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小汽车交通与城市空间发展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
城市交通系统的发展有助于塑造城市形态,改变城市的空间结构。城市主导地位的交通方式决定着城市形态与城市空间结构的发展演化。西方发达国家小汽车交通的发展及对城市空间的影响趋于稳定状态,小汽车交通与城市空间发展相对匹配。中国从20世纪90年代开始城市小汽车交通的大规模发展,对城市空间形态和城市结构造成巨大影响,这种影响将在未来较长一段时期内体现在城市空间发展方面,对城市规划和交通规划提出了新的挑战。  相似文献   

文章对国外发达国家碳达峰时间、规律及前人研究进行了梳理,总结了周转量法、保有量法计算城市交通碳排放方式,研究了近几年昆明城市交通碳排放的现状及增长趋势。结果表明,私家车的高速增长是昆明市城市交通碳排放持续上升最重要的因素。在城市经济快速增长和小汽车无限制发展的背景下,昆明市城市交通在未来一段时间很难达到碳排放峰值。要实现城市交通碳达峰,亟需调整产业结构和控制小汽车发展,使交通能源低碳化,大力发展新能源和绿色交通。  相似文献   

交通方式在武汉市城镇空间发展演变过程中发挥着重要作用。本文从公共交通、小汽车交通、慢行交通以等方面,分析了交通方式与新型城镇化空间之间的关系,希望能以合理的交通方式引导新型城镇化空间格局的形成。  相似文献   

罗勇刚  常星 《城市建筑》2014,(30):30-30
交通方式在武汉市城镇空间发展演变过程中发挥着重要作用。本文从公共交通、小汽车交通、慢行交通以等方面,分析了交通方式与新型城镇化空间之间的关系,希望能以合理的交通方式引导新型城镇化空间格局的形成。  相似文献   

石飞  周江评 《室内设计》2015,(1):125-129
政府和社会在城市交通发展中的导向性非常重要。文章从补贴这一独特的视角出发,试图论证当前政府对不同交通方式的补贴差异。从运营环节和基础设施建设两个角度,分别测算和对比对公交和小汽车的补贴,最后得出结论:目前全社会对小汽车的补贴远高于公交,与公交导向的城市交通发展方向相悖,并使市民的出行方式更偏向小汽车。最后,指出需去福利化和形成市场主导的停车建设和收费机制,并用补贴和税费的"正负效应"促使形成公交导向的城市交通发展模式。  相似文献   

绿色交通发展是低碳生态城市建设的重要组成部分,其目标是构建绿色交通方式为主导的城市综合交通体系,引导形成绿色交通方式导向的土地利用模式。从绿色交通与城市、绿色交通与小汽车交通的相互关系等角度提出了绿色交通规划三个关键问题,即绿色交通系统模式的制定、绿色交通与土地利用之间的协调、绿色交通体系中人、车、路关系的协调。在此基础上,以中新生态科技岛为例,对绿色交通规划的几个关键问题进行了应用和探索。  相似文献   

《美国TOD的经验、挑战和展望》评介   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
城市的空间形态、土地利用与交通方式之间的相互关系是城市规划研究的重要内容之一,选择合理的城市形态和与之相匹配的交通体系是城市发展中必须面对的核心问题之一。在美国,自1960年代通过联邦支助公路建设法案.小汽车逐渐成为城市的主要交通工具。小汽车极大地提升人们的机动性,同时也极大地改变了城市空间形态与土地利用方式,  相似文献   

文章评述了荷兰的城市形态发展政策对居民出行行为的影响。荷兰的城市形态发展政策包括4个部分:1970年代至1980年代的空间集聚政策,1980年代和1990年代严格的城市集约发展的空间政策,A-B-C定位政策和零售业的空间分布政策。使用1998年荷兰国家交通调查的数据,文章分析了以下问题:空间规划是否有效减少了私人小汽车的使用,同时鼓励了公共交通、自行车和步行的交通方式?空间规划是否导致了更短的出行距离和出行时间?分析结果表明,国家的空间规划非常有效地保持了大城市和中等城市内自行车和步行交通方式的比重,尤其在购物出行中自行车和步行的比重。但是在缩短出行时间方面,空间规划就没有这么成功了。最近,新城的建设和城市周边绿地的发展并没有减少居民出行时间。文章也对其他通过土地利用控制来鼓励公共交通、自行车和步行交通方式的措施进行了讨论。作者建议废除目前空间规划控制中的一些政策,以便减少小汽车的使用和出行时间。  相似文献   

从供需关系、成本效益等经济学的基本原理对优化城市交通结构提出了一些建议,并重点阐述了如何采取措施发展公共交通,优化资源配置,分析了公共交通、小汽车交通、自行车交通3种主要交通出行方式及它们之间的关系。  相似文献   

9月22日是我国第9个无车日,2015年中国城市无车日活动的主题是“绿色交通——选择·改变·融合”.今年的无车日不仅仅是倡导“无车”,还通过丰富多样的活动,倡导市民放弃自驾车,选择公共交通或者自行车绿色出行. “小汽车化”机动车交通显弊端 长期以来,我国城市交通在政策制定、设施规划建设方面普遍存在重视以小汽车为代表的机动车交通,忽视步行与非机动车交通等其他交通方式,忽视不同交通方式之间衔接转换的问题.随着“小汽车化”进程加快,路内停车、机动车道拓宽、市政公用设施布置等严重侵占了步行与自行车通行空间,对约占50%出行人群的安全性和舒适性产生了影响.  相似文献   

Cash flow management is a significant issue in the management of a building or construction firm. This paper steps back from the well researched area of poor cash management and its relationship with failure, to focus on the funds which are generated through operations, and the positive benefits which can follow in a well managed organization. A stochastic model is developed which illustrates how an average of 16% of turnover can be available for reinvestment. This is sufficient to allow investment in non-liquid assets, provided that this is managed carefully and precautions are taken against a severe reduction in turnover. This level of funds is sufficient to encourage firms to enter the industry with the motivation of generating funds, rather than a desire to build. This has implications for large clients and for government when dealing with the industry.  相似文献   

Sustainable water management is a worldwide challenge for the twenty-first century. It involves replacing traditional management approaches with a new concept, often referred to as sustainable urban water management (SUWM). This paradigm shift means that SUWM systems must include new services, some of which have already emerged. However, no publications have presented the expected SUWM system in terms of the full range of services it would need to include, and no publications have proposed a method for identifying the services the system must provide. This paper proposes a method for identifying these services and presents a generic petal diagram to represent the service functions of the SUWM system. Moreover, this paper presents a new method for defining these services in a specific territory. This method is based on the confrontation between a general representation and the objectives of the stakeholders in a given system in a given territory. The method is illustrated with a full-scale case study on the Doua eco-campus (Lyon University). This method is intended to aid practitioners to manage its system and to transition to SUWM. It is designed to improve the transparency of decision formulation and to involve stakeholders in the process.  相似文献   

Rehan R  Knight MA  Haas CT  Unger AJ 《Water research》2011,45(16):4737-4750
Recently enacted regulations in Canada and elsewhere require water utilities to be financially self-sustaining over the long-term. This implies full cost recovery for providing water and wastewater services to users. This study proposes a new approach to help water utilities plan to meet the requirements of the new regulations. A causal loop diagram is developed for a financially self-sustaining water utility which frames water and wastewater network management as a complex system with multiple interconnections and feedback loops. The novel System Dynamics approach is used to develop a demonstration model for water and wastewater network management. This is the first known application of System Dynamics to water and wastewater network management. The network simulated is that of a typical Canadian water utility that has under invested in maintenance. Model results show that with no proactive rehabilitation strategy the utility will need to substantially increase its user fees to achieve financial sustainability. This increase is further exacerbated when price elasticity of water demand is considered. When the utility pursues proactive rehabilitation, financial sustainability is achieved with lower user fees. Having demonstrated the significance of feedback loops for financial management of water and wastewater networks, the paper makes the case for a more complete utility model that considers the complexity of the system by incorporating all feedback loops.  相似文献   

挤扩支盘桩桩周土抗拔受力性能研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
以国家奥林匹克公园地铁某支线站3根试桩的单桩竖向抗拔静载试验为依据,运用有限元理论对桩支盘附近土体进行了分析,研究了桩周土受力过程应力-应变的变化,从而为挤扩支盘桩设计提供参考.  相似文献   

本文介绍用TP—801单板机控制可控硅的控温系统。通常采用PID算式进行控制,需要整定积分、微分、比例系数,使调试、操作很不方便,而本系统采用简化的扩充临界比例度法,在控制过程中只整定比例系数一个参数。另外采用数字触发,使系统成本降低,同时提高了系统的工作可靠性。本系统具有控制精度较高,升温和降温的线性度好,操作十分方便等优点。  相似文献   

张涵 《时代建筑》2003,(6):83-85
这是一个造家的故事,同样也是一次职业建筑师遭遇业余施工队的试验,这里围合出一片清冥之境,散落着生活的情节,更收藏着住居者的情怀。或者说,这只是一个开始,期待着一个可期待的方向。  相似文献   

Bioscrypt第一个推出了全球突破性的三维人脸生物识别技术和产品,在业界创造了领导地位。由于人的脸部不是平坦的,所以三维人脸识别技术的算法比二维(平面)的算法有更高的精确度,远远领先其他的人脸识别产品,三维人脸识别技术适用于安全度要求高的门禁控制、边境管制、电子护照和签证等身份验证。  相似文献   

《Urban Water Journal》2013,10(8):631-640
This article describes a general method to assess discharge-water depth relationships for combined sewer overflow (CSO) chambers. This method is particularly suitable for: complex geometries, unavailable univoc relationship between upstream and downstream flow and complex downstream hydraulic conditions. The methodology presented in this article is based on computational fluid dynamics. Its aim is to propose a relationship between the water depths in the CSO chamber and the overflow discharge. This study focuses on the evaluation and integration of the uncertainties in the determination of the most suitable depth-overflow relationship. Uncertainties related to numerical model, boundary conditions and water depth have been taken into account in order to elaborate water depth-overflow rate relationship. This approach is illustrated through the example of the ‘Milan’ CSO of Mulhouse city, France.  相似文献   

This is the second part of a two-part paper in which the author has endeavored to present all available information on compartment fires in a consistent theoretical framework. This well-documented review of the state of the art should serve as a valuable reference for researchers for some time to come. Note: This paper is a contribution from the Division of Building Research, National Research Council of Canada and is published with the approval of the Director of the Division.  相似文献   

抗震支吊架的应用与施工技术   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
何继东  江海  踪创新 《建筑技术》2010,41(6):533-535
我国属地震多发国家,广州国际体育演艺中心工程中采用由锚固体、加固吊杆、斜撑与抗震连接构件组成的抗震支吊架,该支架系统是一种牢固连接于已做抗震设计的结构体的管路等、并以地震力为主要荷载的支撑系统,可在地震中给予各机电系统提供充分的保护。  相似文献   

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