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社区作为社会有机体的最基本单元,重建具有社会责任感、有活力和内向型经济繁荣的社区极其重要。研究通过分析台湾社区总体营造的发展背景与内涵,结合台北福林社区的总体营造经验,对台湾社区总体营造的社区培力、社区参与介入的公共空间设计、社区文化产业的构建、终身学习体系的建立和辅助政策等内容进行总结与思考,并提出对中国大陆城市的有机、可持续更新的启示,即在城乡规划体系中引入社区理念、推动实质性的社区参与和制定相关政策。  相似文献   

胡军 《时代建筑》2009,(2):84-85
文章认为社区仅仅营造物质载体是不能使之成为人群认同的“香格里拉”的,并提出必须从社区自治入手,为“社区营造”注入精神实质,通过加强管理和服务使社区真正成为适宜人居的场所,并针对我国当前的实际提出了个人的建议和设想。  相似文献   

农村社区自治对加强农村管理,构建乡村自我整合机制实现农村民主管理意义重大。笔者在分析农村社区自治研究现状、意义和我国农村社区自治中存在的问题及必要性的基础上,对我国农村社区自治的有效路径进行探讨。  相似文献   

历史街区中社区的建设面临着"保护"和"发展"的双重课题。本文建立在对社区的认识以及对历史街区保护的理解上,探讨历史文化街区中社区的建设应如何处理好"保护"和"发展"的协调统一问题,认为"保护"和"发展"均应以人为中心,为人类创造适宜的居住环境,并根据当前历史文化街区的发展总结当前的成功经验及存在的问题。  相似文献   

赵民 《规划师》2013,(9):5-10
在"五个文明"建设的背景下,"社区营造"是当前我国和谐社会建设的一个重要命题,受到社会各界越来越多的关注。研究论述社区及社区营造的概念,探讨社区规划与城市规划的关系,提出城市规划的社区指向趋势,并从规划的"工具理性"至"交往理性"演进解读社区规划师的制度和实践。  相似文献   

景观空间作为载体,可将植物药疗法、园艺疗法、运动疗法、艺术疗法等对人体健康有益的疗法编织其中,创造具有疗养功效的社区生活环境,满足居民的疗养需求。社区疗养景观空间作为桥梁,具有养生保健需求的居民可通过对其建设、使用、管理和维护,建立彼此之间以及与社区环境之间紧密的社会联系,推动社区自营。文章从社区居民疗养需求角度出发,基于社区营造理念,结合自然疗养、心理学、设计学等相关理论,在总结景观疗养空间特性的基础上,提出了社区疗养景观空间建设的实施过程。  相似文献   

高栋  李蕾 《时代建筑》2009,(2):30-35
当传统的社区配套已无法应对错综复杂的市场与消费需求时,社区商业当以何种姿态与理念参与到城市社区整体环境营造中,进而促进城市、社区、市场与商业的共同繁荣,是文章分析的重点。文章立定区位理论,对都市型与近郊型两粪社区商业进行分析综述。并通过案例解析,提出了社区商业价值实现的途径、策略与方法。  相似文献   

传统村落一直都是我们中华民族历史长河中最鲜活、最生动的文化载体,它不仅紧紧维系着中华民族的“乡愁”,同时也见证着我国社会发展、文化进步的脚步。从社区营造视角的角度来看,我们对传统村落的保护不应该单纯地从旅游开发、建设景区来思考,而是应该将传统村落建设成一个以村民为中心的,可持续发展的生产、生活空间。文章以澳门特别行政区的路环村为例,从社区营造视角出发,提出澳门传统村落保护与发展的可行方法和途径,即在塑造和建设地域文脉的基础上,不断发掘和发展传统村落本身的文化价值和内涵。  相似文献   

文章从环境出发,探讨社区营造中已有的人文与自然环境的价值意义和如何在规划设计中融入与再生。  相似文献   

台湾的建筑师在过去的半个世纪中,历经政治、缝济、社害诸多层面的演化,在不同的时期有不同的角色,对于实质环境有殊异的贡献。20世纪90年代“社区总体营造”成为台湾环境课题的显学,建筑师的角色开始质变,社区规划师与社区建筑师于此诞生,为台湾的生活环境催化了新的境界。  相似文献   

付铁山 《建筑节能》2016,(8):124-127
依据文献资料法、个案解析法等进行研究发现,韩国发展低碳住宅的经验是:制定低碳住宅建设中长期发展规划,强化新建住宅的能耗标准,改善既有住宅的能效,加大对低碳住宅的政策支持与技术研发,加快低碳住宅示范区建设。这些做法启示我国要营造有利于低碳住宅推广的政策环境,加强低碳住宅设计技术的研发与应用,建立低碳住宅节能标准与等级认证制度,把发展低碳住宅作为未来提高房地产业国际竞争力的重要战略。  相似文献   

The developmentalist state in South East Asia has played an important role in guiding and promoting economic growth. Although an implicit theme of much of the discourse is the role of the state in controlling the factors of production, this is not located within the decommodification/commodification debate. Proceeding from the premise that underlies much of economic theory, namely that land values at a time reflect the residual (or surplus) of economic activity that requires land as a factor input, the purpose of this paper is to assess the extent to which the Korean state has managed the commodification of urban development and the distributional effects of this process. In spite of private land ownership the state has had a major impact on the processes by which land has become commodified, using extensive land expropriation and land‐use planning powers. The Korean state used different strategies to manage trends to commodification at different times: land readjustment projects were used from the 1950s to the 1970s and Public Management Development projects were the main mechanism of urban development from the 1980s. The urban development system was feasible because of the state's extensive control over access to housing finance (decommodified money). In the mid‐1990s there was a shift towards greater private sector involvement in urban development. The distributional effects of the urban development process have been highly inequitable. Subsidised home ownership for middle‐income families has been favoured over provision of public rental housing for low‐income families, driven in major part by cash flow considerations of the developmentalist state. Further, the basis of selecting beneficiaries has been very arbitrary. The system has promoted significant land concentration and land speculation particularly by private companies, including the large chaebol (corporations).  相似文献   

韩国的农村景观建设及其启示   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文对韩国农村景观发展历程及对韩国在农村景观建设方面付诸的措施进行了分析,对韩国在农村景观建设管理方面的法律法规、规范制度及政策等做了一个概述。最后对我国农村景观建设提出了一些建议。  相似文献   

刘征 《规划师》2007,23(5):5-8
从地方政府的角度,社区发展规划在构建社会主义和谐社会的背景下应由地方各级政府主导,以城市总体规划或所在地的分区规划为依据,着重于建立社区服务等级体系,调整辖区,确定服务设施的具体位置和用地规模.  相似文献   

本总结了日本、韩国20世纪90年代的高教改革在办学模式、课程设置,公民终身学习机会、高教面向国际发展趋势等方面的共同点,旨在扩大我们的视野,为我国的高教改革提供有所启示的成功经验。  相似文献   

This study provides preliminary evaluation of South Korea's Renewable Energy Portfolio Standard (RPS) apropos capacity growth, technological innovation, cost impact, and market risk, compared to Feed-in Tariffs (FITs). Findings indicate that both effectively expand electricity generation from renewable energy sources (RES-Es). Early evidence suggests that the RPS appears to have further strengthened RES-Es' market growth, particularly biomass and solar PV. For most technologies, policy costs appear higher under the RPS than FITs, except for PV and fuel cells. Under the RPS, higher market risks are a major concern, particularly for smaller suppliers in the PV market, despite growing PV capacity.  相似文献   

This study identifies the types of areas in Seoul where foreigners are concentrated by reflecting the characteristics of their region of origin and residence in Seoul. Lack of cultural understanding and uniform policies for various immigrant communities are causing some social issues. Hence, this study aims to prepare the basic data from which the government can predict changes in ethnic areas and prepare policies suitable for each derived type. The 14 most populous immigrant communities in Seoul were investigated, and cluster analysis and ANOVA test were performed. This examination resulted in four immigrant community types. Each type has specific characteristics, which have influenced the creation and change of the built environment. Types 1 and 4 are collectivistic. These types gradually tend to change urban environments to emulate the environment in their region of origin. In addition, they make little effort to improve their degraded environments, and such areas become increasingly backward. In contrast, types 2 and 3 are individualistic and prefer to assimilate into a migrant region. The formation and change of the urban environment for each type can be predicted on the basis of these characteristics. From this information, the government can prepare an appropriate urban architecture policy for each type.  相似文献   

社区发展与城市居住区建设   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
王国恩 《规划师》2002,18(8):17-19
从社区和社区发展的涵义出发,阐明城市社区发展和居住区建设的关系,分析当前城市社区发展中社会分层、人口结构变化、服务社会化、文化多元化等主要趋势及由此带来的居住空间分异与隔离,居住区社会功能、服务功能的延伸和对居住区多样化的要求。  相似文献   

Chonsei contracts are a specific type of rental property letting in which tenants pay very large lump sum deposits in return for a short fixed tenancy period with no monthly rent payments. This system is specific to South Korea and became dominant at the end of the twentieth century when it accounted for almost two-thirds of the rental market and almost 30 per cent of all housing. In the past decade, however, there have been marked declines in the number of chonsei tenancies along with a rise in other hybrid forms of renting. In this paper, we examine transformations in the chonsei sector that reflect a number of realignments in market and economic conditions as well as shifting household and demographic landscapes. The restructuring of the rental sector is, arguably, not only reshaping housing careers but also reinforcing social inequalities. We further explore the meaning of the ‘chonsei crisis’ as well as related policy issues, comparative concerns and socioeconomic implications.  相似文献   

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