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张明丽  王玉勤 《中国园林》2005,21(10):24-25
对上海植物园的园林植物群落进行了调查,根据群落外貌划分群落类型.分析了上海植物园植物群落在结构组成上存在的问题,并针对上海植物园植物群落中物种丰富度的不足提出了改进的建议.  相似文献   

园林植物群落及其设计有关问题探讨   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
从植物群落概念如何逐渐应用干城镇园林绿地的历史发展过程着手,讨论了园林植物群落的概念.分析了阔林植物群落概念应用存在的主要问题.即有关植物群落理论慨念如何落实到具体园林绿地群落鉴定的问题,以及有关群落性质的悖论体现问题,说明了概念把握及适宜应用视角的重要性,总结了园林植物群落设计的研究进展,提出了明确合理的技术定位、落实具体的群落单位、细化群落的设计内容、重视环境背景与环境效应等园林植物群落设计实践的技术发展方向.  相似文献   

森林公园以原有植被为基础,以植物设计为主要工作,营造自然的园林氛围。通过对延庆妫河森林公园的植物群落进行调查,研究其植物群落的组成结构和景观空间。分析发现公园植物群落组成的树种类型以乡土树种为主,乔、灌、草各层间分化清晰,树种种类丰富。在植物配植方面,公园以生态为出发点,体现植物的群体美,突出季相特征。通过几个典型植物空间的具体分析,研究植物与道路、水体空间的关系,希望对今后森林公园植物配植有所借鉴。  相似文献   

花卉展览是植物材料布置和观赏活动常用的手法,通过对以苏州拙政园为代表的古典园林花展调查,总结分析了我国古典园林花卉展览设计的方法,应以传统花卉为主题,注重场地规划对室内外空间的应用,在有限空间内利用古典园林山水骨架,和现有植物群落相结合,布展主题花卉和辅助植物材料,发挥花卉展览的观赏性兼具科普的功能。  相似文献   

从植物群落学的角度看生态园林建设——以宝钢为例   总被引:26,自引:1,他引:25  
陈芳清 《中国园林》2000,16(5):35-37
生态园林具有园林的观赏性,改善环境的生态效应性和生态结构的合理性等三个方面的内涵,本文根据生态园林的生态学原理,结合宝钢生态园林的建设情况,对生态园林的植物群落特征和构建原则进行了分析,认为生态园林的植物群落应具有规模大,类型多样,结构复杂,物种丰富且与动物和微生物形成一种和谐关系的特征。  相似文献   

刘庭风 《园林》2000,(4):14-14
中日园林在总体类型上归属于东方园林。但是,这两支园林细分下去又可分为好几种类型。所谓的类型同与不同,是依据一定的标准而言的。一般的园林的分类有四种标准:园林所属、地域差别、布局特点、时代变化。按园林所属分,中国园林有皇家园林和私家园林。皇家园林如圆明园、三海、颐和园等。它们的特点是,面积大,山体高耸,水面开阔,  相似文献   

城市近自然人工植物群落是以接近自然、模拟自然为设计理念,模拟自然地带性植被,是城市植被人工营造与自然生长的完美结合,对城市的园林建设具有重要意义。宁波与泸州同在中亚热带湿润城市绿化区域,但东西相隔遥远,选取宁波地区与泸州地区的城市园林植物群落共21个典型样地,调查分析其群落的组成和结构,归纳近自然人工植物群落的特征与空间布局,提出近自然人工植物群落构建原则,即生态多样性与适应性原则、功能性原则、景观美学原则,为中国城市近自然人工植物群落的研究与建设提供理论依据。  相似文献   

<正>居住区绿化是居住区环境建设的重要组成部分,居住区绿化水平是居住区环境质量的重要标志之一。如何提高居住区绿化水平,使之既能在植物造景时模拟植物群落的多样性构建接近自然的园林植物群落类型,又能在设施配置上满足人的多方面需求,达到自然景观与人文景观的有机融合,需要设计师在进行方案设计时注意以下几个问题。  相似文献   

本文首次报告了重庆市域内传统园林及其构成要素,传统建筑和民居的初步调查及其分析结果。结果显示,清代及以前的传统园林及其构成要素分布在重庆大多数区(市)县,时间以清代的为多,类型以寺庙和寺庙园林为主,且以建筑保存最好。文章最后就调查存在的问题进行了讨论。  相似文献   

树冠荫蔽度指乔木树冠郁闭顶空间的程度,借用天空视域因子(SVF)量化树冠荫蔽度,量值范围为0~100%。植物围合度指立面空间灌木围合的程度,采用立面灌木面积占比来量化植物围合度,量值范围为0~100%。本研究采用树冠荫蔽度和植物围合度两个核心指标,选取3种不同类型的植物群落,实地观测近地面温度、风速、风向、湿度,研究不同植物群落类型与微气候效应的相关性,以期为优化场地微气候设计策略、植物群落微气候营造设计提供依据。  相似文献   

Studies about relationships between people and landscapes have shown that local communities can affect the abundance of plant species useful to humans, which raises the question of how landscape management processes might modify the abundance of useful plant species in a forested area. We addressed this issue based on people perception and biological evidence. This study was undertaken in the Araripe National Forest, a protected area of sustainable use of natural resources in Brazil. Our results showed that the studied landscape experienced modifications in abundance of species caused by management processes. For instance, phytosociological data for the managed areas showed a greater abundance of the more salient useful species compared with useful species that have lower local importance. The comparison of historical and current aerial images of the landscape indicated that plant density had increased in forested managed areas where agricultural practices were stopped. Despite this, local perceptions indicated that the abundance of most of the useful plant species in the managed areas had decreased over time.  相似文献   

The paper evaluates the relationships among invertebrate communities, land uses and chemical and microbiological groundwater properties, in a loessic unconfined aquifer in Argentina. Two surveys were conducted and seven wells were selected based on land use and unsaturated zone (USZ) thickness. Groundwater was characterized mainly as freshwater of sodium bicarbonate type. Invertebrates collected belong to Crustacea, Acari, Insecta, Collembola, Oligochaeta, Collembola, Pauropoda, and Nematoda. Crustacea was the most abundant group. The wells differed in terms of invertebrate composition and abundance. The lowest abundance was observed at sites with thickest USZ. No direct relationship was found between invertebrate abundance and any particular physicochemical parameter. In the only well where bacteria were detected, total invertebrate abundance, especially of copepods, was high in both surveys. Both USZ thickness and land use have a significant influence on abundance and composition of invertebrate communities in terms of organic matter inputs into the aquifer.  相似文献   

自生植物具有多种生态功能,是人工建设环境中自 发形成的荒野景观。以公园城市示范区成都市为研究地,选取 贯穿主城区的3条河道样段,对其间多样微生境的自生植物物 种组成和多度格局进行探究。共记录自生植物336种,生活型 组成丰富。高频度及高多度的优势种所占比例很小,大部分物 种属于低多度低盖度。岸上和水边的荒置地、自然驳岸所含物 种数最多,而硬质驳岸支撑了更多蕨类植物。岸上绿地及铺装 缝隙外来植物在群落中的多度显著较少;退化草坪中的自生植 物也颇为丰富,夏季多年生草本在草坪群落中的多度显著高于 其他微生境。可根据不同生境中物种多度、盖度格局进行保护 和景观营建,以期更有效地提升城市河流廊道生态效益,并为 市民提供更多荒野体验。  相似文献   

应用于崇文教授的地层丰度概念和计算方法,通过典型地层剖面的元素丰度、元素组合、元素分布型式、叠加系数等的研究,表明粤东地区主要成矿元素钨与浅源重熔型花岗岩有关;锡与深源同熔型花岗岩有关;铅、锌既与本区地层有关,又与本区火山-岩浆活动有关;铜、金、银则主要与深源火山岩有关,地层本身难于提供成矿物源。  相似文献   

The rapid increase of phytoplankton biomass was the major process for the increase of particulate organic matter in Lake Kasumigaura in 1980. During the first phytoplankton pulse in the bloom relative abundance of each component of organic matter in the lake water was: dissolved organic matter 100, phytoplankton 28, bacteria 27, and detrital particle 27. This relative abundance was maintained as a steady-state oscillation throughout the spring bloom similar to that usually observed in moderately eutrophic waters. Thus phytoplankton abundance in the standing stock of organic matter of the hypereutrophic water during the spring bloom does not show any marked difference from that of moderately eutrophic waters.  相似文献   

Maintaining biodiversity in urbanised landscapes has become a conservation issue. Although numerous studies have shown that avifauna decreases according to urbanisation level, little is known about the influence of urban characteristics on avifauna in densely urbanised areas. This study took place in the centre of a highly urbanised area, Paris, France, where we defined a grid of 94 cells of 1 km2 each. Using Bayesian model averaging, we examined the variation of diversity and abundance of breeding birds (41 species) through their feeding and nesting behaviours. We then analysed the responses of these guilds to composition (proportion of different types of buildings and green spaces) and configuration (heterogeneity, spatial arrangement of green spaces). The abundance of omnivorous and tree nester species was influenced by urban characteristics such as building heterogeneity. The positive influence of shrub cover on insectivorous species abundance was greater in areas with a high density of medium-height buildings. Omnivorous species abundance increased with the juxtaposition of vegetation when the bare soil cover was low, and decreased otherwise. Globally, the abundance of omnivorous, ground and tree nester species was sensitive to building characteristics, whereas insectivorous and granivorous species as well as roof nesters may benefit from green space management. We concluded that urban planning can also promote avifauna abundance in the city centre by varying the heights of buildings in urban renewal projects rather than clustering buildings of similar height, or by focusing on the spatial configuration of green spaces (especially their proximity) rather than their area.  相似文献   

In the context of geothermal systems, biofilms can influence mineral formation and material resistance against corrosion. In three geothermal plants with different salinity and temperature, organisms of the sulfur cycle have contributed to process failures. On the cold side of a heat store, the increased diversity and abundance of sulfate reducing bacteria (SRB) revealed their participation in corrosion processes and their contribution to a decline in injection efficiency. In all plants, a temporary ingress of oxygen or nitrate led to an increased abundance of sulfur oxidizing bacteria (SOB) that might have accelerated corrosion. In addition, the increase in SOB abundance led to filter clogging in a cold store. Based on their role in microbial-induced corrosion (MIC), changes in the abundance of SOB and SRB may indicate the cause of failure. Measures to control microbial growth, mineral deposits and corrosion, such as temporary increases in temperature, acidification, and addition of hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) and nitrate, were evaluated.  相似文献   

A set of avian forest species, known from the literature as fragmentation-sensitive, was considered as the target in nature reserve planning following a conceptual framework. Their abundance was investigated in an 'archipelago' of oak woodland fragments embedded in a suburban landscape matrix of central Italy. None of the four species were found in any wood fragment smaller than 10 ha. The presence/absence analysis of woodland fragments studied showed that the study species were present, however, in larger fragments, highlighting the strategic role of habitat size and isolation for the persistence of these species at local scale. Species numbers and their total abundance were significantly and directly correlated to overall species richness of each fragment: in this landscape context our study species shows characteristics of serving as focus and surrogate species of bird richness. The selected species are area-sensitive and poor dispersers: however, they are still relatively widespread, at a regional scale. Although the abundance of individual species may be affected by stochastic factors, total abundance of this forest bird guild may constitute a useful dependent variable that can provide rapid quantitative data needed for planning strategies at local scales.  相似文献   

对油层所在层段进行压裂注水驱油可以提高油田采收率,而确定注水的流向是合理部署注采井网的重要依据。利用电磁波地应力测量新技术对周庄G1井地层注水空间分布特征进行探查,并将探测得到的电压值换算成地应力值,研究表明,地应力值的大小与富水程度具有一定的相关性,低地应力值对应于强富水,高地应力为弱富水或不富水。从注水层段地应力纵向和平面分布及含水层厚度3个方面分析注水影响范围及富水性平面分布特征。探测结果显示:在G1井东部40 m及SW50 m处存在2个近南北向地应力低值条带,为注水后富水的区域,其后的采油实际资料证实了探测结果的可靠性,为油井旧井挖潜的有效技术手段。  相似文献   

Seventy-one tows of 740 m2 each were made in search of pelagic tar and plastics in the Gulf of Alaska and Bering Sea during the period October 1974 to October 1975. Tar was observed on nine occasions while plastics were found six times. The arithmetic mean value of tar abundance, 3.3 × 10?3 mg/m2, is considerably lower than most other oceanic areas for which values have been reported. Gas chromatographic analysis of this tar indicates that it is more extensively weathered than tar from the north Atlantic. An estimate of the abundance of tar lumps too small to be sampled by net tows is made based on the assumption that there are equal weights of particles in logarithmetically equal size intervals. The abundance of pelagic plastics is also low.  相似文献   

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