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We developed a habitat model for Great Tits, Parus major minor, in an urban area of Osaka, Japan. Although Great Tits play an important role in the urban food web, there are few in most of Osaka and downtown Tokyo, areas that have low vegetation cover. We derived a habitat model for Great Tits using a logistic regression model with GIS. A bird survey was conducted twice in 85 urban parks using the line census method in the breeding season, May–July 2000. A GIS base map was created from aerial photographs. The following variables were measured for each park from public records and GIS for predicting the habitat: park properties (age, distance to the nearest mountains, distance to the nearest forest of more than 10 ha), the number of other habitats occupied by the tits within 500 m and 1 km and area of tree cover (within it and surrounding parks). Number of nearby habitats and distance from the nearest mountains and forest of more than 10 ha are variables related to the regional populations of the tits. Area of tree cover was measured for five radii (50, 100, 150, 200, 250 m) from park centers, and a logistic regression model was calculated for each of these radii. Variables were selected by a stepwise method. The best fitting model of the five models was selected using Akaike’s Information Criteria. In the bird survey, the tit was recorded in 12 parks. The areas of parks occupied by the tit were 0.56–136.0 ha (mean: 26.0 ha±42.06 S.D., n=12). Variables selected in the best fitting model were area of tree cover in a radius of 250 m from park center and the number of other habitats within 1 km as positive factors. This model shows that area of tree cover within a certain range and number of nearby populations are the keys to the distribution of Great Tits. From this model obtained, 6.0 ha (31%), 4.0 ha (20%), 2.6 ha (13%) and 1.8 ha (9%) of tree area are needed to achieve probability of 0.5 in a radius of 250 m when numbers of other habitats within 1 km was 0–3, respectively. A realistic target figure is 10% of tree cover throughout urban areas to create an ecologically sustainable city.  相似文献   

This study investigated the change in tree cover in a 130 000 ha rural landscape near Bathurst, New South Wales, Australia between 1954 and 1989. Using aerial photographs, tree cover was assessed using five cover classifications (<2% cover, 2.1–25%, 25.1–50%, >50% or exotic pine plantation), with the resulting data analysed using a Geographic Information System. Overall, there was a loss of woodland/forest and an increase in the area of cleared land and Pinus radiata plantations over 35 years. Although some regeneration of woodland/forest cover occurred on marginal farmland, the general trend of loss and fragmentation has serious ramifications for nature conservation and agricultural production. The eastern and western portions of the study area exhibited quite different patterns in tree cover change, highlighting the need for examining landscapes at appropriate spatial and temporal scales.  相似文献   

城市设计可以通过物质形态设计优化城市空间环境,减少城市开发对自然水循环的影响,促进城市水生态系统的可持续发展。澳大利亚水敏性城市设计将城市设计与城市水文管理相整合,在设计对策、规划实施、项目实践等方面取得显著成果,为城市设计相关研究提供了富有价值的思路和方法。  相似文献   

This work aimed to understand the distribution of five bacterial pathogens in O’ahu coastal streams and relate their presence to microbial indicator concentrations, land cover of the surrounding watersheds, and physical-chemical measures of stream water quality. Twenty-two streams were sampled four times (in December and March, before sunrise and at high noon) to capture seasonal and time of day variation. Salmonella, Campylobacter, Staphylococcus aureus, Vibrio vulnificus, and V. parahaemolyticus were widespread —12 of 22 O’ahu streams had all five pathogens. All stream waters also had detectable concentrations of four fecal indicators and total vibrio with log mean ± standard deviation densities of 2.2 ± 0.8 enterococci, 2.7 ± 0.7 Escherichia coli, 1.1 ± 0.7 Clostridium perfringens, 1.2 ± 0.8 F+ coliphages, and 3.6 ± 0.7 total vibrio per 100 ml. Bivariate associations between pathogens and indicators showed enterococci positively associated with the greatest number of bacterial pathogens. Higher concentrations of enterococci and higher incidence of Campylobacter were found in stream waters collected before sunrise, suggesting these organisms are sensitive to sunlight. Multivariate regression models of microbes as a function of land cover and physical-chemical water quality showed positive associations between Salmonella and agricultural and forested land covers, and between S. aureus and urban and agricultural land covers; these results suggested that sources specific to those land covers may contribute these pathogens to streams. Further, significant associations between some microbial targets and physical-chemical stream water quality (i.e., temperature, nutrients, turbidity) suggested that organism persistence may be affected by stream characteristics. Results implicate streams as a source of pathogens to coastal waters. Future work is recommended to determine infectious risks of recreational waterborne illness related to O’ahu stream exposures and to mitigate these risks through control of land-based runoff sources.  相似文献   

Throughout the world, coastal resource managers are encouraging the restoration of previously modified coastal habitats back into wetlands and managed ponds for their ecosystem value. Because many coastal wetlands are adjacent to urban centers and waters used for human recreation, it is important to understand how wildlife can affect water quality. We measured fecal indicator bacteria (FIB) concentrations, presence/absence of Salmonella, bird abundance, and physico-chemical parameters in two coastal, managed ponds and adjacent sloughs for 4 weeks during the summer and winter in 2006. We characterized the microbial water quality in these waters relative to state water-quality standards and examined the relationship between FIB, bird abundance, and physico-chemical parameters. A box model approach was utilized to determine the net source or sink of FIB in the ponds during the study periods. FIB concentrations often exceeded state standards, particularly in the summer, and microbial water quality in the sloughs was generally lower than in ponds during both seasons. Specifically, the inflow of water from the sloughs to the ponds during the summer, more so than waterfowl use, appeared to increase the FIB concentrations in the ponds. The box model results suggested that the ponds served as net wetland sources and sinks for FIB, and high bird abundances in the winter likely contributed to net winter source terms for two of the three FIB in both ponds. Eight serovars of the human pathogen Salmonella were isolated from slough and pond waters, although the source of the pathogen to these wetlands was not identified. Thus, it appeared that factors other than bird abundance were most important in modulating FIB concentrations in these ponds.  相似文献   

The influence of dissolved humic materials (DHM) on the acute toxicity of diazinon, tetrabromobisphenol-A (TBP), 4-chloroanilin (4-CA) and pentachlorophenol (PCP) was evaluated using the zebrafish (Brachydanio rerio Hamilton-Buchanan) and waterflea (Daphnia magna Straus). The 96-h LC50 (zebrafish) and 48-h EC50 values for four chemicals were determined in the presence of 0, 0.5, 5.0 and 50 TOC mg/l. The effects of DHM on the toxicity of four test chemicals to B. rerio were not observed in all of the DHM treatments. In the daphnid toxicity test, DHM significantly reduced the toxicity of diazinon and 4-CA, while no reduction of the toxicity of TBP and PCP was observed. These results indicate that the interaction between DHM and chemicals can alter the toxicity of some chemicals to D. magna.  相似文献   

The inorganic main elements, trace elements and PAHs were determined from selected PM1, PM2.5 and PM10 samples collected at the Nordic background station in Virolahti during different seasons and during the wildfire episodes in 2006. Submicron particles are those most harmful to human beings, as they are able to penetrate deep into the human respiratory system and may cause severe health effects. About 70-80%, of the toxic trace elements, like lead, cadmium, arsenic and nickel, as well as PAH compounds, were found in particles smaller than 1 µm. Furthermore, the main part of the copper, zinc, and vanadium was associated with submicron particles. In practice, all the PAHs found in PM10 were actually in PM2.5. For PAHs and trace elements, it is more beneficial to analyse the PM2.5 or even the PM1 fraction instead of PM10, because exclusion of the large particles reduces the need for sample cleaning to minimize the matrix effects during the analysis. During the wildfire episodes, the concentrations of particles smaller than 2.5 µm, as well as those of submicron particles, increased, and also the ratio PM1/PM10 increased to about 50%. On the fire days, the mean potassium concentration was higher in all particle fractions, but ammonium and nitrate concentrations rose only in particles smaller than 1.0 µm. PAH concentrations rose even to the same level as in winter.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to determine the mean concentration (per litre) of Cryptosporidium oocysts and Giardia cysts in recreational river areas (n = 28), drinking water treatments plants (DWTPs; n = 52) and wastewater treatment plants (WWTPs; n = 50) in Galicia (NW Spain). Water samples from rivers and from the influent (50–100 l) and the treated effluent (100 l) of the water plants were filtered using Filta-Max filters (IDEXX Laboratories, Inc., Westbrook, ME, USA). A total of 232 samples were processed and the (oo)cysts were concentrated, clarified by IMS and then detected by IFAT. The viability was determined by applying fluorogenic vital dye (PI).In the recreational areas, infective forms of Cryptosporidium and Giardia were detected in 16 (57.1%; 1–60 oocysts per litre) and 17 (60.7%; 1–160 cysts per litre) samples, respectively. In the water flowing into the water treatment plants, oocysts were detected in 21 DWTPs (40.4%; 1–13 oocysts per litre) and cysts were observed in 22 DWTPs (42.3%; 1–7 cysts per litre). In the effluents from the treatment plants, Cryptosporidium oocysts and Giardia cysts were identified in 17 DWTPs (32.7%; 1–4 oocysts per litre) and in 19 DWTPs (36.5%; 1–5 cysts per litre), respectively. The highest concentrations of (oo)cysts were found in the WWTPs; specifically, oocysts were detected in 29 (58.0%; 1–80 oocysts per litre) and cysts in 49 (98.0%; 2–14.400 cysts per litre) WWTP effluents. Cryptosporidium and Giardia were detected in 32 (64.0%; 1–120 oocysts per litre) and 48 (96.0%; 2–6.000 cysts per litre) WWTP effluents, respectively. The percentage viability of the (oo)cysts ranged between 90.0% and 95.0%. In all samples analysed. Moreover, it was found that the effluents from coastal WWTPs were discharged directly into the sea, while inland WWTPs were discharged directly into rivers. The concentrations of both enteropathogens detected in effluents from WWTPs therefore represent a significant risk to human and animal health.These results demonstrate the wide distribution of Cryptosporidium and Giardia in the environment, the ineffectiveness of treatments in DWTPs and WWTPs in reducing/inactivating both protozoa and the need to monitor the presence, viability and infectivity of Cryptosporidium and Giardia in water bodies. In conclusion, the findings suggest the need for better monitoring of water quality and identification of sources of contamination.  相似文献   

Similar to the process seen in invasion biology, urbanized environments lead to biotic homogenization with a few species, often alien, dominating the urban habitat. We investigated avian communities across an urban gradient in Pretoria (South Africa). We defined three urbanization zones: urban, suburban and semi-natural, based on land-cover. We conducted point counts of all species at each of 13 sites in these zones over a 4-month period. We found significantly more species in the semi-natural zone than the urban zone but abundance was significantly lower in semi-natural than urban. The increase in abundance was mainly as a result of alien species with the three most abundant species in the urban zone being all alien. Semi-natural contained fewer alien species than urban and significantly fewer than suburban. The Common Myna Acridotheres tristis was the only alien species that was observed in all three urbanization zones and was the second most abundant species in the suburban and urban zones. Our study supports the process of biotic homogenization, where an increase in alien species occurs in the urban compared to semi-natural zone. Although the suburban zone made an important contribution towards native bird abundance in a larger city environment, this environment was also an important environment for alien species, especially for the Common Myna.  相似文献   

In this study, 102 water samples containing the pathogen Naegleria fowleri, were compared with control samples matched by sampling site and season. Generally, two controls were available for each sample where N. fowleri was detected.Univariate comparisons revealed a positive association of N. fowleri with: (a) water temperature; (b) maximum and minimum air temperature; (c) bacterial colony counts at 20 and 35°C; (d) the total coliform count; (e) amoebae other than Naegleria and (f) Naegleria sp. other than N. fowleri. By comparison, negative associations were evident with free and total chlorine residuals.A conditional logistic regression analysis indicated that N. fowleri isolation was positively and independently associated with: (a) water temperature; (b) maximum air temperature; (c) bacterial colony counts at 35°C; and (d) low free chlorine residual. Negative associations were found with high temperature tolerant Naegleria and Acanthamoeba, but it is considered that these findings may reflect laboratory technique, not genuine ecological relationships.Evidence is presented that the probability of detecting N. fowleri would vary markedly with the changes in means water temperature and maximum daily air temperature that occur by season. On the basis of temperature variations alone, and assuming a constant free chlorine residual, it is estimated that the probability of N. fowleri occurring (at detectable levels) would be 53 times higher in summer, eleven times higher in autumn, and six times higher in spring, than it would be in the winter. These are very approximate estimations which may not apply to an individual sampling site, nor to periods of extreme temperature.While this is a preliminary study, statistical associations of N. fowleri with a variety of ecological measures have been quantified. More comprehensive and detailed studies are required to further clarify the ecological relationships of this organism.  相似文献   

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