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基质吸力和净平均应力的增大均可引起土体的压缩变形。针对物理性质不同的4种非饱和膨胀土体结合试样收缩曲线和土水特征曲线分析了土体干燥过程中基质吸力和孔隙比的关系。试验结果表明:土体干燥收缩过程中随着基质吸力的增大试样不断发生收缩,当基质吸力增大到某一定值时,基质吸力的增大对试样收缩变形无明影响,称此基质吸力为缩限吸力。并且不同性质土体的缩限吸力不相同,缩限吸力值与土体的塑性指数密切相关。在干燥收缩过程中,当试验的饱和度减小到85%时试样完成了绝大部分收缩,当试验饱和度达到70%时土样的孔隙比基本保持不变。  相似文献   

《Soils and Foundations》2007,47(2):337-348
A theoretical model for predicting the soil-water characteristic curves of simple granular soils during different wetting and drying processes is proposed. In this model, the irregular pores in a simple granular soil are assumed to be regular symmetrical cone-shaped capillary pores. The wetting and drying processes of the soil are considered to be the filling and draining processes of the symmetrical cone-shaped capillary pores. The degree of saturation of the soil is determined by estimating the amount of water in the cone-shaped capillary pores. The suction in the soil is estimated by applying the so-called capillary law to the cone-shaped capillary pores. The influence of the closed air bubbles in pore water on the soil-water characteristic curves is also simulated in the theoretical model. All model parameters in the model have definite physical base. The model is verified using experimental data.  相似文献   

《Soils and Foundations》2007,47(5):919-929
This paper describes an elastoplastic model for rockfills and simulations of laboratory test by using the model. Rockfills express remarkable shear strength reductions and compressive deformations due to saturation. The authors have already developed elastoplastic models to represent the mechanical properties of unsaturated soils. Two suction effects were taken into account in the models. However for rockfills, one suction effect: an increase in suction enhances yield stresses and affects resistance to plastic deformations, remarkably appears. The effect may be evaluated by formulating state surfaces. In this paper, a model proposed by authors is modified for rockfills. To verify the elastoplastic model for rockfills, simulations of oedometer and triaxial compression tests were carried out. The simulation results could well express the volume change and shear behavior of the rockfill, especially the influence of water contents.  相似文献   

A simple and unified model to describe some features of soil behavior in one dimensional condition is presented in another related paper (Nakai et al., 2011). In the present paper, this one-dimensional model is extended to describe not only the soil features explained in the related paper three-dimensionally (3D), but also to explain other soil features found in multi-dimensional conditions, such as shear behavior considering the influence of intermediate principal stress on the deformation and strength of soils, and the positive and negative soil dilatancy. Firstly, the first step in extending any kind of one-dimensional model to a three-dimensional one is explained in detail: the significance of tij concept and its stress invariants (tN and tS) is explained and compared with the idea of ordinary stress invariants (p and q) used in the Cam clay model. Then, the advanced elastoplastic relations (stages I to III) in the one-dimensional condition presented in the related paper are re-formulated as three-dimensional models—e.g., a model for over consolidated soil, a model for structured soil and a model which considers time-dependent behavior. The three-dimensional models for over consolidated soil (stage I) and structured soil (stage II) are formulated so as to coincide with the subloading tij model developed by Nakai and Hinokio (2004) and by Nakai (2007), respectively. The validity of the models in stage I and stage II is checked by simulations of various shear tests for sands with different void ratios and for over consolidated and natural clays under drained and undrained conditions. The model in stage III is verified by simulations of shear tests with different strain rates, and by simulating creep tests and others, not only for normally consolidated clay but also for non-structured and structured over consolidated clays under drained and undrained conditions.  相似文献   

上海粉砂土弹塑性应力-应变模型的探讨   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6       下载免费PDF全文
本文对上海某地粉砂土进行三轴固结排水试验,参照拉德-邓肯(Lade-Duncan)模型,试图确定上海粉砂土弹塑性应力-应变模型及其参数,分析试验参数A,α,β的某些规律性,提出塑性功Wp的计算方法。阐述弹性功We和塑性功Wp的关系,竖向弹性应变ε1е和竖向塑性应变ε1р的关系;对竖向应变ε1的计算值与试验值进行比较,得到满意的结果,为提供计算砂土地基变形研究创造有利条件,至于采用有限单元弹塑性增量分析的具体应用不在本文论述。  相似文献   

《Soils and Foundations》2001,41(2):77-87
Research on the elastoplastic constitutive equations of soils has a long history. An elastic constitutive equation in a rate form is a key component of the full elastoplastic constitutive equation. However, a fully satisfactory elastic constitutive equation has yet to be found; it remains an unsolved problem although it would seem to be quite simple. In this article a physically acceptable, yet simple elastic constitutive equation for soils in rate form is proposed and incorporated in the subloading surface model. The elastic bulk and the shear moduli are made to depend on the hardening function, defining the current yield surface, which plays the role of an internal plastic variable. The pertinence is verified by comparison with test data on sand.  相似文献   

广义吸力和非饱和土的统一变形理论   总被引:74,自引:17,他引:74       下载免费PDF全文
本文首先推广了吸力的概念,把一切增加颗粒间抗滑阻力的因素都称为广义吸力,在此基础上把饱和土的有效应力原理推广为广义有效应力原理。接着把饱和扰动土的孔隙状态定义为稳定状态,并提出了广义吸力的丧失将促使欠压缩土和超压缩土均向稳定状态发展的理论。然后建议了一个能同时描述湿陷和湿胀特性的本构模型,并通过模拟试样在不同的加荷方式和浸水共同作用下的表现,说明建议的理论可以描述黄土和膨胀土的基本变形特性。  相似文献   

从结构性土体的基本性质出发,放弃了将结构性土体视为结构性土和重塑土的复合体的传统思路,而将结构性土看作是重塑土富含有土体结构,损伤直接导致土体结构的丧失,与重塑土部分无关。在此基础上,提出了一种适用于结构性土的新型损伤模型,该模型是修正剑桥模型的推广,当结构性的参数取为0时,该模型退化为修正剑桥模型。结合显式有限差分程序FLAC3D的主要计算思路,使用VC++.NET平台开发了该模型的FLAC3D接口程序,并编译成动态链接库DLL文件。并与结构性黏土不同围压下的三轴排水剪切试验进行对比,表明所建立的模型可以较好的描述结构性土的变形特性。  相似文献   

非饱和土抗剪强度公式分类及总结   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
将众多非饱和土抗剪强度公式分为结合土-水特征曲线、数学拟合、分段函数、总应力指标及其他形式5类,分析了当前非饱和土抗剪强度公式的特点及研究不足.结果表明:有效应力抗剪强度公式和双应力状态变量抗剪强度公式的力学本质不同,吸附强度表达式的不同导致了抗剪强度公式的多样性,急需加强非饱和土真三轴试验研究,建立符合工程实际受力状况的非饱和土强度理论,完善非饱和土的理论基础,并加快非饱和土强度理论的工程实践与应用进程.  相似文献   

针对混凝土在不同应变率加载作用下的变形和强度特征,在现有试验数据研究基础上,首先提出了基于热力学定律的一般弹塑性损伤模型,再将应变率敏感性参数引入其中,推导出了应变率型弹塑性损伤本构模型.模型计算结果与试验结果比较表明,所建立的本构模型可以很好地描述混凝土在不同加载速率时的力学特征.应用该模型可预测大范围应变加载情况下混凝土破坏强度.结果表明:应变率对混凝土力学性能影响较大.  相似文献   

《Soils and Foundations》2006,46(5):595-604
It is important to estimate the seepage properties of unsaturated soils when performing an unsaturated-saturated seepage analysis, which is used to clarify the slope failure mechanism and predict the occurrence time of slope failure due to rainfall. Kitamura et al. (1998) proposed a numerical model to quantitatively estimating the seepage properties of unsaturated soils. And they have compared numerical results with laboratory soil tests in order to examine the validity of the numerical model. Consequently, it has been found that the numerical model must be improved moreover. In this paper a practical numerical model for seepage behavior of unsaturated soil is proposed to improve the previous model proposed by Kitamura et al. (1998). Firstly, the basic theories of the previous model are explained. Calculation results are compared with those obtained from the laboratory soil tests in order to examine the validity of the previous model. Then, we perform some improvements of the previous model based on hydro-mechanical properties, and propose a new parameter, named “parallel translation index (Ipt)”. From the results we showed that the relationship between the new parameter and the uniformity coefficient (Uc), expressed by logarithm is linear relation. Therefore, the reasonable seepage properties of soils can be computed from the improved numerical model using only the popular soil parameters.  相似文献   

为了揭示非饱和状态时污染物在填埋场底部土层中的运移规律,建立了污染物在非饱和土中的扩散模型。模型考虑了零浓度和零通量等下边界条件。在假设土层体积含水量随深度线性分布的基础上,利用分离变量法结合广义正交理论推导了该模型的解析解。解析解计算结果和有限元软件COMSOL Multiphysics 4.2的计算结果符合很好,并可退化到稳态解。100年时非饱和土底端污染物通量为91 g/ha/a,是孔隙度0.3时饱和土底端通量(63 g/ha/a)的1.4倍,是孔隙度0.6时通量(126 g/ha/a)的0.7倍。当土层上下端总体积含水量一定时,同一时刻土层底部污染物相对浓度随顶端含水量增大而减小;土层底部污染物通量变化则很小。本文解析解可用于复杂数值模型的检验,实验数据的拟合和填埋场防渗系统的初步设计等。  相似文献   

非饱和土弹塑性应力应变特性模拟   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:6       下载免费PDF全文
简单地回顾了非饱和土应力应变本构模型的研究概况,就非饱和膨胀性土、黄土和击实土等的变形特性作简介。在此基础上,根据硬化塑性理论和临界状态概念,提出了一个描述非饱和土应力应变特性的一般本构理论框架。该理论框架包含了几个不同的模型,能够以统一的方式描述非饱和土性的许多基本方面  相似文献   

合理的砂土本构模型不仅要能够描述砂土的剪胀性和应变软化,同时还要能反映土体三维应力空间的真实特性,因此不能只建立在代表轴对称状态的常规三轴试验基础上.在室内真三轴试验的基础上,对Mohr-Coulomb强度准则的形状函数进行了改进,可以更准确地反映砂土三维应力状态下的变形和强度特性.同时考虑应力水平相关剪胀性与应变软化...  相似文献   

本文首先将高层支撑钢框架结构分解成纯框架和纯支撑体系两部分,并与一列受载铰接刚性杆并联,以考虑几何非线性的影响;然后将框架部分简化为半刚架,将支撑体系部分简化为铰接桁架,以此进行结构弹塑性地震反应分析.在前人试验和理论研究成果的基础上,本文还提出了能准确反映钢支撑主要滞回特征的支撑恢复力模型,便于工程实用.通过算例对比分析,表明采用本文提出的高层支撑钢框架简化模型进行弹塑性地震反应分析,具有计算精度高、计算自由度少、计算时间省的优点,是一种有效的近似方法.  相似文献   

复杂应力路径下无粘性土的弹塑性数值模拟   总被引:16,自引:2,他引:16       下载免费PDF全文
本文基于标准砂、粉煤灰两种较典型无粘性土的试验研究,建议了一个描述无粘性土复杂应力路径下应力应变特性的弹塑性数值模型。该模型强调塑性应变的大小和方向不仅与当前应力状态有关,而且还决定于当前应力增量的方向。其参数可由简单应力路径的试验确定。为了该模型实际应用,文中还推导了有限元数值计算的弹塑性矩阵。几种典型应力路径的数值模拟结果与有关试验资料比较,表明了该模型的合理性。  相似文献   

《Soils and Foundations》2007,47(4):675-684
Matric suction in the laboratory testing of an unsaturated specimen is usually controlled by the axis-translation technique or the osmotic technique. To investigate possible differences in the axis-translation and osmotic techniques in shear testing of unsaturated soils, three series of unsaturated triaxial shear tests were conducted on a compacted expansive clay with an initial degree of saturation of 82%. Two of these series were performed using the axis-translation and osmotic techniques at HKUST. Another series was performed using the osmotic technique at ENPC. In the series using the axis-translation technique, the single-stage testing procedure was compared with the multi-stage testing procedure and these two testing methods were found to provide consistent shear strength information. The consistency of the results from the osmotic technique at HKUST and ENPC demonstrated the reliability of the osmotic technique. Based on the extended Mohr-Coulomb shear strength formulation, comparison of the results using the axis-translation technique and the osmotic technique showed that there was no difference in determining the internal friction angle, φ′. However, the values of φb in the test series using the axis-translation technique were slightly larger than those in the test series using the osmotic technique by 3°-4°.  相似文献   

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