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以大量试验数据及工程实例为基础 ,论述了大直径扩底桩底压浆桩的工作机理 ,介绍了该种桩承载力高、沉降变形小、造价低等特点 ,同时给出该种压浆桩极限侧阻力标准值qsk和极限端阻力标准值qpk的提高系数 βs、βp,提出了压浆桩极限承载力标准值的计算公式  相似文献   

微型桩(Micropile)和常规钻孔灌注桩相比,具有承载力较高、施工场地小、对土层适应性强、布置形式灵活等特点。在此介绍微型桩在软土地基中进行的微型桩单桩及群桩原型试验,试验结果表明微型桩有较好的抵抗各种荷载的能力,可将其应用到输电线路的杆塔基础中。  相似文献   

静压小桩复合地基桩土相互作用的试验研究与工程应用   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
周同和 《建筑科学》2003,19(5):37-41
静压预制混凝土小桩复合地基具有施工速度快、无污染、无噪音等优点以及地基承载力提高幅度大、压缩模量提高显著等特点。本文通过静压小桩复合地基载荷试验及分析,研究了预制静压桩复合地基桩土相互作用变化规律及刚性桩复合地基承载力设计计算方法。通过某工程实例的应用分析,验证了预制混凝土小桩复合地基承载力计算式中各项糸数取值的实用性。  相似文献   

微型桩设计及施工   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文介绍了在香港地区广泛使用的微型桩 (迷你桩 )的一般设计理论 ,规范要求的设计原则及政府规范中的施工要求。利用直桩 ,斜桩的抗拔、抗压静载荷试验对微型桩的承载力进行了探讨。指出微型桩有承载力高、沉降小、直径小、施工容易及成桩速度快的优点 ,并对其相对较贵的缺点进行了简单阐述  相似文献   

曹东朝 《山西建筑》2009,35(29):270-271
指出CFG桩是由水泥、粉煤灰、碎石、石屑和砂加水拌和形成的高粘结强度桩,其具有承载力提高幅度大,地基变形小等特点,被广泛应用于高速铁路、高速公路等工程中,在介绍CFG桩加固机理的基础上,结合具体工程实践,对CFG桩的成桩工艺进行了试验研究,并得出了有益的结果。  相似文献   

本文介绍树根桩试验方法,通过试验成果分析,表明桩身质量好,沉降小,承载力高,带承台极承载力更高,是基础托换、地基加固工程中可行之方法。文中最后为填土与黄土地基树根桩设计提供了依据。  相似文献   

结合现场静载荷试验,对比分析普通桩基础的特点,得到人工挖孔支盘桩的桩身轴力传递特性、桩侧摩阻力发挥性状。结果表明:人工挖孔支盘桩有沉降小、承载力高的特点,具有良好工程性状和经济效益。  相似文献   

介绍了高层建筑中钻孔灌注桩应用后注浆技术的施工工艺。根据现场试桩试验,对比分析了注浆桩和非注浆桩的承载力和变形特性,验证了桩端后注浆技术具有大幅提高单桩竖向极限承载力和减小沉降的特点。  相似文献   

王昆 《土工基础》2007,21(2):16-18
针对蚌埠新港综合办公楼基础沉管夯扩桩的承载力计算、施工方法进行介绍,通过静载试验、低应变测试,对理论计算中的承载力参数进行验证,并对该种桩型技术特点加以阐述。  相似文献   

嵌岩桩以其承载能力大、沉降小、受周围环境因素影响小等特点被广泛应用,但对其进行破坏试验需要消耗很大的财力物力,因此缺乏嵌岩桩的实测资料和试验数据.对嵌岩桩的受力特性认识不足,使得设计人员在进行嵌岩桩设计时盲目套用规范公式,设计保守,造成不必要的浪费.文章根据嵌岩桩的受力特性对其进行了分类,并归纳了3种嵌岩桩的承载力计算公式,根据嵌岩桩的类型选择合理的承载力计算公式.  相似文献   

通过现场真型试验,对灌注细石混凝土成桩微型桩基础抗压承载机理及其抗压承载力计算方法进行了研究。试验表明:本次试验条件下,微型桩单桩可看成纯摩擦桩进行抗压承载力计算;微型桩群桩在极限下压荷载作用下,承台底部土体承担荷载比例仅为4.8%,在进行微型桩群桩抗压极限承载力计算时可不考虑承台底土的承载作用;由于承台对下压荷载的重分配,在下压荷载作用下,角桩承力最大,边桩次之,中桩最小;本次试验条件下,微型桩抗压群桩效应系数可取0.8进行计算。  相似文献   

微型桩杆塔基础水平承载力试验研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
通过现场真型试验,对微型桩基础的水平承载力进行研究。试验研究表明:二次注浆工艺有利于提高微型桩水平承载力,当采用投石注浆成桩时,应用于输电线路工程的微型桩必须采用二次注浆工艺;二次注浆工艺对微型桩水平承载力的提升作用因上部土层性质而异,尚需更多的试验和实践确定不同土层性质下二次注浆对微型桩水平承载力的提升效果;适当在微型桩群桩中布置一定的斜桩有利于提高群桩的水平承载力,但应考虑斜桩施工困难会对施工工期产生影响;进行微型桩基础设计时宜按水平允许位移进行控制,在合理选用设计参数的情况下,可采用本文提供的设计方法进行微型桩基础水平承载力的初步设计。  相似文献   

陈海民 《住宅科技》2012,32(9):43-45
微型钢管旋转注浆桩是近年来研制成功的新桩型,已经在多项基础加固和纠偏工程中成功应用,具有广泛的应用前景.因其还处于初创阶段,无成熟的理论及计算分析方法.本文根据4组,每组3根,共计12根不同桩长( 6m、11m、16m、19m)的单桩静载荷承载力试验成果,通过统计分析,得出微型钢管旋转注浆桩的单桩竖向极限承载力标准值和设计值的推荐计算公式.用于指导该新型桩的设计和施工,也为后续研究做铺垫.  相似文献   

风化岩地基微型抗浮桩承载性能原位试验研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
微型抗浮桩具有地层适应性强、布置形式灵活、成孔快、施工占用场地小、施工机械小型化及经济环保等优点。基于中风化花岗岩地层8根微型抗浮桩现场静载荷试验,研究青岛风化岩地基微型抗浮桩的竖向抗拔承载性状。试验结果表明:试桩Q-s曲线为缓变型,极限荷载作用下桩长为4.2~5.1 m的微型抗浮桩总上拔量不超过7.0 mm,极限抗拔承载力高达1 700 kN,承载力较高,满足设计要求;单桩单位平均极限侧摩阻力为0.307~0.425 MPa;在其他条件均不变的情况下,微型抗浮桩的单位平均极限侧摩阻力随桩径的增加而减小。  相似文献   

陈正  苏润建 《建筑科学》2011,27(3):45-48,54
目前对于微型桩在竖向及水平荷载的耦合作用下的承载力方面研究较少.由于荷载、桩、土三者共同作用十分复杂,难以给出微型桩在不同荷载组合下承载力的解析解.运用ABAQUS有限元软件,分析组合荷载作用下微型桩的变形性状和破坏机理,探索了不同加载方式对于微型桩承载特性的影响.结果表明:与先施加水平荷载再施加竖向荷载相比,先施加竖...  相似文献   

As one of the measures for slope fast reinforcement, micropiles are always designed as a group. In this paper, an analytic model for the ultimate resistance of micropile is proposed, based on a beam–column equation and an existing py curve method. As such, an iterative process to find the bending moment and shear capacity of the micropile section has been developed. The formulation for calculating the inner force and deflection of the micropile using the finite difference method is derived. Special attention is given to determine the spacing of micropiles with the aim of achieving the ultimate shear capacity of the micropile group. Thus, a new design method for micropiles for earth slope stabilization is proposed that includes details about choosing a location for the micropiles within the existing slope, selecting micropile cross section, estimating the length of the micropile, evaluating the shear capacity of the micropiles group, calculating the spacing required to provide force to stabilize the slope and the design of the concrete cap beam. The application of the method to an embankment landslide in Qinghai province, China, is described, and monitoring data indicated that slope movement had effectively ceased as a result of the slope stabilization measure, which verified the effectiveness of the design method.  相似文献   

基于神经网络方法的碳纤维布加固混凝土梁承载力计算   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
通过试验资料分析 ,建立了基于神经网络方法的碳纤维布加固混凝土梁受弯承载力预测的BP算法结构模型 ,通过模型预测值与试验结果的比较 ,证明了该模型的有效性和精度可以用于预测碳纤维布加固混凝土梁的受弯承载力。最后 ,对其影响因素进行了初步分析  相似文献   

孙书伟  朱本珍  郑静 《岩土工程学报》2010,32(11):1671-1677
微型桩是一种常用边坡快速加固手段,多大面积成群布置。基于梁柱理论和弹塑性地基系数法中的P–y曲线法建立了微型桩加固边坡的水平抗力分析模型,提出了确定微型桩截面极限弯矩以及最大抗剪力的迭代分析方法;采用有限差分法推导了轴向和横向复合外力作用下微型桩内力和变位的计算公式;以最大限度发挥微型桩群横向抗力为目标,重点研究了微型桩群中微型桩横向间距和纵向间距的确定方法。在此基础上,形成了采用微型桩群加固土质边坡的设计方法,内容主要包括微型桩群布设位置的选取、微型桩选型、桩长选取、微型桩群断面设计、微型桩群平面设计以及顶梁设计等。将该方法应用于某公路路堤边坡病害加固工程设计中,监测资料表明,坡体位移在微型桩群的作用下逐渐趋于收敛,坡体病害得到了根治,从而验证了设计方法的有效性。  相似文献   

《Soils and Foundations》2023,63(1):101275
Check dams constructed in steep mountainous areas require the rationalization of the dam body and foundation system. In general, soil cement replacement or caissons are often adopted for foundations. In such cases, reducing the construction effort is a critical issue. To address this, the authors studied the viability of a new type of check dam foundation consisting of a group of micropiles whose heads are structurally disconnected from the dam body. The system, coined a head-separated micropile group (HMG) foundation, enables the saving of labor and a reduction in the cross-sectional forces applied to the micropiles. Firstly, a full-scale loading test of the HMG was conducted. Then, a finite element model was formulated and its parameters fitted to make it suitable for reproducing the experimental results. Finally, using the FE model, the performance of a typical rigidly connected micropile foundation and that of the HMG system were compared in terms of the bearing capacity and displacement of the check dam body. The results confirmed that, although its displacement was 1.25 times larger than that of the rigidly connected foundation, the HMG system led to a factor of safety of 3.5 against micropile buckling.  相似文献   

《Soils and Foundations》2006,46(3):367-376
The Hyogoken-Nambu Earthquake in 1995 caused extensive damages to the foundations of bridges. Ever since, methods to improve the bearing capacity of existing foundations have become an important aspect of foundation engineering in Japan. Micropiles are considered to provide promising solutions. The mechanism which enhances the bearing capacity of surface footings reinforced with micropiles is the subject of investigation in this study. As an initial phase, model tests were conducted to understand the load-displacement behavior of surface footings with and without micropiles on loose, medium dense, and dense layers of sands. Salient factors which influence the behavior of the footings were selected and their influence on bearing capacity was examined through a comprehensive series of model tests. Notable improvements in the bearing capacity of surface footings reinforced with vertical micropile groups were observed in the case of dense sand which is dilative during shear. To assess quantitatively the degree of improvement in the bearing capacity of surface footings reinforced with micropiles, an index R called “Network Effect Index” was introduced in this study. The index R of unity means that the bearing capacity of footings reinforced with micropiles is simply equal to the summation of the individual value of the surface footing and that of the micropile group. An index R of more than two is achieved in this study where surface footings reinforced with a group of vertical micropiles bear on a dense layer of dilative sand. By contrast, with loose and medium dense sand, which are contractive in nature, the index R is found to be less than unity.  相似文献   

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