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对晚期现代主义建筑的主要特点进行了叙述,分析了菲利普.约翰逊和理查德.迈耶两位建筑师的建筑设计思想,研究了伽登格罗芙社区教堂和千禧教堂的建筑材料,平面内部空间及整体设计手法,以使人们进一步了解宗教建筑的特色。  相似文献   

作为晚期现代主义设计师迈耶设计的一所宗教建筑,这座教堂本身不同于传统教堂形式,千禧教堂从外形上看是一座巨大的白色雕塑,幽静而神秘,其背后的深刻内涵却超出了教堂本身的传统信仰。哲学与宗教建筑之间是一种因果关系,在建筑中体现哲学的意味,本身就是一种抽象象征,但这也正是我们在宗教与哲学之间所追求的存在于内心的高尚而又纯洁的信仰,是"理性"与"调和"的碰撞,下文将具体阐述哲学对宗教建筑的影响。  相似文献   

薛天  陈易 《住宅科技》2014,(9):51-56
依循欧洲基督教及历史文化环境的发展,简要梳理和分析了公元后第一个千禧年间(自基督信仰诞生后的第一个千禧年间)教堂建筑空间的发展演变历程。指出:从公元1~11世纪的千年间,教堂建筑处于一种不断寻求自身完善的上升态势,从最初的借用民间住宅及古罗马世俗建筑巴西拉卡的形式,逐渐演变发展出了罗马风教堂这样的基督教专属的建筑空间形式,为随后教堂建筑的普及发展奠定了坚实的基础。  相似文献   

本文以教堂的发展历史为线索,尝试从宗教、建筑、声学的角度出发对各个时期的教堂与教堂声环境进行探讨。  相似文献   

柯林·罗和罗伯特·斯拉茨基的《透明性》(1964)作为现代主义建筑重要的理论之一,对建筑的创作和解读都有着重要的意义。日本的SANAA建筑事务所,因简约纯净、轻薄透明的建筑风格而备受关注,其作品在材料、形式、功能、空间等各方面都具有透明性特征。文章首先梳理了透明性理论的脉络发展,归纳出物理透明性与现象透明性的基本概念,以透明性理论为基础,结合SANAA建筑事务所的四个经典作品,从材料运用、建构特征、形式关系、空间组织等方面研究建筑的透明性特征与设计方法,为SANAA建筑作品的研究提出新的视角,对透明性理论在建筑创作实践中的运用提供参考与借鉴。  相似文献   

本文以佛山顺德千禧纸厂再利用为例,探索在"城市双修"视角下的遗存工业区再利用策略。基于千禧纸厂背景现状,运用城市网络分析、GIS与空间句法理论,对千禧纸厂周边环境进行量化分析,以及再利用模式研究。提出了以下再利用策略:既有厂区环境肌理修补与尺度人性化修补并行;千禧纸厂生态网络与慢行网络一体化构建,以及以千禧纸厂为中心的区域步行化设计,边界开放;建筑空间功能应该高度复合化;基于空间句法的场所设计等策略,以期能为其他相似案例提供一定的经验与借鉴。  相似文献   

随着科学技术的发展、宗教政策的放宽等影响,近年来现代教堂的建设应运而生。在城市化进程中容易忽略教堂建筑的氛围营造和场所精神,不利于构建新型城市生活模式、创造有生命活力的建筑环境。该文以场所精神理论为指导,分析其在现代教堂中的应用。以张家港基督教堂为例,分别从教堂建筑为信徒营造的四种情感氛围,即希望感、方向感、认同感、归属感角度进行分析研究,阐述现代教堂建筑的场所精神营造方式,希望对未来的现代教堂建筑设计提供一些参考。  相似文献   

钱烨 《山西建筑》2007,33(35):46-47
对建筑大师康及其作品进行了剖析,指出了安藤的作品与康的作品有着一脉相承的本质,分析了住吉长屋、光之教堂、水御堂、水之教堂等安藤忠雄的作品,以提高人们对安藤忠雄建筑作品的认识,从而提高建筑师的设计水平。  相似文献   

圣彼得教堂是在曼哈顿中心区建造的第一个主要的城市教堂。由于被包含在巨大的花旗中心商业综合体之内,作为第一个与办公建筑连为一体的教堂而具有了与众不同的特点。新的圣彼得教堂取代了在基地被清理时摧毁了的百年哥特教堂的位置,在现代城市环境中融合了礼拜的传统和公共服务功能。教堂主要的祈祷空间位于坡道下部的一层,由此,这一空间一直延伸至莱克星顿大道的人行道的下面,从而增加了额外的面积。这一方案还具有另外的优点,就是可以容纳一个巨大的管风琴,并且通过连接地铁入口的通道将教堂直接与主广场相连。可坐下500人的教堂…  相似文献   

教堂所在的小山与美丽自然的建筑基地互相平衡,教堂则是小山的主宰。教堂向庭院弯曲,清楚地表明入口的位置。从庭院可以一览多维的教堂建筑,直至带有钟楼和十字架的屋顶。  相似文献   

A vast amount of iconic buildings distinguished by complex geometries have been constructed in the last two decades in the United Kingdom, Germany, Spain, Portugal, France and Italy. Overall, the construction of these iconic buildings has led to technical innovations. As these buildings are often erected following customised construction details and bespoke technical solutions that are rarely tested in advance, measuring their ageing process has become crucial to understand if these geometries are sustainable in terms of the cost of their maintenance. This study aims to analyse the technical design development and the ageing process of the Jubilee Church in Rome by Richard Meier. Only fourteen years after the opening, this building is affected by extensive decay of construction materials due to both wrong technical design choices and lack of unaffordable maintenance work. This study aims to identify the causes of the premature decay of this building, recording retroactively its technical development and mapping the current state of damages.  相似文献   

As freeform architecture becomes popular, the observation method for complex geometries is also becoming important. In particular, stereoscopic 3D is one of the most useful approaches to explore 3D space realistically with extrusion and depth feelings. In this work, we propose a stereoscopic 3D exploration to observe an internal space structure of freeform architecture effectively. For a visually comfortable stereoscopic 3D navigation, we analyze causes of visual discomfort and control perceived depth by adjusting virtual camera separation and virtual screen depth in a stereo scene. Since a user notices rapid changes of a scene, we measure JND (Just Noticeable Difference) for the optimal changes of virtual camera separation and virtual screen depth. For the camera movement in complex and curved pathways, we use automated navigation utilizing cubic Bézier curves. During the navigation, the camera parameters are controlled automatically in order to produce visually comfortable stereoscopic 3D scenes. We also performed a user study to verify the effectiveness of the proposed explorations using famous freeform architectural models such as the Guggenheim Museum and the Jubilee Church.  相似文献   


The Jubilee Church in the south-eastern outskirts of Rome is one of the first buildings constructed with super white reinforced concrete with self-cleaning photocatalytic cement. However, 16 years after the opening of the building, the self-cleaning and colour-preserving properties arising from the titania particles (TiO2) within the concrete mix are not meeting the design requirements and the concrete is showing premature evidence of decay. While the form of the decay is affecting the appearance of the building and not its structural soundness, the ageing pattern of the building's components is resulting in a high maintenance cost, one not easily affordable within the ordinary budget supported by a small parish. This study comprises the first comprehensive step in understanding the causes of the accelerated ageing pattern of the concrete, highlighting methods to improve the long-term durability of the concrete and therefore reduce the cost of its maintenance. Moreover, this research offered the opportunity to test the durability and the effectiveness of the TiO2 in the real conditions on an actual building featuring non-standard geometries. The findings highlight how the ageing pattern directly connects with the geometry of the building and inadequate consideration of the local weathering at the design stage.  相似文献   

In preparation of the JAE Jubilee issue many invitations were made to respond to the paragraph printed below. Because of a highly condensed schedule in the production of this special issue, the cut-off date for receipt of articles had to be moved up and several individuals, whose invited responses were in the final stages of preparation or even in transit to JAE, could not be included in that issue. This is regrettable; however, during the upcoming year we will be printing those articles and again invite our readership to respond and discuss those issues put forward in the Jubilee statement.—Ed.  相似文献   

In preparation of the JAE Jubilee issue many invitations were made to respond to the paragraph printed below. Because of a highly condensed schedule in the production of this special issue, the cut-off date for receipt of articles had to be moved up and several individuals, whose invited responses were in the final stages of preparation or even in transit to JAE, could not be included in that issue. This is regrettable; however, during the upcoming year we will be printing those articles and again invite our readership to respond and discuss those issues put forward in the Jubilee statement. —Ed.  相似文献   

西直门天主堂,又名“圣母圣衣堂”,因地理位置在北京城区的西侧.故俗称西堂。北京的宣武门天主堂、王府井天主堂、西什库天主堂和西直门天主堂被称为“北京四大天主教堂”、西堂虽然是历史最短、规模最小的一座,但经历了近300年之久的发展,建筑形制和建筑风格上.都体现出西方哥特式教堂的特点,并结合了中国传统庭院式布局及建造手法,是中西合璧式建筑的典范,也是中西文化交流的重要场所。  相似文献   

Are avant-garde elements added to historical objects as a temporary fashion to fulfill the aspirations of designers or an attempt to draw attention to themselves? It may be the exact opposite, and this type of controversial project is the best lifebelt for such monuments. This article explores issues related to external avant-garde elements added to adapted churches and their influence on the efficiency of such adaptation projects. Gothic churches located in the north of Europe that have changed their religious function, entirely or in part, were considered. This work examined former churches in Maastricht, namely, the Minorite Church, the Church of the Kruisheren Monastery, the Dominican Church, as well as Polish churches located in Gdańsk, including St. John’s Church and St. Catherine’s Church. This article attempted to identify the factors that contribute to the successful adaptation of former churches and the benefits and drawbacks of adopting avant-garde design solutions. Results of this study might provide valuable inspiration for other churches that are losing worshippers. This study was conducted on the basis of a wide range of literature, statistical data, logical reasoning, and comparative methods. Observations from selected edifices were checked for their correlation over time. This study also included in situ investigations.  相似文献   

重庆市天主教仁爱堂被列入重庆市历史文物保护建筑名列,然而却被研究人员在教堂研究中忽略。仁爱堂与欧洲教堂相比装饰性减少,但继承了欧洲教堂建筑的比例、构图元素和母题,并在部分细节上与中国建筑特色相融合,其典雅朴素的外观使其虽然多次易主依然保留较为完整。仁爱堂是研究上世纪中西建筑融合的较好实例,具有历史保护与研究价值。  相似文献   

冯琳 《山西建筑》2008,34(12):29-30
以安藤忠雄"风之教堂"和"水之教堂"的空间序列设计为例,从引导与暗示、层次与渗透、衔接与过渡、对比与变化四个方面进行分析,由此展开对空间转换方法的初步探讨。  相似文献   

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