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鉴于海底软黏土强度测试困难和精度不足的现状,研发了一种适用于低强度、高含水率土体强度测试的新型全流动贯入仪,并进行了有效性校验。在此基础上,针对南海北部陆坡区典型软黏土,开展了多组原状试样的全流动强度试验,分析了试验中初始阻力系数N与重塑阻力系数N_(rem)的取值范围,给出了软黏土扰动前后不排水剪切强度沿深度的分布特征及变化趋势,并结合微观孔隙面积比和宏观构造灵敏度,探究了研究区土体的强结构特征。最后,基于重塑不排水剪切强度与含水率/液限间的关联性分析,提出了适用于研究区土体的不排水剪切强度归一化模型,为南海北部陆坡区海底能源开发、海洋工程基础设计与地质灾害预测提供参考。  相似文献   

利用广州南沙某大型地基处理工程勘察资料及单桥静力触探、十字板剪切等测试数据进行分析研究,建立了适用于淤泥地基的单桥静力触探与十字板剪切参数间的经验关系并给出适用条件,其中比贯入阻力Ps和剪切强度Cu间呈线性关系,Ps与灵敏度系数St呈幂函数关系,后一关系适用于不排水抗剪强度区间为0~20k Pa,以及比贯入阻力区间为50~360k Pa的淤泥土层。此外,本文还导出了淤泥地基Ps-St半理论公式并与实测数据、经验关系进行了比较,结果表明其具有较好的适用性。本文工作对淤泥地基的常用原位实测力学参数及相互关系具有一定参考价值及借鉴性。  相似文献   

随着海上大型项目的不断发展,传统水下静力触探技术难以满足工程需要,全流触探技术相较传统静力触探具有获取参数更加准确、不用修正上覆土压力和节省时间的优点。采用自主研发的全流触探贯入仪,针对福州海相软土的强度特性进行了贯入试验和循环贯入试验,得到了原状土的贯入阻力和重塑土的贯入阻力。通过贯入阻力评价了原状土的不排水抗剪强度和重塑土的不排水强度,最后根据这两项指标计算出该区域软土的灵敏度,与原位十字板剪切试验得到的灵敏度非常吻合。研究发现:在计算不排水抗剪强度时,修正系数N不仅需要考虑土类,还应考虑土层厚度的影响。  相似文献   

随着中国港口工程建设与海洋资源开发的快速发展,遇到了许多涉及超软土的工程问题。对这类具有一定流动性的超软土,常规土工测试方法难以有效地测量其强度。引入流体测试中的流变仪,开展了多组超软土试样的强度和流变特性试验研究,在对试验结果深入分析的基础上,系统探讨了转子尺寸、剪切速率增量和转子轴杆摩阻力对测试结果的影响,提出了一种使用流变仪进行超软土强度测试的有效方法。通过与前人测试结果进行对比分析,验证了该仪器和测试方法的可靠性,从而为超软土不排水剪切强度的有效测量提供了新的途径。  相似文献   

为研究剪切应变速率对高含水量淤泥土力学性状的影响,运用SPAX-2000真三轴测试系统进行了不同周围压力和不同应变速率的固结不排水剪切试验,分析了淤泥土不排水抗剪强度和孔隙水压力随应变速率的变化规律。试验结果表明,高含水量淤泥具有“应变速率软化”现象。在剪切过程中(应变速率为10-6/s~10-2/s),淤泥土不排水抗剪强度随剪切应变速率增长而增长,符合指数变化规律;根据试验数据,建立了经验方程式,并求得其应变速率参数ηe1为0.130 5,ηe2为0.131 9;当变率增长10倍时,淤泥土的不排水抗剪强度增长率为13.12%。不同于强结构性黏土,淤泥土的强度随剪切应变速率呈渐进性变化,未出现明显临界速率转折点。在加载初期,孔隙水压力增长和最大孔隙水压力受应变速率影响较明显;在试验过程中,孔隙水压力变化具有一定波动性和滞后性。  相似文献   

水平排水板(prefabricated horizontal drain,PHD)联合真空预压是处理疏浚淤泥的有效手段,在浅层专用对堆置场的应用中具有很大优势。通过2个室内模型对照试验,研究了竖向排水板(prefabricated vertical drain,PVD)和水平排水板联合真空预压处理高含水率疏浚淤泥的差异性。研究主要分析了真空荷载下PVD和PHD的排水特点、试验中模型土体的沉降和板材变形情况以及试验结束时的土样含水率等结果,试验表明使用水平排水板处理疏浚淤泥可有效避免板材的弯折问题,且试验过程中土体变形非常均匀;随着固结过程水平排水板上下土层厚度不断减少,缩短了排水路径,PHD固结模型试验的整体排水速率高于PVD固结;380 h真空固结以后,水平排水板处理的疏浚淤泥含水率从360%降为150%相较于PVD固结低30%~40%。最后,针对模型试验和现场工程实际之间可能的差异性,对试验结果进行了详细讨论,以期可以为更大尺寸的模型、现场试验提供指导。  相似文献   

球形全流动触探仪在软弱土体中具有测试数据稳定且无须修正的特点,因而在近海工程中有着较好的适用性。对球形探头贯入阻力及确定土体不排水剪切强度的方法进行介绍,并讨论了贯入阻力系数取值范围。在此基础上,通过开展离心模型试验,分析比较球形全流动触探和传统锥形静力触探的贯入阻力,以及确定的软土不排水剪切强度。研究结果表明,利用孔压修正后的锥形探头较球形全流动触探探头的贯入阻力大;而基于球形触探结果确定的软土不排水剪切强度值较传统静探方法确定的更为稳定,且与K_0固结条件下强度值较为接近。本研究将为球形全流动触探仪在近海工程中的应用提供依据。  相似文献   

结合广州南沙泰山石化成品油库区大面积深厚淤泥软土地基加固处理工程,探讨动力排水固结法处理高含水率、大孔隙比淤泥地基的基本原理、设计参数和施工工艺.对不同区域的孔隙水压力、土压力、分层沉降进行监测,利用标准贯入试验、十字板剪切试验、静力触探试验和载荷试验等原位测试手段对施工过程和加固效果进行检测.根据现场试验数据,分析动荷载作用下淤泥质土的孔隙水压力、土压力和土体沉降的发展规律.测试结果表明:土压力变化、土体沉降与孔隙水压力的变化具有很好的相关性,随着孔隙水压力的消散,土的抗剪强度不断提高,工后沉降大大降低,土体达到超固结状态.研究表明,"动静结合,先轻后重,逐级加能,少击多遍,逐层加固"的施工工艺,结合空间网状排水体系(由水平排水体+竖向塑料排水板+土体微裂隙排水系统组成),对处理大面积深厚淤泥质软土地基加固效果明显,土体的物理力学性能大大改善,各项指标均能达到或超过设计要求,该法在地基处理工程中具有良好的应用前景.  相似文献   

利用平板载荷试验、双桥静力触探试验、十字板剪切试验和标准贯入试验等原位测试结果,结合监测资料,对采用"排水板+高真空击密法"的某软基处理工程效果进行分析研究。研究结果表明,该软基处理工程效果明显,土体强度得到显著提高。  相似文献   

高含水率疏浚淤泥透气真空防淤堵模型   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
透气真空技术解决了传统真空处理高含水率疏浚淤泥存在的淤堵问题,但其防淤堵控制尚缺乏有效分析方法.利用Ruth滤水理论建立了高含水率疏浚淤泥径向排水模型,采用透气真空抽水模型的试验结果验证了模型的有效性.同时,明确了反映淤泥排水层滤水性能的径向平均比阻arav在抽水过程中的变化规律:传统真空抽水形成的淤泥排水层有一个被压密的过程,孔隙结构不稳定,排水管道易发生淤堵;而采用透气真空抽水可以使淤泥排水层形成相对稳定的孔隙结构,有效地防止淤堵现象的发生.  相似文献   

秦皇岛滨海饱和软土的试验研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为保持饱和软土的天然结构特征,野外采用开挖探井,环刀取土的方法获得了大量Ⅰ级土试样,并在室内进行有关饱和软土的物理力学性质试验。结果表明:秦皇岛滨海饱和软土的天然含水量介于37%~44%,土性属淤泥质粉质粘土。基于浅层平板载荷试验、静力触探试验以及十字板剪切试验,对饱和软土的天然抗剪强度、灵敏度、承载力进行了试验研究。建立了十字板抗剪强度和试验深度、静力触探比贯入阻力的经验公式,为工程应用提供了便利条件。秦皇岛滨海饱和软土的天然不排水抗剪强度平均值为27kPa,灵敏度为2.4~12.5,具有中高灵敏性。其地基强度的使用应综合考虑建筑物的加载速率、地基容许变形等多种因素。  相似文献   

《Soils and Foundations》2009,49(1):11-23
The evaluation of undrained shear strength of soils is necessary in determining the possibility of occurrence of flow deformation during earthquakes. The present study is aimed at examining the evaluation of undrained shear strength of silty sands from field with Swedish weight sounding tests and cone penetration tests. Based on the outcome of the previous studies on laboratory triaxial tests, the undrained shear strength ratio is defined as the undrained shear strength divided by the initial effective major principal stress. The undrained shear strength ratio is then formulated with respect to the relative density. The penetration resistances of Swedish weight sounding and cone penetration tests are then formulated with respect to the effective overburden stress and relative density, based on laboratory calibration chamber tests. By combining these formulations, the correlations of the undrained shear strength with Swedish penetration resistance and cone tip resistance are established. The range of values of penetration resistances indicative of soil layers susceptible to flow deformation is discussed. The correlations of the undrained shear strength with field penetration resistances thus derived are then examined from case history studies. Two case history studies are carried out with Swedish weight sounding tests at the sites of flow failures induced during the recent earthquakes. A series of case history studies are reexamined, which were carried out with Dutch cone penetration tests in the past studies.  相似文献   

《Soils and Foundations》2004,44(2):127-138
A case study is presented of an application of the cone penetration test for construction control of a seawall construction on soft ground improved by sand drain. Effective construction control of such a soil structure requires a systematic way to collect accurate information about the progress of consolidation and gain in soil strength. An empirical correlation is proposed concerning cone resistance measured by a cone penetration test and the undrained shear strength of the ground. The relationship between cone resistance and the undrained shear strength is not affected by the state of consolidation of the ground. Based on the empirical correlation found in this study, gain in undrained shear strength during construction can be accurately evaluated by the cone penetration test. This paper also demonstrates the usefulness of cone penetration test to monitor the degree of consolidation of the improved ground. Also estimated by the cone penetration test are aging effect, classification of clay layer and strength increment ratio in normally consolidated state. Aspects geotechnical behavior of the ground are discussed such as the process of strength increment, aging effect, sequence of various shear tests to examine change in strength and considerations on shear strength of improved ground after deformation. The results of this study clearly show that the cone penetration test is a very useful investigation method and has high applicability for construction control.  相似文献   

利用人工神经网络模型,建立基于孔压静力触探(CPTu)现场测试数据的黏性土不排水抗剪强度的预测方法。为建立和验证人工神经网络模型,在3个场地开展CPTu和十字板剪切现场测试,共取得33个测孔的CPTu试验数据和相对应的不排水抗剪强度实测值。通过对比分析不同输入向量、不同网络隐层数、不同神经元数及不同改进算法对人工神经网络模型性能的影响,确定人工神经网络模型的具体形式。通过对训练组数据开展机器学习,所建立的人工神经网络模型能够有效地基于CPTu获得的端阻力和孔隙水压力现场测试数据对黏土不排水抗剪强度进行预测,预测结果与十字板剪切试验实测结果非常接近。与传统用于估算不排水强度的经验关系相比,采用人工神经网络模型预测结果与实测结果相关性显著提高、误差明显降低。  相似文献   

《Soils and Foundations》2021,61(5):1453-1463
This study investigates the effect of initial water content on the pore pressure response and undrained shear behavior of K0 consolidated reconstituted clay. A series of K0 consolidated undrained triaxial compression tests were conducted on reconstituted Lianyungang clay. Results were compared to those obtained by isotropic consolidated undrained triaxial tests. The testing results showed that the K0 consolidated undrained strength envelope of reconstituted soil content is a straight line passing through the origin regardless of the initial water content. The initial water content would affect the undrained strength of K0 consolidated clay as decreased normalized undrained shear strength was observed with clay at higher initial water content. The slope C of normalized pore pressure and stress ratio is affected by the consolidation method, where C is found to be a soil constant for K0 consolidated clay and the value would be higher with clay under K0 consolidation. The pore pressure increases with increasing initial water content at a certain axial strain under given consolidation pressure, and the difference in excess pore pressure increases with the increasing consolidation pressure. Pore pressure coefficient at failure (Af) increases as the initial water content increases, where a trendline can be well fitted between the pore coefficient at failure and the ratio of initial water content to the liquid limit of clay. The undrained strength indexes, i.e., effective cohesion and effective internal friction angle have decreasing tendency with increasing initial water content; however, changes in the total strength indexes of soil in this study are insignificant with varying initial water content.  相似文献   

K0固结粘土的不排水剪强度具有应力诱发各向异性的性质,本文将在各向异性土的本构关系基础上得到的不排水剪强度应用到滑移线场理论中,出得了K0固结粘土地基的极限承载力理论解。通过对不同试验情况下的极限承载力系数及其与K0或有效内摩擦角的系统进行分析,得出了一些有益的结果。通过对不排水剪强度的各向异性修正系数进行分析表明,对于K0固结粘土。实践中通常使用的各向同性承载力系数5.14,如不修正是不适宜的。最后通过载荷试验和足尺试验对本文方法与常规方法进行比较,分析了两种方法的差异。  相似文献   

《Soils and Foundations》2009,49(5):729-738
T-bar and Ball penetration tests (TPT and BPT, respectively) were carried out at three sites consisting of soft clays. These penetration tests have several advantages over the conventional cone penetration test (CPT): much larger project area and no effects of overburden pressure for obtaining soil parameters such as undrained shear strength. Therefore, TPT and BPT are considered to be suitable in-situ tests for very soft ground. In this paper validity of the assumed mechanism of these cones are examined, using ball cones with different diameters of the ball. In addition, the cone factors for CPT, TPT and BPT are compared based on undrained shear strengths (su) measured from field vane and direct shear tests. Cyclic BPT was carried out to measure the sensitivity of soil layers. It is revealed that reduction in the tip resistance with the increase in the number of cyclic penetration can be correlated with the sensitivity measured by the field vane tests. Finally, the possibility of estimating the in-situ effective overburden pressure (σ′vo) is discussed for an artificial island filled by dredged clayey soil, where consolidation due to self weight of the filling is still continuing.  相似文献   

为研究初始条件和应力状态对重塑黏土固有不排水强度性状的影响,采用应力路径三轴仪对室内制备的温州黏土进行一系列不同固结路径下的三轴固结不排水剪切试验。通过室内试验研究探讨温州黏土不同固结路径下不同平均有效应力固结后三轴不排水剪切应力应变关系和不排水强度特性;引入不同平均有效应力p’下的孔隙指数Iv与不排水强度比R*su=Su/ p’,分析不同固结路径下不排水强度Su的变化规律,并与Chandler提出的固有强度线ISuL进行比较分析。结果表明:相同平均有效应力p’下,不同固结路径下不排水剪切强度Su和不排水强度比R*su=Su/ p’随固结路径的变化而变化;当不排水强度比Su/ p’=0.33时,孔隙指数Iv与固结不排水强度Su之间的关系与Chandler的固有强度线ISuL一致。  相似文献   

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