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提出用 80C196KB单片机控制的开关磁阻电动机调速系统的方案及实现技术 ,并将模糊控制器引入到开关磁阻电动机调速系统中 ,以改善其动态稳定性 ,提高系统的鲁棒性。仿真结果显示 ,模糊控制能实现系统转速的快速、平稳调节  相似文献   

针对抽油机存在井下泵效低、电动机反发电的问题,试验了开关磁阻电动机。该电动机由电动机和控制系统组成,具有启动扭矩大、运行电流小、无极调速、抑制电动机反发电的技术特点,在新疆油田八区的14型抽油机上试验了2台,测试结果表明抽油机载荷示功图明显改善,电动机无反发电现象,并且在不影响产量的情况下,抽油机系统效率显著提高,平均综合节电率为19.2%。  相似文献   

本文针对电动汽车驱动系统的特点,设计了一种以TMS320F28335为核心控制器的开关磁阻电机控制系统,给出了系统结构图、DSP外围系统设计、控制策略和软件设计流程,结果表明该控制系统具有稳定的性能。  相似文献   

为了提高抽油机井拖动电动机效率,长庆油田引进了多种节能电动机,如双功率电动机、交流永磁伺服电动机、三相异步电动机+变频、绕线式转子变频电动机、开关磁阻电动机等,但各种电动机之间缺乏综合性能比较,为此在机采节能技术评价系统上开展了六种电动机空载、带载启动、不同平衡状态下节能性能对比试验。结果显示,与三相异步电动机相比,应用节能电动机可实现通过提高电动机效率带动系统效率提升2~3个百分点,其中开关磁阻电动机,空载损耗小、自身效率高、在平衡状态下耗电量最小,系统效率最高,更适合游梁式抽油机工况。  相似文献   

随着科学技术的发展,将无轴承技术应用于开关磁阻电机中可有效发挥其高速适应性,且可有效控制和改善振动与噪音等问题。本文简要阐述无轴承开关磁阻电机的结构和运行原理,并根据实际需要制定控制策略,设计出控制系统,并进行试验证明这一系统的正确性。  相似文献   

现阶段的新型电动自行车由自行车控制器、电池、蓄电池以及充电器组成,核心电动机系统部件包含直流、感应、开关磁阻以及永磁无刷4部分。文章就电动自行车控制系统组成部件以及设计进行有关分析,找到其中存在的问题,并针对其问题进行有关研究分析。  相似文献   

针对油田在用的常规游梁式抽油机的运行效率较低,特别是其电动机运行效率较低,并结合游梁式抽油机运行方式,提出将一种新型高效调速电动机用作抽油机拖动电动机。它具有启动扭矩大、电流小、高效区间宽等特点,与抽油机"重载启动、轻载运行"特性较匹配,从而达到提高电动机运行效率和抽油机井系统效率的目的。通过开关磁阻电动机室内试验和现场试验两方面,对开关磁阻电动机作为抽油机拖动电动机的技术优势和效果进行了总结分析。室内试验分析表明,开关磁阻电动机空载电流小,自身效率高,具有较好的启动特性,启动扭矩达到额定转矩的2.5倍时,电流仅为额定电流的0.3倍。在较大的转速和负载范围内,运行效率均能保持在80%以上。现场试验200口井,平均系统效率提高3.6个百分点,功率因数由0.44提高至0.98,有功节电率18.9%。  相似文献   

本文以TMS320F240型DSP(数字信号处理器)作为研究对象.以其作为控制器核心,设计应用最少开关器件的功率变换器的主电路,达到驱动四相8/6极、3kW开关磁阻电机为目的.主功率开关器件选用IGBT(绝缘三双极型功率管),设计了一种结构简单、性能可靠的开关磁阻电机调速系统.研究表明该系统运行稳定,调速性能较好.  相似文献   

本文采用了单神经元PID自适应控制和常规PID控制对开关磁阻电机的简化模型进行仿真,仿真结果表明,应用单神经元PID控制器可以有效克服常规PID控制器不能进行间接在线自调整的缺点,适合于开关磁阻电机在工作过程中是一种变结构的特性。  相似文献   

介绍了一种新型开关控制型的半主动控制系统——主动变刚度.阻尼(AVS.D)系统的装置组成及其减振控制机理,阐述了该系统所特有的反应放大原理,建立了该控制系统的运动方程。基于瞬时最优控制的思想推导了该控制系统的开关控制律。为了充分发挥该控制装置的作用,优化了主动变刚度.阻尼装置的参数设计,并基于遗传算法研究了主动变刚度.阻尼装置在结构中的空间位置优化方法。计算机仿真分析结果显示,主动变刚度.阻尼系统是一种性能非常优越的半主动控制系统,所推导的瞬时最优半主动开关控制律是很有效的。对不同数目的主动变刚度.阻尼装置进行位置优化,结果表明,所提出的位置优化方法对于优化多个主动变刚度.阻尼装置的位置是相当高效的,可以最大限度地发挥该控制系统的性能。  相似文献   

利用磁阻调速系统实现高效节能的恒压供水   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在分析供水系统实际情况的基础上,提出采用开关磁阻调速系统驱动水泵供水的方法,将压力的控制值和管网压力表的压力信号输入、反馈给电机控制器,嵌入式微处理器再对压力的输入值和反馈值进行PID计算,调节电机与水泵转速,实现管网恒压的控制策略。进行了恒压、调压供水试验,并比较了不同驱动方式的测试结果,证明开关磁阻调速技术节能高效,启动和恒压、调压调速性能好,能够满足供水系统的使用要求。  相似文献   


In this paper, a control mechanism for speed control of switched reluctance motor (SRM) with torque ripple reduction utilising moth flame optimisation algorithm and genetic algorithm with recurrent neural network (CMFG-RNN) is presented. The control mechanism comprises of FOPID speed controller in the external loop and current controller in the internal loop along with control of turn-on and turn-off angles for the SRM. The issue of getting the ideal estimations of proportional, integral and derivative gains for both speed and current controller along with the turn-on and turn-off angles is considered as a multi-objective optimisation problem with the goals of limiting the Integral Squared Error of speed and torque ripple. Simulations of CMFG-RNN-based control of SRM are done utilising SIMULINK/MATLAB software. With a specific end goal to assess the strong execution of CMFG-RNN, the comparison of current, speed, flux and torque under different techniques are considered. The outcomes got by CMFG-RNN are contrasted and validated with ALO and NSGA-II techniques. The outcomes uncover that CMFG-RNN-based controllers give better execution as far as lesser torque ripple and quick settling time because of its systematic random search capabilities, thereby enhancing the dynamic execution of SRM drive.  相似文献   

分析了一路主供,一路备用,单母线分段的10 kV变配电站,在主供电源与备用电源短路电流相差比较大时,备用电源投入后,出线断路器出口发生短路事故时,容易发生越级跳闸造成全站停电.提出:根据主供与备用电源运行方式,分别设置各自不同的速断保护整定值,采用微机保护,自动选择需要投入的保护整定值,以防止发生越级跳闸.  相似文献   

单片机在油煤气生产控制中的应用   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
张晶 《煤气与热力》2001,21(5):463-465
介绍了用单片机取代单板机,对重油催化裂解制气工艺实行程序控制的情况,并阐述了油制气原理、工艺流程、控制系统工作原理、硬件电路及软件设计等。  相似文献   

军用工程机械工作装置微机控制技术   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
未来高科技战争条件下的工程保障对军用工程机械的性能、作业效率要求越来越高,而随着当今科学技术的发展,特别是现代控制理论、液压比例及伺服技术、计算机控制技术的飞速发展,军用工程机械实现微机自动控制,将是提高共性能的必由之路。本文力图从军用工程机械工作装置的微机控制技术人手,阐明军用工程机械工作装置实现微机控制的可行性,作一些理论上的探讨,并简单地引入了一个实例。  相似文献   

Abstract: A logistics and scheduling microcomputer system for construction robotics implementation has been developed within the framework of the Construction Robotic Equipment Management System (CREMS) at Purdue University. This paper addresses the main procedures and software developed to effectively manage multiple robots in diverse construction sites. The current version of the software is used with HyperCard, QuickBASIC, and Think-Pascal on an Apple Macintosh microcomputer. This paper presents an example microcomputer application to optimal robot implementation assignment decision support for use with multiple concurrent construction projects.  相似文献   

The article presents a new method for the design of decentralized networked switched controllers to mitigate the response of building structures under earthquakes. It consists of two phases. The first phase generates low‐order gain matrices based on the linear quadratic Gaussian (LQG) control design. It includes a substructural approach when the equations of motion of substructures are extracted from the equation of motion of the overall structures described by a finite element in‐plane (2‐D) model. Appropriate model reduction procedures, determination of damping as well as the selection of sensor and actuators locations and models are applied to each substructure. The sensors and actuators are implemented into the design model. Both resulting reduced‐order state space models of substructures are used for the proper LQG control design. The obtained local controllers are implemented into the overall structure to evaluate the performance of the closed‐loop system. Displacement, drift, acceleration, maximal actuator forces as well as dynamic responses on selected locations are checked. The computational originality is the method derived under the subsequent second phase, where the gain matrices computed in the first phase serve as a tool for the design of decentralized networked switched controller. The switching is realized periodically between two switched modes. Each mode corresponds with only one active local feedback loop for a certain period of time. The network parameter is the time interval of activity of each mode determined by a given protocol. Robustness of performance against packet dropouts and sensor faults is tested. A numerical example of the decentralized networked switched controller design applied on the 20‐story high‐fidelity building benchmark model is supplied. The simulation tests show the proposed method exhibits acceptable performance.  相似文献   

介绍了利用有功功率检测的方法进行间隙消除判断 ,实现了磨床的自动刀具监控 ,结束了长期以来手工对刀的历史。其次介绍了利用单片机和混合式步进电动机系统 ,实现了磨床纵向进给部件的自动控制  相似文献   

石志儒  匡襄 《工程机械》1993,24(1):11-15
本文介绍了在发动机冷却系统中,引用微机与液力偶合器技术实现温度控制的研究。该技术是微机应用于机动车辆,实现机—电—液一体化设计的综合控制系统。通过理论分析与实验室试验确认此自动控制方案是可行的。  相似文献   

With the current state of microcomputer hardware and software, all the information handling functions of a government project office, without regard to size, can be handled by a desktop PC. Size is not a factor; however, the extent of detail and volume of data increases as one moves to the technical and organizationally more complex project. Significantly, the microcomputer workstation offers a low-cost solution to improvement in the planning and control discipline. A program structure of a set of ‘off the shelf’ standard software bundled together and controlled by a top-level menu approach offers a simple functions approach to better coordination and information handling of the data required of the project office business management functions.  相似文献   

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