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厦门市“多规合一”实践的探索与思考   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
在对"多规合一"的背景与形势进行分析的基础上,研究基于厦门市的实践,对其"多规合一"的"四个一"工作成果——"一张图"、"一个平台"、"一张表"和"一套机制"进行了总结,探索了"多规合一"工作的内涵、成效及现实意义。厦门市通过"多规合一",解决了多个规划的技术协调问题,并通过将"合一"后的成果整合为统一的技术信息平台,供各个政府相关职能部门使用,提高了政府审批管理工作的效率,进而推动了社会治理工作的转型与改革。  相似文献   

“二图合一”的实践与思考   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
城镇总体规划和土地利用总体规划在结构体系、成熟程度、用地分类和审批权限等方面存在很大差异,但两个规划关联度高,必须有效衔接。必须从整体的、全局的观点来正确认识发展与保护的辩证关系,实现区域的可持续发展。结合湖州市辖区43个乡镇两个规划衔接工作的实践,探讨“二图合一”的必要性、可能性及其基本前提、结合层面、规划与协调的重点等问题。  相似文献   

信息平台是落实"多规合一"工作目标的载体,是实施"多规合一"协调机制和规划管控的技术支撑。信息平台的建设关系到"多规合一"工作落实的效果,笔者总结国内试点市(县)建设经验,结合本地工作实践,总结了市(县)多规合一信息平台建设的若干重点问题,思考了解决方案,为市(县)多规合一信息平台建设工作提供一定的参考。  相似文献   

结合天津和黄地铁广场深基坑逆作法施工实例,介绍了基坑施工用钢格构柱与地下室永久框架柱"二柱合一"逆作法施工技术,"二柱合一"节省了施工临时支撑格构柱及柱底桩基用量,节约了造价,加快了施工进度,成为天津深基坑逆作法施工的样板工程。  相似文献   

长输管道气体分输站和城市门站二站合一建设具有非常明显的优越性,但由于种种原因未能推广。以洛阳分输站和门站的合建为例,对二站合一建设在技术方面进行了可行性分析。  相似文献   

“多规合一”的本质及其编制要点探析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
"多规合一"是新时期规划编制与管理的重要工作途径。研究在分析多规间的差异与共性的基础上,归纳、总结"多规合一"的本质,并从规划编制与实施的角度出发,以空间要素、事权管理和技术标准为导向,探索"多规合一"的普适方法,总结出"一张图"、数据库和协同机制等核心成果内容,探索一条区域协调发展、生态包容共生、城乡互促共进、资源高效利用的规划编制与管理新途径。  相似文献   

科学整合信息资源综合提升集成服务   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
介绍了浙江省“三台合一”试点工作的基本情况,指出了“三台合一”在消防接、处警工作中的优势及现实意义。针对目前“三台合一”工作中存在的问题,提出了相应的改进意见和措施,并对“三台合一”的发展前景进行了展望。  相似文献   

海南省的"多规合一"是全国首个省域层面的"多规合一"试点工作,由于没有成型的模式和技术标准可依,工作都是在探索中前进。本文对"多规合一"试点中生态空间划定工作的进行了回顾与思考,总结了工作中的经验和不足,为后期"多规合一"工作的开展提供借鉴。  相似文献   

吴效军 《城市规划》1999,23(4):52-56
城镇总体规划和土地利用总体规划在结构体系、成熟程度、用地分类和审批极阴等方面存在很大差异,但两在联度高,有效衔接,必须从整体的、全局的2来正确认识发展与保护的辨证关系,实现区域的可持发展。结合湖州市辖区43个乡镇两个规划衔接工作的实践,探讨“二图合一”的必要性、可能性及其基本前提、结合层面、规划与协调的重点等问题。  相似文献   

武汉市自1990年代以来,充分利用在城市规划和国土资源管理行政体制上合二为一的优势,相继开展了从初期主要依托工作同步、规划协调的“三规合一”尝试,到中期有意识政府组织、部门配合的“多规协同”探索,再到现在全面设计结构融合、共建共享的“多规合一”实践.武汉的探索与实践经验表明,要真正做到“多规合一”,不仅需要规划编制理论的探索、技术手法的完善,也需要相关部门有对外开放的心态、相互合作的意识,更需要有政府的行政组织安排、部门联动的工作信息平台,特别是要有各规划建设管理部门协同认可、共编共审、共建共享的“一张图”,真正实现城市各方面规划编制、实施与管理的“多规合一”,城市建设才能真正依据“一张蓝图干到底”.  相似文献   

刘军  王小维 《城市勘测》2015,(1):116-118
为了减轻地形高程数据的内业转化处理,又快又好的保质保量完成高程数据基准的转化工作,本文提出了基于Auto CAD VBA的二次开发技术设计和编写程序,对用图单位提出的地形图高程要素数据进行转化与修改,使其符合用图单位的需求。使用本文设计的程序对地形图高程要素数据处理,实验表明它可以大大的提高工作效率,而且满足需求,为测绘单位对地形图中的高程数据批量转化提供了有益的参考。  相似文献   

城市规划编制体系新框架研究   总被引:16,自引:6,他引:10  
苏则民 《城市规划》2001,25(5):29-34
在对我国现行规划编制体系的反思的基础上 ,提出了城市规划的编制体系的新框架 :规划的编制体系分为规划编制和图则制定两大部分。规划编制应该分基本系列和非基本系列 ;图则制定可以分法定图则和工作图则。  相似文献   

Engineering geology maps: landslides and geographical information systems   总被引:15,自引:1,他引:15  
IAEG Commission No. 1—Engineering Geological Maps—is developing a guide to hazard maps. Scientists from 17 countries have participated. This paper is one of a series that presents the results of that work. It provides a general review of GIS landslide mapping techniques and basic concepts of landslide mapping. Three groups of maps are considered: maps of spatial incidence of landslides, maps of spatial–temporal incidence and forecasting of landslides and maps of assessment of the consequences of landslides. With the current era of powerful microcomputers and widespread use of GIS packages, large numbers of papers on the subject are becoming available, frequently founded on different basic concepts. In order to achieve a better understanding and comparison, the concepts proposed by Varnes (Landslide hazard zonation: a review of principles and practice, 1984) and Fell (Some landslide risk zoning schemes in use in Eastern Australua and their application 1992; Landslide risk assessment and acceptable risk. Can Geotech J 31:261–272, 1994) are taken as references. It is hoped this will also add to the international usefulness of these maps as tools for landslide prevention and mitigation. Six hundred and sixty one papers and books related to the topic are included in the references, many of which are reviewed in the text. This report is being continually updated and further references can be seen on the IAEG website () under Commission No. 1.  相似文献   

本文在概述了全国城市供水现状和总结了城市供水水文地质研究程度及编图现状的基础上,提出了新编城市供水水文地质图应遵循的原则,编图主要内容及表示方法,作为编图方案之一提供同行讨论.  相似文献   

The agregate inventory method for Québec has been made from a blend of the techniques developed in Norway and Ontario (Canada). These regions have geological conditions similar to those in Québec. The inventory is done in considering the deposits like an ore body with zones of various quality determined from: quantity of aggregates, quality and exploitability. It is difficult to classify aggregates according to only one application. For simplicity only 3 classes were defined. Reserves are determined from computations taking into account actual exploitations, habitations et other protected areas. The data base is established from quaternary and bedrock geology maps, and groundwater surveys. Field work is limited to a few visits to gravel pits for sampling and futur testing. Other characteristics are obtained from the data bases of other governmental agencies. The agregate inventory data base is contained on computer files managed by a software written with dBaseIII+for IBM PC. This methodology has been tested for two areas: Val d'Or and Québec City on, 1∶50 000 maps.  相似文献   

This is one of a series of papers presenting results of work by IAEG Commission No. 1 Engineering Geological Maps, on hazard mapping. Subsidence into cavities is a major constraint to development in many areas leading to damage and, sometimes, loss of life. Many events relate to former mining but subsidence associated with karst is also widespread. Proper assessment of hazard and risk is needed to safeguard property and investment and has an important part to play in planning the location and design of new development and site investigations. Documentation maps and inventories of information are an important starting point but interpretative maps are needed to assess the full extent of the potential hazard. Many decisions have to be made by planners and developers who may not be trained in geoscience thus simplified maps are needed to alert them to potential problems and to the need to seek expert advice as well as providing a basis for prioritizing rehabilitation initiatives. To date, few published studies address the issue of risk mapping.  相似文献   

Summary 1. Engineering geologic maps in the United States may be one map prepared as part of a larger study of environmental geology, individual areal geologic maps containing additional engineering geologic data, or engineering geologic maps of single construction sites. 2. No systematic methodology for engineering geologic or environmental geologic maps has been developed. 3. Environmental geology studies combine the efforts of workers in a number of geologic fields to produce many maps of basic data, as well as various interpretative maps, only one of which may be an engineering geologic or foundation conditions map. Maps of many scales may be prepared for a single study, depending upon the geologic conditions, the main problems of the area, and the principal needs. 4. New technology, including computers and various types of aerial photography, is constantly being developed, and its use is being encouraged to increase the speed and efficiency of map preparation. 5. The use of engineering geologic and environmental geologic maps in the United States is constantly growing; such maps will continue to be made in increasing numbers. Publication authorised by the Director, U.S. Geological Survey.  相似文献   

结合法定程序更新地形与管线信息   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
宋小冬 《规划师》2000,16(6):10-11
大比例数字化地形图、地下管线图的及时更新是地理信息系统在城市规划中应用的现实瓶颈,采用竣工测量方法更新上述资料可达到既节省资金又保证现势性的目的 。现行的城市规划法律体系已为推行这项制度提供了保障,作者就如何结合城市规划管理的法定程序,实现上述目的,开展讨论,并提出了具体建议。这些建议不但可解决基础地图的更新问题,同时有利于推进城市规划实施管理的信息化,还有利于加强规划的实施管理和监督。  相似文献   

The paper presents a case study for the application of satellite remote sensing and GIS data and methods in the context of habitat monitoring and landscape assessment at different scales. The range of work covers the production of overview maps for land covers, techniques of classification for detailed habitat maps, change detection as a management support tool for the updating of existing habitat databases and an integrative GIS model to delineate habitat suitability for key species. Furthermore the role of comprehensive indicators and historical satellite data in investigating landscape change over two decades on a regional scale is discussed. Future activities for transferring the respective approaches onto a pan-European scale are presented in a concluding discussion.  相似文献   

王玉龙  杨昕  李锦 《城市勘测》2012,(4):42-44,54
过去我们在制作中小比例尺数字地图时,道路、水系、居民地等地理要素的来源一般有两种,一种是来自于野外的实测坐标数据,另外就是利用已有地形图进行矢量化。作为一种其他方法的尝试,本文以制作某地区的矿业权分布图为例,讲述了在Google Earth上矢量化制图所需要的各种地理要素,并将矢量数据以KML文件格式存储,然后导入到ArcGIS中经过坐标系投影变换,最终编辑成图的过程。  相似文献   

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