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欧洲住房金融改革对中国的借鉴意义   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
自从1960与1970年代以来,更多的欧洲国家放松了它们的住宅政策.我们注意到从公共融资向私人融资的转变、从社会住宅向商业住宅的转变、从住房建设补贴向住房人头补贴的转变、从管制租金向市值租金的转变、以及从租赁房向自有房的转变.大部分这些转变都可以统称为"私有化"以及"自由化"这些定义不明的词语.然而,欧盟大部分国家的住宅金融体系仍然复杂而不合理,需要更多的住宅金融改革.我们将详述一种住宅金融改革的核心内容,包括如下几点:住房建设补贴、租户的住房人头补贴、自有房的税收优惠、房屋租赁政策.以及住宅联盟的角色.通过这种分析,我们勾画出欧盟国家住宅金融深入改革的轮廓.在不久的将来,中国也会考虑相似的住宅金融改革.  相似文献   

正2017年12月,中央经济工作会议提出"加快建立多主体供应、多渠道保障、租购并举的住房制度",这意味着持续推动租赁住房改革将成为2018年经济工作的重点。和我国住房租赁市场相比,发达国家的住房体系构建已相对成熟,这些国家往往能同时兼顾市场性与保障性,形成了完善的"金字塔结构"住房体系。美国:自有为主,租赁为辅,控租、补贴和公共房共存美国鼓励居民拥有私人住宅,政府利用金融手段提高中  相似文献   

我国定义的社会保障性住房是城镇住宅建设中较具特殊性的一种类型住宅,它通常是指根据国家政策以及法律法规的规定,由政府统一规划、统筹,提供给特定的人群使用,并且对该类住房的建造标准和销售价格或租金标准给予限定,起社会保障作用的住房。主要包括:廉租房、公共租赁房、定向安置房、两限商品房。  相似文献   

世茂集团:轻资产融资破冰,发行首单住房租赁ABS日前,世茂集团在上交所发布'世茂-华能-开源住房租赁信托受益权资产支持专项计划'(简称'世茂住房租赁租金ABSB'),该项目是全国首单住房租赁储架式租金ABS项目,储架规模10亿元,首期发行5亿元。根据世联评估出具的《浙江省杭州市江干区艮山西路以南(世茂天宸)48套住宅、732套公寓房地产市场价值估计报告》,世联评估选用比较法、成本法、收益法确定估价对象住宅及房屋的房地产市场价值为约30亿元,其中可租赁住宅部分房地产市场价值为9.27亿元,732套可租赁房部分的房地产市场价值约20亿元。  相似文献   

英国“可负担住宅”的启示   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
杨滔 《城乡建设》2006,(9):70-72
英国可负担住宅就是政府补贴房,提供给那些需要住宅但没有经济能力在市场中租赁或者购买商品房的居民,它包括廉租房、经济适用房(包括产权共享的经济适用房,即部分买部分租的房屋)以及部分情况下的低价位商品房.根据市场化程度,一般分为社会住宅、过渡房以及少数的低价位商品房.社会住宅是基于出租或者共享产权的,租金不得高于中央政府给各个地区设定的租金:过渡房是半市场化的房屋,租金高于社会住宅的价格但低于市场价格,或者房屋出售价格针对特定收入阶层;低价位商品房是完全市场化的房屋,在少数情况下,某些地方政府临时不能满足当地居民对其它的可负担住宅的需要时,他们会临时提供补贴,让需求者自己去市场上租赁或者购买低价位商品房.  相似文献   

正世茂集团:轻资产融资破冰,发行首单住房租赁ABS日前,世茂集团在上交所发布"世茂-华能-开源住房租赁信托受益权资产支持专项计划"(简称"世茂住房租赁租金ABSB"),该项目是全国首单住房租赁储架式租金ABS项目,储架规模10亿元,首期发行5亿元。根据世联评估出具的《浙江省杭州市江干区艮山西路以南(世茂天宸)48套住宅、732套公寓房地产市场价值估计报告》,世联评估选用比较法、成本法、收益法确定估价对象住宅及房屋的房地产市场价值为约30亿元,其中可租赁住宅部分房地产市场价值为9.27亿元,732套可租赁房部分的房地产市场价值约20亿元。目标资产  相似文献   

住房制度改革提出指导思想和基本方针是邓小平同志于1980年4月同中央负责同志谈话时定的调。以前的住房制度是建立在计划经济体制基础上的“国家包、低租金、福利制”的住房制度。邓小平于1980年4月同中央负责同志谈话中指出:“关于住宅问题,要考虑城市建筑住宅、分配房屋一系列政策。  相似文献   

正发达国家中,德国以居民偏好租房、租赁市场完善、租金管制严格而著称于世。德国的住房租赁市场特别发达,其租赁住房率为58%,远高于自有住房率的42%。为了促进住房租赁市场的发展,德国政府特别重视租赁市场的法制建设。细化租房合同及相关程序德国的《民法》是住宅政策的法律基础,它规定了居住权是公民权利的重要组成部分,明确了德联邦与各州政府在住宅建设与住宅保障方面的职责,以法律的形式保障公民的  相似文献   

我国中低收入家庭住房政策改革诌见   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过文献分析法、比较研究法,总结和分析了具有代表性的欧美国家的中低收入家庭住房保障体系,其主要形式为:供给补贴、需求补贴、控租金、建立租赁市场、建立金融支撑体系。我国当前应通过租赁市场、税收杠杆、贷款保险及中介服务体系的建立和公积金改革来加快中低收入人群住房保障体制的建设和发展。  相似文献   

潇棋 《中州建设》2009,(21):58-59
7月27日,北京市第一个全部用于建设公共租赁住房的地块在市土地储备中心挂牌出让,这使得保障性住房建设再次升级,也让对于廉租房、公共租赁房、经济适用房和限价房主要靠政府解决,对于高档住房主要靠市场调节的房改思路更加明晰。这就意味着未来政府将承担解决国内大部分人居住问题的历史责任,意味着中国住宅市场正在裂变为三分天下,即廉租房和公共租赁房、经济适用房和限价房、高档住房。  相似文献   

Current housing finance systems are mostly a poor reflection of the government's policy priorities. This paper explains how the current Dutch housing finance system works, and analyses its weaknesses against the backdrop of a well-functioning housing market and national policy goals. It specifically looks at recent proposals and some building blocks for future housing finance reform in the Netherlands. The paper ends with conclusions on the potential relevance of the analysis for other European countries.  相似文献   

The UK provides an important case study of both the potential for restructuring traditional housing finance systems and the outcome of such restructuring. During the period 1975–2000 the UK government undertook a piece-by-piece restructuring of housing finance. The major objectives of this restructuring included bringing public expenditure under control, ensuring that a high proportion of housing costs were paid by the direct beneficiaries and targeting available subsidy more directly on those in housing need. This agenda was supported by more general policies of liberalisation and privatisation, and particularly by the growth in asset values during the 1970s and 1980s and by macro-economic stabilisation during the 1990s. Based on the desktop analysis undertaken for the Evaluation of English Housing Policy Review this paper takes four specific policies and clarifies how political priorities and the economic environment came together to make policy change possible. It then evaluates the outcomes of these policies both in terms of their immediate goals and the more general objectives of housing policy. The incremental approach favoured by the government appears to have been successful in its own terms, but the result is far from a coherent and sustainable housing finance policy. The conclusions stress more general lessons some of which have implications for effective restructuring in other countries.  相似文献   

This contribution gives some reflections on the Netherlands' New Housing Memorandum 2000-2010, which was published on 15 May 2000. This Housing Memorandum urges the housing corporations (the social housing organisations which own 37 per cent of the housing stock) to sell 500 000 dwellings in 10 years. This seems to confirm Harloe's assertion that social housing in Europe is only a transitional tenure. Even in the Netherlands-champion of social rented housing within the European Union-the owner occupied sector would seem destined to marginalise the social rented sector in the long run. This paper argues that the housing corporations, being private, independent social entrepreneurs, will be only partially inclined to take the political message of the Housing Memorandum to heart. It is expected that the Dutch social rented sector will remain a differentiated sector and continue to blossom alongside home ownership. Harloe's theory will, in short, not be confirmed by the housing developments in the Netherlands.  相似文献   

中国城市住房改革:回顾与展望   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
方可 《时代建筑》2004,15(5):26-29
文章回顾中国城市住房改革在过去20年的发展历程,特别是国务院1998年23号文件发布后整个住房体制从以往的福利住房向住房市场转化的过程。通过重点讨论新住房体制的两个主要方面.住房金融与住房市场,本文试图揭示当前住房体制的不足之处,并为政府决策者提出进一步住房改革的政策建议。  相似文献   

The traditional mission of housing associations in England is to provide non-profit housing let at sub-market rents to low-income and disadvantaged households. And yet in recent years, large ‘property developer housing associations’ have begun to invest in for-profit private rental homes let at market rents. Despite long waiting lists for their accommodation, these housing associations are mainly letting their for-profit rental homes to middle-income tenants rather than their traditional low-income clientele. Drawing on a ‘historical institutional’ conceptual framework, and combining structural and ‘agency’ explanations, this paper explores the reasons for this new trend. It argues that investment by large developer housing associations in for-profit and more upmarket rental homes will become increasingly important relative to their non-profit social housing. Over time, this ‘partial recalibration’ of their landlord role is likely to gradually transform the institutional rules, everyday practices and norms that shape their behaviour.  相似文献   

In terms of welfare, development, and overall distributional impact, the study of whole sector housing development is more significant than attention to parts of a housing system. Housing policy development is increasingly taking the more comprehensive approach. The first phases of international housing policy, 1972-83, represented in sites and services (and related in situ slum upgrading) projects, could never become completely effective. These approaches had only fragmentary relationships to general land policies, to the development of housing finance systems, and to the broader economic, social and institutional conditions for enhancing the qualities and supplies of housing. In due time the theoretical and practical limitations became apparent and various international aid agencies, including the World Bank, adopted broader, more sophisticated thinking in housing, leading to a quest for whole sector housing development. But in the late 1990s, within managerial reforms in the World Bank, the specialist housing section was disbanded and the staff dispersed to other sections. This paper provides an historical explanation for the change, along with critical commentaries on the potential dilemmas with the modern, more comprehensive approaches. It is argued that policy and research agendas should be more evidently based upon understanding of the developmental dialectic between the economic, the social and the political. The developmental welfare of such a dialectic has authority and legitimacy from several Nobel prize winners in the 1990s. This paper reflects upon the relevance of their theoretical contributions.  相似文献   

Different housing models can be identified in Europe and elsewhere, which vary in terms of the relative emphasis placed on market or non-market provision. In market-dominant models, housing is strongly commodified and geared to those with the ability to pay, while social housing is relegated to a residual role. An examination of the position in Ireland in recent years shows that housing provision has been overwhelmingly via the market, which is underpinned by tenure-biased policies and state subsidies. This is reflected in the erosion of social-housing production to low levels and the failure to provide for the housing needs of a whole range of social groups. This model has generated a number of problems, including an escalation in house prices and rents, and inequalities. While for some, the Irish housing system is an engine for wealth generation, others face increasing affordability problems in accessing housing or are excluded from housing altogether.  相似文献   

上海市住房保障体系建设概述   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
李东 《时代建筑》2011,(4):16-19
目前,上海已基本构建起廉租住房、经济适用住房、公共租赁住房、动迁安置住房"四位一体"的住房保障体系。廉租住房、经济适用住房分别解决城镇户籍低收入和中低收入家庭的住房困难;公共租赁住房主要解决城镇户籍青年职工、来沪务工人员和引进人才等常住人口的阶段性居住困难;动迁安置住房主要解决城市改造区域动迁居民的住房改善问题。各项基本制度和配套政策已在推行实施,并将不断优化完善。"十二五"规划期间,上海居民的住房困难将得到明显改善。  相似文献   

This paper examines the role of personal housing loans in advancing homeownership in urban China. The focus is on the Housing Provident Fund (HPF) and commercial bank mortgage loans. National data show that the use of HPF loans and bank loans has only become more common since 1998, but their share of the total expenditure on home purchase remains relatively small. Data derived from household surveys conducted in Guangzhou in 2001 and 2005 show that personal savings and parental contributions are the most important sources of home finance. The affordability of housing is closely tied to personal savings. To date, access to mortgage finance has played a relatively minor role in China's drive towards homeownership.  相似文献   

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