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香港公屋本质,公屋设计和居住实态   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
文章分析了香港在不同时期的公屋政策,公屋设计及居住实态。  相似文献   

Young people across many societies face growing problems in making the transition from the parental home to independent living. Rising house prices and the lack of affordable alternatives to home ownership is most commonly blamed. This paper explores these issues in relation to young people in Hong Kong. The paper argues that the housing question in Hong Kong has distinct local characteristics and cannot be disconnected from wider political and economic tensions. It also shows that the housing choices and views of young people are shaped by more than issues of cost and access. The paper draws on a unique data-set which explores the attitudes and expectations with regard to housing among young people in Hong Kong. Addressing the housing problem is widely regarded as a political priority and essential to maintain social cohesion. However, political imperatives and economic interests are pulling in different directions.  相似文献   

目前我国保障性住房面临着资金瓶颈问题,这是制约保障性住房供给的重要因素之一,借鉴房地产投资信托基金(REITs)有助于解决这一问题。文章借鉴中国香港、美国和新加坡等国家的REITs 运作经验,探讨了在我国保障性住房建设中运用REITs 的可能性和条件,以及运作模式。在此基础上分析了在我国金融和房地产市场现状下发展保障性住房REITs 存在的问题,提出了相应的对策。  相似文献   

This paper offers an analysis of the housing impact of the recent financial crisis in an East Asian context, specifically Hong Kong. In doing so, the paper argues that much of the current political economy analysis in this area has been overly focused on mortgage securitization as the centrepiece of liberal housing finance systems. The paper also shows that an understanding of the limited development of mortgage securitization in Hong Kong lies in the embedded actions of institutional agents. The paper seeks to contribute to ongoing policy debates about the differential impact of the financial crisis on housing markets and to broader theoretical conceptions of ‘residential capitalisms’. In relation to the latter, the aim is to strengthen the East Asian dimension of these discussions and to reinforce arguments regarding the importance of the embedded actions of agents in shaping housing finance systems.  相似文献   

Public housing (PH) has existed in Hong Kong for six decades. Previous and current challenges that have been encountered over time function as a collective driver for design progression. However, such challenges have remained under research to be able to draw useful lessons from them. To understand how this established motif can suit the sustainability-consciousera, this study uses Hong Kong as a representative case for sub-tropical compact cities by critiquing its PH design against multiple constraints. The objective of this study is to trace the historical relationships between challenges and design progress as well as to assess current and future implications of sustainability trends on PH design. By synthesizing data from literature, policy documents, and empirical evidence, this research develops an evolution map for PH design in Hong Kong that is driven by seven major challenges. Based on this map, a conceptual framework for intersecting considerations that envisages five main future prospects toward future PH design is also established.  相似文献   

混合式住区对中国大都市住房建设的启示   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
鉴于中国大都市中日益显著的居住隔离现象,对于住房选择的干预越来越依赖市场,而现有住房政策、土地政策和城市规划忽视了住房和社区的社会意义,应当在住房发展中让不同收入阶层、不同类型家庭在社区和邻里层面混合居住,享有同等的社会资源,使社会各阶层在城市空间层面上处于相对平衡的状态,减轻由于居住空间分异所引发的社会问题。这一理想的实现必须依靠适度正确的制度干预。通过介绍美国、香港等国家和城市混合式住区发展的经验,引发更多从政策和实践等各个层面对中国大都市住房建设的探索。  相似文献   

亓萌 《新建筑》1999,(5):8-10
香港的土地与房产价格高居世界前茅,私人开发商的住房租金和售价远远超出普通市民的经济承受能力,香港政府通过向市民提供多元化选择的方式,在解决中,低收入阶层的居住问题上取得了不错的成绩,为内地进行大规模住宅建设及实践住宅市场的商品化提供了借鉴。  相似文献   

For a long period of time, immigrants have played an important role in the development of Hong Kong. With an influx of over 50,000 immigrants from mainland China on a yearly basis, this is truer than ever in Hong Kong. The behavior of these immigrants is a worthwhile topic for researcher. This study focuses on various aspects of housing, ranging from the tenure choices and housing conditions to the residential mobility of new Chinese immigrants in Hong Kong. Thus far, the literature has rarely explored situations that arise when immigrants have the same racial background as the people in the host cities. This research is intended to fill this gap in knowledge. Our findings reveal that Chinese immigrant households tend to start off overwhelmingly as private renters in the housing market. They also tend to live in inferior housing. However, as the duration of their residence in Hong Kong lengthens, the types of tenure become more diverse and the quality of their housing improves, indicating an upward mobility in terms of housing conditions.  相似文献   

Yung Yau 《Housing Studies》2011,26(5):701-722
In 2003, the Housing Department launched a marking scheme which aimed to improve environmental hygiene in public housing estates in Hong Kong. Although the scheme can potentially stop anti-social behaviour and other misconduct in public housing estates, the choice of public housing tenants as the sole target of control has not been clearly explained. Therefore, this study attempts to justify this administration-driven marking scheme. It appears that welfare conditionality cannot fully justify the scheme because public housing tenants are not the only recipients of housing welfare in Hong Kong. In addition, discriminating between public housing tenants and the most deprived is not defensible. More importantly, not all the offences prescribed in the marking scheme are socially undesirable. However, the substance of the scheme seems to match the ideologies of Chinese legalism quite well, and the scheme appears to be an initiative by the Hong Kong Housing Authority to strengthen its sovereignty over public housing resources in the city.  相似文献   

文章在香港旧型公共房屋重建的背景下,从房委会和居民的角度探讨重建过程中存在的问题,诸如接收屋村问题、租金问题、政府与居民信息互递问题、老人问题等,并分析其成因,最后提出了一些针对性建议。  相似文献   

通过分析香港公屋重建计划的一个具体案例牛头角上郝,带来一些启示:通过设计前期的社会参与,设计过程的新技术介入,运行中的社会资源利用,来实现保障性住区的社会、环境和经济的可持续发展。  相似文献   

Collaborative planning efforts to address complex problems such as affordable housing and climate change traditionally manifest as government-led processes meant to gain legitimacy and engage with multiple types of expertise. These types of processes, however, can leave nonprofit actors constrained by the policy priorities of government-led collaborations due to their ability to reproduce existing power relations. Using a qualitative case-study approach of affordable housing preservation networks in Chicago, Washington, DC, and Denver, we argue that preservation of affordable housing can benefit from what we call radical collaboration. We define radical collaboration as an animated network of actors working towards a shared frame of collective action. It is an approach, often led by community-oriented non-governmental organizations, that seeks to transform the ways disadvantaged groups access the city. Actors in the collaboration bring diverse resources that include funding, data, regulatory power, and portfolio-wide information to solve building-level and broader policy challenges.  相似文献   

Public housing has been an important element in the welfare state and a substantial literature has analysed its origins and growth in different places. However, as it has matured and been redefined by privatisation and regeneration, debates have changed and increasingly been concerned with residualisation and decline. This paper outlines considerations affecting comparative analysis of public housing and presents new material related to explanations for the resilience of public housing in Hong Kong.  相似文献   

Although many studies have found that unemployment has a negative effect on housing prices, the explanation put forward for this effect, that is, uncertainty over the ability to repay long-term mortgage loans, has not been empirically tested. This paper attempts to empirically test this explanation using a cross-city analysis. Singapore and Hong Kong have been chosen because they are both compact cities and are similar in many aspects. The exception is that Singapore has an established system of home financing from the Central Provident Fund, thereby enhancing greater certainty over the ability to repay long-term mortgage loans. Macro-economic factors, including unemployment rate, were analysed from 1993Q1 to 2003Q4 for Singapore and from 1985Q1 to 2000Q4 for Hong Kong. The results show that, unlike Hong Kong, Singapore's rate of unemployment has no statistical significant effect on housing prices. This study has confirmed the financial constraints hypothesis in the permanent income hypothesis study.  相似文献   

近年来香港公屋的演变和发展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文在简要叙述香港公屋的发展历程,介绍公屋发展的背景,政策和演变轨迹之后,详细论述了1980年以来,特别是近几年香港公屋的最新发展,以和谐式及康和式等公 重点,从公屋政策、住宅形态、设计思想等方面进行了探讨。并在文章的最后提出香港公屋发展对中国住宅的启示 。  相似文献   

基于创新和完善保障性住房建设监管体系的视角,针对十一五期间保障性住房建设中存在的问题,深入分析和总结香港的成功做法和经验,提出我国内地加强保障性住房建设监管的措施。  相似文献   

上海与香港住房供应体系的比较研究   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
刘云  宁奇峰  陈伟 《华中建筑》2002,20(1):28-30
香港政府通过双轨制住房供应体系成功解决了广大市民的住房问题,上海与香港的住房供应体系有许多相近的地方,通过比较研究可以更深入地了解上海住房发展中存在的问题。在对两地相关政策与住房供应体系的比较后得出如下结论:上海的住房供应体系存在发展的不均衡现象,主要表现在针对中低收入阶层的住房供应体系中存在严重缺陷,政府在制定住房政策时过分强调了市场的作用,忽视了由此产生的不利影响。对出现的这些问题,通过分析并借鉴香港的经验提出相关的对策:大力发展政府保障性住房供应、继续规范住房市场、发挥多元化的住房供应体系的综合性作用等。  相似文献   

石克辉  温雯 《世界建筑》2014,(6):120-123
我国保障性住房建设尚处于探索阶段,建设过程中遇到的许多问题亟待解决;香港公屋经过了60多年的探索发展,取得了辉煌的成就。本文从政策、管理和设计等3方面加以分析,探讨其对内地保障性住房建设的启示。  相似文献   

发展公共租赁房,为城镇中低收入家庭、新就业职工以及外来务工人员等“夹心层”住房困难群体提供基本住房保障,对完善我国住房保障体系,实现住有所居目标、扩大内需和促进经济平稳发展具有重大意义。该文借鉴美国、英国、日本、香港等发达国家或地区公共租赁房的租金管理经验,对比分析当前我国公共租赁房租金管理方面的做法及存在的问题,提出完善我国公共租赁房租金管理的合理建议。  相似文献   

公共住宅:香港和新加坡的政策性差异透视   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
吴晓  张靖 《城市规划》2002,26(3):44-48
通过公共住宅 (公屋 )政策的制定和实施 ,香港和新加坡已经较为成功地解决了本地区的城市住宅 (尤其是低收入阶层的居住 )问题。从目标定位、发展演化、成功要素、计划内容等方面入手 ,对两者之间的政策性差异进行重点的分析。以作为发展中国家探讨城市问题的一种参照。  相似文献   

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