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我国建筑节能工程中大规模使用易燃有机保温材料(EPS、XPS、PU),在有机保温材料的应用中频繁引发建筑火灾严重事故,从而引起了国内外业内人士的极大关注.TVCC火灾向全国敲响警钟,因而如何防止易燃有机保温材料引发建筑火灾问题,已成为我国民生安全的大问题.详细介绍了防止有机保温材料引发火灾的不同观点以及存在的防火误区,阐述了解决问题的办法.以自主首创的PU难燃等级泡沫核心技术为基础,采用化学结构改性技术,成功地找到了使原易燃的Pu泡沫达到高氧指数、火焰传播性小,烟雾小、毒性小、难燃性好、火焰贯穿强的难燃化技术路线.  相似文献   

面对因易燃有机保温材料是引发建筑火灾的严峻现实,提出从源头治本才是防止火灾的关键理念;分析了我国建筑火灾治理中存在的主要问题。  相似文献   

我国建筑能耗约占全国总能耗的30%以上,建筑节能是我国基本国策。在早些时期建筑节能主要发展无机保温材料,随着节能标准的提高,逐渐被节能效果更好的有机保温材料替代。但近年火灾接连不断,政府部门为保障人民生命财产安全,发文禁止或限制易燃可燃有机保温材料的使用。本文介绍了既防火又节能的酚醛泡沫保温材料在超低能耗建筑上的开发应用。  相似文献   

近几年,随着我国经济建设的快速发展,各类高层新型建筑也伴随着社会发展和需要大量涌现,建筑的节能要求使得建筑外墙保温材料的使用量巨大。但几场由外墙保温材料引发的重特大火灾,使得政府有关部门认识到提高外墙保温材料防火性能要求的必要性,但如何将外墙保温材料的保温性与防火性有机的结合起来是个新的亟待解决的问题。本文通过分析建筑外墙保温材料的类型及其火灾危险性,结合当前建筑外墙保温材料的防火性能的现状,探析提高建筑外墙保温材料其防火性能的方法。  相似文献   

经济社会的快速发展给人们的生产和生活方式带来了显著变化,人员聚集场所、易燃易爆场所和超大规模与复杂建筑增多,大量新技术、新材料、新工艺和新能源的采用,增加了致灾因素与火灾风险。在我国的建筑行业中,对外墙保温材料的安全性能要求还没有充分体现在相应的标准和规范中,特别是在保温材料的防火性能上一直都没有得到高度的重视,导致建筑物的安全性能方面一直存在较大的隐患,因建筑外保温材料引发的火灾事故频频发生。本文首先对外墙保温材料的防火性能进行了概述,分析了当前常用外墙保温材料的防火性能,对加强外墙保温材料的防火性能提出相应的措施。  相似文献   

王大伟 《建筑》2008,(10):66-67
最近几年,在我国的建筑保温材料市场上,新型硅酸盐类保温材料异军突起,在很多城市被普及应用。该保温材料在克服了传统无机硅酸盐类保温材料早期强度低、变形性差、吸水率高、干湿变形及温湿变形大等的缺点同时,保留了相对于有机保温材料的生态环保性能。即使如此,新型硅酸盐类保温材料还需要进一步研究和改进。  相似文献   

浅论当前我国外墙外保温防火安全体系的研究方向   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
重点阐述我国当前外墙外保温防火安全体系的正确研究方向,应当将建筑科学中的防火构造研究同材料科学中有机保温材料接近火灾条件下燃烧性能的研究有机结合起来、同我国公安部根据消防科学研究和已颁布的有机保温材料必须达到消防法规标准研究结合起来,同环保科学中要求有机保温材料按环保法要求、朝无卤化低烟、低毒方向研究有机结合起来.只有这样,才能把握外墙外保温防火安全体系研究的正确方向,任何偏离四大学科的研究,均具有相对局限性、片面性.  相似文献   

上海胶州路大火这一起无妄之灾,为国人敲响了警钟。究其原因,无论是火灾的引发或火势的蔓延,都与外墙外保温的易燃保温材料有密切关系。本刊特别约稿济南大学墙体材料研究所所长、李国忠教授,和中国墙体保温行业的领军人物北京振利高新技术有限公司董事长黄振利先生,为大家详解“建筑外墙外保温防火问题”。  相似文献   

广泛应用于现代建筑的有机保温材料,已成为引发城市建筑火灾的主要着火源之一。为评定有机保温材料的抗火性能,对目前国内市场的主流有机保温材料EPS板、XPS板,进行了锥形量热计、差热与热重及热机械分析试验,系统研究了其抗火性能,进而综合THR、pkHRR和TTI指标,对EPS板、XPS板的火灾风险性进行了评价。结果表明,随着EPS板、XPS板的容重增加,材料的pkHRR/TTI值、THR值增大,对火敏感性增强。  相似文献   

由于建筑外墙保温材料是可燃易燃的,易造成建筑火灾,我们要对火灾原因进行仔细的分析,并考虑与外墙保温材料相关的消防安全问题才是关键所在。如今如何提高外墙保温材料的防火能力已经成为重要的研究课题。  相似文献   

Results from the Swedish control programme regarding organochlorines in food were used to determine time trends of organochlorine concentrations in adipose tissues from swine (4-8 months old) and bovines (non-dairy, 12-36 months) slaughtered between 1991 and 1997. Moreover, possible regional differences in concentrations were studied, as well as differences in concentrations depending on sex and age of the slaughtered animals. Multiple linear regression indicated that the concentrations of PCB, p,p'-DDE, HCB and alpha-HCH decreased by 4-17% per year, suggesting that the decline in organochlorine concentrations in the Swedish environment and biota reported during the 1970s-1990s also has occurred in meat-producing animals during the 1990s. The concentrations of PCB, DDE and HCB in bovines and PCB and DDE in swine were 1.4-3.8-fold higher in the southern parts of Sweden than in the northern parts of the country, indicating a regional difference in exposure of the animals. The organochlorine concentrations were higher in bovines than in swine, and declined faster in swine than in bovines. Moreover, the concentrations of CB 153 and p,p'-DDE were similar in bovines, but in swine the average concentrations of the two compounds differed two-fold. Apart from possible species differences in metabolism of organochlorines, this may be due to differences in the age at slaughter between swine and bovines, and differences in husbandry of the animals. In the latter case, swine are generally kept inside during their whole life span, whereas bovines are kept outside grazing during the summer period. Finally, a sex-dependent difference in concentrations was indicated in swine, but not in bovines. Our study shows that a lot of information can be 'extracted' from control program results.  相似文献   

氧化锌电阻片(MOV)常用于过电压保护,其小电流特性决定了它的工频稳定性。随着电力技术的发展,MOV被应用于变压器绕组内部和超导电力系统中,MOV的工作介质为变压器油和液氮。将MOV在空气和变压器油、空气和液氮(77K)中分别进行对比试验,通过小波变换对原始数据进行去噪,利用各次谐波法提取阻性电流进行对比分析,结果显示:MOV在变压器油中的阻性电流峰值大于空气中的值,MOV在液氮中的晶界电容、阻性电流峰值均小于空气中的值。表明MOV的小电流特性在空气中优于变压器油中,在液氮温区优于常温下。  相似文献   

The weathering of arsenopyrite (FeAsS) has been monitored in soils using an in situ experimental approach. Arsenopyrite in nylon experimental bags was placed in individual horizons in soils in spruce (litter, horizons A, B, and C), beech (litter, horizons A, B, and C) and unforested (horizons A, B, and C) areas and left in contact with the soil for a period of 1 year. The individual areas on the ridge of the Krušné hory Mts., Czech Republic, had the same lithology, climatic and environmental conditions. Scorodite (FeAsO4·2H2O) was identified as a principal secondary mineral of arsenic (As) formed directly on the surface of the arsenopyrite. Scorodite was formed in all the areas in all soil horizons. The amount of scorodite formed decreased in the series beech, spruce and unforested areas. In forested areas, there was a larger amount of scorodite on arsenopyrites exposed in organic horizons (litter, A horizon). The greater rate of arsenopyrite alteration in organic horizons in the beech stand compared to spruce stand is probably a result of faster mineralization of organic material with resulting production of nitrate and better seepage conditions of soil in this area. Speciation of As determined using the sequential extraction technique demonstrated that As was bonded in the soils primarily in the residual fractions prior to the experiment. The As content in the mobile fractions increased in the organic horizon in the forested areas after the experiments.  相似文献   

清末广州中西交汇,景园营造新旧共存互动,推 动岭南园林的近代转型。其中,在繁荣的中西贸易和文化交 流,以及书院文化、士绅文化等的影响下,清末岭南形成了 以广州为中心、十三行行商为代表、官商士绅竞相造园的特 殊历史时期,其造园数量、规模、意匠等均在该时期达到岭 南古典园林发展的巅峰。这一时期也是岭南园林近代转型的 关键时期。在西方文化和清末洋务运动思想的影响下,广州 开始出现洋务花园、公园、市政绿化,以及校园绿地等新型 园林形式。这些具有公共性质的城市景致与新建私园一道广 泛分布在城墙以外,成为清末广州城市空间拓展与风景体系 形成的重要参与者。由于清末广州城外造景的繁荣,从时间 上开启了岭南园林的近代转型,在空间上使岭南园林的地域 性特征得以形成和辨识,其空间性与时间性界定了清末岭南 园林近代转型的物质及文化维度。梳理了清末广州具有代表 性的景园营造活动,在分析其动力机制的同时,探讨城外造 景之于岭南园林近代转型的意义。  相似文献   

Since the mid-1980s a previously undescribed disease has affected moose in south-western Sweden. Investigations made to reveal evidence of a viral aetiology have proved unsuccessful. Trace element studies in apparently healthy moose shot during regular hunting suggested a trace element imbalance, with excessive molybdenum uptake causing secondary copper deficiency. The results also indicated a possible chromium deficiency. To verify this hypothesis, an experimental study was performed in male goats fed a semi-synthetic diet for 1.5 years. The animals were kept and treated in four groups: Controls, Cu-deficient group (group 1), Cr-deficient group (group 2), and combined Cu- and Cr-deficient group with additional supplementation of tetrathiomolybdate for 10 weeks at the end of the study (group 3). The present paper presents tissue contents of trace and minor elements, haematology and clinical chemical parameters. Feed consumption and weight development, as well as pathological and histopathological investigations, were also performed in this study, but these results are presented elsewhere. Changes in trace element concentrations were determined by comparing groups 1, 2 and 3 with the control group. Increased concentrations were observed for Al, Ca, Co, Fe, Mo, Pb, Se in the liver; for Al, Cd, Co, Cr, Mo in the kidneys; and for Mn and Mo in the ribs. Considerable accumulation of Mn in ribs seems to be a useful way to determine oxidative stress. Decreases in Mg and P in all organs and blood serum is characteristic of Cu deficiency and molybdenosis. Also the ratio of Ca/Mg was increased as the result of tissue lesions causing an intracellular increase in Ca and decrease in Mg. The trace element changes observed in group 1 were enhanced by the Mo supplementation in group 3, resulting in characteristic patterns, 'spectra' of changes. The alterations were not as remarkable in group 2 as in the two other groups. However, Cr deficiency considerably influenced Al, Co, V and to a smaller extent also Mn in ribs. In groups 1 and 2, only a few minor changes were detected in the haematological parameters, probably caused by increased adrenal activity after transportation of the animals. In group 3, severe anaemia was present but also a leukopenia. For the different clinical chemical parameters measured, all three groups showed changes, explained mainly by the altered activity of enzymes induced by trace element deficiencies and imbalance. Impaired carbohydrate and lipid metabolism was seen in groups 1 and 3, with increased concentrations of glucose, lactate and triglycerides in serum. Increased concentrations of total bilirubin were measured in all three groups (bile stasis was also seen post mortem). A considerably increased concentration of serum urea was found in group 3, although there were no indications of renal insufficiency or dehydration. Regarding hormones, a substantial decrease was seen in thyroxine (T4) in group 3 as a result of the molybdenosis, but a minor decrease was also seen in group 1. Insulin on the other hand showed increased levels in group 3--and especially in group 2 due to the Cr deficiency but also affected by the molybdenosis. As could be expected, Cu deficiency (groups 1 and 3) caused low levels of caeruloplasmin, secondarily affecting the Fe metabolism in these animals. Protein abnormalities, detected as altered electrophoretic patterns of serum proteins, were also seen mainly in group 3. The findings were also confirmed by multivariate data analysis, where PCA revealed the overall impact of the deficiencies, and PLS regression coefficients indicated the influence on the various analytes.  相似文献   

程琳 《福建建筑》2012,(4):62-65
混凝土在现代工程建设中占有重要的地位。而在现代混凝土工程中裂缝几乎无所不在。尽管我们在施工中采取各种措施,但裂缝时有出现,究其原因,发现产生裂缝的原因是多方面的。首先,在施工中混凝土常常出现温度裂缝,影响到结构整体性和耐久性;其次,施工工艺不熟,浇注方式的变化也会导致现浇钢筋混凝土楼板产生裂缝;第三,在运转过程中,温度变化对结构的应力状态具有显著的不容忽视的影响,另外施工单位为赶进度,在现浇混凝土未达到设计强度时即拆模,或板上施工堆载过重,也会导致板开裂,出现穿透性裂缝。本文以近年来部分住宅楼用户投诉件为例,针对混凝土裂缝的成因,从脆性和不均匀性、施工工艺、温度应力形成过程、混凝土的早期养护等方面进行分析,提出现场混凝土温度的控制和预防裂缝的措施。  相似文献   

The aim of the study conducted on triticale and spring oilseed rape was to determine the role of liming, brown coal and compost medium in reducing the effect of cadmium contamination (at the rates of 0, 7.5, 15 and 22.5 mg Cd kg(-1) of soil) on yield and chemical composition of the crop. In the series of experiments without liming, a considerable decline in the yield of spring triticale grain, straw, root weight and green mass yield of rape was observed in response to the soil contamination with cadmium. Brown coal and especially compost medium added to soil neutralised the negative effect of cadmium on the grain yield and reduced a decrease in the yield of straw and roots of triticale. Soil liming proved to reduce the yield drop in oilseed rape caused by the contamination of soil with cadmium. The content of cadmium in roots and grain of spring triticale far exceeded that determined in triticale straw. The pollution of soil with cadmium caused a 26-fold increase in the content of this metal in grain, a 10-fold increase in roots of triticale and a twofold in oil-seed rape. Application of compost medium, brown coal and, to a smaller extent, liming reduced the level of cadmium in the parts of triticale brought to investigation. The soil contamination with cadmium caused certain modifications in the content of nitrogen, potassium, magnesium, calcium and sodium in spring triticale and in the content of N-total, potassium and magnesium in spring oilseed rape.  相似文献   

Function analysis (FA) is considered to be at the core of value management (VM). However, research in the construction industry in the United States and Hong Kong indicates that this fundamental process is sometimes abbreviated or omitted from the VM process. In examining this situation in the Australian construction industry context, the research described in this paper aimed to gather a cross‐sectional view of the role of FA in VM in the Australian construction industry by means of a postal questionnaire survey. The results confirm that FA is not always used in the VM process in Australia. Moreover, the functional hierarchy is preferred to the function analysis systems techniques (FAST) diagram when FA is implemented. It is also found that the greater the knowledge the participants have of FA, the more likely FA would be used in the VM process; while the greater the difficulty in implementing FA, the lesser is the commitment to use FA. In addition it is found that, in many ways, the use of FA and VM in general in Australia mirrors that of its operation (difficulty in applying FA, lack of expert facilitators, etc.) in other countries around the world. Exceptions to this include the length of time VM has been used in Australia and the duration of the VM workshops, both of which are shorter than in most countries.  相似文献   

Trace elements Cd, Zn, Cu, As, Se and Hg were analysed in muscle and liver of Brünnich's guillemot, Common guillemot, Puffin, Black guillemot, Little auk, Razorbill, Common eider, King eider, Glaucous gull, Herring gull, Black-legged kittiwake, Northern fulmar and Arctic tern collected in 1991-1992 at the main breeding colonies in the Barents Sea. The highest levels of the most toxic elements Cd and Hg were found in birds nesting north of Spitsbergen. Extremely high levels of As were detected in tissues of all seabird species collected at colonies in Chernaya Guba (Novaya Zemlya), where nuclear tests were carried out in the 1960s. In general, levels of all of the trace elements in the Barents Sea seabirds were similar or lower in comparison with those reported for the same seabird species from the other Arctic areas. Data on metallothionein concentrations in different seabird species need to be collected in order to understand the mechanism of bioaccumulation and possible toxic effects of trace elements in Arctic seabirds.  相似文献   

Conclusion  This paper has tracked the parallel evolution of two discourses on governance over the past decade, one which has evolved largely in the work of the World Bank and in a global context shared with other international donor agencies, and the other by development scholars external to the international agencies, and in particular at a local level in the context of cities in the developing world. Key points of dissonance and resonance between the two discourses have been examined with a view to understanding the debate on governance, particularly in terms of whether the notion is, and can remain, a potent idea in development thinking. While the two discourses demonstrate dissonance in that they have evolved from very different starting points, and have a tendency to be differentially weighted in terms of analytical concentrations in their state-market-society relationships, the points of resonance which have been identified here, and demonstrated through the issue of improved capacity in local government, tend to suggest that there are potent ways of employing governance to frame development work in the future. The paper has also demonstrated that the highly varied meaning associated with the term governance is understandable from the distinct definitional paths of evolution of the term, globally and locally. While more work is demanded, the at least tentative conclusion here is that the discourse on governance is not so divergent as to render the notion weak. Indeed, in certain important circumstances, the two discourses can be mutually enhancing, and this tends to empower the notion of governance itself. However, this is only possible when the notion is considered less in economistic, neo-liberal terms associated with the Bank’s discourse, and re-cast in a more local context concerned with the political-economy of cities, and which situates local government in a pivotal position in the governing relationship. Governance in this respect can not only help to fill an important gap in development discourse, but as an ideational framework can help to overcome the singularity of approach to current and key development efforts as decentralisation, local government strengthening, public sector reform, democratisation and empowerment of civil society in the governing relationship.  相似文献   

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