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王刚 《城市燃气》2005,(2):30-34
下游市场开发是LNG产业链中最关键环节,以“照付不议”合同拓展以燃气电厂为支柱用户的终端天然气用户市场是LNG下游市场发展的关键。从法律的视角观察,以燃气电厂为支柱用户的LNG下游市场开发中存在诸多问题,需从法律制度的设计上做出安排。政府要公布有效促进LNG下游市场开发的能源政策,建立以下游市场立法为核心的法律监管框架,完善天然气定价机制及税收体制,把握“照付不议”合同的发展脉搏。  相似文献   

“照付不议”合同在法律上有着自身丰富的法律内涵,作为国际能源销售的通行惯例,如何平衡双方的合同权利义务至关重要。随着时间的发展,“照付不议”合同呈现出灵活性、短期性的特点,强调对市场变化的回应。“照付不议”在实践中存在着双方权利、义务失衡,气价定价模糊,计量标准难以确定’等诸多难题,如何对上述问题进行制度完善值得深入研究。  相似文献   

戴华 《上海煤气》2005,(4):44-46
描述了西气东输天然气“照付不议”合同,由于对天然气的要求较高,燃气电厂签订“照付不议”合同存在一些困难与问题,必须要有应对策略,文章提出了若干建议。  相似文献   

当前“西气东输”等天然气项目处于签订“照付不议”供气合同的前期准备阶段。很多城市正在进行天然气利用的规划研究,有的已经提出近期和中期的逐年用气规划,有的正在对“照付不议”合同条款进一步进行研究。根据“照付不议”合同要求,燃气企业应在科学调查的基础上,提供较为准确、有效的数字,比如每年的日合同量、最大日量和调峰系数等,  相似文献   

“照付不议”合同在法律上有着自身丰富的法律内涵,作为国际能源销售的通行惯例,如何平衡双方的合同权利义务至关重要。随着时间的发展“,照付不议”合同呈现出灵活性、短期性的特点,强调对市场变化的回应。“照付不议”在实践中存在着双方权利、义务失衡、气价定价模糊、计量标准难以确定等诸多难题,如何对上述问题进行制度完善值得深入研究。  相似文献   

基于负荷持续曲线的天然气市场及供应规划   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
李帆  黄伟强  董秋玲 《煤气与热力》2010,30(6):38-40,43
将负荷持续曲线应用于天然气市场及供应规划,对城市天然气供气系统的季节供需平衡进行分析研究,为城市天然气企业签订照付不议合同、规划季节调峰设施以及市场发展提供科学依据。  相似文献   

陈成 《上海煤气》2002,(4):30-33
我国的天然气购销正逐步实行国际常用的“照付不议”合同,城市燃气企业必须结合实际情况对此合同进行研究。文章叙述了“照付不议”合同与当前在我国采用实施的情况,并提出了合同中应注意的若干问题。  相似文献   

西气东输工程为城市燃气事业的发展带来了新的机遇,但签订照付不议合同成为城市燃气行业遇到的新问题,为了保证安全稳定供气,而且上、中、下游整体有效益,供需双方要签订严格的、科学合理的合同。本文通过对天然气照付不议合同制定的指导思想,及标的、渐增期、K值、质量、计量、调峰、补提、超提气量、合同气量转让等8个问题进行分析,并结合我公司的有关统计数据,提出了自己的观点,以期与燃气行业的同仁共同交流探讨。  相似文献   

关于西气东输“照付不议”合同的几点思考   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
陆纠纠  严斌 《城市煤气》2001,(10):15-15,18
成功的天然气购销及管道输送合同,签约双方必须从相互依存,长期稳定的关系出发,以可信的研究为基础,达到双方责任、权利、义务的均衡,合理分担风险,形成天然气链上采气、运输到市场销售三赢的局面。对于西气东输的照付不议合同问题,我们认为以下几点必须引起下游市场的注意和重视。  相似文献   

潮州作为中国的陶瓷之乡,燃气消费市场规模较大;LNG卫星站的投运,开启了潮州燃气使用的新阶段;在不具备成熟的市场及充分市场竞争的条件下,天然气的销售通常以照付不议的长期协议及与油品价格挂钩的模式进行销售,潮州LNG卫星站根据燃气市场价格的变化趋势,采用灵活的机制开拓培育了市场.  相似文献   

万志康 《建筑电气》2012,31(11):12-14
介绍通信线缆的应用现状,提出应重视通信线缆的阻燃性能,并通过对CM、CMR、CMP和LSOH线缆进行燃烧实验对比其阻燃性能,实验证明CMP线缆具有在最短时间内自我熄灭且不续燃的功能。  相似文献   

“濠濮间想”,一作“濠濮闲想”,是中国园林重 要的造景意象之一。其典出《世说新语》,进而追溯至《庄 子》,而考察众多现存善本,其原作“濠濮閒想”,“閒”同 时包含“闲”之“闲适”与“间”之“之间”的含义。分析典 籍文本及后世文人、造园家对此典的引用,确定“閒”在此意 象中应释为“闲”,而由于唐宋以来园林意境理论及哲学思辨 的发展,以及明清之际在典籍转录、刊刻中频频以“間”代 “閒”,意象转而偏重于“间”。从“闲”到“间”不仅是文 字的流变,也反映了“濠濮閒想”这一意象被应用于园林造景 时,从早期侧重山水自然引发的“闲适”到后期侧重园林意境 “时空之间”体验的某些转向。对于“濠”“濮”的二重典 故,前者指向物我同一的终极思辨、后者重在个人德操品性的 表达,因而前者在园林造景中更受青睐,却可直接用典《庄 子》,其造景意向不能全然置于“濠濮闲(间)想”的语境中 加以理解。  相似文献   

Recovering the cost of water services is a major obstacle in achieving a sustainable drinking water supply in developing countries. This paper assesses the levels of cost recovery, household willingness and ability to pay for the full supply cost of water services, and financial management. The study was conducted in five out of 30 community‐managed piped systems in Ashanti region, Ghana. The study shows that the existing tariffs are not sufficient to recover the full supply cost of the service based on the guidelines of the Government Community Water Supply and Sanitation Agency (CWSA). Using 5% of household income as the ability‐to‐pay criteria, 67–87% of the households in the five communities could pay the full supply cost of the service. The poor recovery of the supply cost threatens the long‐term financial sustainability of the small towns' water supply sector.  相似文献   

This paper investigates the shared knowledge held by a rural population of the ecosystem services supplied by rural landscapes and woods in the Rome Province of Italy. It is part of a wider research initiative conducted to estimate the non-use values of the same ecosystem services elicited through the contingent valuation method. Our findings demonstrate that: (i) most of the information on ecosystem services comes from a deep-seated community shared knowledge; (ii) some gaps exist between official (scientific/normative) and shared knowledge in the study site; and (iii) stated economic preferences are driven by both consequential motivations, as predicted by the standard economic model, as well as some others. Making explicit the motivational framework behind environmental economic estimates allows one to represent the socio-cultural legacy indispensable for providing a monetary value useful to inform public decision and policies. The use of this approach could contribute to the development of payment for ecosystem services schemes in rural policies affecting common goods.  相似文献   

陈晓东  罗宇光 《山西建筑》2006,32(10):257-258
结合国道105线番禺钟村飘峰至碧江段改建工程费用监理的实施心得,探讨了如何进行建设工程费用的监理,以控制工程的质量和进度,从而做好合同管理和协调。  相似文献   

The paper analyses consumer willingness to invest in a smart home and attempts to establish willingness to pay for various smart-home functionalities among Slovenian households in 2013. The estimated results suggest that consumers positively perceive energy and security related smart-home functionalities, though willingness to pay (WTP) for any particular functionality is not found to be very high. In comparison to stated WTP, current market prices are mostly too high to expect higher penetration rates of smart home devices in the very near future. Household income, technology progressiveness, and energy conservation habits are found to positively influence purchases of smart-home functionalities.  相似文献   

《Urban Water Journal》2013,10(5):287-300
Improving revenue collection rates and minimising the levels of ‘bad debts’ is currently a top priority for managers of water utilities in low-income countries. This study used empirical data from a cross-sectional survey of 505 utility customers in eight urban centres in Uganda to show that customer attitude towards prompt payment, perceived ease or difficulty of paying on time (perceived control), as well as social pressure, strongly influence intentions to pay, which in turn directly affects actual prompt bill payment behaviour. The findings also show that gender, income, occupation of the household head and tenure status have statistically significant direct relationships with intentions, but their effects are much smaller compared to the joint influence of attitudes, perceived control and perceived social pressure. Moreover, the effects of gender and occupation are completely mediated by perceived control and social pressure respectively. These results have implications for improving revenue collection through customer-focused initiatives.  相似文献   

This paper analyses the Issue of water and sewerage service charge affordability in Great Britain, focusing exclusively on the domestic or household sector. It discusses the meaning of affordability, outlining ways in which it might be measured, before presenting empirical data to calibrate the phenomenon. A discussion of affordability benchmarking for household water and sewerage services is followed by a brief critique of the various financial support mechanisms currently available to low Income households.  相似文献   

高校教职工收入问题是我国高等教育改革的重点和难点问题,文章通过问卷调查,对高校教职工收入分配模式进行研究,提出了二级目标责任管理收入分配机制,并对其进行了探讨分析。结果表明:以二级目标责任管理为主的校内津贴分配模式,调动了教职工的积极性,有利于提高教学和科研质量,更加充分的体现了收入分配的公平合理。  相似文献   

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