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钱又宇  薛隽 《园林》2010,(5):70-71
无刺美国皂荚 学名:Gleditsiatriacanthos var.inermis豆科、皂荚属。落叶乔木,高18米,宽12米,树冠开放,圆形或卵形轮廓。树皮灰褐色,光滑,片状开裂。枝条无刺,“之”字形,红褐色或棕绿色。芽小,无顶芽。偶数羽状复叶,互生,长15-20厘米,小叶20-30枚,广披针形。花单性,同株,黄绿色,有香气,总状花序,雄花花序比雌花花序长,5~6月开放。豆荚果,褐色,扭曲,长20-45厘米。种子卵形,深褐色,秋季成熟。  相似文献   

中华民族,雄居东土。历史悠久,肇始盘古。阏伯掌火,燧人钻木。大禹疏水凭锄,五丁开山有斧。颛项驱魔舞刀,祝融扑火击鼓。沧海桑田,方舟沉浮。凤凰浴火涅槃,留得青史一部。东方火凤凰,几多美誉度。万年神鸟,四方瞩目。其体态矫美,其品格质朴。鸡首、蛇颈,显阴柔之诗韵;龟背、鱼尾,涵刚毅之气度。有儒家悯  相似文献   

<正>偏爱散文的原因,是因其不拘韵律,不雕章琢句、铺采摛文,不着意堆砌典故。"一石之嶙,可以为文。一水之波,可以写意。一花之瓣,可以破题。"它的灵活疏放、散漫不拘、见闻感悟,十分契合我们对建筑的理解。散文不似小说,需周全完整的情节,一切有因有果、线索明晰,结尾是个周正的句号。散文不似戏剧,需跌宕起伏的冲突,谋篇布局,抑扬顿挫,处处是大写的问号。散文不似诗歌,需淋漓尽致的情怀,有情有境,结尾是粗重的感叹号。散文则可大可小,可长可短,可急可徐,结尾是个意味深长的省略号。  相似文献   

谢丽君 《园林》2006,(7):38-38
金银花(Lonicera japonica),别名忍冬花、鸳鸯藤、二宝花、通灵草等,为忍冬科多年生半常绿缠绕灌木。幼枝细长、中空,夏季开花,花期5~7月。花腋生,花冠二唇形,上唇四裂、直立,下唇反转。花初开为白色,两三天后变为金黄色,又总是新旧参差,黄白相映,故而得名"金银花"。因它入冬时,虽老叶枯落,可叶腋又簇生新叶,经冬不凋,故又名"忍冬花"。花具香气,甚为淡雅。自古以来,金银花就被人们所认知和喜爱,也被文人雅士所吟咏。清·王夫之《金钗银股》:"金虎胎含素,黄银瑞出云。参差随意染,深浅一香熏。雾鬓欹难态,烟鬟翠不分。无惭高士韵,赖有暗香闻。"王夫之慧眼独具,发现了它具有花中高士的品格。如果金银花的藤叶是美人的雾鬓烟鬟,那么,藤叶间的金银花就是其中的金钗银股  相似文献   

春回大地,百花争艳,万紫千红。每年此时,武汉大学的樱花总是格外引人注目。“三月赏樱,唯有武大。”一朵朵小小的樱花,可谓倾倒众生,许多人乘飞机、坐火车,不远千里只为到武大赏樱去。据统计,在赏樱高峰期间,一天进出珞珈山的人次,高达16万之多。此时的武大,堪与任何一家国家级景点相媲美。  相似文献   

李进章  隗军峰 《园林》2004,(4):59-59
加拿大红樱Prunus virginiana蔷薇科、李属。落叶小乔木,株高6~12米,冠幅5.5~7.5米。树干灰褐色。单叶互生,阔椭圆形至倒卵形4~12.5厘米,叶子2/3处宽,锐尖。嫩叶绿色,随后展开逐渐转为紫红色,到夏季叶正面蓝紫色,背面苍白色或灰绿色,变为紫红色。树干灰褐色。芽淡棕色。花朵乳白色,总状花序。4月底到5月开花。核果,深红色,成熟后为黑紫色。  相似文献   

木心 《园林》2006,(12):31-31
绒叶蓍草为菊科,蓍草属。原产欧洲。多年生宿根草本,株高仅15~35厘米。茎直立,丛生或蔓生性,或矮生。单叶互生,1~2回羽状深裂;裂片皱,很美,叶形条状披针形,常呈灰绿色,变化较多。花通常聚集成扁平的伞房花序,由许多很小的头状花序组成,常无舌状花;花通常为黄色,花期夏季。瘦果,无冠毛。可作岩石园、地被。绒叶蓍草用作组合盆栽是一种极好的辅助材料,其生  相似文献   

专研堪舆学多年,早已遍访、求证国内各大名川古迹的地理风水,也留得一些解析文字。然其中,唯独对东北辽宁省大连的山山水水情有独钟。 整个大连属辽南丘陵地貌,为长白山的余脉。长白山位列中国山脉三大干龙的北干龙。北干龙在长白山最后卓起星峰,而后向南奔腾而落。其中一支顺龙岗山走向向西南下脉,行至千山展翼起舞,九星驳换,而后凝聚精神,蜿蜒起伏步入大连地界。至步云山起顶,向南开面而成庄河。至瓦房店,龙脉急落,黄龙吐珠,而有长兴岛等,所以长兴岛一线贵气兴隆。再行至大黑山驻足,始有金州古城。而后束腰渡峡,分肩起顶,龙尽气钟,安落大连。  相似文献   

博物馆和我们一样,可以交流,可以对话。有的展馆,能说会道却不许你讲;有的展馆,娓娓道来也细心聆听。有的展厅,看似时髦却过眼即忘;有的展厅,谦虚内敛却回味无穷。死的博物馆,呆板傲慢,把人拒之千里。活的博物馆,大方热情,与你休戚与共。新的古动物馆自然应是后者,与它对话,可以带着我们——穿越时空。  相似文献   

都江堰市原名灌县,因灌江得名。因地处都江堰首,故名灌县。据《今县释名》:"汉文翁穿漕江灌溉,谓之金灌口,唐因置灌宁县,孟蜀改灌州,明改县。"。一说今县城古名灌口,战国秦李冰治水,江水自此以灌平陆,为灌之口而名。1988年,撤销灌县设都江堰市,以李冰父子建造的都江堰而得名。1994年,都江堰市被授予国家历史文  相似文献   

CEPT-MBBR工艺处理低浓度生活污水的研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
随着环保标准的日益严格,脱氮除磷成为污水处理的必然发展趋势,因此开发低成本、高效率、运行管理简单的脱氮除磷工艺具有重要意义。对化学强化一级处理联合流动床生物反应器(CEPT-MBBR)的脱氮除磷效果进行了中试研究。结果表明,CEPT-MBBR工艺脱氮除磷效果可靠,出水水质好,它不仅适用于有脱氮除磷要求的新建污水处理厂,也适用于对现有污水处理厂的升级改造,应用前景广阔。  相似文献   

A series of experiments concerning a tertiary oxidation pond was performed from 10 January to 12 November 1979, using a model oxidation pond of 21 m2 in capacity. The concentrations of organics and nutrients in influent and pond water were measured so as to consider the conversion of water quality in a tertiary oxidation pond. The sedimentation rates were measured weekly, and the final sediments were analyzed at the end of experiments, so that the material balances in respect to carbon, nitrogen and phosphorus were calculated and the various transition reactions were evaluated quantitatively. The result of the material balances showed that there were three main reactions in pond: the assimilation to algae; the sedimentation of suspended substance; and the decomposition of sediments. The regeneration rates of nutrients from sediments were so active that the removal of nutrients by algal solidification were not effective. Consequently, the overall removal efficiency of nutrients was 45% in total nitrogen and 43% in total phosphorus by a tertiary oxidation pond with 16 days detention time.  相似文献   

A~2/O工艺的反硝化除磷特性研究   总被引:6,自引:2,他引:4  
为了解传统A2/O工艺中反硝化除磷的作用及强化缺氧吸磷对系统同步脱氮除磷的贡献,以实际生活污水为处理对象,系统研究了缺氧段的反硝化除磷特性及其强化措施,并通过序批式试验考察了除磷微生物种群比例的变化.试验结果表明:稳定运行的A2/O系统中存在反硝化除磷现象,通过提高缺氧段的NO-3-N负荷,可使缺氧除磷贡献率从33.3%提高到53.3%,且系统的除磷率维持在95.4%以上;同时,好氧段的曝气量从400 L/h减少到260 L/h,节约了近35%;反硝化聚磷菌占聚磷菌的比例由35.4%提高到51.3%左右,微生物种群得到了优化.强化A2/O工艺的反硝化除磷功能,对提高低C/N值污水的脱氮除磷效率及降低运行能耗具有重要的意义.  相似文献   

Biological nutrient removal without the addition of chemicals   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Lower per capita water consumption and higher chemical costs result in the unit costs for the conventional removal of plant nutrients in South Africa being considerably higher than those in the United States. In addition, large areas of South Africa are semi-arid and the reuse of water at least for industrial purposes and for recreation has become essential. This led to a search for less expensive methods for the removal of nutrients from domestic wastewater.  相似文献   

Cui F  Lee S  Kim M 《Water research》2011,45(16):5279-5286
A process combining pilot-scale two-phase anaerobic digestion and shortcut biological nitrogen removal (SBNR) was developed to treat organics and nutrients (nitrogen and phosphorus) from food wastewater. The thermophilic two-phase anaerobic digestion process was investigated without adjusting the pH of the wastewater for the pre-acidification process. The digested food wastewater was treated using the SBNR process without supplemental carbon sources or alkalinity. Under these circumstances, the combined system was able to remove about 99% of COD, 88% of TN, and 97% of TP. However, considerable amounts of nutrients were removed due to chemical precipitation processes between the anaerobic digestion and SBNR. The average TN removal efficiency of the SBNR process was about 74% at very low C/N (TCOD/TN) ratio of 2. The SBNR process removed about 39% of TP from the digested food wastewater. Conclusively, application of the combined system improved organic removal efficiency while producing valuable energy (biogas), removed nitrogen at a low C/N ratio, and conserved additional resources (carbon and alkalinity).  相似文献   

不同植物湿地系统对高盐再生水的除氮能力比较   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
以氮营养物为去除目标,研究了高盐再生水景观河道内的生态砾石床及4种水生植物湿地床的除氮效果。结果表明,单纯的砾石床对高盐再生水的除氮能力比水生植物湿地床的差,在水葱、美人蕉、三棱草和芦苇等4种水生植物湿地床中,以芦苇床的除氮效果最佳;4种植物湿地床对硝态氮的去除效果最好,其次是对总氮的去除效果,对氨氮的去除效果则较差;进水中总氮和氨氮负荷的变化对水生植物湿地床的除氮效果有一定的影响。  相似文献   

循环强化垂直流人工湿地处理猪场污水   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
对含高浓度有机物和氮磷的养殖场污水采用复合垂直流人工湿地进行处理,并考察了回流出水的循环强化处理效果。结果表明:循环出水显著提高了对BOD5、COD、SS和NH^ 4 -N的去除率,且对BOD5的去除满足Monod方程;大部分NH^ 4 -N被硝化,对NH^ 4 -N的去除率与其表面负荷率呈线性关系;随着硝化反应的进行,碱度减少,pH值不断降低;循环出水可引入部分氧气,延长了污染物和附着于植物根系微生物的接触时间,提高了对污染物的去除率。  相似文献   

Wastewater based artificial food chains composed of sequential monocultures of a suspended unicellular green alga, of an herbivorous cladoceran crustacean, and of an herbivorous or a carnivorous teleost fish and of filamentous green algae were studied in an effort to find efficient, potentially economically viable mechanisms for the biological capture (tertiary treatment) of nutrients (especially nitrate and phosphate) in wastewaters processed by small to medium size two-stage treatment plants that primarily handle domestic and agricultural wastes.All experiments were carried out on laboratory scale systems with a low technology approach to keep apparatus and procedures as simple and reliable as possible.Among all organisms tested as components of the artificial food chains only the unicellular green alga Scenedesmus, the filamentous green algae Cladophora and Ulothrix, the cladoceran crustaceans Daphnia magna and Daphnia pulex, and the teleost fishes Notemigonus crysoleucas, Pimephales promelas and Notropis lutrensis were found to be suitable.Unmodified secondarily treated domestic effluents were both iron deficient and lacking in buffering capacity necessary for optimal algal growth. Additions of both ferrous iron (1 ppm) and carbon dioxide (5%) were required to achieve good quality cultures suitable for feeding cladocerans. Most removal of nutrients occurred in the first algal stage of the food chain. Nitrate removal averaged 78%, phosphate removal 55% in buffered algal cultures. In unbuffered cultures nitrate removal was 30%, phosphate removal 98%. The near complete removal of phosphate in unbuffered algal cultures was probably due to physico-chemical precipitation of phosphate complexes formed as a result of high pH levels (pH > 10) reached within 24 h of culture initiation. Cladoceran and fish stages added nutrients (mostly ammonia and phosphate) back into the effluent. A final stage of Ulothrix and Cladophora algae removed nutrients regenerated by cladocerans and fishes. A 12 h light–12 h dark cycle statistically significantly reduced levels of nutrient removal by both unbuffered and buffered algal cultures below removal rates measured in algae cultured in continuous light. Daily harvesting rates of 25–75% of culture volumes had no significant effect upon removals of nitrate by buffered algal cultures; phosphate removals were inversely proportional to harvesting rates in these cultures.Important theoretical and technical points are discussed.  相似文献   

The earliest references to the loss of nitrogen and phosphorus in activated-sludge systems indicated an awareness, but no particular interest, in the use of biological processes for the removal of nutrients. The development of extended-aeration processes in general, and of channel systems in particular, intensified the interest in denitrification as a means of reducing nitrogen in an effluent. Observations of simultaneous nitrification and denitrification led to the proposal of separate anoxic zones for optimal nitrogen removal. The discovery that biological nitrogen and phosphorus removal could be synergistic, led to an explosion of processes, differing in all but the basic underlying biochemistry, for the removal of both nitrogen and phosphorus. The development of computer models, to accurately describe the complex and inter-related reactions, makes it possible to fully exploit biological systems to achieve cost-effective nutrient removal.  相似文献   

A combination of microalgae (Chlorella vulgaris or C. sorokiniana) and a microalgae growth-promoting bacterium (MGPB, Azospirillum brasilense strain Cd), co-immobilized in small alginate beads, was developed to remove nutrients (P and N) from municipal wastewater. This paper describes the most recent technical details necessary for successful co-immobilization of the two microorganisms, and the usefulness of the approach in cleaning the municipal wastewater of the city of La Paz, Mexico. A. brasilense Cd significantly enhanced the growth of both Chlorella species when the co-immobilized microorganisms were grown in wastewater. A. brasilense is incapable of significant removal of nutrients from the wastewater, whereas both microalgae can. Co-immobilization of the two microorganisms was superior to removal by the microalgae alone, reaching removal of up to 100% ammonium, 15% nitrate, and 36% phosphorus within 6 days (varied with the source of the wastewater), compared to 75% ammonium, 6% nitrate, and 19% phosphorus by the microalgae alone. This study shows the potential of co-immobilization of microorganisms in small beads to serve as a treatment for wastewater in tropical areas.  相似文献   

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