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千禧城不是一座城市,也不是一个小镇,一片森林或一个农场,请原谅这个误黎。事实上,这个项目更像是一个谜,结构上,它是置于光芒闪耀的玻璃温室内的简易木屋,温室位于农场中部,有高大落叶树环绕;  相似文献   

<正>作为一个拥有数栋建筑的农场,位于海牙郊区Wassenaar的"海牙美国学校"应儿童早教之需进行了扩建。它的设施配备充分适应了该区域面积小的特质。这里还屹立着始建于16世纪的农舍"泰尔维尔",在修葺一新后并入整个农场,使整个农场与周围的环境和景观完美融合。该学校可容纳230名3至6岁儿童,配备了托儿所、12间教室、一个健身房以及一间多功能教室。学校大门正对Deijlerweg大街,被设计成一个位于农场和谷仓之间的巨大"玻璃心脏"。新旧两栋建筑间的对话无处不在。本次扩建工程对旧建筑的局部深入扩建并不是很多,新建筑实质上酷似一个木结构和木质墙面的谷仓。所有的教室和图书馆均位于这个"谷仓"内。由于屋面存在一定的坡度,所以即使是较低的楼层也能获得足够  相似文献   

正项目地址亚速尔群岛主要材料玄武岩(该地区的火山岩)、混凝土、木柳杉、松木、陶瓷竣工时间2015.05设计单位FCC Arqutectura、Paulo Lobo本案地处葡萄牙领土的北大西洋东中部的火山群岛——亚速尔群岛。大自然在浩瀚的蓝色海洋中创造了一片充满自然之美的土地。这是一个再生改造的扩建项目,原有建筑已被废弃多年,拥有体型小巧的建  相似文献   

<正>项目地址亚速尔群岛主要材料玄武岩(该地区的火山岩)、混凝土、木柳杉、松木、陶瓷竣工时间2015.05设计单位FCC Arqutectura、Paulo Lobo本案地处葡萄牙领土的北大西洋东中部的火山群岛——亚速尔群岛。大自然在浩瀚的蓝色海洋中创造了一片充满自然之美的土地。这是一个再生改造的扩建项目,原有建筑已被废弃多年,拥有体型小巧的建  相似文献   

正本案是Dariel Studio在法国的第一个私人公寓项目。这个面积大约为140 m~2的公寓坐落在法国巴黎四区穆赫兰大道,正是在这片被艺术滋养的土地上,设计师为业主寻找到了独属于他的那份优雅和精致。设计之初,业主希望设计团队可以为他在巴黎这个时尚之都打造一个优雅、精致,同时拥有个性的生活领地。于是,作为设计团队的主案,Thomas Dariel决定将自己独有的设计精神:嬉闹玩乐、古灵精怪,同时又是时髦而优雅的特点,注入这个公寓空间之中。  相似文献   

这是一个位于火车站的车库项目,该项目的目的是建立一个平台。其作用是对火车进行保护,同时保证和提高列车对气候的适应度。这些作用到目前为止尚未开发。该建筑被认为是一个大型的透明容器,拥有足够大的容量对火车进行庇护,保证车辆远离外界的恶意破坏,并减少对周围环境的视觉冲击。无论是周围的乡村景观、茂密的植被还是季节的变化,这座建筑都将它们整合到了一起。  相似文献   

陈溯 《建筑知识》2011,(1):72-73
a+a:这是一个改造项目,原建筑的功能是什么?接到这个改造项目您在最初是怎样考虑的,这个方案的改造设计思路是怎样的?王敏:原建筑是一个很不起眼的回字形办公楼,中间是一个网球场。但是建筑周围环境特别好,拥有大片的绿地,位于朝阳公园南门外,另一边是郡王府。春天我去考察的时候桃花梨花开得很繁盛,像一个世外桃源。所以我们最初设计的很多方案都是希望这片地和这个建筑可以更开敞,让它能回归和融入到城市中。  相似文献   

正2010年,受业主之邀,直向建筑事务所为昆山悦丰岛有机农场设计了一组小型公共建筑,包括采摘亭、游互动中心、餐厅和入口信息凉亭,目的是为未来在这里活动的人群提供休憩和活动的空间。2014年夏天,游客互动中心成为继采摘亭之后,这组系列建筑中第二座建成的房子。项目场地位于昆山西郊巴城县境内,紧邻阳澄湖,是一片空旷的有机农田。天、云、风、水、土地、树木,这些单纯的自然元素勾勒出鲜明的场地特征。游客互动中心位于农场的东南角,由一个多功能活动空间、一个宠物寄养站和一个用于后勤办公的保留民房组成。从农场方向望去,建筑是由前后  相似文献   

在悉尼港皮尔蒙特湾修建的这个分为两期开发的滨水项目是一个综合性建筑,它包括商业、居住、零售及一些船艇的泊位码头。  相似文献   

我们曾到过无数个火场,也曾亲眼目睹过无数个企业、家庭在大火中解体后职工、家属那痛不欲生的惨状和悔恨自责的泪水。然而,记者最近在采访新疆生产建设兵团农六师军户农场二队啤酒花仓库火灾时,我们的所见所闻却出乎意料的令人惊讶。 4月14日上午,记者一行3人驱车来到距昌吉市28公里处的军户农场,采访4月8日中午该场二队啤酒花仓库被一把大火焚烧的情况。令我们难以置信的是,这个拥有1万余人、年人均收入在1200元左右本不富裕的农场,40余万元财产被大火焚烧后,竟没有引起农场领导和职工们的丝毫重视。火灾发生已过去6天了,从场部到队部,既没有开会来研究如何吸取大火的教训,也没有以此对职工进行过任何形式的消防安全教育,更谈不上举一反三对农场其它重点场所进行自防自查。那么,他们为何对40余万元财产被焚烧如此漠然,是这个农场的生活很富裕,40万元不足挂齿,还是别的  相似文献   

Until some thirty years ago tunnelling in southern Africa for civil engineering purposes had been on a relatively small scale and of a sporadic nature. The first major tunnel to be built in the region was the 82 km long Orange-Fish Tunnel. Since 1970 more than 175 tunnels with an aggregate length of just over 400 km have been built. Much of the first phase of the Lesotho Highlands Water Project, which will have more than 100 km of tunnels, is about to be completed. The last thirty years represent the busiest period of tunnelling by civil engineers that southern Africa has ever known. The paper starts by summarising the early history of tunnelling in the region, and goes onto describe recent and current tunnelling projects. It also gives an indication of the possible demand for tunnels in the future.  相似文献   

The purpose of this work has been to study the relationship between lake type, as expressed by various trophic characteristics, and sediment type, as expressed by determinations of simple chemical data on nitrogen, phosphorus, carbon and loss on ignition. The study is based on two sets of data. The first one emanates from 71 lakes for which information is available from published sources on trophic level and N-content and organic content (loss on ignition) from surficial sediments. More detailed information has been obtained from 12 Swedish lakes/basins on the following water indicators of trophic level: transparency, chlorophyll-a, total-N, total-P, organic-N, inorganic-N. The sediment data from these 12 lakes include: mean values and characteristic values for organic content (loss on ignition, IG) C-, N- and P-contents from surficial sediments. A BPN-value (bioproduction number) is defined by the slope coefficient of the regression line between N-content and IG-content of surficial sediments (0–1 cm). It has been shown that the BPN-value provides most accurate information about lake trophic level on the scale from oligotrophy to eutrophy, provided that more than 50% of the lake area has lower loss on ignition than 20% (per dry substance). The BPN-value cannot be used as an indicator of trophic level if the IG-content is predominantly higher than 30% in a lake. In the latter case the ratio IG/N can be used as a means to differentiate lake humic level. The BPN-value, which is determined from sediment samples providing an even spread throughout the lake surface, yields lake typical information, whereas C/N ratios yield site specific information. A key diagrammatic interpretation between lake trophic type and lake sediments has been presented.  相似文献   

我一直想在莫愁湖边上造一个房子,总算有了一个机会。但是,现场状况不太理想,房地产业已经从一侧包围了我们的湖面,使我们不得不在这个古典园林旁边做一个作风比较折衷的房子。好在面积不大,我们倔强的仍然是莫愁湖的尺度和周围的绿化景观。  相似文献   

不同园林景观类型对老年人身心健康影响研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
刘博新  徐越 《风景园林》2016,(7):113-120
众多研究表明自然景观相对于人工环境对人身心健康具有积极作用,本研究试图进一步探析不同景观类型对老年人的身心健康影响,以期获得老年人康复景观环境的设计依据。实验以中国杭州地区为例,选取草坪、水体、山林、农田、湿地5种景观,以室内环境作为对照,测试老年人身处其中的肌电反应值和精神疲劳恢复度。结果表明:老年人在自然景观中的身体放松效果明显好于室内,并且整体上产生较好的精神疲劳恢复。山林景观的放松效果最为显著,草坪景观次之,水体、农田和湿地相对较弱;老人在精神疲劳恢复中远离性感受最强;女性在山林和湿地景观中获得比男性更积极的身体反应。基于研究结果探讨了有利于老年人身心康复的景观设计策略。  相似文献   

Assessment of copper-nickel industry impact on a subarctic lake ecosystem   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The Kuetsj?rvi lake ecosystem has been subject to intensive pollution generated by the Pechenganickel Company activities for more than 50 years. This article considers the effects of emissions from the copper-nickel smelter, that uses out-of-date technology, on a subarctic lake ecosystem. Six years of investigations revealed changes occurring at all ecosystem levels. It was found that the content of heavy metals (Cu, Ni, etc.) in lake sediments was dozens of times higher than the background values. Phyto- and zooplankton communities were in an unstable condition, while fish had pathologies of functionally important organs (gill, liver and kidney). The concentration of nickel in zoobenthos and fish was correlated its accumulation in sediments.  相似文献   

We conducted a whole-lake experiment by manipulating the stratification pattern (thermocline depth) of a small polyhumic, boreal lake (Halsjärvi) in southern Finland and studying the impacts on lake mercury chemistry. The experimental lake was compared to a nearby reference site (Valkea-Kotinen Lake). During the first phase of the experiment the thermocline of Halsjärvi was lowered in order to simulate the estimated increase in wind speed and in total lake heat content (high-change climate scenario). The rate of methyl mercury (MeHg) production during summer stagnation (May-August) was calculated from water profiles before the treatment (2004), during treatment (2005, 2006) and after treatment (2007). We also calculated fluxes of MeHg from the epilimnion and from the hypolimnion to the sediments using sediment traps. Experimental mixing with a submerged propeller caused a 1.5-2 m deepening of the thermocline and oxycline. Methyl mercury production occurred mostly in the oxygen free layers in both lakes. In the experimental lake there was no net increase in MeHg during the experiment and following year; whereas the reference lake showed net production for all years. We conclude that the new exposed epilimnetic sediments caused by a lowering of the thermocline were a major sink for MeHg in the epilimnion. The results demonstrate that in-lake MeHg production can be manipulated in small lakes with anoxic hypolimnia during summer. The climate change induced changes in small boreal lakes most probably affect methyl mercury production and depend on the lake characteristics and stratification pattern. The results support the hypothesis that possible oxygen related changes caused by climate change are more important than possible temperature changes in small polyhumic lakes with regularly occurring oxygen deficiency in the hypolimnion.  相似文献   

我国的保障性住房建设正在如火如荼的进行中,国家也提出了相应的保障性住房建设目标,但是如何有效地保证这些保障性住房科学合理的落地建设是目前最大的难题。其中保障性住房的选址问题是制约因素之一。随着武汉城市圈城际铁路的建设,以及沿城际铁路轴向延伸的新城建设战略的提出,城铁新城为保障性住房的选址提供了新的思路,该文以武汉至咸宁城际铁路的贺胜桥站为例,通过对选址影响因素的分析,提出在城铁站点进行保障性住房选址和建设的可行性及策略建议。  相似文献   

视觉识别设计属于视觉传达和环境艺术设计的交叉学科,城市住宅小区的地下车库越来越庞大,人们在大型地下车库中往往不能分辨方向,识别困难,使用不便,已经成为住区大型地下车库的症结所在,迫切需要引入视觉识别导向的设计理念从空间设计入手改善地下车库的空间状态。  相似文献   

文化景观作为文化遗产的类型之一,强调人地之间 的相互作用,这种作用是动态的,随时间发展而不断演变,体 现出共时性与历时性的特点。香山是北京著名的文化景观,其 风景营造持续千年,在历史的长河中,景观内容不断演变,价 值也在不断叠加。然而,由于缺乏对共时性和历时性的认识, 公众和学界对其遗产价值的判断虽然在不断发生变化,定位也 随之发生改变,但是在整体性方面还不全面、不深入,造成了 保护过程中的误区。旨在从共时性与历时性的维度分析其遗产 价值构成,以期对香山未来的保护策略提供参考。  相似文献   

永通桥俗称小石桥,建于唐代宗永泰初年,位于河北省赵县西门外的清水河上,为“敞肩式”圆弧石拱桥。永通桥以其小巧玲珑,雕刻精湛而著称。永通桥历尽沧桑几经修缮,自明代以来见于文献和碑刻记载的维修即达4次之多。近百年来,损坏日趋严重,主拱券已纵向开裂,桥梁结构岌岌可危。腹拱及桥面风化损坏严重,曾几度坍塌,栏板已残缺不全。本文记录了1984年对永通桥进行修缮的全过程,本次修缮工程符合古建维修原则,既对桥梁结构进行了加固,又保持了原桥的基本尺寸和外观风貌,达到了预期效果。  相似文献   

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