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20世纪荷兰乡村景观发展概述   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
对20世纪荷兰乡村景观的发展历程进行了回顾。土地开垦将荷兰部分自然景观转变成文化景观;20世纪,在不断出台的一系列的土地整理政策的指导下,荷兰的乡村景观开始发生演变,从丰产的景观,过渡到农业、休闲和自然保护平衡发展,再到注重"新自然"的创造这样一个动态发展过程。"二战"之后,乡村景观规划在乡村景观的重塑中扮演了重要作用,使得荷兰乡村景观表现出功能性、可读性和生态性的特征。20个国家景观区域的确立将保持荷兰的景观独特性。  相似文献   

荷兰作为欧洲国家中人多地少、高密度发展的典型国家,和我国国情背景较为相似,但较之我国却拥有更为优质的乡村自然环境和农业产业化前景,并在乡村规划上具备悠久传统和卓越表现。基于荷兰乡村规划与城市规划两者间有着不同起源和关注焦点,通过系统梳理荷兰城乡规划体系中的乡村规划脉络,介绍了荷兰乡村地区规划的演变历程,并从土地整理与开发、空间规划这两大层面剖析荷兰乡村地区发展规划的理念流变,以期为中国乡村地区建设提供可资借鉴的经验。  相似文献   

从土地整理到综合规划 荷兰乡村景观整治规划及其启示   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
郭巍  侯晓蕾 《风景园林》2016,(9):115-120
荷兰具有深厚的乡村规划传统,千年的圩田开垦形成了美丽、丰产、耐用的乡村景观,20世纪以来农业机械化、集约化和专业化迫使乡村景观在改善水管理、优化土地划分和完善道路基础设施建设3方面加以整治。在20世纪荷兰政府陆续颁布了主要的4个相关法规,乡村景观规划经历了从早期的农业优先到1970年代以后关注历史性和生态敏感性景观的保护,再到目前景观保护的多元化和任务的综合性。荷兰的乡村景观整治提高了农业生产,但也对传统乡村景观结构也造成了巨大的冲击,相关的经验和教训值得我们借鉴。  相似文献   

与欧洲其他很多国家不同,荷兰因为地少人多的基本国情而与我国存在较多相似之处,但较之我国却拥有更为优越的乡村生态环境和产业化前景。本文缘于荷兰在乡村规划上的悠久传统和积极表现,聚焦于荷兰城乡规划体系中的乡村规划视角,从土地整理与开发、空间规划这两大层面梳理与剖析其乡村地区发展规划的演变历程和理念转向,由此获得中国乡村地区规划建设可资借鉴的若干经验启示,主要包括城乡共生多规融合、土地开发模式创新、土地权属深化探索、乡村发展多元共治等。  相似文献   

渭北高原地处陕西关中地区北部,黄土高原南部边缘地带,地貌特征独特。观光农业园作为一种新型的农业旅游开发模式,是实现农业产业升级的一个有效途径。其景观规划设计和发展模式主要依托于乡村,并受乡村历史文化和自然环境因素的影响和制约。当前陕西省乡村旅游关注民风民俗,但风格雷同缺乏差异化发展,依赖区位及交通优势而忽视自然地理地貌的提炼和表达,对乡村景观的地域特征尤其是土地的景观生态功能和景观格局等重要因素缺乏考虑,相关研究更多侧重于村镇整体规划设计,针对现代农业园区的旅游景观规划较少。以绿川农业园规划设计为例,探讨渭北高原地域乡土景观规划与设计策略。  相似文献   

相较于城市,乡村在基础设施、人居环境和产业发展等方面均呈现出滞后情况。基于美丽乡村建设理念下,为达到既定的建设工作目标,需有效落实村庄景观规划设计问题,制定出合理的规划方案。本文通过阐释乡村景观的概念,分析了当前美丽乡村建设过程中村庄景观规划设计的相关问题,说明了村庄景观规划设计原则,提出了美丽乡村建设过程中村庄景观规划设计的有效方案,以进一步增强村庄景观规划设计工作的实际成效。  相似文献   

当前城乡发展还有一定差距,需注重城乡协调发展。在乡村规划中,景观规划受技术、理念等限制,乡村景观规划及设计缺乏全面思考。本文从乡村景观含义、特征方面出发,提出新型城镇化下乡村景观规划合理发展道路,结合实际案例,对乡村景观的未来发展进行展望,旨在为更合理地治理乡村环境,促进乡村景观建设可持续发奠定坚实基础。  相似文献   

中国生态型乡村景观规划的理论与模式初探   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
生态型乡村景观规划与传统型乡村景观规划相比突出体现在节地、节能、治污、保护等方面,规划设计融入了人居环境学、景观生态学、生态农业学、乡村旅游学和可持续原则的思想。针对目前乡村景观规划现状的分析和对国外生态型乡村景观规划理论与实践的研究,提炼出具有中国特色的乡村景观规划发展模式。  相似文献   

我国目前正处于从传统乡村地区的粗放型发展模式向集约型、产业化发展模式的过渡期,城乡统筹政策为乡村景观规划设计的发展带来了难得的机遇。乡村景观规划设计是随着新农村城乡统筹规划而衍生和发展起来的,其重点关注旅游产业的发展和生态环境的保护。作为湖南省第一个真正意义上的城乡统筹规划,光明村新农村建设总体规划在乡村旅游产业开发和生态保护原则的基础上充分利用乡村景观规划设计的相关理论和方法,对乡村地区的生态系统维护与建设、产业发展有着积极的指导作用。  相似文献   

在乡村振兴的背景下,乡村的土地性质与使用现状往往阻碍产业的可持续发展,并造成乡村建设成本的二次浪费。文章以杭州城郊湖埠村农业综合体规划项目为例,基于全域土地综合整治视角进行产业与空间一体化模式营建探索。实践中首先将土地整治与产业重构对应,再以产业发展为导向进行乡村空间规划,建设规模农业、特色农业和智慧农业相融合的艺术农业综合体。  相似文献   

当代地景建筑学科内涵探究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
黄文珊 《规划师》2004,20(4):80-81
地景建筑学是一门新兴学科,所涵盖的专业范围相当广泛。它涉及敷地计划、城乡计划、区域地景计划、土地开发计划、生态规划与设计、古迹保存修复、地景设计等多方面的内容。  相似文献   

Hedgerow network landscapes may be considered as greenways, as they provide agronomic, ecological, aesthetic and cultural benefits. They are among the most threatened agricultural landscapes of western Europe. Intensification of agriculture with the conversion of permanent grassland into ploughed land and the use of new machinery leads to the enlargement of fields and the removal of hedgerows surrounding them. There is a growing concern among conservationists, rural managers and the public to maintain these greenways as a framework for landscape sustainability.In France, hedgerow removal may be planned within reallotment programmes that take into account all the land of a municipality. In this planning process, criteria for keeping or clearing woody elements are based on agronomic properties of soil, environmental quality of elements and of the network, and property boundaries. Aesthetic aspects are rarely assessed. As rural landscapes are shifting from an almost unique function of agricultural production toward a multifunction of nature conservation, environmental protection, amenity and production, the conservation of hedgerow networks becomes of greater importance. The goal is now the protection of these greenways to provide not only ecological but also recreational and cultural benefits. In a case study in Brittany, we tried to link these different aspects. Our work is based on interviews and a landscape ecological survey. We found contrasting opinions between farmers and non-farmers concerning the density of the network. Nevertheless, the two groups agree on the necessity to keep greenways as part of their cultural landscape. Most of the people were not aware of the ecological role of hedgerow networks, and perceive them only by their visual properties. We proposed various scenarios based on ecological and aesthetic principles, and defined general guidelines for the design of new landscapes during reallotment programmes. The integration of different points of view by landscape planners is the only way to link visual values to productive or ecological processes, and must be effective in the case of the management of greenways such as hedgerows.  相似文献   

The richness and abundance of birds in a sub-Mediterranean rural landscape (north Italy, Massa Carrara Province) were investigated across two spatial scales (10 km × 10 km and 5 km × 5 km), two functional scales (land use mosaic and ecotope) and two temporal scales (annual and seasonal).Information on birds collected using the line transect method was compared with some landscape attributes (altitude, orientation, patch size, distance from cultivations).Distribution, abundance and seasonal turnover of birds were described efficiently by land use cover and ecotopes, but altitude, orientation, patch size and neighboring patch types were also important.Pure crop areas and crops mixed within woodlands and farming villages were the areas preferred by birds especially out of the breeding period, although woodlands supported more stable birds assemblages over the year. The multiscalar approach proposed was an efficient strategy to investigate these bird assemblages living in a patchy rural mosaic in which resources were made seasonally available by agricultural practices.The recent landscape change due to abandonment of agriculture in most of the sub-Mediterranean mountainous rural areas and the consequent woodland encroachment were expected to produce impoverishment of both diversity and abundance of resident and migratory birds.  相似文献   

传统乡村景观是一种以整体人文生态系统为核心的典型文化景观,是具体地域文化的空间载体。随着城镇化进程的加速,传统乡村景观保护面临巨大挑战。以无锡市西部地区为研究对象,以乡村景观破碎化分析为切入点,通过乡村区域景观分类及破碎度评价体系构建对该区域内的传统乡村景观破碎化进行分析,并对分析结果予以生态化解读。在此基础上,通过以乡村景观人文生态网络与自然生态网络为核心的复合网络规划对无锡市西部地区的传统乡村景观进行系统的梳理、整合与保护,以期为区域传统乡村景观空间的保护提供新的视角。  相似文献   

Since the founding of new China in 1949, rural development in China has experienced three periods, which have been first the collective economy, second the household contract responsibility system, and third the chronological coordination of the urban and rural. Meanwhile, there are three types of statutory planning that guide rural construction and management in China, i.e., land use planning, land consolidation planning, and village and town planning. This paper summarizes their different characteristics in the three periods respectively. Firstly, the period of the collective economy from 1949 to 1978 is the embryonic stage of rural planning, during which land use planning was just introduced from abroad, while land consolidation planning and village and town planning had not yet been formed. In this period, rural planning had a strong planned economy feature. The following period of the household contract responsibility system from 1978 to 2003 is the growth stage of rural planning, during which all three types of planning developed their independent preparation, regulation, and management systems. In the period of urban and rural coordination from 2003 to the present, there has been a trend towards urban and rural integration and joint development among three types of planning. Based on the rural development history in China since 1949, this paper concludes that the three types of statutory planning have transformed in adapting to China's national conditions toward a more standardized, legislated, and integrated mode.  相似文献   

Next to the problem of fragmented nature, also the fragmentation of the rural matrix in rapidly changing cultural landscapes deserves attention. Because of the multifunctionality of these landscapes, a reflection is needed about the references for fragmentation analysis and interpretation. Flanders (Belgium) is taken as pilot area because of its high degree of urbanisation, road development and intensity of land use. Fragmentation analysis is based on deliberate selections of relevant land use systems in the first place, next on the explicit definition of some past, planned or idealistic reference condition. Differencing or rationing actual and reference landscape structure indicators yields fragmentation maps with enhanced interpretation possibilities for landscape and spatial planning.  相似文献   

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