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伴随着经济的快速发展,我国城 市与自然生态保护的矛盾日益突出,生态安 全已经成为我国城市空间发展的重要前提。 作为广州市新型城市化背景下生态城市规划 的样本和示范,海珠生态城未来将建设成为 “以万亩果园为核心、具有岭南水乡魅力的 花城、水城、绿城特色生态城市样板区”。 构建海珠生态城的生态安全格局极为重要, 规划不应仅停留于理念、目标和方法研究 层面,而应更加突出生态文明实践,从战略 构想逐步走向规划实施。本文对海珠生态 城的生态安全格局的基础构建进行分析研 究,对广州中心城区的生态安全格局进行了 积极的探索  相似文献   

天津生态城是天津市两个国家海绵城市建设试点区之一,根据天津生态城试点区域海绵城市建设情况,梳理天津生态城存在的主要问题,并提出海绵城市建设技术路线,探索从自然本底保护、汇水分区划分、水环境改善、水安全提升、水资源保障和水生态恢复六个方面构建海绵城市系统化方案,充分总结经验,以系统化思维做好顶层设计,支撑上位规划,为实现天津生态城生态环境的"弹性"提供技术支持。  相似文献   

生态城市建设的环境绩效评估探索   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过对目前生态城市建设绩效评估的研究综述,分析其方法和指标体系的特点与不足。特别以海珠生态城为例,从土地、水环境、局地气象、生物多样性等4个方面进行生态城市建设的环境绩效,初步形成一套科学、客观、可行的评估方法和指标体系,以期能够直接反映生态城市建设的成效,为动态调整和优化生态城市建设的策略提供科学依据。  相似文献   

叶枫  李辉  徐艳 《风景园林》2020,27(10):19-22
城市中的自然空间在城市生态格局中具有重要意义。以基于湿地资源调查评价的深圳市湿地资源保护总体规划为例,并在以往城市生态规划和生物多样性保护规划实践经验的基础上,提出了基于生态学角度的城市自然空间保护方法及建议:1)湿地保护规划从“零”突破;2)科学管控城市自然空间,坚持科学保护和合理利用协同发展;3)注重城市自然空间与城市合理的干扰互动,并加强城市自然空间的生物多样性研究和保护。  相似文献   

在回顾了国内外对绿色碳汇评估已有的研究后,界定了城市绿色碳汇评估规划方法.同时,以广州市海珠生态城规划为例,从非建设用地及建设用地两个层面,建立绿色碳汇评估模型,通过分析规划前后绿色生态用地及其碳汇能力的变化情况,可以看到海珠生态城面临城市化快速开发,生态用地面积整体减少的情况,提出提升单位用地生态碳汇功能的战略目标,通过提升建设用地地块内绿化用地植林率,最终实现规划碳汇增幅达21.8%的低碳规划目标.  相似文献   

本文探讨了位于自然、城市和基础设施彼此相互混杂景观中的城市湿地的生态设计方法。相对于远离城市的自然环境湿地,洲仔湿地的恢复可以说是一个如何将“自然引入城市”的典范。洲仔湿地邻近高雄高速铁路站,周围环绕不断发展中的高密度住宅群,在这个特殊的地理位置中,却具有丰富的景观多样性和贯穿全区的生态流。为解决在湿地恢复过程中所遇到的三个问题(自然与人类行为之间的冲突:野生生物生境和城市公园之间的冲突;自然与城市基础设施之间的冲突),提出了三个城市生态愿景,重新定义了“人地关系”,同时也提出了在高密度城市居住环境中,设计可以作为生态介入的观点。  相似文献   

本文探讨了位于自然、城市和基础设施彼此相互混杂景观中的城市湿地的生态设计方法(?)相对于远离城市的自然环境湿地(?)洲仔湿地的恢复可以说是一个如何将“自然引入城市”的典范。洲仔湿地邻近高雄高速铁路站,周围环绕不断发展中的高密度住宅群。在这个特殊的地理位置中,却具有丰富的景观多样性和贯穿全区的生态流。为解决在湿地恢复过程中所遇到的三个问题(自然与人类行为之间的冲突;野生生物生境和城市公园之间的冲突;自然与城市基础设施之间的冲突),提出了三个城市生态愿景,重新定义了“人地关系”,同时也提出了在高密度城市居住环境中,设计可以作为生态介入的观点。  相似文献   

根据整体优化、景观连续性、生物多样性、可持续发展、因地制宜与景观多重价值等原则,佛山应以生态恢复理论指导,从城市绿地斑块、城市绿色廊道、环城绿带、城市湿地、工业废弃地、岭南文化等6个方面进行城市绿地系统规划,最终形成“绿色基质+绿色廊道+干扰斑块+景观节点”的景观格局。  相似文献   

陈梦芸  林广思 《中国园林》2022,38(10):20-25
湿地作为世界上生物多样性最为丰富的生态系统之一,正经历着气候变化和城镇化等各方面的威胁。在人口稠密的城市环境中,伴随湿地系统的破坏与退化,生物多样性丧失的问题愈发严重。鉴于此,以广东广州海珠国家湿地公园为研究对象,采用多层次嵌入型案例研究的方式,叠加交叉分析的研究方法,从政策法规与规划体系、生境修复与空间设计策略、日常管养与监测、公私伙伴合作模式4个方面对3个历史建设阶段的策略进行分析,探究城市中心区的湿地生物多样性保护与提升的策略。结果表明:政策法规与规划体系是基本前提与保障,生境修复与空间设计策略是重要的载体,日常管养与监测是可持续发展的关键,公私伙伴合作是多源动力,四者具有显著协同效益,相辅相成。研究结果可为城市中心区的湿地生物多样性提升提供经验参照和行动框架。  相似文献   

城市湿地是城市生态系统的重要组成部分,具有调节区域气候、防洪蓄洪、提高生物多样性等生态功能。本文主要从生态文化保护与旅游开发规划两个方面来探讨城市湿地公园的规划建设,并以鹤泉湖国家湿地公园为例,论证了城市湿地公园旅游开发规划应在结合湿地生态文化、当地民俗文化的基础上,创建有特色的游憩活动项目,为相关湿地公园的开发建设提供依据和借鉴。  相似文献   

陈曦 《建筑师》2017,(6):55-60
文章通过对意大利1964年《威尼斯宪章》之后保护理论思潮的研究,总结了当代意大利的四种典型的保护思想:包括基于史学维度的整体性修复,偏重对于历史遗址不断演变层积的延续;基于美学维度的"批判性修复",偏重对于艺术品批判性的阐释过程;"保护性修复",其特点是避免剥离历史纪念物的本体,新的加建要用当代的语言;以及"维护性复原",强调建筑物与艺术品本质的不同,需要持续地维修以流传后世。这些思想一方面体现了当代意大利乃至欧洲保护思想的动态,一方面也为当代的保护哲学提供了更多的维度。  相似文献   

城市的大拆大建,是城市发展必然要经历的过程。只有珍惜过去,又不局限于过去,才能发展现在。在上海这个有着深厚历史积淀的城市,保存着许多有历史价值的老建筑,这些资料都是弥足珍贵的,一旦失去就很难弥补。因此,做好风貌建筑的历史考证和保护修缮是如今面临的一个重要的课题。  相似文献   

Wetland park design seeks to protect and restore the wetland ecosystems of sites through scientific approaches. However, in practice, the relevant ecological principles about wetland restoration are often not effectively understood or applied by landscape designers, resulting in compromised ecological benefits after the restoration, especially in biodiversity and habitat benefits. The authors highlighted the main causal factors in wetland—flooding and fertility—and adopted wetland birds as indicator species to simplify the evaluation method. Based on years of practice, the authors summarized a hydrology-based wetland design method for habitat restoration, aiming to translate ecological principles and research findings into design guidelines that can be easily understood and applied by landscape designers to spatial design. This design method includes 7 steps, namely 1) targeted species selection and goal setting; 2) design of habitat types and spatial arrangement; 3) landform design; 4) water level design; 5) plant community building; 6) landscape design with minimal intervention; and 7) spatial design for natural succession. The article then expanded each step using an illustrative design case, the Qinghua Wetland in Baoshan, Yunnan Province.  相似文献   

Tropical rainforest, a unique forest ecosystem with the richest biodiversity on the earth, is now suffering from rapid biodiversity loss and ecological degradation. Xishuangbanna is such a typical example in China, where the ecosystem of Sanda Mountain is fragmented by agricultural practices and rubber plantation, and the vegetation productivity decreases sharply, threatening its role in the regional ecological security pattern. For an overall ecological improvement of the study area, since 2017, the project team has examined the existing habitat conditions in Sanda Mountain and proposed a thirty-year planning scheme for the ecological restoration by introducing constructive and pioneer plant species, employing a mixedspecies planting mode, and facilitating the natural regeneration of vegetation community to recover natural succession through ecological restoration planning at patch-, corridor-, and regionalscales. The team simulated the changes in carbon storage, habitat quality, and ecosystem service value before and after planning via the InVEST model to guide the dynamic adjustment of the tropical rainforest restoration. This exploratory ecological restoration planning for such a largescale tropical rainforest may provide research and practical references for other studies in China and abroad.  相似文献   

本文介绍了长春市历史建筑的保护现状,在总结近年来参与不同类型的历史建筑修缮实践的基础上,探讨了历史建筑保护修缮设计应遵循的原则和方法。  相似文献   

Ski slope construction is one of the major anthropogenic factors responsible for ecosystem degradation in mountain areas in Finnish Lapland. Mt. Ylläs has been used as a downhill skiing slope for about 30 years. Until 1992, the ski slopes were kept in their natural condition: there was no removal of vegetation and soil above the tree line. After 1992, Mt. Ylläs went through an extensive construction, the ski slopes were machine-graded and machine-levelled, which caused damage to both vegetation and soil. The aim of the study presented here was to examine nutrient status of various soils on the machine-graded and machine-levelled ski slopes in relation to their potential use as a substrate for revegetation practices.Soil organic matter and nutrient status were analysed in three sites on the slopes of Mt. Ylläs in the tree line zone (transit zone between wooded vegetation and treeless alpine vegetation): (1) reference site on the undisturbed area between the ski-runs (Control); (2) disturbed site on the ski-run area (DSP — ‘DiSturbed Podzol’, DSL — ‘DiSturbed Leptosol’ and DSB — ‘DiSturbed Bare soil’); and (3) Revegetation study Plots established on the ski-runs (RP). The analysis of element concentrations and their relative proportions allow us to conclude that only DSP and DSL can be considered as potentially appropriate for unassisted ecosystem recovery on the ski-runs. Presence of native plant species on these patches supports our conclusion. As a recommendation for revegetation of ski-runs, we propose implementation of substrate composed of upper layer of initial soil. Such substrate can be collected during the construction work on ski slopes or on building sites in the area with similar soils. Uncomposted substrate or at least short period of composting is preferable.  相似文献   

李树华 《中国园林》2005,21(11):59-64
在介绍生态恢复的生态学原则、对策目标、途径、构成要素、方法与步骤的基础上,以日本兵库县淡路岛"故乡之森"的营造为例,具体说明了利用绿化技术进行生态与景观恢复的原理与手法.  相似文献   

Large Wood (LW) is increasingly employed in river restoration to promote physical habitat heterogeneity and ecological diversity. To explore how LW has been used in restoration schemes across the United Kingdom in recent decades, we analysed data on 912 LW projects archived in the UK’s National River Restoration Inventory (NRRI). The number of LW schemes has continued to increase following the earliest records in the 1990s, largely tracking overall trends in river restorations. LW projects have been predominantly located in lowland, rural streams, although there has been a notable cluster in and around London. LW projects have mainly revolved around the desire to deliver hydromorphological improvements and specifically the creation of fish habitat. Most schemes used LW in simple deflector forms despite the growing scientific evidence of the benefits of using structurally complex LW. Post project monitoring has been limited and mostly restricted to photographic records. This type of database analysis can provide important insights and help guide future restoration practice.  相似文献   

Upland peat soils represent a large terrestrial carbon store and as such have the potential to be either an ongoing net sink of carbon or a significant net source of carbon. In the UK many upland peats are managed for a range of purposes but these purposes have rarely included carbon stewardship. However, there is now an opportunity to consider whether management practices could be altered to enhance storage of carbon in upland peats. Further, there are now voluntary and regulated carbon trading schemes operational throughout Europe that mean stored carbon, if verified, could have an economic and tradeable value. This means that new income streams could become available for upland management. The ‘Sustainable Uplands’ RELU project has developed a model for calculating carbon fluxes from peat soils that covers all carbon uptake and release pathways (e.g. fluvial and gaseous pathways). The model has been developed so that the impact of common management options within UK upland peats can be considered. The model was run for a decade from 1997-2006 and applied to an area of 550 km2 of upland peat soils in the Peak District. The study estimates that the region is presently a net sink of − 62 ktonnes CO2 equivalent at an average export of − 136 tonnes CO2 equivalent/km2/yr. If management interventions were targeted across the area the total sink could increase to − 160 ktonnes CO2/yr at an average export of − 219 tonnes CO2 equivalent/km2/yr. However, not all interventions resulted in a benefit; some resulted in increased losses of CO2 equivalents. Given present costs of peatland restoration and value of carbon offsets, the study suggests that 51% of those areas, where a carbon benefit was estimated by modelling for targeted action of management interventions, would show a profit from carbon offsetting within 30 years. However, this percentage is very dependent upon the price of carbon used.  相似文献   

The framework of the Italian restoration doctrine is based on the reception and transmission of the memory of the past. However, interventions in modern architecture represent a radical drift in the sense that they mostly consist of reconstructions, refurbishments, and renovations. Such work disregards the sense of value acknowledgment that is implicit in architectural conservation and neglects the importance of material conservation. The uneven fortune of the School of Mathematics at Rome's University Campus illustrates this situation. This predicament is similar to that of many other modern buildings that have been declared “monuments” by mouth but are actually bent to listless and insensible use, mistreated, and hardly maintained. The recent work carried out at the School of Mathematics proves that interventions on modern buildings are mostly insensitive to their true significance and are often carried out in extreme urgency for mere practical reasons, if not for political opportunities. Modern buildings can be true architectural monuments that express great esthetic potentials and retain notable historical weight in the history of architecture; therefore, they should be regarded as highly representative of our recent past and maintained as such.  相似文献   

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