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地震作用下边坡岩体动力稳定性数值模拟   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
 以金沙江龙蟠边坡变形岩体为例,采用人工合成地震动为输入条件,并考虑超静孔隙水压力的作用,运用离散单元法进行边坡岩体的全时程动力分析,探讨地震作用下边坡岩体的动力响应规律及稳定性。数值模拟结果表明:地震惯性力的作用引起剪应力的积聚效应;岩体结构面对岩质边坡的地震动力响应起控制性作用;边坡最危险状态是地震刚刚开始时由静态到动态所发生的巨大系统改变之时;地震作用导致岩体变形破坏的主要机制是剪应力积聚和超静孔隙水压力累积效应的耦合作用。同时,计算结果还表明,龙蟠边坡变形岩体在遭受地震时不会发生整体性的远程滑动,这一结论对金沙江宽谷坝址的抉择具有重要的工程应用价值。  相似文献   

刘伟  高峰 《四川建筑》2012,32(3):109-112
地震作用下边坡的稳定性会显著降低,从而导致边坡失稳破坏。根据相关设计规范确定了地震荷载,用强度折减法分别求解了自然工况下以及地震工况下水平地震惯性力和竖直地震惯性力不同组合方式下边坡的稳定性。通过对求解结果的分析表明:当水平地震惯性力方向朝向边坡外时,无论考不考虑竖直地震惯性力,边坡的稳定性系数都明显低于自然工况下边坡的稳定性系数;而且当竖直地震惯性力向下时,边坡最不稳定。因此,建议以此种工况来评估边坡的稳定性和进行边坡的抗震设计。  相似文献   

高速公路泥岩边坡时效变形破坏机理分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
中国西部山区泥岩地层中修建高速公路,泥岩边坡常发生变形失稳破坏。基于大变形理论,采用完全非线性瞬态动力学分析方法,研究了泥岩边坡开挖前、开挖后暴雨产生孔隙水压力和孔隙水压力消散的时效变形过程,揭示了坡体开挖和孔隙水压力是边坡发生变形破坏的主要因素,为边坡的处治设计提供了理论依据。  相似文献   

地震荷载作用下海床液化是海底管线失稳的主要原因之一.建立地震荷载作用下海底管线周围砂质海床液化问题的有限元模型,利用先进的土工静力-动力液压三轴-扭剪多功能剪切仪,将在不排水循环扭剪试验条件下得到的孔隙水压力增长模式作为考虑地震循环作用所引起的孔隙水压力源项引入到二维动力固结方程中,基于有限元方法对推广的固结方程进行数值求解,得到地震荷载作用下砂质海床中累积孔隙水压力的发展过程与变化规律.通过变动参数计算研究砂质海床土性参数和管线几何尺寸对由地震所引起的管线周围海床中累积孔隙水压力分布的影响,进一步对管线周围砂质海床的液化势进行评判.通过计算分析发现,土的渗透系数对由地震所引起的管线周围砂质海床中的累积孔隙水压力比具有显著影响,而管线半径只影响管线周围海床的累积孔隙水压力比分布,在离开管线一定距离之外,其影响可以忽略.  相似文献   

正确认识地震作用下边坡的破坏模式及动力响应特征可以为边坡抗震设计提供理论指导。为了探讨边坡土体含水率的变化对边坡破坏模式及动力响应的影响,针对该问题展了室内振动台模型试验,分析了不同含水率边坡失稳破坏的物理过程,以及在地震荷载作用下边坡动力响应规律。试验结果表明土体含水率对边坡破坏模式有较大影响,含水率6.8%和10%的砂土边坡分别表现为震裂–溃滑型和震裂–溃散型滑坡破坏形式,含水率18.1%和24.6%的黏土边坡分别表现为震裂–溃散性和震裂–蠕滑型滑坡破坏形式;在参数考虑的范围内含水率较大的边坡比含水率较小的边坡更稳定;在水平动力载荷作用下,边坡表面的土体位移变化规律能够反应出边坡失稳破坏特征;对于该文讨论的砂土和黏土边坡而言,含水率大的边坡加速度放大效应弱于含水率小的边坡;从土体阻尼角度解释了含水率变化对边坡失稳影响的机理。  相似文献   

三峡库区蓄水后导致的消落带岩体劣化和水库诱发地震对岸坡稳定性具有重大影响。采用振动台模型试验探究了消落带岩体劣化下顺层岩质边坡受持续地震荷载作用时的动力响应规律。研究表明:坡体加速度响应具有显著的“高程效应”和“趋表效应”特性,且历经多次地震荷载作用后坡体PGA放大系数衰弱明显,而坡体累积位移、孔隙水压力及土压力随地震荷载持续作用分别呈逐渐增大、增大及减小的变化趋势;坡体阻尼比、自振频率及损伤度随地震荷载持续作用分别呈逐渐增大、减小及增大的变化趋势,且微小地震和强震作用阶段的坡体非线性累积损伤力学模型可分别采用“S”型三次函数和“陡升”型指数函数表征;坡体累积损伤—失稳破坏演化过程表现为坡顶后缘(次级节理和层面)起裂—扩展—贯通、岩体沿复合滑动面整体滑移及完全破坏后岩体呈多尺度破碎块状堆积于坡脚,且消落带岩体受震动、溶蚀及冲刷耦合作用后破碎较严重,并近乎产生整体滑移而形成显著的“凹腔”。  相似文献   

针对地震条件下非饱和边坡的稳定性问题,建立一个分别考虑竖直方向和水平方向地震影响的有限元计算模型,计算得到边坡位移、超静孔隙压力、剪应变分布。在此基础上根据Fredlund抗剪强度理论和极限平衡法计算得到边坡的稳定安全系数时程曲线。研究结果表明:边坡的最小安全系数随地震持续波动较大,并逐渐趋于稳定,竖直地震波对边坡稳定安全系数影响较大;水平地震波会对边坡坡脚产生较大的剪应力集中现象,导致边坡失稳破坏;竖直方向地震波对存在地下水的边坡产生较大的超静孔隙水压力。在实际工程中应该重视竖向地震波对边坡的破坏作用。  相似文献   

准确理解地震作用下堆积体边坡的动力响应及失稳特征,可以为边坡抗震设计及稳定性分析方法提供依据。为了探讨不同类型地震荷载作用下堆积体边坡的失稳特征及动力响应,该文开展室内振动台模型试验。分析不同加载波形条件下边坡失稳特征以及加速度放大系数随相对高程、无量纲加速度幅值和频率参数的变化规律。探讨堆积体边坡的典型失稳特征和相关的物理机制。结果表明,正弦波作用下堆积体边坡加速度放大系数沿相对高程增长而变化较小;汶川清平波和El-Centro波作用下边坡加速度放大系数沿边坡相对高程呈较明显增大趋势。无量纲参数对放大系数影响较弱。当振动荷载达到边坡破坏的临界荷载时,边坡在短时间内即出现失稳破坏,破坏具有突发性,失稳模式具有典型的震裂-溃散型滑坡模式。在地震动力荷载作用下边坡位移变形可分为两个典型阶段:微变形阶段和急速上升大变形阶段。就该文3种波而言,在相同波峰幅值条件下,相同持续时间内正弦波所携带的总能量最大,最易使边坡失稳。  相似文献   

准确理解地震作用下堆积体边坡的动力响应及失稳特征,可以为边坡抗震设计及稳定性分析方法提供依据。为了探讨不同类型地震荷载作用下堆积体边坡的失稳特征及动力响应,该文开展室内振动台模型试验。分析不同加载波形条件下边坡失稳特征以及加速度放大系数随相对高程、无量纲加速度幅值和频率参数的变化规律。探讨堆积体边坡的典型失稳特征和相关的物理机制。结果表明,正弦波作用下堆积体边坡加速度放大系数沿相对高程增长而变化较小;汶川清平波和El-Centro波作用下边坡加速度放大系数沿边坡相对高程呈较明显增大趋势。无量纲参数对放大系数影响较弱。当振动荷载达到边坡破坏的临界荷载时,边坡在短时间内即出现失稳破坏,破坏具有突发性,失稳模式具有典型的震裂-溃散型滑坡模式。在地震动力荷载作用下边坡位移变形可分为两个典型阶段:微变形阶段和急速上升大变形阶段。就该文3种波而言,在相同波峰幅值条件下,相同持续时间内正弦波所携带的总能量最大,最易使边坡失稳。  相似文献   

降雨特性对土质边坡失稳的影响   总被引:21,自引:4,他引:17  
 通过降雨诱发土质边坡失稳的模型试验及已有研究成果来探讨降雨特性对边坡失稳的影响,并以此来选取出合适的雨量预警参数。研究结果表明:高强度降雨较易使边坡产生流滑破坏且冲蚀现象较为明显;而低雨强长历时的降雨较易使边坡深层土体的孔隙水压力增加,因此较易产生滑动型破坏且滑坡体的规模也较大;此外,降雨型滑坡存在“门槛累积雨量”。该研究成果揭示了降雨入渗对边坡稳定性的作用机制,并以此建议采用降雨强度与累积雨量作为雨量预警基准所需的参数,其中降雨强度参数可用时雨量表示,时雨量可用以衡量流滑型滑坡和泥石流灾害,而累积雨量则有助于评估滑动型滑坡的灾害。  相似文献   

饱和黄土边坡的动力失稳机制研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
通过对无限边坡的拟静态平衡分析和考虑饱和黄土在地震作用下动孔隙水压的增长规律,探讨了动孔隙水压对饱和黄土无限边坡地震期间和震后稳定状态的影响。分析表明,地震时孔隙水压累积导致的抗剪强度衰减会导致边坡发生永久变形,甚至导致整体滑动破坏或因黄土液化而发生流滑破坏。引入一个粘聚力界限值来区别黄土边坡的最终破坏模式,以及动孔压比的两个界限值来评价抗剪强度衰减对其破坏机制的影响。最后给出了此类边坡稳定状态的判别图,并建议了分析步骤。  相似文献   

Partially submerged deposit slopes are o ften encountered in practical engineering applications.Howeve r,studies on evaluating their stability under seismic loading are still rare.In order to understand the seismic behavior of partially submerged deposit slopes,centrifuge shaking table model tests(50 g) were employed.The responses of horizontal accelerations,accumulated excess pore pressures,deformation mode,and failure mode of the partially submerged deposit slope model were analyzed.In dynamic centrifuge model tests,EQ5 shaking event was applied numerically.The results indicated that in the saturated zone of the deposit slope,liquefaction did not occur,and the measured horizontal accelerations near the water table were amplified as a layer-magnification effect.It was also shown that the liquefaction-resistance of the deposit slope increased under multiple sequential ground motions,and the deformation depth of the deposit slope induced by earthquake increased gradually with increasing dynamic Ioad amplitude.Except for the excessive crest settlement generated by strong shaking,an additional vertical permanent displacement was initiated at the slope crest due to the dissipation of excess pore pressure under seismic loading.The result of particle image velocimetry(PIV) analysis showed that an obvious internal arc-slip was generated around the water table of the partially submerged deposit slope under seismic loading.  相似文献   

Current design procedures of Geosynthetic-Reinforced Soil Structures (GRSS's) are for walls/slopes with long straight alignments. When two GRSS segments intersect, an abrupt change in the alignment forms a turning corner. Experience indicate potential instability problems occurring at corners. The purpose of this study is to explore the effects of turning corner on the stability of reinforced slopes. Three-dimensional (3D) slope stability analysis, based on limit equilibrium, resulted in the maximum tensile force of reinforcement. Parametric studies required numerous computations considering various geometrical parameters and material properties. The computed results produced efficient practical format of stability charts. For long-term stability of reinforced slopes with turning corner, the influences of pore water pressure and seismic loading are also considered. Turning corner can improve the stability of reinforced slopes by virtue of inclusion of end effects. However, localized increase of pore water pressure or directional seismic amplification may decrease locally thus stability requiring strength of reinforcement larger than in two-dimensional (2D) plane-strain. While using 2D analysis for non-localized conditions may require stronger reinforcement, it also requires shorter reinforcement than in 3D analysis; i.e., 2D analysis may be unconservative in terms of reinforcement length.  相似文献   


In order to investigate the seismic response of steep bedding and toppling rock slopes, a large-scale shaking table test was performed taking into consideration a variety of factors such as slope type and input seismic excitation. Diverse seismic responses, including acceleration and earth pressure at several locations, were analyzed in terms of the test results. It was found that the slope type has a significant impact on the failure mechanism and response norm of different kinds of rock slopes. Firstly, the slide surface of the steep bedding rock slope is basically parallel to the slope surface, while that of toppling rock slope skews the rock layer under seismic load. The failure zone area of the toppling rock slope is smaller than that of the bedding rock slope, which is mainly because it consumes plenty of seismic energy to break through the rock layer of the toppling rock slope. In addition, for acceleration along the vertical direction, an abrupt amplifying effect exists at the top slope when the peak input motion acceleration (PIMA) exceeds a certain value: 0.6 g for a bedding rock slope and 0.4 g for a toppling rock slope. Meanwhile, for acceleration along the horizontal direction, the acceleration amplifying factors of toppling rock slopes are larger at the slope surface but smaller at the inner slope portion than that of bedding rock slopes. Furthermore, the acceleration amplifying factor is larger than the earth pressure amplifying factor at the slope surface. The earth pressure amplifying factor at the top surface for a toppling rock slope is close to that of a bedding rock slope with an increase in PIMA. This novel experiment reveals the different failure mechanisms between steep bedding and toppling rock slopes, as well as being of help to the conduct of further study on seismic hazard early warnings.


实验室振动台模拟试验是研究地震滑坡的手段之一.本文选取1933年岷江上游叠溪地震诱发各类滑坡中的两种(岩质顺层滑坡和深覆盖层孔隙水压力激增型滑坡)为例,借助水平加垂直双向振动模拟试验台,进行地震滑坡的振动台模拟试验.以此分析和探讨各种斜坡在地震力的作用下的变形破坏的规律和机制,并以此验证前人所建数值模型和计算模型的正确性.斜坡模型的建立是在对叠溪地震进行详细的分区分带研究,对叠溪地震形成演化机制的深入探讨后建立起来的,具有较强的针对性和模拟性.  相似文献   

Rainfall infiltration is considered as one of the most significant factors triggering slope instability as a number of slope failure occurrences have been documented during or immediately after a rainfall. The rainfall-induced slope instability is governed by a complex interaction of topographical, hydrological and geological conditions of the slopes. Hence slope inclination is vital in determining slope stability under rainfall. Although studies have been carried out to investigate the mechanism of rainfall-induced slope failure, limited compelling experimental studies have been conducted on the factors influencing the initiation of slope failure. In this study, instrumented model slopes were subjected to artificial rainfalls to investigate the effects of the slope inclination on slope stability, and a validated numerical model was developed using the test results from the instrumented model slopes. The outcomes of the study prove that the slopes become more susceptible to sudden collapse during rainfall as the slope angle increases. Further, the results highlight that when the slope inclination is 1.2 times greater than the friction angle of the soil, the failure is initiated by the loss of soil suction, and when it is smaller than or equal to 1.2 times the friction angle of the soil, the failure is initiated by the positive pore water pressure developed at the toe of the slope.  相似文献   

 利用FLAC2D建立顺层岩质边坡模型,分析其在地震作用下的动力响应规律,研究地震动参数对其动力响应的影响。结果表明:顺层岩质边坡在地震作用下失稳主要由结构面控制,位移主要发生在潜在滑移面上部岩体中;对地震波存在垂直向和临空面放大作用,其滤波作用没有土质边坡明显,不同岩层会对某一频率的波产生明显的放大效应;当振幅、卓越频率增加时,坡肩下方的加速度放大系数呈递减趋势,且在强度相对较低的岩体内较明显,但随着振幅增加,边坡动力响应增强;各处加速度放大系数受地震动持时影响较小,剪应变增量受其影响较大。当振幅、持时增加时,边坡位移呈增大趋势;当卓越频率增大时,边坡位移减小。同时,证实了地震边坡破坏由上部拉破坏与下部剪切破坏组成,研究结果有助于进一步揭示边坡在地震作用下的失稳机制。  相似文献   

Rainfall is one of the most critical factors with regard to slope instability. In this paper, the effect of seepage flow on slope stability is investigated by means of a strength reduction method. It is demonstrated that the factor of safety (FOS) for a sandy soil slope is influenced by seepage flow more than other types of soil. If the pore pressure is generated by the use of a piezometric line, the FOS is smaller than that generated by seepage flow analysis. The difference is small for clayey soil slopes but is larger and more noticeable for sandy soil slopes. The analysis also shows that the installation of retaining walls to increase the length of the seepage path is effective to prevent slope failure induced by seepage flow. The effects of water flow on soil nailed slopes, locally loaded slopes and pile reinforced slopes are also investigated in this study. The present study also shows that the effect of densely populated soil nail on the seepage flow can be neglected for practical purposes.  相似文献   

阶梯状滑移破坏是一类典型岩质边坡破坏失稳模式。在总结断续裂隙阶梯状滑移的岩质边坡地质结构特征的基础上,利用离散元二维颗粒流程序(PFC2D)模拟研究了边坡阶梯状滑移破裂模式及其演化过程。边坡岩桥可归纳为剪切贯通破坏、张拉贯通破坏及张–剪混合贯通破坏3类。通过岩石细观颗粒黏结力场、岩桥段应力及破裂贯通演化分析,揭示了重力作用下阶梯状滑移是从下而上岩桥逐个渐进性破裂贯通演化的过程,坡体后缘张裂纹发展贯通是下部坡体的牵拉作用造成;以缓倾角阶梯状平行裂隙边坡(岩桥倾角90°,裂隙倾角30°)为例,阶梯状滑移过程大致可分为坡体弹性稳定变形、下部岩桥贯通破坏、中上部岩桥贯通–后缘张裂、整体沿贯通面滑移共个阶段,其中第3个阶段坡体微断裂数急剧增加,为滑裂带扩展至贯通的临界失稳状态。基于滑移模式及其演化过程的认识,建立了岩桥剪切贯通、张拉贯通和张–剪混合贯通三类阶梯状滑移边坡稳定性计算理论模型,推导了考虑岩桥强度和贯通率的边坡安全系数极限平衡计算公式。  相似文献   

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