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英国是最早建立现代城市规划体系的国家,也是城市规划体系较为完善的国家之一。英国的规划体系为许多国家特别是英联邦国家所仿效。为了使上海的城市规划体系更好地与建设上海现代化国际大都市的重任相适应,学习借鉴发达国家在规划体系方面的先进经验,由上海市规划管理局简逢敏副局长为团长的考察团,最近对英国的城市规划进行了考察。本报告介绍英国的城市规划体系,并讨论了对上海的启示。  相似文献   

英国城市规划核心法的历史演进过程   总被引:8,自引:1,他引:7  
英国是最早进行城市规划法的国家之一,自从1909年以来,先后颁布了20多部规划法。其中,1947年和1968年的规划法分别奠定了英国现代规划体系的基础和确立了完善的发展规划体系、因而具有划时代的意义。1980年代以来的规划法表明英国规划体系面临着市场化的挑战。英国规划法的演进既反映了各个时期的政治、经济和社会背景,也标志着城市规划体系的不断完善过程。  相似文献   

英国城市规划体制的演变   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
英国城市规划体制在世界上独树一帜,为许多国家尤其是英联邦国家所仿效。本文介绍了英国规划体制的演变和现行规划体系的内容与特点。  相似文献   

环境保护规划在城市规划体系的作用和地位初探   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
王毓华 《安徽建筑》2009,16(3):12-13
环境保护规划在西方国家,如美国、英国和日本等的城市规划体系中都有着相对重要的地位和作用。但在我国的城市规划体系中,环境保护规划是城市总体规划的一部分,且往往缺乏可操作性,文章提出了改善和强化环境保护规划在我国城市规划体系中的作用和地位的相关建议。  相似文献   

英国是最早进行城市规划法的国家之一,自从1909年以来,先后颁布了20多部规划法.其中,1947年和1968年的规划法分别奠定了英国现代规划体系的基础和确立了完善的发展规划体系,因而具有划时代的意义.1980年代以来的规划法表明英国规划体系面临着市场化的挑战.英国规划法的演进既反映了各个时期的政治、经济和社会背景,也标志着城市规划体系的不断完善过程.  相似文献   

新加坡的城市规划体系   总被引:16,自引:4,他引:12  
唐子来 《城市规划》2000,24(1):42-45
由于历史原因, 新加坡的城市规划体系明显地受到英国影响。作为一个城市国家, 新加坡面临着国土狭小和资源匮乏的特定制约, 政府在土地资源配置方面起着绝对的主导作用。本文从历史回顾、规划法规体系、行政体系和运作体系等方面评述了新加坡的城市规划体系。  相似文献   

面临国民经济衰退的发展现状,英国联合政府上任以来改革了原有城市规划体系,通过调整规划和发展的关系以实现经济的复苏。本文梳理了英格兰城市规划体系的演变历程,重点以2009年以来英格兰城市规划体系的改革新动态为研究切入点,依据最新颁布的《国家规划政策框架》等重要政府文件,客观阐述并解析了这一改革过程。此外,深入讨论了改革中的四个新特征:审批制度精简、区域等级调整、地方主义强化和公众参与设限等。开展对英格兰城市规划体系改革新动态的研究,有助于理解英国城市发展的最新问题,也将为我国规划体系的发展提供借鉴。  相似文献   

英国住房规划的经济评估体系及其思考   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过透析英国住房规划在过去20多年的发展完善过程,总结了现代英国城市规划控制体系的发展历程和发展趋势,剖析了其住房规划经济评估构建的背景、依据、内容和体系,围绕我国城市规划面对住房问题关注的不足,提出英国住房规划对我国城市规划发展的借鉴之处。  相似文献   

他山之石,攻我陈规:谈城市规划的改革   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
城市规划模式应随经济、社会的发展而变化,这样的城市规划才有生命力。借鉴英国城市规划体系的发展,探讨中国城市规划编制体系、模式的改革问题。  相似文献   

英国的城市规划体系在长期的发展完善过程中,逐步摸索建立了一套成熟的城市规划动态监测机制,其工作方法、技术路线、监督软件系统以及对于监管工作重点和难点的把握和处理经验,为我国建设城市规划动态监测机制系统提供了宝贵经验.本文对英国城市规划体系的新变化作了简要介绍,重点对地方发展框架的监测机制进行了分析研究,总结了英国的经验对我国正在建设的城市规划动态监测系统的借鉴意义.  相似文献   

The reform of spatial planning and land use legislation in South Africa has been difficult to achieve. The laws designed to implement the urban plans of apartheid remain stubbornly in place. This case study shows that despite there having been three windows of opportunity during which far-reaching law reform seemed likely there has been little change. The only post-apartheid national land development law, the Development Facilitation Act, has been found to transgress the Constitutional powers of local government. With its demise the country falls back entirely on pre-democratic planning legislation. Fundamental to effective planning law reform is a constitutional framework that clearly delineates the legislative powers to regulate planning and land use. A clear and shared understanding of what planning can and cannot achieve is also important, as is an effective alignment of planning law reforms with those of other sectoral laws such as local government and environment. Planning law, especially in a country of great inequality, inevitably gives rise to litigation. Drafters of new planning legislation cannot afford not to pay attention to the minutiae of how the planning system operates. Such a failure opens new planning initiatives to legal attack.  相似文献   

转型期城市战略研究新思维   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
陈定荣  蒋伶  程茂吉 《城市规划》2011,35(Z1):148-151
通过对我国2000年代初的战略规划的简要回顾与背景分析,在肯定2000年代初战略规划对我国城市规划编制程序与方法的推动作用基础上,分析了国家发展战略的重大调整、城市发展阶段的转型、规划法制环境的改善等背景变化对城市战略研究的影响,在对2000年代初的战略规划与转型期战略研究相关内容进行比较研究基础上,对转型期城市战略研究的研究思路、研究方法、战略重点与空间战略等提出了初步思考。  相似文献   

日本的城市规划法规体系   总被引:9,自引:3,他引:6  
城市规划立法是城市规划依法行政的基础,是城市规划现代化的重要标志。本文力图通过对日本城市规划立法的历史和法规体系的介绍,明确日本城市规划主法的现状,并揭示其特征。  相似文献   

笔者从规划编制的实践中,体会到一个完整的城市规划体系应包括规划法规.规划行政、规划编制与规划实施等四个基本方面,其中规划法律制度是这一城市规划体系的核心.在当今,理解与完善城市规划法律制度的实时需求,尤为迫切,深入对之探讨,有利于对城市未来的适应要求和当前的建设规范化的制订.  相似文献   

This paper compares approaches to planning and delivery of affordable housing across England, Australia and New Zealand. While all three nations began with a common starting point—early British town planning legislation—underlying differences in urban regulation, property rights and housing provision soon emerged. However, signs of convergence have lately re-appeared, as all three countries have responded to affordable housing shortages by exploring new strategies to boost supply through the planning system. In the tradition of comparative housing research, this paper examines these strategies in the context of each country’s particular historical, socio-cultural, governance and urban planning frameworks. Our analysis shows how differences in planning systems and approaches to housing assistance can delimit opportunities to secure new affordable homes, particularly in the context of increasing land values. Effective delivery of affordable housing through the planning system depends on consistent and enforceable policy articulation, government commitment, a mature affordable housing sector, and particular market conditions.  相似文献   

郑文武 《规划师》2005,21(9):5-8
针对当前城市规划立法工作中存在的不足,城市规划立法应协调经济发展与科学发展的关系,协调城市规划法与其他相关法的关系,注重公众参与城市规划的内容和程序,协调法律救济与行政强制的关系,平衡实体性与程序性法律规范的关系,处理好规划编制与实施、监督的关系。  相似文献   

For a century, town and country planning has been an important field of public endeavour. Now more commonly known as urban and regional or urban and rural planning, its names have recognized its concern for non‐built‐up as much as built‐up areas; i.e. the countryside. Notwithstanding, little effort was expended there until about half way through the century. This has changed. Rural planning has burgeoned, barely reflected, however, within planning history in Australia. This article addresses this by examining how land‐use planning for the countryside has evolved in South Australia since the introduction of the modern form of statutory planning in 1967. It traces the evolution of statutory policy and how it has been informed by concepts such as nature conservation, landscape maintenance, environmental protection and ecological sustainability. It underlines the tensions inherent in a system created primarily to deal with the slower changing urban conglomerate of built form when applied to the countryside where the dynamism of the seasons requires an ongoing land management approach. Experiments in policy planning and legislation are examined and it is concluded that, as in urban planning, ideas of innovation and diffusion are valid.  相似文献   

The main objective of this study is to discuss the role of urban design projects in relation to the urban planning process. Since they have not been defined in the urban development legislation of Turkey, urban design projects can be used in different manners and for divergent purposes. This paper discusses the relationship between the nature of urban design and urban planning, followed by an analysis of the Turkish planning system and legislation as implemented in Istanbul. Using two urban design case studies from the districts of Kadıköy and Kartal, this research demonstrates that these projects are quite unique in terms of their context, production and planning processes. Both cases demonstrate that urban design projects have the potential to be used as tools for subverting the planning process.  相似文献   

田莉 《城市规划》2007,31(12):78-83
长期以来,我国规划管理领域的自由裁量权过大,对社会经济的发展造成了不良影响。本文借鉴西方国家开发控制体系的经验,分析了我国规划管理自由裁量权的现状及存在问题,并就规划界目前提出的将规划成果法定化和引进公众参与来制约自由裁量权的做法进行了讨论。最后,指出根据我国现阶段的社会政治经济现状,实行"程序法定化"和建立"自由裁量权的经济制约机制"比形式上的规划成果法定化和公众参与可以更为有效地监督和制约规划管理的自由裁量权。  相似文献   

为什么要进行城市规划立法?面对复杂的社会关系,城市规划法规①是以什么样的价值判断为标准进行调控?城市规划法规应该以谁的利益取向作为出发点和最终的归宿?以上问题的回答无不涉及到城市规划法规最根本的思想基础探究和检讨。法规的思想和精神是立法②的前题和根本基础,直接指导着法规的制定,继而影响到法规调控的实际效果,本文就此展开讨论。  相似文献   

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