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通过大气降雨氢氧同位素进行分析,得出了滇东黔西的大气降水线为δ(D)=7.848δ((18)O)+11.00,地下水氢氧同位素组成落在滇东黔西大气降雨线附近,说明研究区地下水是由大气降雨补给。从贵州中部向西云南昆明,地下水中越来越贫重同位素,显示夏季滇东黔西地区大气自东向西运移的特点。研究区自东向西地下水中氧漂移越来越明显,说明自黔西到滇东水岩作用越来越强烈。研究区氘过量系数d为9.9,显示了滇东黔西地区不平衡蒸发强烈。滇东黔西地区地下水出露高程和δ(18)O)+11.00,地下水氢氧同位素组成落在滇东黔西大气降雨线附近,说明研究区地下水是由大气降雨补给。从贵州中部向西云南昆明,地下水中越来越贫重同位素,显示夏季滇东黔西地区大气自东向西运移的特点。研究区自东向西地下水中氧漂移越来越明显,说明自黔西到滇东水岩作用越来越强烈。研究区氘过量系数d为9.9,显示了滇东黔西地区不平衡蒸发强烈。滇东黔西地区地下水出露高程和δ(18)O值的关系为δ(18)O值的关系为δ(18)O(‰)=-0.00259H-5.657,地下水出露高程与δD值得关系为δD(‰)=-0.0236H-31.08。即在滇东黔西地区海拔每上升100m,地下水中δ(18)O(‰)=-0.00259H-5.657,地下水出露高程与δD值得关系为δD(‰)=-0.0236H-31.08。即在滇东黔西地区海拔每上升100m,地下水中δ(18)O值下降0.259‰,δD值下降2.36‰。  相似文献   

地下水中14C的年代与PMC(与大气中现代碳的百分含量之比)值的大小反映了地下水的补给、迳流、排泄的状况与循环条件。豫北平原地下水中的14C的年代与PMC值反映出:引黄灌区主干渠、山前冲洪积扇、近黄河地带为地下水强补给与迳流带,地下水14C年龄较小,地下水循环交替快;在交接洼地、微咸水区、地下水位下降漏斗区,地下水迳流滞缓,地下水14C年龄较大,地下水循环交替慢。其它资料也验证了此规律。  相似文献   

石昱祯 《山西建筑》2010,36(2):146-148
通过研究区的泉点、地表水的水化学组成、氢氧同位素分析,结合水文地质条件,阐述了研究区地下水环境特征,分析表明,研究区地下水化学类型以HCO3-Ca,HCO3.Cl-Ca.Na为主,大气降水为该区各水体主要补给来源。  相似文献   

中国北方典型盆地降水与地下水氢氧同位素组成特征   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在系统收集整理中国北方六大典型盆地降水与地下水氢氧同位素资料基础上,依据同位素形成演化相似性原理,对比分析同位素组成及其关系方程得出:受大陆效应的影响,从东部河北平原到西部塔里木盆地其大气降水方程的斜率和截距大多逐渐增大;河北平原等六大盆地平原浅层地下水的蒸发强度逐渐增大;与全球大气降水方程(δD=8.2δ18O 10.8)相比,六大盆地平原的大气降水方程斜率、截距均偏小或斜率偏小,反映出这几大盆地和平原为干旱、半干旱地区降水量小、蒸发强的特点。  相似文献   

应用环境同位素D、18O、T、14C,从可持续发展的角度初步探讨了鄂尔多斯盆地地下水资源的形成演化规律及可更新程度,为可持续性开发利用区域地下水资源提供了系统科学支持的理论基础。  相似文献   

景营利  帅焕  孙杨艳 《矿产勘查》2023,14(8):1412-1420
水化学及同位素是研究地热成因机制的重要方法,本文对湖南省84个地下热水点开展水化学与氢氧稳定同位素采样与测试,并基于测试结果开展湖南省地下热水化学及同位素空间分异特征分析,以期为地下水资源勘查、开发提供参考。测试结果表明,湖南省地热水化学类型在空间上具有明显差异,省内地下热水主要属Ca·Mg型、HCO3型,但幕阜山、湘西北、湘东南、宁远—江永盆地有多个地下热水点表现为Na+K型,湘西北、湘东南、衡阳盆地等地有相当一部分地下热水表现为SO4型。雪峰山、湘东南、衡阳盆地地下热水水化学表现为3个主因子,而湘西北和岳阳—长株潭盆地则表现为2个主因子。雪峰山、湘东南与幕阜山—长株潭区的地下热水的地下水化学成分受岩浆岩矿物控制,湘西北地区地下热水成因可能与硫酸盐矿物等有关,衡阳盆地则表现出了明显的蒸发岩特性。湖南省地热水中Na+和K+多来源于硅酸盐矿物的溶解,Ca2+和Mg2+来源于含镁和钙的硅酸盐矿物的溶解。湖南省内地下热水的δ18O和δD散点图具有明显“区内积聚”的特点,湘东南大部分地下热水点、长株潭盆地部分热水点和衡阳盆地部分地下热水δ18O和δD散点沿近水平线分布,这些地下热水点发生明显“δ18O飘移”,其他地下热水点δ18O和δD散点沿蒸发线分布。  相似文献   

国内外再生水补给水源的实际应用与进展   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
再生水进行水源补给分为无计划地间接补给、有计划地间接补给以及有计划地直接补给三种方式,其中将再生水进行有计划地水源补给并间接作为居民生活用水,是解决水危机更为可行和有效的途径。介绍并分析了国外再生水补给地表水和地下水的几个典型工程实例,总结了这些工程投入运行的时间、产量、补充比例和处理技术等。实践证明,再生水补给水源具有广阔的应用前景,无论从健康角度还是公众接受程度上都是可行的。  相似文献   

晋陕峡谷地区岩溶地下水的同位素及水化学分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文研究采用同位素和水化学分析的方法对本地区 2个泉域即天桥和柳林泉域的地下水系统进行分析。研究发现 :(1)天桥泉域北部大部分地区岩溶地下水主要接受了大气降水的补给 ,同时在局部地区也接受了地表水的补给 ;天桥泉域南部岩溶地下水接受了不同高程的大气降水的补给 ,迳流较为活跃。 (2 )柳林泉域岩溶水系统存在浅部和深部 2个子系统 ,来自这 2个系统的地下水互相混合 ,形成了排泄区较为复杂的地下水化学类型  相似文献   

云南鹤庆西山岩溶地下水同位素及水化学分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文采用同位素和水化学分析的方法对鹤庆西山地区岩溶地下水循环特征进行了分析。根据区内水文地质边界条件,将研究区划分为5个岩溶水系统。利用氢氧同位素的分析结果,建立地表水与地下水的δD-δ18O关系曲线,分析地下水与地表水体的相互关系,并结合水化学分析方法对岩溶地下水水化学特征与地层岩性的关系进行了研究。结果表明,研究区地表水与地下水联系紧密,大气降水通过鹤庆西山地区地表岩溶洼地等补给地下水,区内地下水化学组分以Ca2+、Mg2+和HCO-3为主,水化学类型多为HCO3-Ca·Mg,少数水样水化学类型为HCO3-Ca,与岩溶水系统划分及地层岩性分布是一致的。  相似文献   

广东河台金矿床是我国华南地区目前已发现的最大金矿床,也是与韧性剪切带有关的典型金矿床。为了给深边部的找矿提供新资料,文章对该矿床中石英脉型金矿石与蚀变糜棱岩型金矿石进行了氢氧同位素分析,结果显示其成矿流体具有多源性,是岩浆热液—变质热液—大气降水的混合流体体系。基于成矿构造的认识,认为其成矿流体的多源混合是河台深层次大型剪切带从深部韧性域往浅部脆-韧域及脆性域变质变形过程中,构造-流体作用多阶段耦合成矿的直接响应。初步提出河台金矿"韧性剪切带3阶段构造成矿"的思路,这对理解河台金矿的成因具有新的启示意义。  相似文献   

济南是举世闻名的“泉城”,地下水资源的保护对济南的经济社会发展具有十分重要意义。为了解决城市建设过程中,基坑降水引起的地下水资源的过度流失问题,在济南西郊开展地下水加压回灌试验,得出以下结论:①在济南西郊富水卵石层地质条件下,加压回灌对于回灌井工作效率的提高具有显著效果,从现场试验数据来看,当井口压力增加至0.07MPa时,各井回灌量均表现出相比常压状态下50%左右的增长量;②随着回灌井口压力增加,回灌影响范围相应扩大,井口压力达到0.05MPa时,回灌影响半径相比常压状态下增长达80%以上。虽然加压回灌对于增加回灌井工作效率具有显著效果,但应考虑回灌目的层以上土层的渗透风险和回灌井周密封措施的抗渗强度,须按最不利情况设定回灌井口压力上限值。试验表明,加压回灌适用于济南西郊强透水卵石层,回灌量大且效率高,能有效补偿由于基坑降水引起的地下水资源的流失,对于“护泉”具有重要意义。  相似文献   

Sprinkling infiltration in a forested esker leading to artificial recharge of groundwater was studied in Southern Finland. Changes in dissolved organic carbon (DOC) and the molecular size distribution and chemical properties of the organic carbon were investigated during the infiltration process. Artificial groundwater was produced using sprinkling infiltration directly onto the forest floor. One result of lake water infiltration through the organic horizon and 1 m thick mineral soil layer was a slight net increase in the DOC concentrations from 9.4 mg/L in the infiltration water to 13.2 mg/L in percolation water. This indicates that the forest soil represents a potential input of organic matter into infiltration water. However, the DOC concentrations decreased by 27–38% as the infiltration water percolated down through the unsaturated soil layer into the groundwater zone. At a distance of 1450 m from the infiltration area, the mean DOC concentration in the groundwater was below the recommended value for drinking water in Finland of 2.0 mg/L. There was a strong reduction in the concentrations of hydrophilic and hydrophobic acids, but only a slight decrease in hydrophilic neutral organic compounds during the infiltration process. The DOC in the production well consisted of low molecular size fractions. Larger molecular size fractions were removed effectively from the water during the infiltration process.  相似文献   

广西大厂矿田C、H、O同位素及成矿流体来源研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
桂西北南丹县境内的大厂矿田由锡石硫化物型锡多金属矿、夕卡岩型锌铜矿和热液脉型钨锑矿组成。通过系统研究大厂矿田不同矿化类型矿石以及围岩的C、H、O同位素组成,得出结果显示:从远离矿体无蚀变围岩→近矿蚀变围岩→矿体,δ13C平均值分别为0.88‰、-0.74‰、-7.09‰,δ18O平均值分别为22.58‰、16.00‰、14.42‰,δ13C值与δ18O值均表现出依次降低的特点;夕卡岩型锌铜矿、锡多金属矿和钨锑矿的δ18OH2O值与δD值的关系则显示,大厂矿田的成矿流体是具有多来源的。C、H、O同位素的组成特征表明,大厂矿田锌铜矿和锡多金属矿的成矿作用均与龙箱盖岩体有关,这为进一步探讨大厂矿田夕卡岩型锌铜矿、锡多金属矿、钨锑矿成矿流体来源及成矿热液的运移方向提供了参考资料。  相似文献   

The removal of individual off-flavour compounds during artificial groundwater recharge has been compared to the removal of such compounds during conventional alum coagulation/sand filtration. By using an evaluation technique based on gas chromatography with both instrumental and sensory detection (“column sniffing”) it was shown that alum coagulation/sand filtration had no significant effect on any of the off-flavour compounds that could be detected in the raw water samples (geosmin, 2-methylisoborneol, 2-isopropyl-3-methoxypyrazine, 2,4,6-trichloroanisole, 1-octen-3-one, 1-nonen-3-one, dimethyl trisulphide and a number of unidentified muddy or musty odours). During artificial groundwater recharge in sand and gravel ridges, however, the concentrations of all these compounds were substantially reduced, thus proving that artificial groundwater recharge is not only a suitable method for water storage but can also be an effective method for removing muddy and musty odours. The successful use of the column-sniffing technique for evaluating water treatment methods has shown the potential of this technique in resolving some of the present disagreements concerning the effectiveness of different treatment methods for removing tastes and odours from water.  相似文献   

贾秀阁  刘灵钰 《矿产勘查》2022,13(7):957-966
为了全面反映河南省地下水环境问题及其严重程度,使已有的环境地质调查成果更好地服务于国民经济建设。本文在充分收集前人环境、水文、地质资料的基础上,以重点城市居住区为研究对象,在地下水问题严重区加密取样、核查,并基于含盐量,划分了氟化物、碘化物、锰、铁以及不同水化学类型的分布范围和分布面积;同时将不同年度含盐量进行类比,找出了各地区地下水环境演化过程和污染原因,总结了原生劣质地下水的成因及存在地区;并对河南省开采运用地下水提出有效、切实可行的合理化建议。  相似文献   

Artificial groundwater recharge (AGR) is used in the drinking water industry to supplement groundwater resources and to minimise the use of chemicals in water treatment. This study analysed the spatial and temporal changes of microbial communities in AGR using two test systems: a nutrient-amended fluidized-bed reactor (FBR) and a sand column. Structural changes in the feed lake water (Lake Roine), FBR, and sand column bacterial communities were determined by denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis (DGGE) and the length heterogeneity analysis of amplified 16S rRNA genes (LH-PCR). Two clone libraries were created to link the LH-PCR results to the dominant bacterial groups. The lake water bacterial community was relatively stable, with three bands dominating in all LH-PCR products. The most dominant fragment accounted for up to 72% and was derived from Actinobacteria. Based on the clone libraries and LH-PCR data, Actinobacteria also dominated in the unattached bacterial community of the FBR, whereas several Proteobacterial groups were more abundant on the FBR carrier particles. In the stabilised AGR system a major change in the community structure of the lake water bacteria took place during passage within the first 0.6 m in the sand column as the community composition shifted from Actinobacteria-dominated populations to a diverse, mainly Proteobacterial communities. Concurrently, most of the dissolved organic carbon (DOC) was removed at this stage. In summary, the study showed that the make-up of microbial communities in experimental AGR systems responded to changes in their environment. LH-PCR showed potential as a method to determine microbial community dynamics in long-term studies at real-scale AGR sites. This is the first step to provide data on microbial community dynamics in AGR for drinking water production.  相似文献   

Ohne Zusammenfassung
Impacts of green roofs and rain water use on the water balance and groundwater levels in urban areas

高维征  杨家林 《矿产勘查》2020,11(7):1442-1449
文章通过对宜阳县地质环境条件的调查研究,从地形地貌、地质构造、地层岩性与含水岩组及地下水分布之间的关系入手,结合当地地下水开发利用的现状,分析了地质环境对地下水的赋存和对含水岩组富水性的影响,阐述了研究区地下水的富集规律,进而对含水岩组的富水性进行了分区,以期有助于当地合理开发利用地下水资源。  相似文献   

Zhang B  Song X  Zhang Y  Han D  Tang C  Yu Y  Ma Y 《Water research》2012,46(8):2737-2748
Water quality is the critical factor that influence on human health and quantity and quality of grain production in semi-humid and semi-arid area. Songnen plain is one of the grain bases in China, as well as one of the three major distribution regions of soda saline-alkali soil in the world. To assess the water quality, surface water and groundwater were sampled and analyzed by fuzzy membership analysis and multivariate statistics. The surface water were gather into class I, IV and V, while groundwater were grouped as class I, II, III and V by fuzzy membership analysis. The water samples were grouped into four categories according to irrigation water quality assessment diagrams of USDA. Most water samples distributed in category C1-S1, C2-S2 and C3-S3. Three groups were generated from hierarchical cluster analysis. Four principal components were extracted from principal component analysis. The indicators to water quality assessment were Na, HCO3, NO3, Fe, Mn and EC from principal component analysis. We conclude that surface water and shallow groundwater are suitable for irrigation, the reservoir and deep groundwater in upstream are the resources for drinking. The water for drinking should remove of the naturally occurring ions of Fe and Mn. The control of sodium and salinity hazard is required for irrigation. The integrated management of surface water and groundwater for drinking and irrigation is to solve the water issues.  相似文献   

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