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运用层次分析法科学确定评标权重   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
欧莉 《中外建筑》2005,(2):96-97
层次分析法是一种定性与定量分析相结合的多目标决策分析方法,它把决策者的经验判断给予量化,运用层次分析法确定评标的权重,能够较好地避免评标过程的主观随意性,具有一定的科学性.  相似文献   

分析消防站点规划的基本原则,提出基于GIS和层次分析法的消防站点规划方案。以北京市三环内的数据为例,综合运用GIS网络分析法、缓冲区分析法、叠加分析法,设计选址的层次分析模型,实现消防站选址影响因子的客观选取以及综合权重的赋值,并规划消防站点选址。  相似文献   

介绍了层次分析法,分析了桥梁施工安全风险因素,详细探究了层次分析法在桥梁施工安全评价中的应用,通过层次分析法可以有效地建立起桥梁工程施工安全评价体系,进而实现对施工安全的评价。  相似文献   

本文对汉语语法研究中最常用的两种句法分析法:层次分析法和变换分析法,从它们的产生背景、客观依据、基本精神以及作用局限等方便进行了对比,指出其相似和不同之处,使读者对二者有更清晰的了解。  相似文献   

简要介绍了层次分析法决策的基本步骤。以某填土地基为例,运用层次分析法,在构建模型和判断矩阵的基础上,通过层次排序权重的计算及一致性检测,完成了地基处理方案的优选。结果表明:层次分析法决策过程概念清晰、数据准确,决策结果符合实际。  相似文献   

层次分析法是一种较为成熟的评估手段,非常适用于古建筑安全性评估中。本文将针对层次分析法内涵以及古建筑木结构安全性评估内容进行详细的分析,其目的是探究出基于层次分析法的古建筑木结构安全性评估方法。  相似文献   

采用人工神经网络的城市规划智能评价系统   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
余庄  何涛 《城市规划》1995,19(5):50-51,38
层次分析法是城市规划评价中常用的方法,但是层次分析法的判断矩阵的建立对人为因素依赖较大,作者提出运用人工神经网络建立判断矩阵,从而提高评价的客观性。  相似文献   

火力发电厂总平面设计方案比选是一个复杂的系统工程。层次分析法是系统工程中一种重要的分析方法。将层次分析法应用于火电厂总平面方案比选的决策过程中,运用层次分析法的基本决策理论,结合火电厂总平面比选的具体条件,对所提出的4个方案建立了层次分析模型,构建相应的判断矩阵,进行层次排序和一致性检验,最终实现了最优方案的选择。  相似文献   

基于改进层次分析法的中高层住宅结构选型   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
为了解决传统层次分析法在矩阵解的精度上存在的欠缺,获得更优越权重系统,采用了改进层次分析法,提出新的指数标度,与传统层次分析法进行了结果比较,证明该方法更能得出可靠的权重排序值,具有较大的适用性。  相似文献   

段福财  石少华 《四川建筑》2004,24(2):116-117
在对传统的索赔方法进行分析的基础上,把层次分析法引用到施工索赔的决策当中,研究并建立了工程施工索赔的过程及模型,提出了用层次分析法(AHP)确定索赔成功率的方法。  相似文献   

陈静 《中国园林》2012,28(6):122-124
校园作为城市公共设施体系中的重要组成部分,对人们的社会生活和精神文明起着重要的影响、教育、服务作用。结合安亭中学的景观改造工程实例,从校园的区位环境因素、历史文化积淀、园内景观现状等方面,分析了改造的必要性,改造工作的原则及人文理念的改造方法,重点阐释了对原有历史和景观的发现、挖掘、保护、改造和再利用。通过简洁、现代的手法,把新景观融入校园的建筑环境、历史环境和人文环境之中,重建具有视觉、生态和文化三重效益的校园景观,把校园环境变成凝固的诗、流动的画、无言的歌,从而达到"润物细无声"的效果。  相似文献   

为分析不同规范中混凝土梁桥竖向温度梯度模式的差异,评估竖向温度梯度效应对混凝土梁桥的影响程度,总结了不同国家和行业规范中混凝土梁桥的竖向温度梯度模式,从梯度曲线形式和温度基数取值两方面讨论了效应计算结果的差异。选取了20多座不同结构体系、跨径和截面形式的混凝土梁桥,计算了在包括桥梁变形和截面应力在内的2种典型的竖向正温度梯度作用下的各项效应,与自重和汽车作用产生的效应作了对比。结果表明:不同规范的竖向温度梯度模式在梯度曲线形式和温度基数取值方面存在显著差异,它们对温度效应计算结果具有同等程度的影响; 顶部温差的影响深度越大,桥梁的变形和次生弯矩越大,考虑底部升温段时截面下缘有更大的自压应力; 不同的铺装层类型和气候条件造成桥梁温度基数取值存在差异,进而导致温度效应可能相差1.5倍~2.0倍; 相同结构体系和截面形式的中小跨混凝土梁桥随着跨径增大,自重效应占比增加,汽车和温度效应占比减小,但是温度和汽车效应的相对比例基本保持不变; 结构体系和跨径相同时,T梁的温度效应占比要比空心板和小箱梁高出0.6%~16.5%; 温度效应在一些效应类型中占有很大比例,温度作用引起的中小跨简支梁桥的变形和截面上缘应力能与自重和汽车效应相近,引起的中小跨连续梁桥的截面上缘应力能超过自重和汽车效应甚至两者总和,墩顶截面下缘应力能与自重和汽车效应相当,引起的大跨径连续箱梁桥截面上缘应力能超过汽车效应的数倍; 若考虑铺装层类型和气候条件的影响,在温度基数取值较大的梁桥上,温度效应占比可能更高。  相似文献   

论述了电梯的特殊性、电梯安全的重要性;分析了政府主管部门、公众和媒体对电梯事故(故障)高度关注的原因;讨论了电梯安全与故障、可靠性的关系,电梯安全标准与安全、质量、运行性能的关系,以及电梯现行标准的性质;界定了安全标准与设计、制造规范的不同及关系;分析了行业及政府主管部门对公众普及电梯知识,客观、冷静地看待电梯故障与安全的重要性;说明了业内专业人员和政府主管部门应引导媒体和公众正确看待作为新型机电运输设备的电梯,认识不同档次电梯产品其质量和可靠性不同的必然性。  相似文献   

Contemporary landscape is an important medium that resists the environmental homogeneity and diversifies the cultural imagery. The neglect of physical experience would intensify the perception contradiction and separation between people and the site. This paper proposes to use the prototype of the interactions between the body, time, and space to build an abstract discourse to study the design dimensions of site, sight, and insight based on different elements—the three dimensions are represented as perception, conception, and live. It then focuses on how to employ design methods (including the arrangement of spatial sequence and direction, the design of thresholds in the space, the creation of texts and syntaxes, and the stimulation of events and social imagery) to form the push-pull movement in the material space, the abschattung and gestalt of ideographic texts in the meaning space, and the apperception of the social field, so as to enhance people’s perception of the landscape. This paper studies physical experience and spacetime imagery to extract and deduce the thinking of landscape design within varied dimensions, and argues that a profound and intimate relationship between man and the site can be established by organizing different elements under the ternary system of site, sight, and insight.  相似文献   

Landscape Dynamics and the Management of Change   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Change in economy and society is directly reflected in the character of landscapes, both in terms of their form and function and the landscape planning and management challenges which they present. The phenomenon of landscape dynamics within post-industrial society is considered and the development of a connection between the drivers of landscape change and the management response is sought. Two key drivers of landscape change are proposed - 'obsolescence' and 'dysfunction' - and these in turn are related to a management matrix bounded by axes of condition and character of landscape. It is suggested that the definition of these relationships helps to substantiate and more clearly define the tasks of landscape planning, design and management in the United Kingdom.  相似文献   

One of the striking features of Kerala state is the continuous chain of lagoons or backwaters existing along the coastal region. The backwaters support rich and diverse life forms and provide crucial nurseries for shrimps and fishes as well as habitat for oysters, clams and mussels which later enrich the ocean and make Kerala the principal exporter of marine products amongst the states of India. The shallow fringes of the backwaters and the channels drawn from them are used for retting of coconut husk. It adversely affects the productivity of the backwaters and is harmful to marine fisheries. The retting of coconut husks in backwaters is brought about by the pectinolytic activity of micro organisms especially bacteria fungi and yeasts degrading the fibre binding materials of the husk and liberating large quantities of organic matter and chemicals into the environment, including pectin, pentosan, tannins, polyphenols, etc. Consequently hydrogen sulphide, phosphate and nitrate contents increase while dissolved oxygen and community diversity of plankton decrease in the ambient waters during the retting process. The present study is to evaluate pollution due to coir retting activity and its influence on quality of water and estuarine flora and fauna.  相似文献   

建筑的宁静 ,既是一种景观 ,也是一种理想和文化 ;建筑的宁静 ,既是一种神态和心情 ,又是一种信念和境界 ;建筑的宁静 ,既是一种特色和风格 ,又是一种历史和传统 ;建筑的宁静 ,既表现在建筑的单体的庄重与雅致 ,又表现在建筑的群体的浪漫与协调 ;建筑的宁静 ,既蕴含着人类对理想居住的追求 ,也包含着人们对自然的尊重。本文在对建筑的宁静加以分析的基础上 ,提出了创造建筑宁静的创作建议 ,对高等建筑教育尤其是建筑学教育具有一定意义。  相似文献   

The lately published The City of Imagination by Valerio Morabito challenges the pictorial idea of landscape interpretation and explores the possibilities of storytelling to read and represent the landscape that focuses on the literary and communicative aptitudes of Landscape Architecture. The article reviews the book from the perspective of history, epistemology, method, and reception regarding its literary root, which is notably inspired by Italo Calvino. The review consists of four sections: First, word and image: the historical exemplars of landscape representation between pictorial and verbal tradition. Second, memory and foresight: the authenticity of travelogue and Morabito’s method of working with his travel memories. Third, truth and myth: how Morabito applies the cognitive imperfection in storytelling to his empirical approach that counterbalances the positivist reading of the landscape. And fourth, form and language: the tension between the formal autonomy and the bardic tradition in the visual language of Morabito. The article approaches and further opens the essential dialogues between the palpable existence and fictive landscape, the interpretation and consumption of the thick meanings in human inhabitation, and the cognitive antinomy and reconciliation of positivist and humanistic stances in the discipline.  相似文献   

从水泥基体和增强纤维两个方面综述混凝土增韧防裂的原理,分析增韧防裂技术的影响因素和作用效果,介绍了典型应用工程。从分子、微观和细观三个层次,阐述了纳米材料、有机高分子材料和聚合物对水泥基体增韧的作用机制。从纤维 基体界面作用力、裂缝形成和非稳态扩展抑制等方面,论述纤维种类和特性对混凝土硬化前后阶段增韧防裂的作用规律。基体增韧与纤维增韧相结合,能够提高混凝土的抗拉强度、拉伸应变和断裂能,并有效降低裂缝宽度,抑制裂缝扩展。  相似文献   

绩效衡量评测能为公园绿地布局优化、功能完善和服务提升提供直接依据。但由于影响公园绿地绩效的因素众多且作用方式各异,在界定、衡量和评价上均有一定复杂性。本文首先结合不同视角和标准,将公园绿地绩效分解为核心绩效与延展绩效、功能运行绩效与空间结构绩效、系统绩效与单体绩效等概念展开内涵及应用特征梳理;其次以处于核心地位的游憩服务绩效为主体对公园绿地功能运行绩效与空间结构绩效的评测方法展开辨析;最后根据各个绩效评测方法的利弊特点对不同方法的组合应用模式以及精度校验途径提出建议。  相似文献   

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