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钢制散热器具有诸多优点,但是,几年来的实际应用表明,由于腐蚀使其在使用寿命方面正面临着挑战,本文笔者经对数起钢制散热器的腐蚀事故进行的现场调查与试验分析,就钢制采暖散热器的腐蚀形态、影响寿命的主要因素及基本控制途径进行了初步研究。  相似文献   

改革开放二十多年来,我国各方面都发生极大的变化,数以万计的厂房、住宅小区、宾馆、办公楼拔地而起。随着人民生活水平的提高,居住条件的改善,居住小区内的采暖、热水管道材质和居住室内散热器材质均在发生变化,由过去铸铁散热器一统天下的时代逐步向新型美观的钢质散热器发展(现已占全国总产4亿暖气片的22%,十一五后可能达到5亿片的37%)。新型散热器具有壁薄、重量轻、外型美观、传热效率高等优点,越来越受到用户的青睐。随着大量工程使用的实践也发现钢质散热器存在某些缺点,如出现暖气片表面腐蚀和局部穿孔漏水的现象大量发生,直接影响到整个供暖系统的安全。散热器制造厂家不得不花费大量人力物力去做散热器管内壁的防腐工作,即使如此,其防腐效果仍不令人满意。据调查访问欧洲一些国家,他们使用钢质散热器已有数十年历史,往往住宅所安设钢质散热器使用20-30年几乎未发生腐蚀漏水问题。问其原因:①对供暖循环热水水质处理严格控制并对供暖热水循环系统采用脱气(除氧)设备对热水进行脱气脱氧;②在采暖季节过后不放掉系统内的循环热水,并严格控制热水中的PH值和含氧量。相反我国大多数用户采暖季节一过,就把采暖系统的热水完全放掉,使采暖管道和散热器内壁完全在潮湿空气条件下受到氧气、二氧化碳气体、水蒸汽等的氧化腐蚀。因而,国外对采暖系统进行主动的防护措施,是一种很好的防腐方法,值得我们借鉴。  相似文献   

10月28R,由中国建筑金属结构协会采暖散热器委员会主办的《铜铝复合散热器》、《钢制板型散热器》、《铜管对流散热器》3项行业强制性标准宣贯会在京召开。出席本次宣贯会的专家有采暖散热器委员会主任、高级工程师宋为民,采暖散热器委员会副主任、清华大学教授肖日嵘,采暖散热器委员会副主任、一哈尔滨工业大学教授董重成,青岛建工学院教授张双喜,采暖散热器委员会副主任关惠生、[第一段]  相似文献   

随着现代家居生活方式的改变,散热器采暖已经得到了多数家庭采暖的认同。散热器采暖不仅高效舒适,而且十分符合现代人的生活和工作习惯,所以越来越多的人开始选择散热器采暖。  相似文献   

地板辐射采暖方式早在二十世纪初就已被人们所采用。实践证明它比普通散热器采暖更舒适,但是,由于地板辐射采暖的费用比普通散热器采暖高,以及钢管埋设在混凝土中腐蚀、损坏后无法更换等问题,致使地板辐射采暖未能得到广泛的应用。本世纪七十年代,由于塑料工业的发展,出现了耐温、耐压的塑料管。一些工业比较发达的国家用这种塑料管代替了地板辐射采暖中的钢管。1979年我国由旅大塑料研究所研制成功了这种耐温、耐压的塑料管——交联聚乙烯  相似文献   

由中国建筑金属结构协会采暖散热器委员会制定的中国采暖散热器行业“十一五”发展规划,实际就是我国散热器行业近期及近五年的发展规划,包括了我国采暖散热器的发展方向,现将相关内容摘录于下:  相似文献   

<正>中国轻型散热器发展已近20年,采暖散热器行业已经成为支持我国社会和谐建设和发展、改善居住条件、提高人民生活水平、关系人民冷暖的重要行业。我们坚持以发展高效、优质、轻型散热器为目标,以满足大众化需求为市场定位,作为轻型散热器发展的产业政策。但是,我国轻型散热器发展和使用环境不尽人意,而我国集中供暖面积很大,多种材质的采暖散热器的早期腐蚀破坏,会给用户造成不良后  相似文献   

今年是中国建筑金属结构协会采暖散热器委员会成立20周年,我们大家在北京欢聚一堂,共同庆祝我国采暖散热器行业自己的盛大节日。二十年来,我国采暖散热器行业在建设部和相关部门关怀指导下,会员企业、专家和社会各界人士通力合作,携手共进,全行业的发展取得了令人瞩目的成就。借此机会,我代表采暖散热器委员会和全国采暖散热器行业,对所有关心支持行业发展做出贡献的会员企业、各位专家、各级领导、新闻媒体和社会各界朋友,表示最诚挚的感谢!  相似文献   

采暖散热器现有标准1.G B/T13754-1992采暖散热器散热量测定方法2.JG/T3012.1-1994采暖散热器——钢制闭式串片散热器3.JG/T3012.2-1998采暖散热器——钢制翅片管对流散热器4.JG/T3047-1998采暖散热器——灰铸铁柱翼型散热器5.JG/T1-1999采暖散热器——钢制柱型散热器6.JG/T2-1999采暖散热器——钢制板型散热器7.JG/T6-1999采暖散热器系列参数、螺纹及配件8.JG3-2002采暖散热器——灰铸铁柱型散热器9.JG4-2002采暖散热器——灰铸铁翼型散热器10.JG143-2002采暖散热器——铝制柱翼型散热器11.JG/T148-2002钢管散热器12.G B19913…  相似文献   

公开(公告)号:CN289362 本实用新型公开了一种采暖散热器阻水环,所述阻水环设置在采暖散热器的通水管中,所述阻水环包括与采暖散热器的通水管的管体内腔形状相适合的金属片,  相似文献   

惩治贪污既是一个历史的课题,又是一个现实的任务。古代中国历朝统治在制度的层面上均对此问题显示出了极大的关注,依法惩贪屡有出现。纵观历史,明朝的严法惩贪最具特色。章拟通过对明朝朱元璋时期严法惩贪的内容作深人的历史考察,以期实现以史为鉴的目的。  相似文献   

建立健全与社会主义市场经济体制相适应的教育、制度、监督并重的惩治和预防腐败体系是我们党对执政规律和反腐倡廉工作规律认识的进一步深化,是从源头上防治腐败的根本举措。实践表明,近年来反腐败和党风廉政制度建设在惩治和预防腐败体系尚处于薄弱环节,迫切需要在加强反腐倡廉基本制度建设的基础上,进一步完善反腐倡廉相关法律和规范国家工作人员从政行为的制度,对违纪违法行为的惩处制度,反腐败领导体制、工作机制。  相似文献   

In a networked utility setting (few, predominantly monopoly providers), it is very hard to measure the extent of grand corruption using perceptions or surveys. It is even harder to measure the extent of damage done specifically by corruption, petty or grand. As a result, it will be hard to develop “actionable indicators” of, or to develop empirically tested responses to, corruption in utilities. How much does this matter? Corruption is the result of a failure of governance. We can measure the impact of poor governance at the level of the utility, and we have a number of tools to improve their governance. It is not clear that, at the sectoral or company level, there is a significant anticorruption agenda not encompassed by this broader agenda of improved governance. To that extent, the “new” anticorruption agenda provides renewed justification for the “old” focus on institutions at the level of utilities management, but does not require a radically different approach.  相似文献   

Previous studies on the determinants of corruption have seldom addressed cross‐border spillovers of corruption in a panel data setting. In this paper, we first propose a theoretical model of spatial corruption spillover based on network analysis. Then, we analyse spatial spillovers in corruption using a dynamic spatial panel approach. The results indicate that corruption not only exhibits spatial spillovers but also a persistent effect over time. More importantly, increase of income per capita, economic freedom, and percentage of women in the parliaments have a long‐term effect on the perceived levels of corruption. Policies and programmes aiming at abating corruption must take into consideration those results.  相似文献   

工程领域存在资本密集、参与成分复杂、管理环节多、覆盖面广的特点,极易产生暗箱操作、贪污腐化和权钱交易的情况,使其成为腐败发生的重灾区。当前,对工程领域腐败问题的研究多是从定性角度基于典型案例的分析,还没有针对大量案例进行定量实证分析的研究。从过程发展的动态角度揭示工程项目腐败行为的发生机理,建立工程项目腐败交易阶段模型;通过选取311个工程项目腐败案件实证分析已经建立的模型,揭示该领域腐败行为从发生、执行到最终产生不良后果的影响因子,为工程项目腐败行为影响因素的识别与后续改革措施的开发奠定理论基础。  相似文献   

Corruption is a pervasive stain on the construction industry in many countries. South Africa is no exception. A questionnaire survey showed that corruption there is perceived to be widespread. Beyond the quantitative survey findings, thematic analysis was used to explore the verbatim comments offered by many survey participants. This analysis clarified the nature and extent of corruption more precisely and four predominant themes emerged: involvement in corruption, forms of corruption, factors that may give rise to corrupt activities, and the means of combating corruption. Public officials are thought to be actively involved in acts of corruption, particularly in the soliciting of bribes and in tender manipulation. Professional consultants and other actors in the construction supply chain are not above reproach. Forms of corruption centre largely on appointment and tender irregularities, and to a lesser extent on contract administration and closeout irregularities. Factors instrumental in corruption include the skills shortage within the industry, a perceived absence of deterrents and sanctions, and poor ethical standards. Procedural impediments, fear of victimization and personal attitudes all act as barriers to combating corruption. While confirming opportunity, pressure and self-justification as the three pillars of the Cressey ‘Fraud Triangle’ theory of corruption, the research findings suggest that a more dynamic interpretation of this model is advisable. In addressing corruption, at least in the public sector, improvements in procurement processes are needed along with shifts towards higher standards of ethical behaviour among public sector employees at all levels. Greater procurement process transparency (in both public and private sectors of the industry) would address the worst effects of undue political interference and nepotism. The South African construction industry (particularly its statutory professional councils and contractor affiliation bodies), together with public sector agencies and private sector client associations, should collaborate to adopt a more proactive stance against corruption, and be more engaged with detecting and reporting it.  相似文献   

This paper shows empirically that “privatization” in the energy, telecommunications, and water sectors, and the introduction of independent regulators in those sectors, have not always had the expected effects on access, affordability, or quality of services. It also shows that corruption leads to adjustments in the quantity, quality, and price of services consistent with the profit-maximizing behavior that one would expect from monopolies in the sector. Finally, our results suggest that privatization and the introduction of independent regulators have, at best, only partial effects on the consequences of corruption for access, affordability, and quality of utilities services.  相似文献   

伴随着众多“新校区”“大学城”拔地而起,我国高校基建投入进入万亿级市场行列,但与此同时高校基建腐败也屡见报端。以高校基建腐败为研究对象,通过制度文本挖掘和专家访谈开发形成高校基建腐败脆弱性因子调查问卷,利用贝叶斯网络分析方法进行相应的网络模型构建、参数学习和推理分析。结果显示系统分析方法能够从网络视角刻画高校基建腐败脆弱性因子之间的相互关系和作用,从整理视角剖析出关键影响因子及其作用路径,并通过“假设结果”进行治理效果的初步判断,从理论上厘清高校基建腐败的作用机理,并为高校基建腐败治理提供“宏观图景”。  相似文献   

The study investigates the effect of information and communication technology (ICT) and corruption on carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions in the context of the Environmental Kuznets curve (EKC) hypothesis. Panel data representing 33 Asian countries for the period 2000–2015 is analyzed. The econometric analysis employed allows cross-sectional dependency and can handle the endogeneity, autocorrelation, and heterogeneity issues in the data. The results suggest that ICT increases CO2 emissions and that corruption also contributes to environmental pollution. Furthermore, EKC is relevant to the significance of ICT and corruption in Asian countries. The study also provides insight into the role of ICT in combating corruption to meet environmental challenges. The introduction of e-governance could be an effective tool to reduce corruption that would be beneficial to improve environmental quality in the region.  相似文献   

Numerous renegotiations have plagued water and transport concession contracts in Latin America. Using a panel dataset of over 300 concession contracts from Latin America between 1989 and 2000, we show that country-level corruption is a significant determinant of these renegotiations and that the effect of corruption varies depending on the type of renegotiations considered. While a more corrupt environment clearly leads to more firm-led renegotiations, it significantly reduces the incidence of government-led ones. The paper then discusses and tests the likely channels through which these different effects of corruption arise, looking in particular at the interactions between country-level corruption and relevant microeconomic institutions.  相似文献   

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