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Based on the analysis on the characteristics of human settlement of urban villages in Wuhan,the paper examines the special urban social functions of urban villages during their self-evolution process.The totally market-led mode of urban village renovation has neglected existing positive social effects and failed to provide fair development opportunities for disadvantaged groups,and it will hinder the construction of a diversified and vigorous urban socio-ecological environment.In view of the situation,the paper suggests that in order to meet the urban socio-spatial demands during the specific period of social transition,measures should be adopted to re-examine and adjust the strategies and planning techniques concerning market-led urban village renovation with the improvement of sustainable human settlement as the goal.  相似文献   

Editor's Note     
正In the past forty years after the reform and opening-up, China's rapid urbanization mainly demonstrated a traditional development mode that is characterized by a continuous urban expansion in terms of both demographic growth and spatial development. It is also called as the urbanization of land because of the remarkable representation in physical environment by the construction of hundreds and thousands of new cities, new towns, new urban areas, and new  相似文献   

Identifying the types of disasters and analyzing the distribution pattern of and the spatial correlation between villages and disasters are important prerequisite for the disaster prevention and mitigation of traditional villages.Taking Aba Tibetan and Qiang Autonomous Prefecture as an example and using the tools of kernel density evaluation and spatial statistics,this paper analyzes the distribution pattern of and the spatial correlation between traditional villages and typical geological disasters on the three spatial scales of Aba Prefecture,village agglomeration area,and village administrative area with necessary explanations.It concludes that most of the traditional villages in Aba Prefecture agglomerate in the middle-and high-level alpine gorges and some are clustered at either the border area or the central hinterland of counties;with the increase of maximum seismic intensity and frequency of earthquakes,it appears there is an increase of traditional villages and their trend of agglomeration,which implies an overlap of the areas of dense traditional villages and high-density geological disasters,as well as the synchronous increase of traditional village density and geological disaster density;and the traditional villages in Aba Prefecture are affected by multiple disasters,in particular landslide and debris flow.Finally,the paper discusses the issue of disaster prevention and mitigation in the protection and development planning of traditional villages.  相似文献   

China is in a process of rapid urbanization. Meanwhile, building development in rural areas is also accelerating. The paper intends to illustrate an original study focusing on villagers’ role in participation in village plan implementation in rural areas of China. Case studies, comparative studies, interviews, and questionnaires have been applied to reveal the mechanism of villager participation in village plan imple-mentation. Two case villages, which are pioneer units in the transition in Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region, have been selected. The study outcome shows that the villager participation plays an extremely important role in implementing the official village plan. The ideal development regulation mode in village planning in rural China should be a local government-villager cooperating system formed by three pillars: financial and technical supports from local governments; the participation of rural autonomous organizations, non-governmental organizations, and "able persons" in formulation, implementation, and monitoring of official village plans; village construction teams like developers.  相似文献   

According to the study on history, the construction of Beijing-Hankou Rail Line and Lianyungang-Lanzhou Rail Line during the late Qing Dynasty and the era of the Republic of China (1912 - 1949) not only decided the spatial layout of modern Zhengzhou, but also brought about the rapid development of Zhengzhou’s commercial industry. Without scientific planning, they have already caused essential changes of Zhengzhou’s urban spatial structure. From the early days of the People’s Republic of China, urban planning became the most important factor to shape Zhengzhou’s urban spatial structure, in terms of the rational allocation of industrial areas. In above mentioned two successive periods, the driving forces of urban construction were different, the characteristics of urban spatial structure was also opposite, i.e., disorderly and unsystematic layout in the former period, while rigorous and regularized structure in the latter one. The problems existed in Zhengzhou’s spatial construction today are also closely related to this specific character formed in the early development period.  相似文献   

After more than 450 years’ development, Macao has evolved into a world heritage city and world tourism and leisure city from a traditional Chinese fishing village. Its urban spatial morphology has gone through six stages. Based on the analysis of the historic events in Macao at different stages, this paper elaborates the process, characteristics, and influencing factors of the urban spatial morphology evolution.  相似文献   

Urban waterfronts, where the land of city meets a body of water, are unique and finite resources representing the best opportunities for community enhancement and enrichment. On the other hand, waterfronts are also high-risk areas, where the water-related disasters could seriously affect the long-term sustainability of urban environment. This paper focuses on the relationship of the cities with their waterfronts. It presents a case study of Wuhan--a Chinese metropolis, where waterfronts play an important role in its urban planning policy. It attempts to investigate the mechanism of waterfront transformation, and to find out which strategies to adapt and what resilience means in terms of urban waterfronts in a rapidly transforming city. This article examines some representative urban projects on the waterfront and summarizes spatial models applied on the waterfront with distinct policies. Finally, it demonstrates that an urban waterfront is an "osmotic interface" which should be more correctly envisaged as a network of places, functions, additions and hinges between the city and its water environment. It clarifies that waterfront areas represent a multidisciplinary and multitasking issue in perspective of urban resilient development.  相似文献   

Amid the transitional period of rapid urbanization,Wuhan,as a traditional industrial base for decades,is exploring a regeneration way for its industrial areas,which should be in line with its current development and local characteristics.Taking the urban industrial parks as example,this article summarizes the regeneration modes of the traditional industrial base of Wuhan,and proposes suggestions to the regeneration of old urban industrial areas,as well as the conservation of urban industrial heritages,from the perspective of integral urban development strategy.  相似文献   

To drive the standardization of engineering construction of new rural areas, we should thoroughly apply "Scientific Outlook on Development" , take the standardization of engineering construction of new rural areas as strategic task, treat accelerated formation of new pattern of integration of urban and rural economic and social development as fundamental demand, highlight the important function of engineering construction standard in guaranteeing engineering quality and security and protecting environment, quicken the innovation of systems and mechanisms,  相似文献   

The territorial and spatial planning is an essential tool for ecological civilization construction in spatial development and urban governance. Since ecological space has been an important part of the territorial and spatial planning, this study established a spatial structural pattern of "ecological source-ecological corridor-ecological node" along with methods including landscape connectivity analysis and ecological resistance surface analysis. Taking the ecological space of Xuzhou City, a typical resource-based city, as a case study, this research analyzed the ecological spatial network structure and evaluated the evolution characteristics before judging the breadth threshold value of the ecological corridor and providing planning control strategy. The study found that since the urbanization of Xuzhou City resumed its growth, the quantity of ecological sources, corridors, and nodes have grown along. The resistance of the ecological corridor increases year by year, with the proper breadth threshold value around 100 – 200 m. The development of an ecological network structure shows a single-polarization evolution characteristic that is high quality and high resistance.  相似文献   

本文选取深圳市14个居住型城中村作 为案例,基于手机信令数据分析城中村的通勤特 征,探讨其与就业的职住关系模式。研究发现, 城中村的通勤特征呈现出了显著的区位差异性: 从通勤距离看,城边村最长,城内村次之,城外 村最短;从通勤方向看,城内村和区位条件较好 的城边村具有较强的市中心指向,而城外村的 通勤多局限于外围区。结合深圳的就业空间布局 特征,研究归纳了不同区位城中村的职住关系模 式,分析职住空间错配的表现,进而提出优化职 住空间格局的政策建议,包括针对不同区位的城 中村制定差异化的空间引导政策,以及在城市中 心区外培育非工业类就业中心等。  相似文献   

城市边缘村庄是城市边缘区动态变化中特殊的地域实体,其城市化进程有着自身特点。该文以郑州城市为例,论述了在当前快速城市化的背景下城边村空间重构与分化的阶段与特征。郑州城边村的演变过程划分为城乡分离、城乡混杂、城乡一体的三个阶段,各阶段村庄发展在用地布局、产业发展、驱动因素、价值与空间形态等方面呈现出不同的特征。在农业产业融合发展的新趋势下,城边村发展不仅需要外在动力,更需要培养内生机制,其核心问题是产业发展问题。最后,建议应培育有特色的村庄产业组群,以产业发展引导村庄空间适当集聚.实现有差别的城乡一体化发展。  相似文献   

马航 《南方建筑》2013,(2):67-71
深圳30年的快速发展至今,面临着城市转型的严峻挑战,其中居民住房和城中村问题是城市转型中需要解决的重要议题,因此通过对深圳非正规住房市场这个特殊的视角来研究深圳城中村居住形态特征和演化机制,认识深圳外来流动人口的居住形态和住房市场的相互关系,进而作为深圳城市转型、制定方针战略的重要参考。本文首先从深圳的历史发展来划分深圳非正规住房市场在发展中的几个阶段;对非正规住房市场下城中村居住形态的特征进行总结和归纳,通过研究非正规住房市场下城中村居住形态的特征以及演变过程,为深圳以及我国其他城市地区的城中村改造提供依据。  相似文献   

将城中村问题作为城市化历程中复杂的社会问题,在多视角的调查研究及深度解剖的基础上,提出对城中村较为全面的认识观,探讨与城中村有关的社会、经济、环境等问题,总结作为先发展地区的深圳城中村的典型特征,为改造和整治城中村的规划工作提供借鉴。  相似文献   

顾桂金 《山西建筑》2010,36(15):18-19
针对城中村的存在给城市建设、土地利用、城市管理等诸多方面带来的不利影响,通过城中村对城市发展的影响的矛盾分析出发,提出了加快推进城中村改造的思路,以期对各地的城中村改造有所启发。  相似文献   

雒薇 《建筑与环境》2010,(5):140-143
随着城市经济的快速发展,城市可建设用地越来越少,城市不得不选择向外扩张与蔓延。与此同时,许多的村落被城市建设用地分割和包围,形成城中村。城中村的出现不仅制约了城市的功能拓展,也对城市环境和社会治安带来了巨大的压力,因此必须对城中村进行改造,逐步实现城乡统筹,使城市得到可持续发展。本文主要透过城中村问题表征,探寻城中村发展的深层机制和改造过程博弈模型,从而为城中村的改造实践提供理论依据,使改造各方达到互利共赢的目的。  相似文献   

【目的】福建西部(简称闽西)因客家的聚居而成为一个独特的文化区,福建客家传统村落是在客家文化和闽西地理环境的双重影响下所形成的物质空间,对其进行研究可填补福建传统村落区域群体类型的研究空白,并促进福建客家传统村落的区域保护与利用。【方法】采用ArcGIS空间分析工具、空间分维值和边界形状指数2种空间形态分析方法,通过民居类型、地形坡度、海拔高度、河流特征、村落空间、村落形态等村落特征信息,对闽西138个客家传统村落进行群体性研究。【结果】发现闽西客家传统村落在同一文化背景下呈现地理空间分异状态。并从3个方面进一步揭示客家文化与闽西客家传统村落空间特征的关联性:村落对自然环境空间的被动适应体现了迁徙属性;村落空间的高致密化体现了移垦属性;村落形态的强凝聚性体现了宗族属性。【结论】揭示了客家文化影响下的闽西客家传统村落的空间特征和形成逻辑,为福建客家传统村落的保护与建设提供理论支撑,有利于推动福建客家传统村落保护从单一保护向区域群体保护的发展,并构建一个均衡的闽西客家传统村落保护体系。  相似文献   

随着一些经济发达地区(如珠三角,长三角等)的迅速扩张,原本分布在城市周围的农村地区逐渐被纳入现代都市圈,这些滞后于时代发展步伐、游离于现代城市管理之外、生活水平相对低下的居民区,我们称之为“城中村”。“城中村”改造和开发是一个城市基本实现现代化到全面实现现代化的重要一步,是全面提高我国城镇化水平和群众物质和文明生活质量的重要工作。本文将以广州空港小镇二期整体改造方案为例,以创新的微改造形式为城市村落改造和开发提供新思路。  相似文献   

City areas experiencing disproportionate vulnerability levels to urban flooding events have attracted attention. Resilience is widely accepted as a strategy for reducing the risks of vulnerability and maintaining sustainable development. This research conceptualized vulnerability to hazard and exposure, and resilience to adaptation to urban flooding and explores their associations from a spatial balance perspective. The hazard of urban flooding was evaluated by hydrographic models, whereas exposure and adaptation were examined by indexes. Shenzhen, a densely populated socialist Chinese city, was selected as the case city. Results revealed that districts in the marginalized areas of Shenzhen experience high vulnerability to urban flooding because of poor geographic factors, immature drainage systems of urban villages, and the influx of rural migrants with sensible populations driven by high housing prices in urban center. The situation is becoming increasingly serious because of strong spatial mismatch between vulnerability and resilience with urban overutilization and the rural underutilization of adaptation resource allocation. Social segregation on adaptation resource occurs for public service provision in a marketization situation instead of socialism. Therefore, exploring the mechanisms of the spatial imbalance between vulnerability and resilience in socialist city, such as Shenzhen is necessary for reducing such impacts in future research.  相似文献   

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