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文章研究了当前我国常用的水泥胶砂干缩标准试验方法对GRC收缩测量试验的影响,两种方法对比研究了GRC掺入粉煤灰所配制的砂浆干缩特性,分析了两种方法所得结果之间的相关性;实验结果表明两种水泥胶砂干缩标准试验方法测得的干缩率是线性相关的,两种试验方法具有显著的线性关系,水泥胶砂干缩试验方法(JC/T603-2004《水泥胶砂干缩试验方法》)测得的收缩率比建筑砂浆基本性能试验方法(JGJ/T70-2009《建筑砂浆基本性能试验方法标准》)测得的试件收缩变形更大,由于GRC大多是薄壁构件,水泥胶砂干缩试验方法采用的试件尺寸更能反映出实际GRC构件的收缩性能。  相似文献   

通过水泥砂浆流动度试验、水泥胶砂试件强度试验、水泥胶砂试件干缩试验、混凝土强度试验、混凝土孔结构分析和混凝土面板早期诱导开裂试验,系统研究了高吸水树脂对水泥胶砂及混凝土性能的影响。结果表明,高吸水树脂内养护对水泥胶砂试件流动性影响与其吸水性能有重要关系,但在混凝土中则并不明显;高吸水树脂对水泥胶砂试件早期干缩有很好的抑制作用,后期干缩抑制效果不明显;高吸水树脂对混凝土后期强度降低不大,对混凝土孔结构总孔隙率影响不明显,高吸水树脂增大了混凝土大孔的体积,稍微降低了气孔间距系数;掺吸水树脂的混凝土要控制早期水分蒸发,避免发生塑性收缩开裂。  相似文献   

郑建功 《建筑工人》2001,(11):35-35
一、裂纹原因外墙涂膜的裂纹是基层变形的反映。水泥砂浆收缩和温度变形是抹灰层裂纹的内在原因。水泥砂浆一般存在三种变形:一是干缩变形,干缩率随着水泥用量、水泥品种、砂率和单位用水量的  相似文献   

一、裂纹原因 外墙涂膜的裂纹是基层变形的反映。水泥砂浆收缩和温度变形是抹灰层裂纹的内在原因。水泥砂浆一般存在三种变形:一是干缩变形,干缩率随着水泥用量、水泥品种、砂率和单位用水量的变化而改变;二是自身体积变形,是由砂浆胶凝材料水化引起的,普通水泥砂浆一般表现为收缩,会导致抹灰层开裂;三是温度变形。施工中引起裂纹产生的原因主要有以下几点。  相似文献   

研究了大理石粉对水泥基胶凝材料流动性、强度和干缩的影响。研究得出,大理石粉增加了水泥胶砂的流动性,大理石粉掺量越大其流动度越大。水泥胶砂1 d和3 d抗折和抗压强度随大理石粉掺量增加先增大后减小,大理石粉掺量为5%其抗折和抗压强度最大;水泥胶砂7、28、56 d抗折和抗压强度随大理石粉掺量增加而减小。水泥胶砂干缩随大理石粉掺量增加呈现先减小后增大的规律,大理石粉掺量为20%时其干缩最小。  相似文献   

张振涛 《混凝土》2020,(1):115-118
研究了聚羧酸减水剂对普通硅酸盐水泥-硫铝酸盐水泥复合体系性能影响。测试了不同掺量的聚羧酸减水剂对于标准稠度用水量及凝结时间、胶砂强度、水泥胶砂干缩率、水化放热的影响,并利用XRD(X射线衍射仪)和SEM(扫描电子显微镜)进行微观结构的观察和分析。随着聚羧酸减水剂掺量的增加准稠度用水量逐渐减降低,凝结时间先减小后增大;胶砂强度胶砂的1、3、28 d抗折、抗压强度均先增大再减小;水泥胶砂干缩率随着聚羧酸减水剂的掺入,很大幅度的减小了水泥胶砂试件的干缩率;聚羧酸减水剂的掺入使普通硅酸盐水泥-硫铝酸盐水泥复合体系的水化放热峰出现时间延后,且使初期的水化放热峰值提高。掺入减水剂会使水化产物增多,钙矾石结晶变粗壮,结构更加密实。  相似文献   

混凝土保持体积稳定是防止混凝土早期开裂的关键措施,而磨细钢渣粉作为活性矿物掺合料对混凝土的干缩性能有着重要的影响。本文针对掺入不同种类、不同掺量钢渣粉的水泥胶砂早期干缩性能进行试验研究,探讨了钢渣粉对水泥胶砂干缩性能的影响规律。试验表明,磨细钢渣粉单掺或与矿渣粉复掺时,水泥胶砂的干缩率存在增大的趋势,在实际工程应用时不容忽视。  相似文献   

水泥砂浆与混凝土干缩相关性研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文通过试验测定掺与不掺矿物掺合料的水泥砂浆的干缩率及相应混凝土的干缩率,探讨水泥砂浆干缩与混凝土干缩的相关性,结果表明:水泥砂浆与混凝土的干缩符合二次多项式相关,且相关性良好。  相似文献   

为研究SMW工法桩在广东江河冲积地质淤泥质黏土和粉细砂中的成桩性状,通过现场取样测得水泥土强度和干密度;在实验室内分别按3种水灰比和4种水泥掺入比制作试样,并测得28,60,90d和120d龄期下的无侧限抗压强度。试验结果表明:淤泥质黏土水泥土和粉细砂水泥土最佳水灰比均为1.5;淤泥质黏土水泥土在水泥掺入比为18%时强度最高,粉细砂水泥土在水泥掺入比为15%时强度最高,粉细砂与水泥结合的机理与水泥砂浆相似,随砂灰比的增大而增大;水泥土强度随龄期的增长而增长,且在最佳水泥掺入比时28d后强度增长明显;水泥土干密度与抗压强度呈正相关;最后分析了现场水泥土强度比实验室内水泥土强度小的原因,结果可以为改进SMW工法桩施工工艺提供参考。  相似文献   

磷酸镁水泥基材料收缩影响因素研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
试验研究了水泥细度、胶砂比、缓凝剂掺量、水胶比等因素对磷酸镁水泥基材料收缩性能的影响。研究结果表明:磷酸镁水泥净浆的收缩值在7d前发展迅速,之后增长变缓;而磷酸镁水泥砂浆的收缩值则是在28d后才趋于稳定。磷酸镁水泥砂浆的收缩值大大低于普通硅酸盐水泥砂浆的收缩值。磷酸镁水泥基材料的收缩值随着磷酸镁水泥比表面积、胶砂比和水胶比增大而增加;而减少缓凝剂硼砂的掺量和掺人粉煤灰则可在一定程度上降低磷酸镁水泥砂浆的收缩。  相似文献   

萘系高效减水剂对砂浆早期变形性能影响的研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
高效减水剂是高性能水泥基材料不可缺少的组分.早期收缩开裂是导致水泥基材料劣化的根本原因。本文采用多通道椭圆环收缩开裂测试手段、自由收缩和强度试验综合评价了萘系高效减水剂对水泥砂浆早期收缩开裂和强度的影响。结果表明.掺萘系高效减水剂延长了砂浆初始开裂时间.从而降低了砂浆的开裂敏感性。且高浓型比普通型更能有效地降低砂浆开裂敏感性。掺萘系高效减水剂增大了砂浆自由收缩值.砂浆自由收缩值都随着UNF掺量的增大而增大.且在同等掺量条件下.掺高浓型UNF砂浆的自由收缩值要比掺普通型UNF的略大。在干燥养护条件下.普通型UNF比高浓型UNF更能有效地提高砂浆的28d强度。  相似文献   

掺高效减水剂水泥砂浆的早期开裂研究   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
采用多通道椭圆环收缩开裂试验、自由收缩试验和强度试验综合评价了萘系(UNF)、聚羧酸类(PC)高效减水剂对水泥砂浆体积稳定性及早期开裂的影响.结果表明,高效减水剂的掺入延长了水泥砂浆的初始开裂时间,从而降低了水泥砂浆的开裂敏感性.高效减水剂降低水泥砂浆开裂敏感性的效果为:聚羧酸类〉高浓型萘系〉普通型萘系.掺高效减水弃1均增大了水泥砂浆的自由收缩值,且水泥砂浆自由收缩值随着高效减水剂掺量的增加而增大.高效减水剂控制水泥砂浆体积稳定性的效果为:聚羧酸类〉普通型萘系〉高浓型萘系.聚羧酸类高效减水剂的掺入减小了水泥砂浆的最大裂纹宽度,而萘系高效减水剂的掺入则加快了水泥砂浆最大裂纹宽度的发展速度.在干燥养护条件下,掺聚羧酸类高效减水剂比掺萘系高效减水剂更能有效地提高水泥砂浆28d的强度.  相似文献   

In this work, the effect of Granulated Blast Furnace Slag (GBFS) and fly ash (FA) addition on the strength properties of lightweight mortars containing waste Poly-ethylene Terephthalate (PET) bottle aggregates was investigated. Investigation was carried out on three groups of mortar specimens. One made with only Normal Portland cement (NPC) as binder, second made with NPC and GBFS together and, third made with NPC and FA together. The industrial wastes mentioned above were used as the replacement of cement on mass basis at the replacement ratio of 50%. The size of shredded PET granules used as aggregate for the preparation of mortar mixtures were between 0 and 4 mm. The waste lightweight PET aggregate (WPLA)–binder ratio (WPLA/b) was 0.60; the water–binder (w/b) ratios were determined as 0.45 and 0.50. The dry unit weight, compressive and flexural–tensile strengths, carbonation depths and drying shrinkage values were measured and presented. The results have shown that modifying GBFS had positive effects on the compressive strength and drying shrinkage values (after 90 days) of the WPLA mortars. However, FA substitution decreased compressive and flexural–tensile strengths and increased carbonation depths. Nevertheless a visible reduction occurred on the drying shrinkage values of FA modifying specimens more than cement specimens and GBFS modified specimens. The test results indicated that, GBFS has a potential of using as the replacement of cement on the WPLA mortars by taking into consideration the characteristics. But using FA as a binder at the replacement ratio of 50% did not improve the overall strength properties. Although it was thought that, using FA as binder at the replacement ratio of 50% for the aim of production WPLA concrete which has a specific strength, would provide advantages of economical and ecological aspects.  相似文献   

Three mineral additions largely used in cementitious materials were tested in order to follow the shrinkage behaviour for 1 year of observation when they substitute a part of cement. The tests were carried out on standardized mortars specimen where cement was replaced by 5%, 15% and 25% of limestone, 10%, 20%, 30% of natural pozzolan and 10%, 30% and 50% of slag. The substitution of cement by 10%, 20% and 30% of limestone powder, natural pozzolan and slag respectively involves an optimal improvement of compressive strength of mortar. The separate quantification of the autogeneous and drying shrinkage development shows the effective contribution of each addition on microstructure modification and of the additional hydrates production. The microstructure was improved in the presence of limestone and of a moderate rate of slag, whereas it remains normal with natural pozzolan. The replacement rate of an active addition lower than 10% led to an additional hydrates production. This overproduction which accompanies the autogeneous shrinkage is more pronounced when cement is largely replaced by limestone. The evolutions of strength and shrinkage of mortars follow the same tendency from where it is easier to find a linear relationship giving the shrinkage deformation according to the compressive strength.  相似文献   

试验研究了水泥细度对混凝土28 d抗压强度与干燥收缩的影响。结果表明,其他条件一定时,水泥细度在297~400 m2/kg范围内,随水泥比表面积增加混凝土28d抗压强度及干缩呈增大趋势,但当水泥比表面积增加至450 m2/kg时,混凝土28 d强度发展受到影响,干缩反而减小;用同一细度水泥配制的混凝土,在同龄期内其干缩随着水灰比的增大而增大,水灰比对混凝土干缩的影响程度大于水泥细度。  相似文献   

混凝土早期自收缩、强度与水泥水化率的关系   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
采用非接触式微位移传感器法对不同水灰比的混凝土从6h到28d龄期内的自收缩进行了测量,同时研究了密封条件下混凝土抗压强度与水泥水化发展过程。结果表明,随着水灰比的降低,混凝土自收缩和早期自收缩速率明显增大;对于同一混凝土而言,混凝土的抗压强度和水泥水化率均与自收缩成较好的线性关系;水灰比越低,同一龄期水泥的水化程度越低,水泥的化学收缩就越小,但混凝土的自收缩值却越大,证明自收缩与化学收缩是两个不同的物理量。  相似文献   

The addition of superplasticizers is an important approach to prepare high performance cement-based materials. The effect of polynaphthalene series superplasticizer (PNS) and polycarboxylate type superplasticizer (PC) on early-age cracking and volume stability of cement-based materials was investigated by means of multi-channel ellipse ring shrinkage cracking test, free shrinkage and strength test. The general effect of PNS and PC is to increase initial cracking time of mortars, and decrease cracking sensitivity of mortars. As for decreasing cracking sensitivity of mortars, PC > H-UNF (high-thickness-type PNS) > C-UNF (common-thickness-type PNS). To incorporate superplasticizers is apparently to increases free shrinkage of mortars when keeping the constant W/B ratio and the content of cement pastes. As for the effect of controlling volume stability of mortars, PC > C-UNF > H-UNF. Maximum crack width of mortars with PC is lower, but the development rate of maximum crack width of mortars with H-UNF is faster in comparison with control mortars. Flexural and compressive strength of mortars and concretes at 28 days increased with increasing superplasticizer dosages under drying conditions. C-UNF was approximate to H-UNF, but PC was superior to PNS in the aspect of increasing strength of cement-based materials.  相似文献   

The authors investigate the feasibility of constructing walls and partitions with enhanced heat storage capability from cement blocks permeated with an organic phase change material (pressed stearic acid). The blocks are lightweight, easy to produce and are cured in the same way as cement or concrete.The ratio of components (cement, stearic acid (SA) and water) was optimized with respect to compressive strength. With normal portland cement, the best compressive strength 2.2 MPa was obtained with a ratio C:SA:W of 1:0.8:0.65 (i.e. 32% stearic acid) after 28 days of curing. This was increased to 4.4 MPa when high early strength cement was used, about as strong as Sipporex, lightweight concrete or lightweight clay bricks.As expected, the compressive strength decreased linearly with temperature between 25°C and 100°C, at a rate of 15 kPa/°C. The drying shrinkage of the modules was found to be 50% greater than for cement mortars. The addition of fibreglass gave only a 15% increase in the compressive strength. Samples containing 35% fatty acid showed surface deterioration after 200 thermal cycles (between ?5°C and 6 °C) while none was observed with those containing 32%. The dynamic modulus of elasticity did not change after 200 cycles.  相似文献   

This paper presents the results of a study to compare the properties of concretes prepared with the use river sand, crushed fine stone (CFS), furnace bottom ash (FBA), and fine recycled aggregate (FRA) as fine aggregates. Two methods were used to design the concrete mixes: (i) fixed water–cement ratio (W/C) and (ii) fixed slump ranges. The investigation included testing of compressive strength, drying shrinkage and resistance to chloride-ion penetration of the concretes. The test results showed that, at fixed water–cement ratios, the compressive strength and the drying shrinkage decreased with the increase in the FBA content. FRA decreased the compressive strength and increased the drying shrinkage of the concrete. However, when designing the concrete mixes with a fixed slump value, at all the test ages, when FBA was used as the fine aggregates to replace natural aggregates, the concrete had higher compressive strength, lower drying shrinkage and higher resistance to the chloride-ion penetration. But the use of FRA led to a reduction in compressive strength but increase in shrinkage values. The results suggest that both FBA and FRA can be used as fine aggregates for concrete production.  相似文献   

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