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岩石崩滑引发的高速远程岩石碎屑流是一种危险性极大的地质灾害,碎屑流具有突发性,能够在很短的时间内达到很高速度,将岩石和碎屑物质运移至非常远的距离,破坏力极强,破坏范围极大。为了研究不同粒径岩石碎屑流的运移距离及堆积特性,进行室内5种不同粒径小尺度岩石碎屑材料的无侧限干粒子材料岩崩物理模型试验。试验结果表明:在相同试验条件下,碎屑颗粒尺寸对运动距离、等值摩擦因数影响较大,碎屑颗粒尺寸越大,运动距离越远,堆积长度越大,等值摩擦因数越小;5种不同碎屑颗粒尺寸的堆积形态基本相似,堆积宽度随颗粒尺寸的增大而逐渐增大;实测碎屑颗粒运动速度远大于理论计算值。  相似文献   

在我国西部山区,由高速远程滑坡碎屑流导致的群死群伤事件时有发生,对滑坡碎屑流的高速远程机制研究迫在眉睫。以汶川地震触发的文家沟高速远程滑坡碎屑流为研究对象,利用其堆积物中出露的冲沟对碎屑流堆积物的堆积结构进行研究,结果表明,碎屑流堆积物具有明显的反序结构;进一步利用环剪试验对碎屑流流动过程中不同深度处碎屑颗粒的长距离剪切过程进行模拟,结果显示,颗粒破碎是滑坡碎屑流堆积物反序结构形成的主要原因之一,碎屑流流动过程中由于底部颗粒所受正应力最大,因此破碎越彻底,而向上碎屑颗粒所受正应力逐渐减小,破碎程度也逐渐减小,因此形成反序结构;而底部碎屑颗粒破碎导致碎屑流剪切强度降低,进一步导致碎屑流底部与地面之间摩擦阻力降低,是滑坡碎屑流能够高速远程的主要原因之一。研究成果能够为西部山区高速远程滑坡碎屑流的致灾范围预测提供科学依据,具有一定的理论和实际意义。  相似文献   

 滑坡–碎屑流在高速运动过程中对基底物质存在明显的冲击铲刮作用,从而造成滑坡体积不断增大,扩大其致灾影响范围。通过开展物理模型试验研究滑坡物质的颗粒粒径和体积以及基底物质的粒径和堆积厚度对铲刮效应的影响,同时采用MotionPro-Y3–S1高速摄像机观察冲击铲刮过程。试验结果表明:滑坡物质在运动过程中强烈地冲击铲刮基底物质,使其高速飞溅及剪切运动;铲刮距离随滑坡物质体积、粒径以及基底物质颗粒粒径的增大和可侵蚀基底厚度的减小而增大。结合试验现象以及前人的研究成果对滑坡冲击铲刮机制进行探讨:滑坡–碎屑流的冲击铲刮作用在前缘主要表现为冲切破坏,它以撞击力的形式使基底物质发生破坏而铲刮,而在中后部主要表现为运动剪切作用,以剪切力的形式使基底物质发生剪切破坏而被铲刮。  相似文献   

 中国四川汶川地震触发了众多的典型高速远程滑坡–碎屑流。为论证这些高速远程滑坡–碎屑流堆积的层序特征和形成机制,以谢家店子滑坡、牛圈沟滑坡和文家沟滑坡为研究对象,首先对高速远程滑坡运动路径上的竖向分带性进行详细的描述,并根据各带特征,将其划分与命名为气浪影响区、碎屑流跳跃抛洒区、碎屑流流动堆积区、滑动剪切带以及下伏的原沟谷堆积层。在对各竖向分带进行描述的基础上,以碎屑流流动堆积区为重点研究对象,运用面积取样–面积频率法和室内筛分法,对碎屑流流动堆积区不同粒径范围内的颗粒进行详细的粒组分析,并通过质量–频率法的转换,最终获取碎屑流流动堆积区竖向剖面中不同高度层位上碎屑颗粒的累计频率分布曲线,揭示碎屑流堆积体内部所特有的堆积规律--反粒序结构,该结构是高速远程滑坡–碎屑流运动过程及其运动状态的重要反映,是高速滑坡远程运动机制分析所基于的重要地质证据。根据大量的现场调查和室内试验结果,得到以下结论:碎屑流运动路径上因滑面不规则起伏所激励的振动筛分作用和碎屑颗粒之间碰撞所产生的动力破碎作用以及二者的耦合过程应为反粒序形成的主要原因;并基于滑坡运动学与动力学的过程,对上述作用的能量来源和转化过程进行描述。  相似文献   

高速远程滑坡反粒序及其形成机制是目前研究的热点问题,为进一步探讨该问题,以高速远程滑坡分形粒径分布特征为依据,通过物理模型实验与数值模拟方法,研究不同分形维数颗粒流堆积体的粒径分布特征及其对应的颗粒分选过程,结果表明:随着颗粒流分形维数的增大,细颗粒含量的增加,颗粒流运动过程中不同粒径颗粒的分选作用减弱,导致堆积体中反粒序的发育程度降低;在不同粒径组成条件下,颗粒流前缘及尾部主要呈离散态运动,中部则以密集态为主,仅表面局部颗粒发生离散,颗粒流堆积体中反粒序的形成是多种分选机制综合作用的结果。基于结果分析,高速远程滑坡运动过程中整体不具备颗粒分选的条件,仅在局部范围内可能存在颗粒分选作用。  相似文献   

分析了岩石碎屑流的运动特征和堆积物内部特征,并引入动态力链概念建立内部颗粒破碎准则,分析得出:岩石碎屑流内部颗粒破碎解体概率随其所在深度的加深而增大;内部剪切变形速率越高,颗粒破坏速率越大;岩石碎屑流在运动过程中内部存在动态的剪切变形集中区域,可以显著提升运动过程中内部颗粒破碎解体效率,从而减小堆积体颗粒平均粒径。  相似文献   

为定量化揭示真实复杂三维地形条件对滑坡–碎屑流运动与堆积特征的影响,基于谢家店子滑坡真实三维地形空间分布形态,设计并建立滑坡–碎屑流三维物理模型实验装置,开展相关物理模拟实验研究,获取复杂三维地形条件下,滑坡–碎屑流运动与堆积特征的图像和定量化数据,并依此观察和分析其流态化运动与堆积特征。主要得出以下结论:(1)滑坡运动路径上沟谷转折段等复杂地形的展布,可引起碎屑流动能的快速耗散,运动速度陡降,从而减小碎屑流的运动距离;(2)碎屑流运动过程中,颗粒之间的动量传递作用,可明显促进碎屑流的远程运动;(3)运动路径上沟谷两侧缓坡平台的展布,可导致碎屑流的"分流–汇流"运动,并最终在碎屑流表面形成纵向沟状槽;(4)当碎屑流流动至运动路径的开阔地段时,碎屑流进入一种以碰撞为主的无侧限扩离运动状态,在粒间碰撞–推挤力、重力和地形的共同作用下,形成"X"型共轭堆积脊。  相似文献   

为定量化揭示真实复杂三维地形条件对滑坡–碎屑流运动与堆积特征的影响,基于谢家店子滑坡真实三维地形空间分布形态,设计并建立滑坡–碎屑流三维物理模型实验装置,开展相关物理模拟实验研究,获取复杂三维地形条件下,滑坡–碎屑流运动与堆积特征的图像和定量化数据,并依此观察和分析其流态化运动与堆积特征。主要得出以下结论:(1)滑坡运动路径上沟谷转折段等复杂地形的展布,可引起碎屑流动能的快速耗散,运动速度陡降,从而减小碎屑流的运动距离;(2)碎屑流运动过程中,颗粒之间的动量传递作用,可明显促进碎屑流的远程运动;(3)运动路径上沟谷两侧缓坡平台的展布,可导致碎屑流的"分流–汇流"运动,并最终在碎屑流表面形成纵向沟状槽;(4)当碎屑流流动至运动路径的开阔地段时,碎屑流进入一种以碰撞为主的无侧限扩离运动状态,在粒间碰撞–推挤力、重力和地形的共同作用下,形成"X"型共轭堆积脊。  相似文献   

高速岩质滑坡中的冲击破碎解体对其运动特性有较大的影响,并且运动过程中能量的迅速耗散与运动性能的瞬时改变,导致受灾范围的增大。通过开展物理模型试验,考虑岩质滑坡的复杂地形条件,设计陡坎来模拟滑坡体与外部不均匀地形之间的多次连续碰撞,利用不同物质组成和配比的不同数量的单位试块进行试验,研究岩质滑坡冲击破碎运动过程中滑块组成物质粒径、块体体积/试块数量对其运动特性的影响,采用高速摄像机及数码摄像机记录整个运动过程。试验结果表明:滑块总体运动时间随粒径的减小而增加并随块体体积的增加而增加,且堆积时间的增加为滑块总体运动时间增加的主要控制因素;块体平均速度及出口处的速度随粒径的减小而减小,随块体体积/试块数量的变化不明显,但整体波动范围均在1m/s之内;冲击破碎所造成的直接能量耗散占总势能的比例较小,但冲击破碎是岩质滑坡运动过程中能量耗散的重要因素,控制滑坡体的运动特性和能量耗散形式。  相似文献   

滑坡–碎屑流因其超常的流动性、超高的滑速以及巨大的能量成为一种具有极端破坏力的地质灾害现象。为实现滑坡–碎屑流三维地形条件下运动全过程的数值模拟,在局部拉格朗日坐标系基础上,考虑滑坡–碎屑流运动过程中滑体下表面的侵蚀作用及摩擦阻力的变化,建立基于有限体积法的计算模型。应用模型对萨尔瓦多的El Picacho滑坡进行反演分析,模拟过程采用距离侵蚀速率参数及Voellmy阻力模型,模拟结果的运动路径及滑动距离与滑坡发生的实际情况吻合较好,表明结合模型方程的数值模拟方法对于滑坡–碎屑流运动过程研究的有效性。此外,计算未考虑滑体下表面侵蚀作用的滑坡运动过程,结果显示滑坡运动物质的总体积减少,滑动距离明显变短。因此,侵蚀作用是滑坡–碎屑流运动过程研究所必须考虑的重要因素之一。滑坡–碎屑流三维运动过程的数值模拟研究可以为该类灾害的危险性评估及风险预测等提供科学的参考依据。  相似文献   

The discrete element method is well suited for simulating the cracks and subsequent large displacements of catastrophic landslides or rock avalanches, and is therefore a useful tool for analysing their complicated dynamic processes and hypermobility mechanisms. In this study, particle flow code was used to investigate the dynamic processes and hypermobility mechanisms of the Wenjiagou rock avalanche triggered by the 2008 Wenchuan earthquake. Characterization of the avalanche dynamics was achieved using a model comprising four stages: failure rupture, projectile motion, granular debris flow, and debris mass accumulation. The results show that collision on the valley floor was the main factor causing the fragmentation of the Wenjiagou rock avalanche. The upper and front edge of the landslide body were the most likely to move over a long distance. The results also show that friction was the main source of energy dissipation during the entirety of the avalanche movement. The high gravitational potential energy of the avalanche was the basis of the high mobility. In addition, because of their effects on energy dissipation, the low basal friction coefficient, favourable block movement, and topographical conditions played key roles in the rapid, long-runout Wenjiagou avalanche process.  相似文献   

高速远程滑坡裹气流态化动力学特性实验研究   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:1  
 为定量化揭示高速远程滑坡在裹入气流作用下的动力学特性,以高速远程滑坡裹气流态化运动特性实验成果为基础,运用自行设计的水平圆环式旋转剪切流变装置,开展一系列环剪实验,获取碎屑流在不同裹入气流作用下的动态抗剪强度参数。结果表明:(1) 碎屑流运动过程中,气体的裹入,可起到明显的减阻作用;(2) 在碎屑流的整个运动过程中,随着时间的推移,碎屑流与环盖间剪切力并非一恒定值,而是呈现出忽高忽低的波动性演化特征;(3) 随着碎屑流受剪时间的增长,碎屑流与环盖间剪切力值整体呈略微增长的趋势,且剪切速率越大,该趋势越明显。  相似文献   

The Guinsaugon rock slide-debris avalanche was the most catastrophic single landslide event in Philippine history, with 14–18 M m3 of debris instantly burying an entire village. Hummocky topography, pressure ridges and other internal structures suggest that the landslide deposit was emplaced as a debris avalanche and debris flow. Susceptibility to planar and wedge failures as well as to toppling due to rock discontinuities were demonstrated using kinematic analysis and SMR. Limit equilibrium analysis on planar failures yielded factors of safety ranging from 0.8 to 1.5. The study showed that pore pressure on discontinuities had a more significant effect on the slope stability than seismicity. For wedge failures, there is a sudden drop in the factor of safety at pore water pressures of 258–306 kPa. At the site, the pore water pressure may have been as high as 490 kPa. The possibility of such a landslide event in the future is discussed.   相似文献   

The paper reports the 27 December 2000 landslide, which occurred in the city of Coimbra, central Portugal, affecting loose fill soils and slope debris derived from the red sandstone of Triassic age. With urban spread, the base of the hill slope on which farming had taken place over many centuries was terraced to provide residential properties; the excavated material was end-tipped at the top of the slope, modifying the slope gradient from the original 18° to 38°. The loose fill was placed without engineering precautions, directly on to the debris slope material. Following a small slip in 1998, remedial works were undertaken involving large diameter piles anchored into the bedrock. This engineering construction formed the back slope and restricted the extent of the December 2000 landslide, which occurred during a period of unusually heavy rainfall.  相似文献   

Erosion experiments were conducted in an annular flume to determine the effect of bed age and shear stress on the particle morphology (fractal dimensions D, D(1), and D(k)) of eroded cohesive river sediment. Sediment beds were deposited under low shear and left to consolidate for one, two and seven days. Fractal data and photomicrographs show particle morphology changed with shear stress and bed age. During the one-day experiment, flocs were highly branched and particle geometry became more complex with increasing shear. Microflocs present in suspension at low shear, formed larger more loosely bound flocs at moderate shear due to flocculation. At higher shear, larger flocs were less prevalent due to particle breakup. As bed age increased, less sediment was eroded and particles appeared less porous and more angular in shape for a given shear stress. Changes in floc morphology and eroded sediment mass at various shear stresses may be related to bed age-associated biostabilization of bed deposits.  相似文献   

A massive rock and ice avalanche occurred on the western slope of the Ronti Gad valley in the northern part of Chamoli, Indian Himalaya, on 7 February 7, 2021. The avalanche on the high mountain slope at an elevation of 5600 m above sea level triggered a long runout disaster chain, including rock mass avalanche, debris avalanche, and flood. The disaster chain had a horizontal travel distance of larger than 17,600 m and an elevation difference of 4300 m. In this study, the disaster characteristics and dynamic process were analyzed by multitemporal satellite imagery. The results show that the massive rock and ice avalanche was caused by four large expanding discontinuity planes. The disaster chain was divided into five zones by satellite images and field observation, including source zone, transition zone, dynamic entrainment zone, flow deposition zone, and flood zone. The entrainment effect and melting water were recognized as the main causes of the long-runout distance. Based on the seismic wave records and field videos, the time progress of the disaster was analyzed and the velocity of frontal debris at different stages was calculated. The total analyzed disaster duration was 1247 s, and the frontal debris velocity colliding with the second hydropower station was approximately 23 m/s. This study also carried out the numerical simulation of the disaster by rapid mass movement simulation (RAMMS). The numerical results reproduced the dynamic process of the debris avalanche, and the mechanism of long-runout avalanche was further verified by parametric study. Furthermore, this study discussed the potential causes of disaster and flood and the roles of satellite images and seismic networks in the monitoring and early-warning.  相似文献   

《Soils and Foundations》2007,47(1):141-152
In May 2004, a landslide occurred at the right flank of the Jinnosuke-dani landslide, and transformed into a debris flow after fluidization. By analysis of the monitored video images of the debris flow, field investigation on the source area of the landslide, and a series of simulation tests with a ring-shear apparatus on the initiation of the rainfall-induced landslide and its traveling process, the initiation and traveling mechanisms of the debris flow traveling in the valley were investigated. It is shown that concentrated groundwater flow was the main reason for the landslide initiation, and a rapid decrease of the mobilized shear resistance even under naturally drained condition caused the rapid landslide motion. During the debris motion in the valley, high potential for grain-crushing of deposits in upstream and lower potential for the downstream deposits controlled the traveling and depositing processes of the debris flow. Different grain-crushing potential of the valley deposits played an important role in the debris flow traveling and depositing processes.  相似文献   

The Sea to Sky corridor stretches over a distance of 135?km into British Columbia’s Coast Mountains. The corridor has witnessed hundreds of historical and pre-historic landslides. In the last 154?years, 155 landslide events have been reported. The most common types of landslides are rockfalls and debris flows, which are small in volume, but can be quite damaging. These are more abundant in the southern part of the corridor where infrastructure is built close to steep slopes. Two different methods were adapted to create debris flow and rockfall/rock slide susceptibility maps. Both qualitative heuristic and fuzzy logic susceptibility maps showed a similar distribution of susceptibility zones, especially high susceptibility. Correlation of high susceptibility zones with occurrence of historical and mapped geological landslide events was very good. Success rate curves were calculated for extrapolated zones of initiation for debris flow and rockfall/rock slide deposits. Success rate curves were better for debris flow than rockfall/rockslide maps.  相似文献   

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