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目前,空调机组大多采用过滤器对送风进行过滤。运行过程中,随着滤料中尘埃的逐渐积聚,过滤器的阻力越来越大,从而使送风速度降低,这对于某些要求末端送风风速恒定的场合来说是十分不利的。另外,在阻力达到一定值时,应当清洗或更换滤料,通常这也只靠观察和经验,失之准确。在空调系统中应用微压差变送器就可以较成功地解决这一问题。  相似文献   

聚四氟乙烯覆膜滤料的发展及应用特点   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文主要介绍了聚四氟乙烯覆膜滤料的发展过程,分析了聚四氟乙烯覆膜滤料表面过滤的除尘机理。通过与传统滤料相比,说明了覆膜滤料的优越性,并指出覆膜滤料具有除尘效率高、排放浓度低、运行阻力小、过滤速度高、使用寿命长和运行费用省等特点。最后介绍了覆膜滤料在水泥工业中的应用。  相似文献   

三种曝气生物滤池滤料处理城市污水的对比研究   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
分别以页岩陶粒、悬浮滤料和轻质滤料作为曝气生物滤池的滤料来处理生活污水,考察了三种滤料对COD、NH3-N和SS等指标的去除效果及运行要求.结果表明,相对于传统的陶粒滤料,悬浮滤料对NH3-N的降解能力较强,但由于对微小絮体的截留能力不足,其对COD的去除率不高,造成出水COD较高;轻质滤料的截留效果较好,对COD和NH3-N的去除能力都优于陶粒滤料,但其反冲洗难度较大;以悬浮滤料为主体,和轻质滤料组成复合滤料层,可以充分发挥二者的优点,克服其不足,对城市污水的处理效果更好.  相似文献   

正我厂自1978年组建以来坚持以优质产品及先进的技术为动力,不断开发新产品。主要产品有:无烟煤滤料、石英砂滤料、磁铁矿滤料、纤维球滤料、活性炭、果壳炭、椰壳炭、黄金炭、煤质柱状炭、粉状炭、滤芯、煤质颗粒炭、碱式氯化铝、焦炭滤料、锰砂滤料、火山岩滤料、铝矾土、伸缩器、聚合氯化铝净水剂、双层陶瓷滤砖、蜂窝斜管、天然海沙(与福建漳州联合)、卵石、砾石、果壳滤料、多面空心球、核桃壳滤料、聚苯烯泡沫滤珠、纤维束、改性纤维球、聚丙烯多面空心球、聚丙烯浮盖球、六面体浮盖球、陶粒滤料、石榴石、麦饭石、沸石、蛇纹石、组合填料、铝酸钙粉、水质稳定剂、SS滤料、拉希环、瓷环、瓷砂、活性氧化铝、阶梯环、鲍尔环、排水帽、滤水帽及软性、半软性填料活性  相似文献   

通过中试对比研究了石英砂滤料与活性无烟煤滤料去除氨氮、亚硝酸盐氮、浊度的效果.结果表明,不增加待滤水溶解氧,将氨氮去除至0.5mg/L以下,活性无烟煤滤料进水氨氮含量应不高于2.0mg/L,而石英砂滤料应不高于1.0mg/L,且石英砂滤料会造成亚硝酸盐氮含量增加,两种滤料均能将出水浊度控制在0.5NTU以下.  相似文献   

<正>我厂自1978年组建以来坚持以优质产品及先进的技术为动力,不断开发新产品。主要产品有:无烟煤滤料、石英砂滤料、磁铁矿滤料、纤维球滤料、活性炭、果壳炭、椰壳炭、黄金炭、煤质柱状炭、粉状炭、滤芯、煤质颗粒炭、碱式氯化铝、焦炭滤料、锰砂滤料、火山岩滤料、铝矾土、伸缩器、聚合氯化铝净水剂、双层陶瓷滤砖、蜂窝斜管、天然海沙(与福建漳州联合)、卵石、砾石、果壳滤料、多面空心球、核桃壳滤料、聚苯烯泡沫滤珠、纤维束、改性纤维球、聚  相似文献   

通过中试对比研究了石英砂滤料与活性无烟煤滤料去除氨氮、亚硝酸盐氮、浊度的效果。结果表明,不增加待滤水溶解氧,将氨氮去除至0.5mg/L以下,活性无烟煤滤料进水氨氮含量应不高于2.0mg/L,而石英砂滤料应不高于1.0mg/L,且石英砂滤料会造成亚硝酸盐氮含量增加,两种滤料均能将出水浊度控制在0.5NTU以下。  相似文献   

<正>我厂自1978年组建以来坚持以优质产品及先进的技术为动力,不断开发新产品。主要产品有:无烟煤滤料、石英砂滤料、磁铁矿滤料、纤维球滤料、活性炭、果壳炭、椰壳炭、黄金炭、煤质柱状炭、粉状炭、滤芯、煤质颗粒炭、碱式氯化铝、焦炭滤料、锰砂滤料、火山岩滤料、铝矾土、伸缩器、聚合氯化铝净水剂、双层陶瓷滤砖、蜂窝斜管、天然海沙(与福建漳州联合)、卵石、砾石、果壳滤料、多面空心球、核桃壳滤料、聚苯烯泡沫滤珠、纤维束、改性纤维球、聚  相似文献   

大庆油田污水处理系统产生的含油污染滤料,经过含油污染滤料再生工艺化学清洗、烘干、分筛、磁浮选等程序处理后,各种再生滤料重复使用于油田污水处理系统,清洗过程中产生的污水经自然沉降、旋流除砂、重力式过滤、杀菌和有机物降解处理后循环使用。减少油田含油污染滤料带来的环境污染,为油田节约了新滤料采购费用、废旧滤料集中堆放和处置费用。  相似文献   

介绍了滤料技术的发展,分析了滤料性能、滤料失效原因与冶炼工艺的相关性,为工程设计和设备选型提供依据.  相似文献   

针对成都市水五厂移动罩滤池滤板老化破损、滤料漏失严重、滤料含泥量偏高、过滤周期缩短、过滤出水浊度明显升高等问题,进行了滤池改造.介绍了整体滤板的浇注、可调式滤头的安装、承托层和滤料的重新铺装等实施情况以及需要注意的问题.改造完成后对滤池日常运行状况的监测和专项测试结果表明,滤池在常规工艺负荷及强制滤速状态下连续运行,滤...  相似文献   

HBT"梯度"复合滤料的过滤性能研究及应用   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
针对常用滤料阻力过高的情况,本文将介绍一种新型的复合滤料-HBT"梯度"复合滤料。首先分析了其特殊的"梯次"结构和表层过滤机理,并借助实验的手段测试了其在冷态条件下的过滤效率、过滤阻力等过滤性能指标,测试结果显示HBT"梯度"复合滤料具有"低阻、高效"的特性,最后介绍了其在某电厂实际工程中的应用情况,并给出了实际的运行测试数据,应用的结果也证明了其具有较好的过滤性能和物化性能。  相似文献   

最近几年覆膜滤料以其优良的过滤性能引起了人们的关注。分析了覆膜滤料的过滤机理、过滤效率、过滤阻力、过滤风速等性能指标的研究现状,通过实验对针刺毡覆膜滤料和常规针刺毡滤料进行了性能比较,指出了覆膜滤料的主要优势在于它的表面过滤机理、除尘效率高、清灰彻底、压力损失稳定且保持较低水平、对滤袋的磨损小、适用的粉尘范围广、寿命长、能耗低、成本低等,供实际选用时作参考。最后,展望了覆膜滤料的发展及其应用前景。  相似文献   

基于CFD-DEM(离散单元法)方法模拟了微细颗粒物在纤维过滤介质中的气-固两相流动特性,模拟时,充分考虑了颗粒群组成、粒径分布、颗粒间及颗粒与纤维间的反弹作用以及颗粒团聚等因素,分析了纤维过滤中颗粒群的运动特性和微细颗粒的沉积形式。结果表明:采用CFD-DEM模拟过滤介质的过滤过程以及微细颗粒在介质表面沉积过程和形式的方法是方便且可行的,模拟结果与前人的实验观测结果基本吻合;在过滤过程中,表面过滤的贡献较大,大部分的颗粒在介质表面即被捕集,进入到介质内部的部分粒径较小的颗粒经深层过滤作用而被捕集;大量的颗粒捕集是由颗粒-颗粒捕集机制来实现的;不同颗粒体系的颗粒群其过滤效果也有所差别,对于本文所研究的过滤介质模型,多颗粒体系的过滤效率比单一的颗粒体系的过滤效率高20%左右。  相似文献   

介绍了不同学者对滤料过滤机理的研究结果,实验研究了颗粒物尺度对粗、中、高效滤料过滤效率和过滤阻力的影响,对合理选择空调系统过滤材料提出了建议。  相似文献   

Seo DC  Cho JS  Lee HJ  Heo JS 《Water research》2005,39(11):2445-2447
The filter medium could be selected and the longevity of the filter medium by the phosphorus saturation could be predicted in the constructed wetland system, accordingly proposing the scheme to remove the phosphorus for a long period. The phosphorus adsorption capacities of various filter media were investigated in relation to the size and types of filter media to screen the optimal condition. The objective of this study was to evaluate the constructed wetland longevity by improving P adsorption capacity. The maximum P adsorption capacities of filter media A (4--10 mm), B (2--4 mm), and C (0.1--2 mm) were 7.7, 11.6, and 22.5 mg/kg, respectively, showing that they increased as the filter media size decreased. Among the experimental media, the optimal filter media size was 0.1--2 mm. When Ca, Mg, Al and Fe were added to the filter medium C, which is the optimal filter medium, the addition of Ca improved mostly the P adsorption capacity. In the alternative proposal to use these facts, the oyster shell was added to the filter medium and the P adsorption capacity was examined: adding 2% oyster shell increased the P adsorption capacity from 23 to 36 mg/kg. In the column where the oyster shell was mixed, when the oyster shell content was 5%, 10%, 20%, 40%, 60%, 80%, and 100% in the filter medium C, the respective saturation times of the P adsorption were about 6, 9, 17, 30, 43, 56, and 70 days. When the oyster shell content was 0%, 5%, 10%, 20%, 40%, 60%, 80%, and 100% after 1 month in the column, the P adsorption amount was about 180, 600, 1560, 4280, 6157, 7089, 7519, and 7925 mg/kg, respectively. The increment of the P adsorption amount was small if the oyster shell content was 60% or more, because the filter medium with more than 60% oyster shell content did not approach the saturation time by the P adsorption yet. The P adsorption amount for 60%, 80%, and 100% could be predicted as about 9702, 12,879, and 16,056 mg/kg, respectively. The largest amount of extracted P in the filter media with oyster shell after 30 days of P solution application was bound to Ca, followed by water soluble-P, Al--P, and Fe--P. Therefore, it was concluded that the adsorption amount of the phosphorus could be increased by adding the oyster shell to the filter medium. Also, it was concluded that adding the oyster shell to the filter medium in the constructed wetland was the scheme to extend the longevity of the constructed wetland by the phosphorus saturation, and using the oyster shell would be useful in aspect of economical efficiency and easiness. Especially, it would be the alternative proposal to reduce the environmental pollution in aspect of recycling wastes.  相似文献   

The established procedures for quantifying the aeration capacity of diffusers used in submerged aerated filter wastewater-treatment systems do not consider the effects of support media; this may lead to ineffective design and sizing of diffused-air systems. The study was carried out to determine the factors affecting aeration in a submerged aerated filter containing high-voidage random-packed plastic media. Tests were conducted in a full-scale model reactor with and without support media.  相似文献   

The filter medium could be selected and the longevity of the filter medium by the phosphorus saturation could be predicted in the constructed wetland system, accordingly proposing the scheme to remove the phosphorus for a long period. The phosphorus adsorption capacities of various filter media were investigated in relation to the size and types of filter media to screen the optimal condition. The objective of this study was to evaluate the constructed wetland longevity by improving P adsorption capacity. The maximum P adsorption capacities of filter media A (4-10 mm), B (2-4 mm), and C (0.1-2 mm) were 7.7, 11.6, and 22.5 mg/kg, respectively, showing that they increased as the filter media size decreased. Among the experimental media, the optimal filter media size was 0.1-2 mm. When Ca, Mg, Al and Fe were added to the filter medium C, which is the optimal filter medium, the addition of Ca improved mostly the P adsorption capacity. In the alternative proposal to use these facts, the oyster shell was added to the filter medium and the P adsorption capacity was examined: adding 2% oyster shell increased the P adsorption capacity from 23 to 36 mg/kg. In the column where the oyster shell was mixed, when the oyster shell content was 5%, 10%, 20%, 40%, 60%, 80%, and 100% in the filter medium C, the respective saturation times of the P adsorption were about 6, 9, 17, 30, 43, 56, and 70 days. When the oyster shell content was 0%, 5%, 10%, 20%, 40%, 60%, 80%, and 100% after 1 month in the column, the P adsorption amount was about 180, 600, 1560, 4280, 6157, 7089, 7519, and 7925 mg/kg, respectively. The increment of the P adsorption amount was small if the oyster shell content was 60% or more, because the filter medium with more than 60% oyster shell content did not approach the saturation time by the P adsorption yet. The P adsorption amount for 60%, 80%, and 100% could be predicted as about 9702, 12,879, and 16,056 mg/kg, respectively. The largest amount of extracted P in the filter media with oyster shell after 30 days of P solution application was bound to Ca, followed by water soluble-P, Al-P, and Fe-P. Therefore, it was concluded that the adsorption amount of the phosphorus could be increased by adding the oyster shell to the filter medium. Also, it was concluded that adding the oyster shell to the filter medium in the constructed wetland was the scheme to extend the longevity of the constructed wetland by the phosphorus saturation, and using the oyster shell would be useful in aspect of economical efficiency and easiness. Especially, it would be the alternative proposal to reduce the environmental pollution in aspect of recycling wastes.  相似文献   

This article characterizes, experimentally and theoretically, the transport and retention of engineered nanoparticles (NP) through sand filters at drinking water treatment plants (DWTPs) under realistic conditions. The transport of four commonly used NPs (ZnO, CeO2, TiO2, and Ag, with bare surfaces and coating agents) through filter beds filled with sands from either acid washed and calcined, freshly acquired filter media, and used filter media from active filter media, were investigated. The study was conducted using water obtained upstream of the sand filter at DWTP. The results have shown that capping agents have a determinant importance in the colloidal stability and transport of NPs through the different filter media. The presence of the biofilm in used filter media increased adsorption of NPs but its effects in retaining capped NPs was less significant. The data was used to build a mathematical model based on the advection-dispersion equation. The model was used to simulate the performance of a scale-up sand filter and the effects on filtration cycle of traditional sand filtration system used in DWTPs.  相似文献   

金属氧化物改性滤料去除微量苯酚研究   总被引:6,自引:2,他引:6  
用金属氧化物改性滤料强化过滤除酚的试验表明,改性滤料对苯酚单纯的吸附过滤去除效率不高,而滤前预投高锰酸钾对苯酚的去除非常有效。改性滤料表面的吸附和催化作用是除酚的主要机理。  相似文献   

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