉴。  相似文献   

对西昌东延线棚改项目的特殊要求及施工中的难题进行了分析,从过程中对各项施工工艺及控制措施进行了阐述,并结合具体工程案例,提出了加强设计优化的方法,对设计优化的过程及结果进行了研究,达到了保证工程安全及质量的效果,解决了工程施工难题。  相似文献   

介绍了橡胶改性沥青及沥青混合料的研究现状、作用机理,以及RHW-GCR新型改性高强橡胶粉改性沥青及沥青混合料的技术指标试验结果,讨论了RHW-GCR橡胶粉改性沥青混合料的抗水损害性能、高温稳定性能以及抗疲劳性能,并介绍了RHW-GCR橡胶粉改性沥青及沥青混合料在广西南宁等地的应用情况,最后初步提出了RHW-GCR橡胶粉改性沥青及沥青混合料技术指标标准,为今后橡胶改性沥青及沥青混合料的设计及施工提供一定参考。  相似文献   

针对北方地区两个游泳馆的特点,通过对详细的负荷计算及分析,最终确定了不同区域空调系统方式及整个场馆的除湿方式。合理设置了相应的空调系统及供暖系统,满足了游泳馆内观众区、比赛池、热身池等不同场区的舒适性要求,为观众及运动员创造了良好的观赏及比赛环境。  相似文献   

罗纪彬 《山西建筑》2009,35(11):292-293
讨论了桥梁健康监测的作用与意义,介绍了大型桥梁健康监测技术的起源及发展过程,阐述了桥梁健康监测术的原理、分类及功能,描述了国内外桥梁健康监测技术的研究、开发及应用现状,从而明确了未来桥梁健康监测技术一步发展的需求及方向。  相似文献   

潘翀 《山西建筑》2015,(7):121-122
在分析国内外地下车库通风及排烟系统研究进展的基础上,研究了地下车库的主要危险源及火灾特点,重点论述了通风及排烟系统常用的工程设计方法及优缺点,并针对当前地下车库排烟系统设计中存在的普遍性问题,提出了解决对策,以供参考。  相似文献   

张兴斌  王波  黄进 《四川建筑》2009,39(2):241-243
分析了地表水的水温、水质及水量。综合考虑当地水源条件,建筑冷热负荷特点及水源热泵的优势,设计了地表水源热泵系统。介绍了该大厦地表水源热泵空调及热水系统的设计要素及冷热源系统的控制方法,并阐述了该系统的社会效益。  相似文献   

In the education of Landscape Architecture, the way we view and depict a natural site is defined by the way we observe and express it. This paper starts with a comparison between the perspective and approach of traditional painting types (the realistic sketch, design sketch, and landscape painting) and those in Landscape Architecture. All of them involve observation (viewing) and expression (drawing) of natural beings and phenomena, where traditional paintings are in the pursuit of honest depiction of the forms or shapes. While in Landscape Architecture it emphasizes understanding and representing the evolutions and the complicated intrinsic relations of the authentic sites — in other words, to represent the nature of reality. To be on-site, the use of body movement, and the evolutions and correlations of natural beings are the three most important principles to the observation and representation in Landscape Architecture. Combining with two cases in teaching and practice, this paper elaborates how to develop abstract forms and design concepts from the observation of authentic sites and how the trans-scaled reflection on the correlations about the sites can inspire a site-scaled design, providing references for the education and practice of Landscape Architecture in China.  相似文献   

对建筑自治的反思   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
邢晓莉 《建筑师》2008,(2):31-36
20世纪70年代的西方,正当学科陷入特别的危机之时,建筑自治的论点重新出现,引起建筑理论家、建筑师的激烈争论。学科内在自身的观念体系、学术逻辑的演变和外在的社会学、经济、政治、科学技术等对建筑的影响以及学科的边界和领域问题成为争论的焦点。本文从“自治”概念的起源切入,在回顾历史的前提下对建筑自治研究的内容进行了归纳,对自治的原因进行了总结。着重论述建筑“内”与“外”的关系,在此基础上进行了反思,对自治的可能、自治的度及学科的边界进行了探析。  相似文献   

The Ensenada de San Simon is the inner part of the Ria de Vigo, one of the major mesotidal rias of the Galician coast, NW Spain. The geochemistry of its bottom sediments can be accounted for in terms of both natural and anthropogenic sources. Mixture-modelling enables much of the Cr, Ni, V, Cu, Pb and Zn concentrations of the bottom and subaqueous sediments to be explained by sediment input from the river systems and faecal matter from manmade mussel rafts. The compositions and relative contributions of additional, unknown, sources of anomalous heavy-metal concentrations are quantified using constrained nonlinear optimization. The pattern of metal enrichment is attributed to: material carried in solution and suspension in marine water entering the Ensenada from the polluted industrial areas of the adjacent Ria de Vigo; wind-borne urban dusts and/or vehicular emissions from the surrounding network of roads and a motorway road-bridge over the Estrecho de Rande; industrial and agricultural pollution from the R. Redondela; and waste from a former ceramics factory near the mouth of the combined R. Oitaben and R. Verdugo. Using (137)Cs dating, it is suggested that heavy metal build-up in the sediments since the late 1970s followed development of inshore fisheries and introduction of the mussel rafts (ca. 1960) and increasing industrialisation.  相似文献   

针对折多山隧道穿越富水断裂带发生多次涌水突泥灾害,采用现场勘探、理论分析,对富水断裂带隧道涌水突泥灾害机制及处治技术进行研究。结果表明:富水断裂带隧道发生涌水突泥灾害具有突发性强、演变速度快、引发次生灾害的特点。富水断裂带导水通道发育、地表水和地下水丰富、人工开挖破坏掌子面的水体平衡等因素共同作用下,掌子面渗水失稳,形成出水通道并迅速演变扩展,继而发生涌水突泥、地表塌陷。根据富水断裂带隧道涌水突泥特征,确定了地表深孔注浆、洞内帷幕注浆的协同处治技术体系,取得较好处治效果。本文研究成果可为今后类似灾害处治提供参考。  相似文献   

The essay provides an up-to-date review of the realities of Italian restoration. Restoration work feeds off the doubt that stems directly from historical and balance, and a conceptual rigour and practical approach at the same time. Restoration is carried out always and only on the original, with all the attendant risks of error and damage, and thus with all the prudence that demands.One of the most recent definitions of restoration is put forward: “By restoration, therefore, is meant any intervention that has the aim of conserving and transmitting to the future works of historical, artistic and environmental interest, facilitating the reading of them while not erasing the traces of the passage of time this is based on a respect for ancient material land the authentic documentation that such works constitute and, moreover, is to be seen as a critical act of interpretation that is not verbal but expressed concretely in the work carried out. Or, more precisely, it is a critical hypothesis and a proposition that is always modifiable, without it ever altering irreversibly the original”.The true nature of restoration is a complete fusion of historical and technical-scientific expertise. It is therefore artificial to distinguish between a ‘project of consolidation’ and a truly described restoration project. This is a distinction based on the assumption (to be demonstrated) that in an ancient building static problems and those related to the materials can be isolated and treated separately from an overall understanding of the architectural ensemble. So the paper stresses research methodology, the project and specific skills. As part of the principle of unity of methods in restoration, interdisciplinarity is viewed as the principal tool for bringing together consistently and fully the different skills necessary for the study and conservation of monuments.In summary, there are three fundamental components: (1) the history of architecture and theory of restoration; (2) the techniques of survey, analysis, diagnosis and intervention on the materials and the structure; and (3) legislative and regulatory aspects.The author emphasises the link between restoration and access to the monumental heritage. The definition of restoration as ‘an act of culture’ (fundamentally critical-historical and technical-scientific) leads to the reflection that culture is, by definition, exchange, communication and opening up to people without distinction. So restoration, because of its cultural nature, has need of recommendations, trends and orientations rather than regulations.Restoration looks to the future, not to the past. It has educational and commemorative functions for future generations, for young people; it ultimately is concerned not with satisfaction with research per se but the preparation of all citizens and their quality of life, viewed in the widest possible spiritual and material sense.In conclusion, some perspectives for the new millennium are offered. We have to ask ourselves whether society today is still able to guarantee a role for memory, for history and for the value of traditions, or for beauty itself. At first sight, it seems that interest in conservation and restoration has been reinforced in recent times. At the same time, we are aware of dominant pressures wanting to renovate and redesign our environment, giving priority above all to economic factors and revenue. To recall an earlier declaration by Renato Bonelli: contemporary society is not interested in historical and artistic things in themselves, whether they are ancient or modern. It is practical and consumerist, but it is also a society of complexities, and that however opens up some vents.  相似文献   

土的粒度、密度、湿度和构度是其固有的物质组成和状态特性指标,用来描述土的力学性质及其变化规律。土的构度是其结构性的定量描述指标,它不仅与土物质组成和存在状态的粒度、密度和湿度有关,而且与土骨架结构中土粒空间排列的组构和粒间联结特征有本质的联系。土骨架结构的土粒排列和粒间联结具有抵抗外荷作用的可稳性和遭受破坏的可变性,从比较黄土结构的可稳性和可变性出发,建立的构度指标实质上包括了原状黄土与其饱和条件下抗压强度比较确定的浸水灵敏度及原状黄土与重塑黄土抗压强度比较确定的扰动灵敏度。揭示黄土具有浸水灵敏度随含水率增大呈显著衰减的变化规律和不同含水率黄土的扰动灵敏度基本保持不变的特征。通过黄土构度随含水率和塑限差值的变化规律,构度随塑限、液限的变化规律,以及构度随液性指数的变化规律分析,揭示了构度与粒度、密度、湿度的之间的本质联系。通过黄土构度与液性指数、干密度和孔隙比表征的综合物理特征量之间的关系分析,揭示了干密度相近条件下黄土构度随综合物理特征量的单调变化规律。论证了黄土构度指标的可靠性与合理性。  相似文献   

利用MTS815对煤岩展开单轴和8、16、25 MPa三轴压缩试验,探讨不同围压下煤岩的强度及变形特征。研究结果表明:煤岩应力-应变曲线经历线弹性、屈服、破坏3个阶段,延性特征随围压升高愈发明显;随着围压的升高,煤岩峰值应变增大,弹性模量呈二次函数增长趋势;煤岩在单轴压缩下多发生脆性破坏,随着围压升高,煤岩出现明显的主导破坏面,并且破碎体中大体积煤块所占比重增大;平均块度、分形维数与围压存在一定的相关性;不同围压下,煤岩强度变形特征满足Coulomb强度准则,残余强度及达到峰值应力的时间与围压呈线性关系,峰值强度对围压的敏感性高于残余强度,残余内摩擦角及粘聚力均小于峰值强度对应的值,在引入强度衰减系数后,发现其变化特征与煤岩变形破坏过程表现的性质吻合,煤岩对围压的敏感性较强。  相似文献   

为分析不同规范中混凝土梁桥竖向温度梯度模式的差异,评估竖向温度梯度效应对混凝土梁桥的影响程度,总结了不同国家和行业规范中混凝土梁桥的竖向温度梯度模式,从梯度曲线形式和温度基数取值两方面讨论了效应计算结果的差异。选取了20多座不同结构体系、跨径和截面形式的混凝土梁桥,计算了在包括桥梁变形和截面应力在内的2种典型的竖向正温度梯度作用下的各项效应,与自重和汽车作用产生的效应作了对比。结果表明:不同规范的竖向温度梯度模式在梯度曲线形式和温度基数取值方面存在显著差异,它们对温度效应计算结果具有同等程度的影响; 顶部温差的影响深度越大,桥梁的变形和次生弯矩越大,考虑底部升温段时截面下缘有更大的自压应力; 不同的铺装层类型和气候条件造成桥梁温度基数取值存在差异,进而导致温度效应可能相差1.5倍~2.0倍; 相同结构体系和截面形式的中小跨混凝土梁桥随着跨径增大,自重效应占比增加,汽车和温度效应占比减小,但是温度和汽车效应的相对比例基本保持不变; 结构体系和跨径相同时,T梁的温度效应占比要比空心板和小箱梁高出0.6%~16.5%; 温度效应在一些效应类型中占有很大比例,温度作用引起的中小跨简支梁桥的变形和截面上缘应力能与自重和汽车效应相近,引起的中小跨连续梁桥的截面上缘应力能超过自重和汽车效应甚至两者总和,墩顶截面下缘应力能与自重和汽车效应相当,引起的大跨径连续箱梁桥截面上缘应力能超过汽车效应的数倍; 若考虑铺装层类型和气候条件的影响,在温度基数取值较大的梁桥上,温度效应占比可能更高。  相似文献   

为量化混凝土翼板收缩徐变对多跨钢-混凝土连续组合梁长期性能的影响,提出相应的预测方法,基于现有两跨连续组合梁长期试验结果对典型的组合梁设计方法进行适用性评述; 在此基础上,基于龄期调整的有效模量法并考虑混凝土的收缩徐变、开裂及组合梁界面相对滑移的综合影响,提出两跨连续组合梁长期中支座弯矩与跨中挠度的计算公式,并采用长期试验结果验证预测方法的可靠性; 进一步对比不同混凝土翼板类型(收缩徐变分布模型)对组合梁长期性能的影响。结果表明:采用龄期调整的有效模量法模拟混凝土徐变特征,考虑收缩产生的附加弯矩,采用折减刚度考虑混凝土开裂与界面滑移的影响,提出的两跨连续组合梁长期性能计算公式,可有效预测组合梁长期中支座弯矩分布与跨中挠度,计算结果与试验结果最大相差25.3%; 混凝土的收缩变形对组合梁长期性能影响显著,当不考虑混凝土收缩变形时,组合梁中支座弯矩与跨中挠度仅分别为试验值的41.1%和60.6%; 组合梁长期性能设计时,应根据楼板类型采用不同的收缩徐变模型,针对钢筋混凝土楼板采用均匀收缩、均匀徐变模型,针对组合楼板采用非均匀收缩、非均匀徐变模型。  相似文献   

白墙的表面属性和建造内涵   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
史永高 《建筑师》2006,(6):20-26
白墙的运用是早期现代建筑一个独特而又普遍的景象,并且进一步在当代建筑中延伸。本文意在揭示这种隐匿材料的做法对于建筑纯粹形式的显现所具有的意义。文章具体探讨了这一白色的表面与它所反对的装饰之间的关系,以及装饰性、感官性、视觉性之间的差异,并进而对于实体建造和层叠建造的概念进行了辨析。指出在它反对装饰的同时,其白色的表层却终究不过是另一种装饰性外衣;在它貌似实体建造的同时,却在本质上仍旧具有层叠建造的特质。但是,通过对于具体材质和建造方式的隐匿,它以这种单一并且抽象的材料——白色粉刷——达成了建筑纯粹形式的表现。白墙现象说明建筑的品质并不完全依赖于对材料和节点的表现,而这对于全面看待当前对于建构表现的某种偏执当会具有一定的积极意义。  相似文献   

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