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从传统民居建筑形成的规律探索民居研究的方法   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
民居研究要获得成果,一是目标要明确,二是研究观念和方法要对头。论文论述了我国传统民居建筑形成的规律及其特点,并根据作者长期以来对传统民居的研究,提出了人文、方言、自然条件相结合的研究方法。再深入到民系民居的居住方式、居住行为和居住模式的研究,已有了一定的深度、广度。特别是传统建筑中地方特色和地方风格来自地方建筑,其中重要建筑类型是民居建筑,如民宅、祠堂、会馆、书院、庭园等。因之,深入到民系民居建筑中去找寻,能为今天新建筑的创作提供借鉴。  相似文献   

施维琳 《华中建筑》1998,16(4):118-119
文章通过对傣族现阶段传统民居的调查结果进行比较,分析出新民居中的居住文化变迁现象,同时也指出新民居在发展过程中仍然保留着适合傣族居住文化的传统特色。  相似文献   

中国民居研究现状   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
中国地大物博,人口众多,又是一个多民族的国家。长期以来,广大先民在这块广阔的土地卜.在向大自然的斗争中,通过不断的实践和经验的积累,创造了为满足人类生活和生产需要的各类建筑物,其中居住建筑——称为民居,或称传统民居,就是最基本的建筑类型之一。中国南北气候悬殊,山丘河海地理条件各不相同,材料资源又有很大差别,加上各民族不同的风俗习惯、生活方式和审美要求,导致了我国民居建筑具有鲜明的民族特色和丰富的地方特性。传统民居大量存在于民间,它与人民生活息息相关。各地各族人民根据自己生活习俗、生产需要。经济能…  相似文献   

概括传统民居在选址、室外环境、建筑形式与布局、构造和材料选择方面的生态技术经验,结合实际住宅建筑案例,对现在居住建筑模式进行优化设计,探讨传统民居生态技术经验在现代居住建筑中运用的可行性。  相似文献   

浙南地区存在同宗族多家庭聚居的长屋式传统民居,各家庭按"榴"进行分配。文章运用建筑历史学、历史人类学研究方法,探究"榴"式居住模式的形成过程及原因,将传统"榴"式居住模式与现代民居的居住模式进行对比,发现"榴"式居住模式被沿用至今,并有所转译。  相似文献   

传统民居虽在许多方面已不适应现代生活,但其丰富 环境空间章法及文化内涵为现代居住环境的建筑文化提供许多 有益的启示,为传统民居的更新与发展现代居住建筑的设计寻 求创新的方法。  相似文献   

“一颗印”是昆明地区的传统民居建筑形式,是云南传统民居建筑的典范.从建筑环境心理学角度分析了“一颗印”作为住宅空间给人带来的心理体验和感受.在总结“一颗印”民居建筑在现代社会环境中处境的基础上,探讨了“一颗印”传统居住模式与现代昆明生活的适应性,以及“一颗印”式民居的保护继承问题和更新发展思路.  相似文献   

正住房和城乡建设部办公厅下发了《关于开展传统民居建造技术初步调查的通知》,要求各地组织开展传统民居建造技术调查,并将根据调查结果,整理中国传统民居分类谱系,编纂《中国传统民居建造技术实录》。通知指出,传统民居是我国各族人民在悠久的历史发展过程中创造并传承下来、具有地域或民族特色的居住建筑,因各地气候、地理环境、资源、文化等差异形成了丰富多彩的建筑形式,生动地反映了人与自然和谐共生的关系。传统民居建造技术是传统民居文化  相似文献   

住房和城乡建设部开展传统民居建造技术调查 近日,住房和城乡建设部办公厅下发了《关于开展传统民居建造技术初步调查的通知》,要求各地组织开展传统民居建造技术调查,并将根据调查结果,整理中国传统民居分类谱系,编纂《中国传统民居建造技术实录》。通知指出,传统民居是我国各族人民在悠久的历史发展过程中创造并传承下来,具有地域或民族特色的居住建筑。因各地气候、地理环境、资源、文化等差异形成了丰富多彩的建筑形式,生动地反映了人与自然和谐共生的关系。  相似文献   

文章把中国传统民居聚落及其背后的文化内涵作为研究的课题,将民居聚落提到文化的层面来认识,追溯民居聚落更为深层次上的意义。民居聚落是人类的庇护所和基本需要,它反映了一个区域的社会组织结构、哲思美学等多方面的内容,是各种文化基因的载体。  相似文献   

徐慧敏 《中外建筑》2014,(11):73-75
以香格里拉闪片藏居改造更新导则的制定为出发点,通过对传统"闪片房"的特征提取,结合实际调研论述传统民居的变化,找出适合以及不适合的变化细节应用于导则中对其实际操作进行控制引导。对导则进行细分,将传统民居的改造以及更新分别对待,从"传统"到"现代",从"过去"到"现在",归纳适用于"现代"气象的"传统"精义,结合当地环境文化等因素,找出契合的方式运用于民居改造更新中,由此总结民居改造更新导则的导则之"导"。  相似文献   

In this study, we performed a series of trials to measure the infiltration air exchange rate (ACH) of several single-family dwellings throughout Catalonia, as well as the ACH of sealed rooms that could be used as indoor shelters. A shelter is an indoor room where people can take protection in case of a toxic gas release, while the toxic cloud passes through the dwelling. Experimental measurements were made using the tracer gas decay technique with CO2 as the tracer gas in 2 periods—summer and winter—with the aim of characterizing air infiltration in Catalan dwellings. The geometric means obtained for the ACH of shelters and dwellings were 0.16 and 0.23 h−1, respectively, that is, lower than those reported for North American (0.56 h−1) and Greek (0.76 h−1) dwellings. In general, the ACH was lower for shelters than for dwellings, and the average reduction obtained in shelters with respect to dwellings was 35%. The largest reductions were obtained in old dwellings with small floor areas and few stories. As for meteorological conditions, we found that the ACH of dwellings was more closely linked to wind speed than indoor–outdoor temperature difference, while the ACH of shelters was more affected by indoor–outdoor temperature and temperature differences inside the dwelling, particularly in dwellings with 3 or more stories.  相似文献   

This paper develops a bottom-up model of space and water heating energy demand for new build dwellings in the Irish residential sector. This is used to assess the impacts of measures proposed in Ireland's National Energy Efficiency Action Plan (NEEAP). The impact of the housing construction boom, which resulted in 23% of occupied dwellings in 2008 having been built since 2002, and the subsequent bust, are also assessed. The model structure treats separately new dwellings added to the stock after 2007 and pre-existing occupied dwellings. The former is modelled as a set of archetype dwellings with energy end use affected by the relevant set of building regulations that apply during construction. Energy demand of existing dwellings is predicted by a simpler top down method based on historical energy use trends. The baseline scenario suggests residential energy demand will grow by 19% from 3206 ktoe in 2007 to 3810 ktoe in 2020. The results indicate that 2008 and 2010 building regulations will lead to energy savings of 305 ktoe (8.0%) in 2020. Had the 2008 building regulations been introduced in 2002, at the start of the boom, there would be additional savings of 238 ktoe (6.7%) in 2020.  相似文献   

This paper examines how Turkish households adjust their housing consumption to their needs by making a housing career. The study was conducted in three middle-sized municipalities in the central part of Sweden: Gävle, Västerås and Jönköping. The longitudinal analysis is based on specially processed census data, and is limited to the period 1975-90. The study focuses on the housing choice by Turkish immigrants put into the conceptual framework of the life course. The supply of dwellings and their accessibility as well as the households' resources as constraining factors are explicitly recognised. This study reports a strong impact of higher income and increased household size on the households' moves to larger dwellings, and, in some cases, a move from rented into owner-occupied dwellings. This is in accordance with results from earlier residential mobility studies. Therefore, it would be expected that Turks go through more or less the same housing career as indigenous households, in this case as Swedes, but this is not true. The study reports that Turkish immigrant households are less likely to move out of the municipal rented sector and have a higher probability of remaining in certain immigrant-dense areas of the municipality than indigenous Swedish households.  相似文献   

The occupancy level of dwellings is an important parameter to know to determine the energy efficiency, energy use and indoor air quality, especially in low-energy buildings where the user-related energy uses, such as household electricity and domestic hot water heating, are significant parts of the energy balance in a building. For residential buildings, there is a lack of occupancy level data, which also needs to be resolved over time, in a way so that both short term and long term variations can be described. As a part of an ongoing study, occupancy levels were measured as building average levels in 18 apartment buildings containing 342 apartments in total with readings every 30 min for more than a year. Averages and standard deviations of occupancy level, and variation in occupancy during the year, week and day respectively are presented. The results show a highly varying occupancy level over time, which indicates the potential of demand controlled ventilation in dwellings.  相似文献   

阿拉善地区是以蒙古族为主体的边疆多民族聚居区,其传统民居形式在漫长的发展演变中早已从传统的蒙古毡包发展成为固定式房屋,阿拉善地区传统民居之所以会演变成这样的形式,与周边地区民居形式对其的影响是分不开的。通过将阿拉善传统民居与周边民居形式对比分析,人们可以很清晰地看出阿拉善传统民居在布局理念、院落空间、建筑形式、细部作法和建筑材料等方面对周边地区民居形式进行了吸收与融合,展现了极大的包容性,同时也能发现阿拉善地区的传统民居在很多方面结合着自身的民族文化、生活习俗以及长期以来所处的生活环境进行的提升之处。  相似文献   

随着城市化进程的加快和环境资源问题的日益突出,如何建造现代可持续的居住建筑成为人们关注的焦点,与此同时,许多学者开始研究传统民居营造过程中所蕴含的生态建筑理念和经验。基于这样的背景,该文以豫东商丘地区清末至民国时期的传统民居为研究对象,在大量的实地调研和访谈的基础上,总结传统民居木作、砖瓦作的营造技术特点,分析传统民居营造过程中利用自然、适应自然的朴素技术和经验。在保护传统民居文化的同时,一方面,去粗取精,将技术和经验用于探索现代居住建筑的可持续发展;另一方面,通过这种方式传承和发展传统民居建筑文化。  相似文献   

应用象征类比设计法对闽南蔡氏古民居建筑中的吉祥文化进行多方面的深入探析。提出关注建筑地域文化特色,延续传统民居建筑的文化精髓,将传统民居建筑文化与现代设计观念相结合,是现代设计创作中所力求表达的重要思想。  相似文献   

In this study we estimate the air leakage distribution of single-family dwellings in Catalonia and use a statistical analysis of an airtightness database for single-family dwellings in France to identify the building characteristics that have the greatest influence on airtightness. The most significant variables are found to be the structure type, the floor area, the age of the building, the number of stories and the insulation type. A multiple linear regression technique is then applied to establish a predictive model for deriving an estimated value of airtightness from these characteristics. To estimate the infiltration airflow, a stochastic simulation of the building characteristics was performed per census tract using real data on the distributions of building variables taken from the census information. The model is then applied to determine the power law coefficient and the airtightness distribution. The predicted flow coefficients are combined with the AIM-2 model and given meteorological conditions to determine the infiltration airflow. Two sets of meteorological conditions are considered: average conditions and extreme conditions for each season.  相似文献   

本文通过在香格里拉高山植物园绿色节能办公楼中进行的泥土地板实验研究,对传统民居中原生的建筑技术进行了一些改进性探索,以期为传统民居的绿色更新找到一些切实可行的方法。  相似文献   

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