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解读多中心:形态、功能与治理   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
多中心是一个涉及地理,经济社会,政治或行政等多个方面的动态的概念.为了更好地在城市区域规划中理解和应用这一概念,首先从空问形态,功能和治理三个层面阐释多中心的多重内涵,进而通过对多中心的尺度依赖与过程依赖的阐释,说明多中心概念的动态特征.最后,审视中国城市区域多中心的发展,指出其发展的特征与可能的演化趋势.  相似文献   

多中心城市的概念内涵与空间特征解析   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
"多中心"是当前国内外大城市发展的一般特征和趋势。本研究通过对大量国内外多中心城市相关研究的分析,首先梳理了多中心城市研究的历史脉络,从理论推导和空间特征两个方面,总结提出了多中心城市的概念和内涵;其次,分别从空间形态特征、规模等级特征、功能体系特征、"互动流"特征、区域协同特征和空间演化的阶段性特征方面,详细解析了多中心城市在各表现维度上的特征;最后,提出了对于我国大城市空间发展的启示与借鉴,并针对当前大城市空间结构引导实践中的困惑,提出未来的研究展望。本研究旨在为新型城镇化过程中我国大城市空间可持续发展和科学引导提供基础依据。  相似文献   

城市中心体系发展的理论框架探索   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
经济全球化和快速城市化的发展,使得经济中心城市的公共服务设施出现了新的空间结构特征——服务产业向城市多个中心区聚集,并出现职能分工和空间错位发展的趋向,由此形成一种新的空间聚集形态——城市中心体系从中心体系的概念入手,分析中心体系的等级序列和阶段演变,并提出城市中心体系空间研究的技术框架,阐述城市中心体系的一主多副、二主多副、多主中心等不同空间结构类型,解析其内在发展机制,并按照城市产业与空间的发展内在规律分析其相互之间的演替关系  相似文献   

城市生态命源区概念认为,城市是人工系统依赖一定的自然系统发展而成的复合系统,人工系统与自然系统对城市的形态与结构产生多维的作用,使城市形成人工属性的人工中心和具有不可代替性生态服务功能的生态中心。城市生态命源区一般存在于城市水源地、生态流上游,是城市或区域层次固有的一个单元结构,具有功能不可替代性、空间边缘上游性和生态敏感性三个特征。在实践中,可通过反分离规划、服务通道规划等加强对城市生态命源区的保护,促进城市生态命源区的发展。  相似文献   

李梦一欣  黄琦   《风景园林》2022,29(12):12-19
在绿色、低碳、可持续的城市空间发展需求下,风景园林师亟须全面、系统地探索城市绿色开放空间体系,以及各空间要素之间的动态关系,促进人们对蓝绿空间特征的感知与识别,进而提升城市人居环境质量。在这一背景下,德国持续展开“绿色开放空间结构”质性研究,强调通过“绿色结构分析法”对城市开放空间进行整体性把握和类型化分析。通过文献综述和质性分析方法,厘清德国绿色结构的概念和发展历程,从特征和属性角度进一步剖析绿色结构的复杂性、多元性和地方性。采用分类法和归纳法,从制图和空间类型2个层面阐释绿色结构分析法的实施路径,为后续实证研究奠定基础。借鉴德国经验,以北京市为例,对位于中心城区和石景山-永定河片区的绿色开放空间结构与类型展开质性分析。最终,从认识论、方法论和信息可视化3个层面,总结德国绿色结构分析法及其质性研究对中国城市开放空间可持续发展的启示。  相似文献   

基于"多中心"的城市空间结构发展战略成为大城市破解空间绩效问题的主要手段。本文在总结沈阳"单中心"城市结构历史演进、变化特征基础上,从空间视角探析沈阳中心城区空间结构的绩效水平,选取近300个服务业类公共建筑样本,借助GIS平台通过IDW空间插值法、反距离权重法分析空间集聚与扩散趋势,同时对人口密度分布变化、动态与静态组织结构的耦合性进行测度。研究发现,沈阳多中心的城市结构形态已经显现,但空间发展不均衡,聚集中心的分布呈现圈层式布局特征;人口分布变化具有离心和向心双重现象,一环至三环间人口增长为次级集聚中心的形成提供支撑;城市轨道交通与空间结构的耦合度差。在此基础上,提出城市空间结构的整体优化路径。  相似文献   

山地中心城市空间具有多元化特征,这与城市整体功能之间形成互动影响关系。在深入剖析中心城市特征与山地城市形态矛盾的基础上,遵循山地中心城市多组团、多中心、多维度、多层次特征,从宏观层面构建了山地中心城市多元化空间特性与中心城市整体功能发挥的理论模型,搭建了“四多”特征与城市整体功能的联系,解构了山地城市整体功能受城市空间发展的影响关系,模型将特征与功能关系进一步数理化和抽象化,是在山地特征规划科学性的基础上,对山地空间与整体功能发挥理论的发展与延伸。  相似文献   

以沈阳市中心城区为例,提出了一种基于"形"和"流"的城市空间结构研究模型,从静、动态两个角度揭示城市的空间发展特征。首先,从城市物质空间组成要素出发,构建以"人地房、设施条件、人居环境"为主体的空间评价体系,分析城市"形"的空间特征;利用人口、用地和建筑数据,结合交通出行调查,推算城市内各区域的空间出行分布,对城市"流"特征进行分析。综合二者研究结果,根据空间发展的均质、异质性特征,对沈阳市中心城区的空间格局进行重构。最后,以片区为单元,采用局部空间自相关的方法,对城市"形"和"流"的综合评价结果进行空间聚类,实现城市多中心体系的识别与发展阶段的判断。  相似文献   

德国城市中心步行区的成功发展,首要归功于他们先进的城市公共交通,特别是城市快速轨道交通系统。一方面,它改善了城市中心的可达性;另一方面,它帮助城市逐步摆脱了对汽车交通的依赖,为城市中心步行区的扩张创造了有利的条件。本文以斯图加特市为案例,简要回顾了其城市快速轨道交通系统与城市中心步行区半个多世纪的发展历程,探讨了其步行区的公共交通可达性,并总结了斯图加特公共交通系统对城市中心步行区发展的推动作用。  相似文献   

详细阐释湿地公园的概念和特征,从保护与利用城市湿地的角度,分析了我国城市湿地公园建设发展的现状及规划建设中存在的问题,并就如何科学发挥其功效作用,促进城市湿地公园健康发展,提出了可行性意见建议。  相似文献   

Towards the end of the twentieth century, polycentricity was introduced into China as a planning concept. Subsequently a number of super/mega city regions began to adopt polycentric development spatial planning strategies, which are designed to facilitate more sustainable and balanced development. This paper seeks to identify the main differences in application of polycentricity between China and the West, and explore the major emerging thematic strands of polycentric development practice, as illustrated through an evaluation of master planning in eight super/mega city regions across China. In particular, the paper highlights the divergent interpretations of polycentricity in master plan-making practice and shows how plans have been adjusted to help deliver the idea of polycentric development. Although the concept of polycentricity is relatively new in China, it has already become a normative approach used to determine future spatial structures. While there is an absence of an articulated rationality to ‘decide’ whether this is (or should be) an ‘ideal’ model, already it has gone beyond Western approaches of initially using polycentricity as an interpretative tool to describe urban realities.  相似文献   

从城市网络的视角讨论创新和大都市圈发展的内在联系,基于逻辑推演提出大都市圈城市创新网络的基本概念,并从理论上分析了其"多尺度"的空间尺度特征、"多中心"的空间形态特征以及城市节点与城市创新网络整体的关系特征。在理论分析的基础上,以长三角大都市圈为例,初步从实证角度验证了大都市圈城市创新网络的三大发展特征。长三角大都市圈城市创新网络存在于区域、国家和全球三个尺度,并且空间尺度越大,城市创新网络的功能多中心程度越低。上海在长三角大都市圈内承担的创新枢纽功能主要体现在国家和全球尺度上,区域尺度的枢纽功能则被其他次中心城市所分解。  相似文献   

Despite a growing interest among policymakers and urban planners in promoting polycentric and compact development to mitigate traffic congestion, empirical studies have often documented mixed and indirect evidence on the impacts of polycentricity and compactness on congestion. Drawing upon a direct and big-data-based measure of congestion and gridded (1 km × 1 km) population data of 98 Chinese cities, this study investigates how polycentricity and compactness may affect congestion in these cities. The degrees of polycentricity and compactness are measured through fine-grained identification of population centers. All else being equal, the empirical results show that congestion is positively associated with the degree of compactness but negatively associated with that of polycentricity. However, increasing the degree of polycentricity by developing more than four population centers may also lead to more congestion. Furthermore, the negative impact of polycentricity on congestion becomes weaker with the increase in a city's population and even turns positive for large cities with more than six million inhabitants within urban districts. The paper concludes with spatial planning implications.  相似文献   

The concept of polycentric development has emerged as one of the hallmarks of the emerging field of European spatial planning. It was one of the key principles in the European Spatial Development Perspective (ESDP), it has been frequently debated by academics, and it has been invoked by those engaged in spatial development policy making across the scales of multi-level governance in Europe. The concept is subject to multiple interpretations. This article argues that as well as being differentiated by spatial scale (vertical differentiation), the concept can also be differentiated horizontally by context. It is currently being interpreted and employed in at least three domains of meaning: in the emerging field of transnational spatial planning for Europe; in the practice of spatial development policy making at the various levels of multi-level territorial governance within Europe where planning occurs; and in an emerging academic discourse relating to European spatial planning. The article then focuses on the second domain where polycentricity is employed and has meaning ascribed to it, through a consideration of how the concept has been interpreted and applied in recent spatial planning initiatives in England. The article concludes that further ‘bottom-up’ comparative research and analysis is key to future research into the concept of polycentricity in European spatial planning.  相似文献   

The both polycentric governance and Living Labs concepts are based on decentralized participatory planning, co-design, and decisionmaking. While the concept of Living Lab is still emerging, the Isar-Plan (2000 ~ 2011) pioneered the approach for selecting, co-designing, and implementing nature-based solutions along the Isar River in Munich, Germany. Despite multiple governing authorities involved in the decisionmaking process of the Isar-Plan, the polycentric governance that led to the success of the project has to date not been analyzed. This paper presents the results of an ex-post-analysis of the Isar-Plan restoration planning process based on stakeholder interviews and a literature review. The contribution describes the evolution of Isar-Plan governance arrangements and discusses the Living Lab approaches to cooperative governance. The analysis demonstrates how polycentricity facilitated trust, learning, and the co-design of a resilient waterscape. The paper concludes that Living Labs can be a way of applying polycentric governance when autonomous and multi-scale decision-makers are collaboratively involved in the design of policy solutions, and vice-versa.  相似文献   

Polycentric planning strategies aimed at addressing traffic congestion and other agglomeration diseconomies have not achieved expected effects, leading researchers to doubt the effectiveness of polycentricity. So far, the small stream of literature focusing on the linkage between urban spatial structure and economic performance is inconclusive. This paper examines this linkage from mono- and polycentric perspective using China's Second National Economic Census for cities proper. It concludes that polycentricity benefits urban economic performance, as measured by labor productivity. This result is robust to alternative polycentric indexes and also to TSLS estimations. The heterogeneity tests show the availability of internet, as mediator, could improve the effects of polycentricity on economic performance. These findings support the implementation of polycentric planning strategy.  相似文献   

Debates of polycentricity or dispersal concerning the locational patterns of decentralized employment have caused widespread concern owing to their differing social and economic consequences. However, studies relating to these debates do not account for the reasons for the inconsistencies. Based on available point employment data, this paper seeks to respond to the debates by documenting and explaining the spatial transformation of Shanghai at different geographic scales. We find that the period from 2004 to 2008 captures a trend of employment centralization. But a reverse trend of decentralization occurred between 2008 and 2013, which is characterized by general dispersal at a large scale, accompanied by polycentricity at a small scale. These results contribute to the literature by highlighting the role of scale effect in addressing the debates about polycentricity or dispersal and provide insights for identifying urban spatial structure in planning practice.  相似文献   

喷涂聚脲弹性体是一种新型多功能绿色材料,重点介绍了国内外喷涂聚脲技术的发展历程及在防腐、防水保温和混凝土耐久性防护领域的应用,简要介绍了该技术的特点及发展前景。  相似文献   

成都宽窄巷子历史街区的非物质文化延续方式   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
李明燕 《山西建筑》2009,35(13):21-22
研究了成都宽窄巷子历史街区的非物质文化构成,分析了非物质文化延续的影响因素,并提出了以下几点延续方式:鼓励部分居民回迁、产业发展立足于传统生活、非物质文化保护与景观营造结合,以寻求非物质文化在历史街区中的持续与健康发展。  相似文献   

在当今相关城市区域重建的思考中,多中心与城市网络的概念占据了重要位置。本文将对莱茵鲁尔多中心城市区域内部的协同运作进行研究。协同,意味着使整个城市网络的功效大于其各部分的相加,我们将在一个模糊战略概念中讨论这一问题,该战略一方面把莱茵鲁尔作为一个构成关键国际竞争力的“大都市区”,而另一方面,对这一战略却少有实施。因此,最后文章提出一些建议,以期区域战略政策更加适用于莱茵鲁尔特殊的多中心结构,以及区域内部潜在的协同能力。  相似文献   

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