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2007年10月在美国马里兰州举办了理性增长十周年(Smart Growth@10)会议.本文在回顾马里兰州理性增长十年发展历程基础上,严格审查马里兰州理性增长运动的实践成效,具体包括理性增长在土地利用变更、社区复兴,住宅偏好及选择、耕地保护、基础设施建设等领域所取得的成就和存在的不足,并总结了未来马里兰州理性增长运动进一步完善的政策建议,希望美国马里兰州的理性增长实践能够为中国未来城市规划,发展和管理的改革创新提供借鉴和启示.  相似文献   

<正>中小企业一直是国民经济发展的重要力量,特别是在拉动内需和解决就业方面起着不可替代的作用。美国一直高度重视科技型中小企业的发展,而马里兰州又是这方面的典范,州政府出台各种政策对科技型中小企业进行扶持与保护,有力地促进了科技型中小企业的发展,其经验做法对我市科技型中小企业发展很有启发。一、美国马里兰州发展科技型中小企业的经验  相似文献   

据路透社报道,星座能源集团将在美国马里兰州建设一个近16兆瓦的太阳能发电项目,根据为期20年的协议,该公司将生产的电力出售给该州。星座能源将建设、拥有和经营这个项目,该项目为17兆瓦的太阳能设施,耗资6000万美元,将建在马里兰州  相似文献   

卡罗溪公园位于美国东北部马里兰州费雷德里克市区.是城市振兴的一个获奖项目.也是HNTB建筑设计事务所面临的一个非同寻常的挑战。项目要求在一条宽敞的混凝土水道上建造充满活力的公共空间,这条混凝土水道十几年来一直是马里兰州最大的历史名区——费雷德里克市区的一个棘手问题。  相似文献   

唐燕 《国外城市规划》2006,21(5):115-115
美国普查局日前发布的美国社区调查显示马里兰州成为全美上下班交通时间第二长的城市.而纽约则占据了全美第一的位置。在美国.上下班路上花费的平均时间为25.1分钟.而在马里兰州平均时间为30.8分钟.纽约的平均时间为31.2分钟。  相似文献   

2010年10月.美国总统巴拉克·奥巴马在马里兰州的ErnestMaier混凝土砌块工厂的车间内.以停产生产线为背景。发表了专门针对失业状况的电视演说。以回应当月美国失业率的数据。  相似文献   

位于美国马里兰州切维蔡斯的丽思卡尔顿酒店集团(Ritz—Carlton)在美洲、欧洲、亚洲、中东、非洲及加勒比海共拥有73家酒店,另外还有超过30个项目正在全球范围内进行,其中包括迪拜国际金融中心、阿拉伯联合酋长国、美国图森、美国亚利桑那州和加利福尼亚等。  相似文献   

在混凝土砌块生产车间发表电视演讲2010年10月,美国总统巴拉克.奥巴马在马里兰州的Ernest Maier混凝土砌块工厂的车间内,以停产生产线为背景,发表了专门针对失业状况的电视演  相似文献   

住房和城乡建设部村镇规划建设管理培训团 2011年9月3日至23日,住房和城乡建设部村镇建设司卢英方副司长率村镇规划建设管理专业人员培训团,赴美国进行了为期21天的业务培训。培训团在马里兰州巴尔的摩大学和罗耀拉大学以专题讲座的形式进行了培训和交流,同时还访问和考察了洛杉矶县区域规划部、马里兰州规划部、巴尔的摩县规划局、  相似文献   

位于美国马里兰州安娜·阿伦德郡的华盛顿国际机场(BWI)为提高节能效率制定了几个修理项目,这其中包括对似部电梯和自动人行道的升级。此外,BWI近期对外公布了在停车场设备顶部安装505kW太阳能系统的计划。从面板中得到的每年超过60万kW的能量,将提供给班纳能源公司,并有40万美元用于能源保护。马里兰州公共工程董事会批准了一项与班纳能源服务公司合作资金达2100万美元的合同,其任务是为BWI和马丁国家机场安装系统。这其中还包括各种节能项目,如光源代替。  相似文献   

This article examines three “new communities” developed since the 1960s and planned as a response to early criticisms of urban sprawl: Irvine, California; Columbia, Maryland; and The Woodlands, Texas. Conceived as alternatives to sprawl, the developments used a number of techniques now proposed by proponents of smart growth. They also represent a best-case scenario for private-sector development: They had big land areas, rich developers, cutting-edge professionals, and visions that were maintained. However, problems with automobile dependence and housing affordability indicate limits to these innovations.  相似文献   

绿色基础设施(Green Infrastructure,以下简称"GI")不同于传统的保护战略,它是将可持续发展、基础设施规划以及精明增长等一系列理念融入于生态保护方法之中。本文基于GI作为城市规划理论的应用研究,选取美国马里兰州的GI的规划与评价以及香港的GI的设计和实施作为典型案例,在GI的研究尺度、对象、问题、目的、指导原则、结构和形式等方面对比分析,尝试提出国内其他地区、城市在"可持续发展"的全球发展主题下的GI的规划策略。  相似文献   

Problem: To succeed, the smart growth movement must be active at the local level. However, little is known about the movement's composition and effects.

Purpose: This research aims to identify who pursues smart growth at the local level, what types of smart growth policies are being adopted, and the impact of supporters on the types of policies adopted.

Methods: Using surveys I conducted with planning and development officials in 202 cities and other data, I estimate regression models predicting the effects of local activism and other possible influences on the number of smart growth, land preserving, and inner-city redevelopment policies these cities adopted.

Results and conclusions: I found that (a) as the number of types of groups promoting smart growth increases, cities adopt more smart growth policies; (b) the supporters of smart growth have more impact on the adoption of land preserving policies than on the policies associated with inner-city redevelopment; and (c) cities in states that require comprehensive planning adopt more smart growth policies.

Takeaway for practice: Politics prevents many cities from adopting comprehensive smart growth policies, though state laws that mandate comprehensive planning at the local level appear to encourage them. Planners can build support for smart growth by inviting environmental groups to the table and by devising smart growth policies that encourage both land preservation and inner-city densification.

Research support: None.  相似文献   

任璐  刘智才 《山西建筑》2007,33(8):37-38
介绍了“精明增长”在美国早期和近期的实践情况,分析了“精明增长”的基本原则,并对“精明增长”在我国的应用意义及实施的可行性进行了阐述,对我国城市的发展具有重要的启示和借鉴意义。  相似文献   

张凤  王营池 《山西建筑》2008,34(11):29-30
通过对科学发展观和"精明增长"理论的介绍分析,阐述了科学发展观对我国城市规划领域和"精明增长"理论中国化的指导意义,并探讨了科学发展观指导下的"精明增长"理论对我国城市规划的启示。  相似文献   

Smart growth is a comprehensive version of spatial planning that can guide sustainable development and tackle negative social and environmental consequences of urbanization. In this paper we explore how an integration of spatial planning and place branding strategies can further the concept of smart growth and improve its chance at implementation. A review of the parallel evolutions of place branding and smart growth shows their shared interest in comprehensive visions, sensitivity for narratives of place and self, and the proposed embedding in participatory governance. The concept of layered and segmenatary commodification offers a novel perspective on value creation in smart growth and helps to develop new forms of smart growth, that combine and integrate elements of spatial planning and place branding.  相似文献   

Although many studies have examined the effects of regional growth management policies on housing prices, little is known about the impact of neighborhood‐level smart growth strategies on home values in the targeted and nearby communities. The purpose of this article is to measure the impacts of a pair of geographically focused smart growth planning and development efforts on home values in the suburban context. This article examines two initiatives under the Atlanta Regional Commission's Livable Center Initiative (LCI) as examples of smart growth planning. The results show that smart growth developments focused both on a smaller scale town center LCI and on a larger scale activity center LCI have positive effects on housing prices inside the target area. However, their effects on adjacent areas differ, with the larger scale activity center having some positive effects on nearby property values, while the smaller scale effort resulted in lower values in some nearby areas. The results indicate that smart growth development programs may contribute to revitalizing old suburban downtown centers, but that the effects of smaller scale efforts may result in predominantly zero‐sum outcomes, in which higher values within the target area are accompanied by lower values in adjacent areas.  相似文献   

美国"精明增长"的策略、案例及在中国应用的思考   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
要将美国“精明增长”应用到中国就必须考虑中国特有的工业化、城市化背景。本文介绍了“精明增长”的有关策略及在美国较为成功的案例,提出在中国应用“精明增长”的一些思考。  相似文献   

对于智慧城市的解析,往往都是从信息化的角度出发,这不免让人把智慧城市与智能,数字城市的概念相互混淆粘连。回归智慧一词的本源,智慧城市应该是人的智慧。本文以美国为例,通过分析其主要智慧城市发展与移民之间的关系,验证出智慧城市的发展主要是由外来求学的大学生所组成的移民群体所推动的。为其提供良好的学习,就业和生活环境是维持智慧城市的良好发展内在保证。  相似文献   

We present in this paper an analysis of economic centers and their role in shaping employment development patterns and travel behavior in the state of Maryland. We begin by identifying 23 economic centers in the Baltimore-Washington region. We then examine these centers first in their role as centers of economic activity and then in their role as nodes in the state’s transportation system. Finally, we identify the commute sheds of each center, for multiple modes of travel and travel times, and examine jobs–housing balance within these various commute sheds. We find that Maryland’s economic centers not only promote agglomerative economies and thus facilitate economic growth; they also generate a disproportionate number of trips and promote transit ridership. These results provide empirical support for policies that promote polycentric urban development, and especially policies that promote polycentric employment development. Further, they suggest that polycentrism as a sustainable development strategy requires careful coordination of regional transportation systems designed to balance jobs and housing within a center’s transit commute shed. Based on these findings we recommend that the Maryland state development plan, and regional sustainable communities plans across the nation, encourage the concentration of employment within economic centers and encourage housing development within the transit commute sheds of those centers.  相似文献   

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