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中国城市单位居民的迁居:生命历程方法的解读   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
本文运用生命历程研究方法,基于深度质性访谈资料,从微观层面研究了中国城市单位居民的迁居历程.通过宏观社会变迁和微观个人特征的结合,探讨单位居民在再分配体制下的迁居特征,以及在住房市场化后自由迁居的动机和变化.研究发现,单位居民的迁居历程从高度同构性逐渐演变到异质多元化,自1980年代开始的一系列经济体制改革,使单位居民的住房轨迹开始分化.在单位导向下的迁居过程中,单位掌控住房分配权,居民所隶属的单位行政级别、经济效益等因素决定个人迁居机会和住房质量的上限,居民的实际迁居能力以身份级别、个人绩效行良的住房资格为取向,受非规范性的因素影响.在市场化下的自由迁居过程中,引致单位居民迁居的需求因素包括家庭变化、居住环境,居住通达性和社区交往.另外,住房市场政策的完善,一方面加强了普通单位居民的货币支付能力,另一方面也提供了多层次化的住房市场、加大了单位居民的迁居机会.  相似文献   

运用定量研究方法,基于问卷调查的第一手数据,本文从微观层面研究与中国城市单位居民迁居相伴的残留现象,定量分析影响居民残留的各种因素。在中国住房福利分配制度结束后,单位社区居民开始面,晦着多样化的住房市场选择;但在迁居日益活跃的同时,仍然存在众多“残留”在单位社区中的居民。多元回归分析显示,以进住单位社区居住时间衡量的残留水平受到性别、家庭收入、教育程度和家庭规模等个体因素,以及单位相关因素如单位性质和住房产权等因素的共同影响。在解读转型期重塑中国城市社会空间的力量时,除了对迁出者及其推动郊区化的机制予以关注,也应重视残留在单位社区的居民对于内城社区转型和再生的重要意义。  相似文献   

中国城市单位社区的残留现象及其影响因素   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
运用定量研究方法,基于问卷调查的第一手数据,本文从微观层面研究与中国城市单位居民迁居相伴的残留现象,定量分析影响居民残留的各种因素.在中国住房福利分配制度结束后,单位社区居民开始面临着多样化的住房市场选择;但在迁居日益活跃的同时,仍然存在众多"残留"在单位社区中的居民.多元回归分析显示,以进住单位社区居住时间衡量的残留水平受到性别、家庭收入、教育程度和家庭规模等个体因素,以及单位相关因素如单位性质和住房产权等因素的共同影响.在解读转型期重塑中国城市社会空间的力量时,除了对迁出者及其推动郊区化的机制予以关注,也应重视残留在单位社区的居民对于内城社区转型和再生的重要意义.  相似文献   

居住迁移是解析城市空间重构和空间分异的重要微观领域,对住房、教育、交通等公共设施的空间配置具有重要影响。本文基于对2000年以来相关英文文献的梳理,对居住迁移的研究视角、动因以及结果三方面的最新进展进行总结与评述,并对未来中国居住迁移研究提出展望。研究发现:(1)居住迁移的研究视角正经历从静态向动态的转变,生命历程为主要视角;(2)微观、中观和宏观因素对迁居均有重要影响,但针对宏观背景对个人迁居决策的影响以及群体差异,尚未建立系统认识与机制理解;(3)迁居后果转向关注个人主观能动性对城市空间的塑造,以及迁居行为对微观个体美好生活与身心健康的影响,但由于迁居行为的超前或滞后效应,对微观个体的影响机制解释较弱。未来国内迁居研究应在我国特有政治经济背景下,结合生命历程理论核心观点,探索居住迁移研究的新方法和新理论,为城市空间规划提供科学依据。  相似文献   

中西方城市内部居住迁移研究述评   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
以城市地理学视角,梳理西方城市居住迁移特征、迁居影响因素、迁居与城市空间重构等核心问题的研究情况;以国内广州、北京等城市的实证研究为重点,介绍国内城市迁居研究的主要发现,总结既有研究中的问题与困难.研究发现:城市内部居住迁移是中西方城市中普遍存在的现象;具有不同年龄、种族、收入、家庭结构、住房属性等社会经济属性的群体在迁居频率、距离、方向和迁居原因上存在明显差异;我国“计划”与“市场”双轨制并存时期的城市居住迁移,与西方城市在迁居特征、模式、机制和社会空间结果方面存在显著不同.在此基础上,指出进一步开展城市居住迁移研究的理论与现实意义,并提出我国未来城市迁居研究展望.  相似文献   

马航 《南方建筑》2013,(2):67-71
深圳30年的快速发展至今,面临着城市转型的严峻挑战,其中居民住房和城中村问题是城市转型中需要解决的重要议题,因此通过对深圳非正规住房市场这个特殊的视角来研究深圳城中村居住形态特征和演化机制,认识深圳外来流动人口的居住形态和住房市场的相互关系,进而作为深圳城市转型、制定方针战略的重要参考。本文首先从深圳的历史发展来划分深圳非正规住房市场在发展中的几个阶段;对非正规住房市场下城中村居住形态的特征进行总结和归纳,通过研究非正规住房市场下城中村居住形态的特征以及演变过程,为深圳以及我国其他城市地区的城中村改造提供依据。  相似文献   

随着住房制度改革的不断深化,居民个人逐渐成为住房市场的消费主体。但是,目前住房市场供求关系失衡,一方面大量住房空置待售,另一方面居民虽对住房有极大需求但购房支付能力不足。因此,如何将居民的潜在需求转化为有效需求,已成为激活住房市场的关键。而个人住房担保贷款制度的建立和推行,则是促成居民的潜在需求在短时间内向有效需求转化的必要条件。为此,在成都市人民银行及工、农、建三大专业银行的支持配合下,成都市房地产管理局组建了成都市住房置业担保有限公司。在国营企事业单位无法为个人提供担保的情况下,由置业担保公…  相似文献   

单位视角下的中国城市空间重构   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
中国城市空间重构表现为均质的城市空间向异质的多元的城市空间转变。单位转型是城市空间重构的缩影和重要组成部分。一方面,单位的空间和社区特点对于构建单位退休者社区和基于新单位制的低碳城市空间组织具有重要意义;另一方面,单位的制度因素和社会特征和居民迁居,对于重塑城市居住空间具有重要影响,单位居民迁居和单位隐性化作用是城市空间重构的中心环节。因此,基于单位视角解读中国城市空间重构具有重要的理论和现实意义。  相似文献   

房地产市场是我国社会主义市场经济体系的有机组成部分.从1998年发展至今的十余年间,由于全面停止住房实物分配、实行住房分配货币化,以商品住房为主体的房地产市场获得了蓬勃的发展.房地产市场不仅满足了大量居民多样化、多层次的居住需求,而且居民拥有的住房资产价值通过房地产市场得以真实显现,使得住房成为国家财富和居民家庭财产最为重要的积累形式.近年来,我国房地产市场与宏观实体经济、虚拟经济的联系日趋密切,市场周期波动性逐步凸显,市场化与非市场化的住房供给模式并存,上述新特征亟需我们从科学发展观的高度重新审视房地产市场的发展定位,关注以人为本,关注发展内涵,提出促进房地产市场"又好又快发展"的新思路与新措施.  相似文献   

北京千户新房迁居户问卷调查报告   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
随着我国房改政策的实施,居民的住房消费、住房选择发生很大变化。作者以北京市1000户新房迁居户为调查对象,从迁居户的迁移方向、迁居距离,迁移适应等方面探讨了当今居民在选择居所时一些新的动态。  相似文献   

This paper begins with a review of the residential mobility literature that arose out of housing and planning policy aimed at decreasing the negative effects of urban transience. The literature identified the range of factors influencing residential mobility, but Rossi's (1955) claim that mobility was a 'natural' outcome of life stage changes became the basis for the majority of this work. Most of this literature arose out of quantitative research approaches but writers drew attention to the inability of these approaches to capture the increasing complexity of family life and residential mobility. Drawing on data from the Christchurch, New Zealand, house and home study, this study argues that the qualitative ethnographic method used provides a more holistic approach to, and understanding of, the events and issues which influence household mobility over time. Within this context, the paper presents excerpts from interview data framed as ontological narratives and related stories embedded in social and economic contexts. Some of the themes identified are those of identity, home and place attachment, change and social differentiation, and the impact of gender relations on mobility decisions and experiences. These findings, like those in previous literature, are relevant to housing and planning policy making given the increasing diversity of residential developments and issues of access to social, financial and environmental resources. Understanding how individuals and families establish relationships between themselves and the places in which they live is important given increasingly divided and differentiated experiences of contemporary urban life.  相似文献   

Residential mobility has become an increasingly important issue in China, where urban families participate frenetically in the commodity housing market leading to soaring property prices. Applying place dependence approach and logistic regression models, this paper examines the association between residential mobility intentions and place dependence for employment and education in Beijing. The results reveal that people's intentions to move homes are driven by place dependence on the access to high-quality schools for their children, while the dependence for employment is rather weak. The findings indicate children's education has emerged as a new driving force that shapes urban space in contemporary China and therefore should be a focal point for planners and policy makers in urban resource distribution. This paper provides evidences to further our understanding of the high premium of properties that enable access to good schools. The needs for other spatial utilities and sentimental attachment to a place also encourage residential mobility intentions, which deserves further research.  相似文献   

The purpose of this paper is to examine the impact of housing tenure and residential mobility on adolescents’ academic success. Based on longitudinal data analysis from Sweden, we find large disparities of high-school graduation rates from adolescents living in different housing tenures and experiencing different residential mobility. After controlling for a rich set of family, individual and community background variables, a positive homeownership effect and a negative residential move effect are established. The IV method to control for the potential endogeneity of tenure choice does not weaken the estimated effect of homeownership. Based on these findings, relevant policy implications are discussed in the final section.  相似文献   

The aim of this paper is to gain further insight into the way in which residential location choice behavior is related to the existence of public transport facilities and to distance to the workplace. More specifically, the objectives of this paper are twofold. The first objective is to gain more insight into the influence of the characteristics of residential locations on residential location choice behavior. The selected characteristics are related to three aspects: (a) the residence itself (dwelling type, costs, type of neighborhood); (b) the transportation facilities in the residential neighborhood (frequency of bus services, availability of railway station, accessibility to main road system); and (c) the travel time from the residential location to the workplace (car, public transportation, and bike). The second objective is to test a model of joint (multi-person) decision making behavior. The results of this research indicate that the preference for a particular residential location is highly dependent on the characteristics of the dwelling and its environment, and to a lesser extent on the travel time to the workplace. The characteristics pertaining to transportation facilities seem to be less important. These results imply that transportation policy is not necessarily an effective instrument to influence residential choice behavior and the associated mobility.An earlier version of this paper was presented at the 31st European Congress of the RSAI, Lisbon, Portugal, August 1991.  相似文献   

Rural gentrification represents an emerging research agenda in the context of social transformation of rural localities. Having as a case study the Republic of Ireland, which provides a case of a laissez-faire planning system, this paper first addresses supply-side factors that have provided key preconditions for gentrification to take place. Then, using survey data in case study localities, we examine the extent that gentrification is a factor in rural residential mobility. We argue that the changing rural condition of Ireland provides essential preconditions for gentrification to take place. However, the gentrification literature provides only a partial angle of rural residential mobility, given the nature of rural in-migration observed in our case studies (that is blue-collar and return rural in-migration) during a period of substantial rural housing growth.  相似文献   

Elif Alkay 《Housing Studies》2011,26(4):521-539
This paper investigates intra-urban residential moves according to housing areas with varying densities in Istanbul. First, the reasons for actual moves are explored, initially with regard to the age and education characteristics of the households. Further consideration is given to the type of previous dwelling, duration of residence in the previous dwelling and the distance from the origin to destination areas. The results related to age are consistent with previous studies; older households are less mobile. However, duration of time in the residence reflects a different pattern from previous studies; in Istanbul, it appears not to reduce residential mobility. Second, planned mobility is analyzed according to household structure such as age, education, tenure and income. The analysis is expanded by adding dwelling characteristics and ‘roomstress’—a measure of the space needed by the household. Further, neighbourhood characteristics are added to elaborate their impact on the probability of the residential mobility. Results reflect that renters are more mobile than owners. While high accessibility decreases the odds of residential mobility, neighbourhood traffic problems positively increase the odds of future mobility. However, ‘roomstress' appears not to provide a significant source of explanation in any of the models.  相似文献   

Mobility, residential quality, and life outcomes are linked in the literature and these relationships have influenced low-income housing policy. This research investigates the determinants of mobility for households with a federal housing subsidy. Combining unique data from a survey of Housing Choice Voucher households, client program files, and secondary data, this study uses logistic regression to test several explanations for mobility, including the life cycle, housing market perceptions, and perceived and actual neighborhood conditions. The results indicate that a synthesis of explanations produce the best model to predict residential mobility. Neighborhood quality, perceived and actual, variables most strongly influence mobility, but life cycle factors and perception of the local housing market also impact moving choices. At the same time, the results suggest a gap in our understanding of the relationship among individuals’ environmental perceptions, formation of feelings of neighborhood satisfaction, and actual neighborhood conditions. The article concludes with a discussion of the research and policy implications from this study.  相似文献   

In most Western countries, home owners are much less likely to change residence than renters. In the last few decades, the rise in home ownership in the Netherlands has been spectacular. This would imply that the population has become less mobile, which has consequences for the functioning of the housing market—at least, if the relationship between home ownership and residential mobility has not changed. This research addresses the question of whether the effect of home ownership on the probability of residential mobility has changed over the last few decades and if so, how. Using data from the 1981–98 Netherlands Housing Demand surveys and logistic regression models, it is found that the difference between home owners and renters in residential mobility has changed over time. The results indicate a decrease in the effect of home ownership with an interruption in 1984–85. This finding might indicate stability in the effect of home ownership, except for periods of booms or busts on the housing market.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT The residential mobility model presented in this paper is specifically designed in capture the potential sources of bias embedded in the residential mobility processes that give rise to the segregation of minority populations within West German cities. The hypothesized existence of a dual housing market (with foreign workers restricted to vacancies not chosen by Germans) is supported by the analysis. Geographically defined submarkets and areal variation in housing quality, in conjunction with economic and class differences between members of German and foreign worker cohorts. are also found to account for significant differences in the observed mobility patterns across age and ethnicity cohorts.  相似文献   

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