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Teaching design incorporating a sense of sustainability to architecture students is a challenge today, primarily because of the trend to label every design as sustainable or green even though it is no different from a more traditional one. The result is a "green-washed" education in architecture. To address this issue, this paper describes a teaching methodology of architectural design with a special focus on sustainability implemented in the Graduate School of Architecture in Clemson. This method includes an analysis of the location, the climate conditions, the materials needed and the construction process. Knowing that sustainable design is generally perceived as being expensive, there is a special focus on simplicity and affordability. Rather than relying on expensive technical solutions, students are encouraged to design for the given environment and apply passive strategies. In the approach discussed in this paper, the design process is a number of logical scientific decisions rather than an intuitive draft. The goal of this pedagogy is to raise awareness about how to handle global resources carefully and to show the importance of the later performance of the project as a key to design. The teaching strategy is described here along with the successful participation by our graduate students in a number of refereed competitions.  相似文献   

In megacities, the phenomenon of the highrise buildings which add fashion elements into the body and facades seems as big sculptures. Architect composed their work by applying the cross-pollination of design method. They adopted the various elements to enrich their building's facade in order to look different. On the other hand, the traditional architecture expressed the tribe civilization by placing their proud artifacts into the building's facade. The purpose of this study is to find a new theory of architecture during their process of becoming of the architecture's form. The study applied a phenomenological investigation method of several highrise building's facade at Jakarta and several districts of Singapore, Brisbane and Melbourne. The study result is a new theory named "the fashion-architecture" is a building composed by adopting the cross-pollination of design method. To enrich the building's facade, architect adopted anything including the fashion's design elements: accessories, millineries, and cosmetics also reflected by the traditional architecture. Their fashion-architecture works are reflecting the tribe civilization into a contemporary architecture design.  相似文献   

ZHU Yu-fan 《中国园林》2007,23(11):41-42
In the era of globalization, the inheritance issue of regional culture should by prudentially faced by each type of cultures, especially the non-mainstream ones. As to the development of modern Chinese landscape architecture cause, a lot of unavoidable century tasks are in the face of the landscape architecture designers in China, such as: how to inherit and develop Chinese outstanding garden  相似文献   

1 Introduction In late 1990s,with the all-round development of society and economy,a rush of landscape construction took place in China and thousands of professionals entered into the field of landscape planning and design.Landscape design has become the hottest profession in China since 2004.In order to meet the social demands,many colleges and universities started to establish the landscape architecture major one after another,and several hundreds of degree theses especially  相似文献   

The purpose of this study is to find "the new theory" in the process of having quality "form" in architecture field which is usually visualized by the ruler through his ideology of his architectural work which is created by his architects. The study is about an urban design in architectural field related with space-power-knowledge. To reveal the meaning of the architecture objects is need to analyze the architectural object "form" as the culture-material, and to reveal the meaning of the objects through the hidden things related to the presence of the metaphysical data. To find "the new theory" used "grounded theory research", the method is part of qualitative research which refers to Glaser and Strauss. The achievement study is finding the idea of"architecture stage" of the ruler, represented by Soekamo as the first Indonesian President. Through visual observation and spatial experiences in his several architectural works concerning the "Project's Lighthouse" as his architectural work in Jakarta in the 1960s the idea of connectedness was found. He composes his architecture's work by inserted the "architecture drama analogy" as metaphor for representing himself and his ideologist by exploring the Javanese Ancient's as the basic design in the modem architecture at that time the east meet west.  相似文献   

The amount of muddy soil generated from various kinds of construction sites is always problematic. It is very difficult to treat muddy soil because of its low strength and high water content. But, the reuse of muddy soil is necessary to reduce the total amount of industrial wastes. Surplus concrete is also in a similar situation. Coarse and fine aggregates are removed from surplus concrete as an intermediate treatment, however, concrete sludge still remains. The authors propose a reuse method that involves the muddy soil being mixed with concrete sludge as an improvement material. The possibility of the utilization of concrete sludge was investigated through laboratory experiments. As a result, it was found that the unconfined compressive strength of the improved soil mixed with concrete sludge increased as the curing proceeded.  相似文献   

A famous senior architect, Philip Johnson,compares architec-tural design trend of thought to a river, collecting many tribu-taries and going to the Ocean. Now a new century is coming,the architectural field will walk into the future with its achieve-ments and lessons of 20th century.There are two great architectural movements in thiscentury. The first is Modern Movement. It has greatly poundedat the classical architecture and started a new style ofdesign,then helped architecture walk into Industrial Age. The  相似文献   

One of the main difficulties in the geotechnical design process lies in dealing with uncertainty. Uncertainty is associated with natural variation of properties, and the imprecision and unpredictability caused by insufficient information on parameters or models. Probabilistic methods are normally used to quantify uncertainty. However, the frequentist approach commonly used for this purpose has some drawbacks.First, it lacks a formal framework for incorporating knowledge not represented by data. Second, it has limitations in providing a proper measure of the confidence of parameters inferred from data. The Bayesian approach offers a better framework for treating uncertainty in geotechnical design. The advantages of the Bayesian approach for uncertainty quantification are highlighted in this paper with the Bayesian regression analysis of laboratory test data to infer the intact rock strength parameters σ_(ci) and m_i used in the Hoek-Brown strength criterion. Two case examples are used to illustrate different aspects of the Bayesian methodology and to contrast the approach with a frequentist approach represented by the nonlinear least squares(NLLS) method. The paper discusses the use of a Student's t-distribution versus a normal distribution to handle outliers, the consideration of absolute versus relative residuals, and the comparison of quality of fitting results based on standard errors and Bayes factors. Uncertainty quantification with confidence and prediction intervals of the frequentist approach is compared with that based on scatter plots and bands of fitted envelopes of the Bayesian approach. Finally, the Bayesian method is extended to consider two improvements of the fitting analysis. The first is the case in which the Hoek-Brown parameter, a, is treated as a variable to improve the fitting in the triaxial region. The second is the incorporation of the uncertainty in the estimation of the direct tensile strength from Brazilian test results within the overall evaluation of the intact rock strength.  相似文献   

In every country, modern landscape architecture is developing in the process of globalization. However, the culture standardization brought by industrial civilization did not result in unitary development of the modern landscape worldwide. After all, the natural condition, climate, custom, cultural tradition and regional landscape in every country are not the same. Landscape design is produced by human being, there is almost no design which involves not any human interference or totally follow…  相似文献   

My work as landscape planner, teacher and rescarcher is influenced by both European and American ideas, but part of my studies as a graduate studentincluded Chinese and Asian culture. I know enough about the world to know that European and American ideas were not always first. Furthermore, I amnot an historian. I am a landscape planner who looks toward the future. Even so, I know that most of the ideas that have shaped my work are old ideas.Two years ago I decided tu preparc a lecture tt) …  相似文献   

Auf der Neubaustrecke Erfurt – Leipzig/Halle werden zurzeit einige Talbrücken realisiert, die einen neuen, ganzheitlich orientierten Entwurfsansatz verfolgen. Bei diesen integralen bzw. semi‐integralen Bauwerken sind die Überbauten monolithisch mit den Pfeilern und teilweise mit den Widerlagern verbunden. Sie können deshalb schlanker und mit stetigen Übergängen zwischen den Bauteilen ausgeführt werden. Durch den weitgehenden Verzicht auf Lager und Fugen und durch die robuste Bauweise besitzen integrale Bauwerke eine wesentlich längere Lebenserwartung als herkömmliche Talbrücken. Die Scherkondetalbrücke und die Gänsebachtalbrücke wurden bereits in vorherigen Ausgaben beschrieben. In diesem Beitrag wird über den Bau der Stöbnitztalbrücke berichtet, die als Sondervorschlag der ausführenden Baufirma realisiert wird. The Bridge over Stoebnitz Valley – a Bridge without Bearings on High‐Speed Railway Route Erfurt – Leipzig/Halle Currently some large valley bridges are under construction on high‐speed railway route Erfurt‐Leipzig/Halle. These bridges follow a new holistic design philosophy. The superstructures of those integral or semi‐integral bridges are rigidly connected to the abutments and the columns. Therefore, they are more slender than conventional bridges and the bridges are very robust and durable because of the omitting of bearings and dilatation joints. The bridges over Scherkonde valley and over Gaensebach valley were already described in previous issues. In this paper the construction of the bridge crossing Stoebnitz valley is reported. This bridge is being built as an alternate design of the contractor.  相似文献   

Der nachfolgende Aufsatz behandelt die Berechnung und Messung von hydratationsbedingten Zwangspannungen in massigen Betonbauteilen. Dabei wird auf das zeitveränderliche und viskoelastische Materialverhalten des Betons und dessen Berücksichtigung innerhalb eines numerischen Berechnungsverfahrens besonders eingegangen. Die vorgestellten Zusammenhänge werden anhand eines Dehnstabmodells mathematisch beschrieben und innerhalb eines FE‐Modells numerisch implementiert. Im Zuge des Betonierens einer Sohlplatte eines Schleusenbauwerks werden die Berechnungsergebnisse mit Messdaten für die Spannungsentwicklung verglichen und bewertet. Consideration of Viscoelasticity in Computation of Hydration induced Stresses in Massive Concrete Members The present document reports about the computation and measurement of hydration induced stresses in massive concrete structures. It focuses on the time dependent and viscoelastic material properties of concrete and their consideration within a numerical computation procedure. The presented relationships will be described mathematically by using a strain‐rod‐model and be implemented in a FEM‐Model. The computed results will be compared and evaluated by using measured stress data obtained during the casting of a lock's base slab.  相似文献   

Der Verbundwerkstoff Stahlfaserbeton bzw. Stahlfaserspritzbeton (SFRSpC) findet in der Geotechnik eine breite Anwendung. Für die Modellierung des mechanischen Verhaltens ist das Wissen über die Verteilung und Ausrichtung der Fasern im Beton von entscheidender Bedeutung. In einer Bachelorarbeit wurden die Stahlfasern in Bohrkernproben mit Hilfe der Computertomografie (CT) am Österreichischen Gießerei‐Institut (ÖGI) sichtbar gemacht und die Orientierung jeder einzelnen Faser anhand der STL‐Schnittstelle und weiterer Software berechnet, statistisch ausgewertet und grafisch, ähnlich dem Schmidt'schen Netz, dargestellt. Dieses zeitaufwändige Verfahren wurde von VRVis durch ein Postprocessing automatisiert. Die Stahlfasern können bezüglich ihrer zwei Hauptwinkel in Echtzeit exploriert, klassifiziert und dabei visuell überwacht werden. Es bieten sich verschiedene Möglichkeiten der statistischen Auswertung an. Ein Richtungs‐Kugelhistogramm, ebenfalls dem Schmidt'schen Netz ähnlich, ermöglicht dem Anwender, die Richtungsverteilung der selektierten Stahlfasern auf einen Blick zu erkennen. Die Farbkodierung der Richtungen wird auch für die 3D‐Visualisierung der Stahlfasern übernommen, um die räumliche Erfassung der Richtungsverteilung im SFRSpC selbst zu erleichtern. Computertomographic Investigation of Steel Fibre Reinforced Sprayed Concrete using Multi‐Dimensional Transfer Functions The composite material steel fibre reinforced concrete or steel fibre reinforced sprayed concrete (SFRS) is widely used in geotechnics. For the modelling of the mechanical behaviour the knowledge of the distribution and orientation of the fibres in the concrete is of particular importance. For a bachelor thesis the steel fibres in drill cores were investigated by computed tomography (CT) at the Austrian Foundry Research Institute (ÖGI). The orientation of each fibre was calculated using a STL‐interface and further software tools. The results were statistically evaluated and graphically represented using Schmidt's net. This time consuming (expensive) method was automated by a post‐processing of VRVis. With that tool the steel fibres in the sample can be explored, classified and visually examined in real‐time regarding their orientation in two angles. Different possibilities of statistical evaluation can be implemented. A real‐time direction sphere histogram (DSH), comparable to Schmidt's net in 3D allows the user to recognise the distribution of orientations of the selected fibres at a glance. The colour‐coding of the different orientations is also used for the 3D‐volume‐view of the fibres, to easily identify the spatial distribution of orientations in the SFRS sample.  相似文献   

The Rhine Bridge at Breisach – Alteration and maintenance work at a 45‐years‐old steel structure across the river Rhine. The Breisach Rhine Bridge between Breisach in Baden‐Württemberg, Germany, and Neuf‐Brisach in Alsace, France, is next to the Europe Bridge Kehl–Strasbourg the most important road connection between the two countries. The three‐pillar road bridge was built in 1962 using the foundation of an old railway bridge. The box girder of the bridge is welded as well as riveted and bolted. Both the design of the curb with its underseepage – a feature that was often used at that time but is now out of favour – and damages at the drain pipes in the girder box led to significant corrosion damage. In the future a bicycle lane will run over the bridge. For this an enlargement of the southern footpath is required. Bridge repair and maintenance work began in the spring of 2008. In this paper not only the details of the projects will be considered, but also the solutions to the problems discovered during repair work. An additional special feature of the bridge is the fact that two road construction agencies, one French, one German, are in charge of maintenance.  相似文献   

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