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公务员住房制度,是国家住房政策的重要组成部分。以中央国家机关公务员为研究对象,在对实物补贴和货币补贴形式进行理论分析、对中央国家机关公务员现有住房补贴形式及其执行状况进行分析总结的基础上,运用二元离散选择模型对影响中央国家机关公务员住房补贴形式选择的因素进行了定量分析,提出了调整实物补贴发放形式,调整特殊公务员群体获得住房补贴的时间顺序,通过创新住房金融模式提高公务员住房补贴效率等建议。  相似文献   

陈雪飞  石全洲  陈泊林 《山西建筑》2008,34(12):227-228
在对军队住房制度存在的住房补贴定位不当、发放方式不合理、经济适用房不公平、供需矛盾突出等问题进行分析的基础上,提出了重新测算住房补贴基本标准、改革补贴发放方式、建立以住房分配货币化为主导的自有住房保障方式、加强社会供应,保障"出口"畅通等对策措施。  相似文献   

日前闭幕的山东省住房和小城镇建设工作会议提出,从明年1月起,山东将取消房改购房的一次性付款折扣和现住房折扣,在住房补贴到位后将房租提高到成本租金水平。这一政策的突出内容是:公有住房出售房改成本价要向实际成本价过渡,住房补贴比例到位或基本到位的,公房售价要达到经济适用住房的价格水平;对没有购买公有住房职工的现住房,在住房补贴到位后,将房租提高到成本租金水平,促进公房出售,同时对离退休和下岗职工实行减免补政策,对最低收入家庭供应廉租住房;从2000年1月起取消房改购房的一次性付款折扣和现住房折扣两项…  相似文献   

魏明  袁烁  陈铁成 《山西建筑》2007,33(2):247-248
通过分析我国目前的住房供应体系和低收入人群的住房政策,对我国目前的供应体系提出了新的体系构建建议,并对新体系内关于低收入人群的相关实施办法提出了可供参考的建议。  相似文献   

住房政策:一项世界关注的城市研究课题   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
城市住房政策是国家政府针对城市住房问题所采取的管理手段和方法.在住房政策中,公共住房、住房私有化、住房补贴和住房金融政策是各国目前普遍关注的重点.文章综述了不同国家的住房政策及其发展过程.  相似文献   

基于2017年广东省流动人口动态监测调查数据,采用无序多分类Logistic模型,分别分析流动时间、流动范围、流入城市类型对流动人口住房选择的影响。研究发现:流动时间、流动范围、流入城市类型均对其住房选择影响显著,流动时间长的省内流动人口更可能拥有自有产权住房,三、四线城市的跨省流动人口更倾向于选择免费住房,而一、二线城市的流动人口更愿意选择租赁住房。另外,流入地城市发展差异对流动人口住房选择的影响方向基本一致,但影响程度有显著差异。因此,建议优化租赁住房供应体系,完善户籍制度和住房保障制度,因城施策,推广差异化住房公积金制度以及实现公共服务均等化等。  相似文献   

要继续按照“中央放心,人民安心,促进发展,有利稳定”的方针,认真贯彻落实中央经济工作会议精神,以住房分配货币化的实施为切入点,从拓展需求、改善供应、搞活流通、扩大信贷四个方面入手,认真抓好已出台政策的落实,并继续完善各项配套的政策措施,进一步优化市场环境,改善住房供应,启动住房消费,加快住房建设,拉动经济增长。一是全面落实住房分配货币化的各项政策。加快落实住房补贴资金,保证住房货币补贴及时到位,支持居民购房。进一步加强企事业单位房改的研究和指导,继续配合有关部门,明确住房补贴资金的来源、列支渠道…  相似文献   

目前山西省住房建设中存在着功能错位、市场结构失衡、保障措施落实不到位、保障性住房建设严重不足、经济适用住房政策出现偏差、公共租赁住房和限价商品房尚未启动等问题,通过对这些问题的分析研究,按照山西省省情和城镇家庭收入分布等情况,建立山西省住房供应分类体系,提出十二五期间构建多层次住房供应体系的政策建议。  相似文献   

近日,从吉林省直机关房改办公室获悉,吉林省将实行住房货币化分配。据悉,此次住房货币化分配是职工住房制度改革关键性的举措,是职工住房分配体制的根本性变革。实行住房货币化分配会使职工在住房分配问题上更加透明、更加公平、合理。 此次房改,首先要停止住房实物分配,进一步完善住房公积金制度,建立住房补贴制度,逐步实行住房分配货币化。其次要继续推进现有公有住房改革,加快实现住房商品化;最后,要改革住房供应方式,逐步实行住房供应社会化。 此次房屋货币化分配分三个部分:一、住房补贴,确定为500元/平方米。二、工龄补贴,每年每平方米428元。三、住房公积金,由国家和单位承担不低于职工上年月平均工资的5%;职工个人承担5%。计算方法是:无房职工住房货币分配额=(住房每  相似文献   

完善保障性租赁住房政策的必要性研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
李晶 《城市规划》2008,(5):45-50
将改革开放至今的我国住房政策划分为三个发展阶段,并通过政策分析指出造成现阶段我国"福利性"、"保障性"、"政策性"租赁住房供应不足,国民购房需求过剩的政策性原因。其次介绍和比较美国、日本以及我国在政策性住房供应方面所表现出的不同决策过程和决策手段,指出我国现有政策性住房供应方式选择的不足和问题点。最后立足于我国特有的住房问题,提出完善保障性租赁住房供应政策的具体建议和方法。  相似文献   

Since the early 1970s there has been a very similar shift in the balance of public spending on housing in Britain and Germany from general supply subsidies to demand subsidies (income related housing allowances and tax expenditures). This paper compares and contrasts the structures of those subsidy systems, the problems associated with them and current directions of change. Although there are close parallels in the shift of policy in both countries towards ‘targeting’ of explicit subsidies and in favour of greater profit‐making private provision, the environments in which this has occurred are very different. In particular, the lack of a functioning market for private rental housing in Britain—itself in part a function of tax and subsidy arrangements—severely limits the freedom of manoeuvre of British policy makers compared with their German counterparts.  相似文献   

Ensuring that rural areas of the UK have sufficient affordable houses in reasonable condition has long challenged policy makers. Previous research shows that rural housing has demand characteristics and faces supply constraints that have proven difficult to balance. The paper reports on the reasons why an innovative subsidy has achieved some success in overcoming barriers to provision in rural Scotland. It is argued that the subsidy has boosted effective demand and tackled a major supply constraint, namely land availability. Empirical material is drawn from a systematic evaluation of the mechanism. The paper concludes with reflections on its implications for the wider literature and for rural housing provision in the evolving financial and political context.  相似文献   

Conventional analyses of housing policy in most European countries treat the 1940s as a decade when private enterprise was eclipsed by social housing programmes. As a result, private enterprise is also eclipsed in most accounts of housing and housing policy in the early post-war period. This paper draws on the British experience to show that if the policy narrative is traced from wartime plans rather than from post-war action, and if the question of who actually built post-war social housing is raised, then a different picture emerges. From the middle of 1942 British civil servants and ministers were engaged in detailed planning for post-war housing, in both the short and long term. Private enterprise was assumed to have a major role to play in the long term, and a supporting role in the transitional period. In practice the post-war Labour Government relied on local authorities as housing developers, who themselves relied on private contractors to build the houses. The eclipse of private enterprise was, therefore, more apparent than real.  相似文献   

增加公租房供给是我国住房保障政策的重点,而公租房定价是住房保障可持续发展的难题。基于BOT 模式发展公租房,能够借助民营资本的综合优势解决政府财政资金相对紧缺与保障家庭支付能力不足的矛盾。基于保障性、公平性、可持续发展等原则,深入研究设计了BOT 模式下的公租房定价机制,提出了采取名义租金、实际租金的“双租金制”和实行 “租补分离”的定价思路。研究结果为完善我国住房保障制度提供了理论支持,也为公租房定价实践提供了重要参考。  相似文献   

张英 《福建建筑》2009,(4):77-79
廉租房制度是我国住房制度改革中所建立的住房供应体系的重要组成部分。近10年来,廉租住房制度的实施一定程度上缓解了城镇住房困难家庭和城镇低收入家庭的住房问题。与此同时,廉租房政策在实施过程中也产生了问题。本文通过对现有廉租房制度的补贴模式进行分析讨论,并根据经济学原理提出了廉租房货币补贴的模式;在此基础上,根据合理住房支出比的概念,提出了廉租房租金的补贴依据;最后提出了廉租房合理租金的定价程序,并以苏州市为例,对提出的廉租房合理租金定价程序进行说明。  相似文献   

Recommended reading for providers and designers of housing. The results of the housing finance changes in the UK included a wider range of institutions involved, significant developments in the source and delivery of that finance, as well as important changes in government policy opening up social housing to the private finance market, targeting subsidy more directly at particular groups of individuals and introduction of specific supply subsidies to new private rented sector. The considerable unease with certain outcomes is dealt with.  相似文献   

Examination of the causal relationship between housing price and transaction intensity helps us understand the housing market dynamics better. The housing market is a very unique asset market as demand for housing comes from both demand for investment return and demand for a shelter/accommodation. Empirical analysis on this causal relationship therefore provides government with important policy considerations. In this paper, we will examine such correlation between housing price movements and transaction intensity in Hong Kong with a core objective of getting a better understanding of the housing market behavior in this city so that more effective government housing policy could be devised. We examine the price–transaction correlation observed in the Hong Kong housing market by means of a bivariate vector autoregressive (VAR) model, with a time series spanning over the period from 1993 to 2014. Without examining other macroeconomic variables such as employment and gross domestic product, our Granger causality test shows a strong evidence, suggesting that housing price Granger causes transaction intensity in the housing market of Hong Kong, but not vice versa. The findings buttressed by the autoregressive distributed lag (ARDL) model and the bounds test results on cointegration relationships support our conclusion. Based on these results, we question the current government housing policy which aims mainly at suppressing demand and hence transaction intensity, if the objective of government intervention is to bring housing price level to a more affordable level. Housing policy therefore should aim at effectuating the supply channel so that there is a clearer signal of constant and effective supply of housing units, which will eventually help stabilize housing price.  相似文献   

经济适用住房补贴探讨   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
对于经济适用房的补贴形式展开探讨,得出明补、人头补贴以及阶段性补贴避免了现实中的许多问题;同等的补贴额下,明补比暗补、人头补贴比砖头补贴、阶段性补贴比一次性补贴,购房者获得的效应要高。建立新的住房补贴模型,并提出完善补贴配套制度的有关建议。  相似文献   

我国城镇商品住房需求的行为特征分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
从宏观经济学中家庭储蓄与消费行为的基本理论出发,建立住房需求方程,并将误差修正模型应用于方程的估计,进而分析我国住房需求的长期与短期的行为特征。研究表明,当前我国住房市场中住房需求偏离长期均衡关系的短期波动较小,并具有很强的恢复长期均衡关系的能力;住房需求具有较高的收入弹性,不管从长期还是短期来看,需求均伴随收入增长而高速增长;住房面积需求具有极大的刚性;目前我国住房需求的增加是一个必然的过程,适当增加供给尤其是公共住房的供给是解决住房问题的根本出路。研究结果可为政府制定以需求为主导的住宅用地供应计划、进行住房价格的宏观调控提供参考。  相似文献   

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