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分析利用触觉疏散的可行性,利用人体触觉技术,提出基于触觉的消防应急疏散技术。设计了一款基于触觉的消防应急疏散标志,利用触觉感知方向模组的指示方向,进而获取疏散方向。介绍该疏散标志的触摸形状设计、结构设计、电气设计、工作原理及通信协议。该标志对于抵抗火灾现场的浓烟具有很好的效果,可广泛用于大型建筑中的人员疏散。  相似文献   

本文从高层建筑中的疏散指示标志等方面存在的问题出发,着重论述了这些系统在发生火灾后对人员成功疏散可能造成的影响,并提出了相应的解决办法, 指出了高层建筑疏散系统的发展方向必须是由建筑内的消除控制中心统一来控制。  相似文献   

介绍智能疏散指示系统的研究意义,分析总结人员安全疏散原则,包括疏散路线、双向优化、均衡快速疏散等。通过计算两个安全出口及疏散通道宽度对疏散指示标志设置的影响,归纳总结疏散指示标志设置条件,并对在此基础上设计的智能疏散指示工程检测与辅助设计软件做简要介绍。  相似文献   

目前公共建筑内的疏散指示采用低照度发光型疏散指示牌指引疏散方向,由于照度较低,当距离稍远或烟雾较浓时,其可视程度大大降低。发光型疏散指示牌的指引方向固定不变,在复杂的火灾事故现场难于起到安全有效的疏散指示作用。利用智能型声光疏散指示器,可以设计出指引方向实时可变的智能疏散诱导系统,当发生火灾事故时能够对人群进行智能诱导,及时疏散,减少伤亡。  相似文献   

郑发泰 《建筑电气》2008,27(1):55-57
目前建筑内的疏散指示普遍采用低照度发光型疏散指示牌指引疏散方向,其指引方向固定不变且当距离稍远或烟雾较浓时,其疏散指示作用大大降低,在复杂的火灾事故现场难于起到安全有效的疏散指示作用。本文提出一种新颖的智能型声光疏散指示器,弥补了发光型疏散指示器的不足,当发生火灾事故时能够对人群进行智能诱导,及时疏散。并介绍了智能型声光疏散指示器的定向原理,以及疏散方向固定不变和智能可变两种系统的组成。  相似文献   

本文从高层建筑中的疏散指示标志等方面存在的问题出发,着重论述了这些系统在发生火灾后对人员成功疏散可能造成的影响,并提出了相应的解决办法,指出了高层建筑疏散系统的发展方向必须是由建筑内的消防控制中心统一来控制。  相似文献   

近年来,高层民用建筑及大型商场、影剧院火灾明显增多,人们的生命安全时刻受到威胁。安全疏散指示标志到时将会给你指出一条“光明”之路,帮助你逃出火灾的魔掌。安全疏散指示标志是现代宾馆、饭店、商场、医院、影剧院等公共场所必不可少的消防设施。  相似文献   

分析了商业综合体火灾疏散难题及传统疏散指示存在的不足,介绍了智能疏散指示系统的优越性及应用于商业综合体的必要性。文章结合工程设计实例,阐述了智能疏散指示系统的设计要点及设计中需要注意的问题。  相似文献   

高层民用建筑消防应急照明及疏散指示标志设计探讨侯世恩李永杰1问题的提出建筑防火设计中消防应急照明及疏散指示标志设计是建筑防灾设计体系的一项重要内容。该项设计是否完善,将直接影响到火灾事故状态下的人员疏散及火灾扑救工作的顺利进行,特别是对于高层民用建筑...  相似文献   

王莉 《云南建筑》2013,(2):137-138
从应急照明电源的设计、疏散指示标志类型的合理选择以及智能疏散指示系统的运用等方面进行阐述,希望能针对不同的建筑设计合理、可靠的应急照明及疏散指示标志起到一定的指导作用。  相似文献   

In this paper, we use an egress computational simulation model to determine the optimal positioning of exits around the perimeter of a square room in order to minimise egress times. The solution is found through trial and error exploration of the possible significant exit locations. The egress simulations were conducted assuming idealised conditions of zero response times and population behaviour such that occupants elect to move towards their nearest exit. The analysis reveals that strategic positioning of even a single exit on the perimeter of the room can result in reduced egress times. Even greater advantage can be gained by the strategic positioning of two exits of equal size. It was also noted that the advantage offered by the identified optimal locations diminishes as the size of the exit increases while keeping the population serviced by the exits constant, or the size of the population serviced by the exit decreases while keeping the size of the exits constant.  相似文献   

陈静 《山西建筑》2011,37(5):30-31
对城市轨道交通出入口建筑设计进行了探讨,阐述了地铁车站出入口设计应注意事项,分别介绍了地铁出入口的各种类型、不同设计手法、无障碍设计要点及选址等内容,为今后地铁出入口的建筑设计提供了一定指导。  相似文献   

薛莲 《消防科学与技术》2020,39(8):1071-1074
对某商业综合体进行疏散模拟,通过分析其人员疏散过程,发现该商业综合体的疏散走道中存在“瓶颈现象”、不平滑拐角的堵塞现象以及“T”形或“Y”形汇合处的集聚现象。分别采取增大瓶颈的宽度、改变走道轮廓线形状、适当扩大汇合处宽度形成缓冲区的措施进行优化,优化效果良好。此外,该商业综合体的安全出口、楼梯利用率较低。通过协调各出口的疏散宽度,使各安全出口的疏散同步进行,可以提高安全出口的利用率;将疏散利用率相差较大的相邻楼梯合并,可大幅度提高楼梯的疏散效率。  相似文献   

In the past decade in particular, research attention has shifted from an almost exclusive focus on routes or pathways into homelessness towards the investigation of exits from homelessness. As well as demonstrating the multiple paths possible for young people who become homeless, recent research, and longitudinal studies in particular, has contributed to a more nuanced understanding of the complexity of the homeless pathways of young people. Nonetheless, knowledge and understanding of the nature of homeless exits, and of the mechanisms that facilitate the transition out of homelessness, is far from complete. This paper explores the processes surrounding the exit routes taken by young people out of homelessness and the meanings attached by them to these housing transitions based on selected findings from an ongoing qualitative longitudinal study of homeless youth in Dublin, Ireland. More broadly, the paper considers the utility of distinguishing between the types of routes that young people take out of homelessness, with particular attention to the notions of ‘independent’ and ‘dependent’ exits. The paper aims to further the discussion and debate on the conceptualisation of homeless exits and also discusses a number of policy implications arising from the study's findings.  相似文献   

This paper seeks to understand how public housing residents’ mobility intentions affect their actual exits. The results suggest that mobility intentions do have a significant effect on public housing exits. However, the rate of exit among those who intend to move out of public housing was similar to those who did not intend to leave. In addition, tenure had a significant effect on the odds of exiting alluding to issues of duration dependence. However, neighbourhood conditions did not fully explain public housing exits. Our proxy for policy reform had a large effect on the odds of exiting of public housing. This result suggests that changes in housing assistance programmes and urban housing policy could largely account for public housing exits. Overall, the results imply that while public housing residents may have positive and negative mobility intentions, their exits may primarily be due to shifts in housing policy and social welfare programmes versus individual characteristics and neighbourhood conditions.  相似文献   

Workplace evacuation is a significant emergency response strategy and evacuation planning is mandatory for the emergency safety plan. It is known that the evacuation effectiveness depends directly on the effective location and functionality of the exit route, which includes exit access and exit discharge. Apparently, the exit doors location affect both these elements.The exit doors position is ruled by standards and regulations and depends on workplace use, building type, occupants’ number and type, etc. In underground constructions, the selection of the appropriate location of the exits is not easy. The land surface, the area topography and the fact that emergency exits are involved in the space’s ventilation, increase the engineers’ difficulty to design.The regulations mentioned above provide information about installing exits so that the workplace complies with the restrictions imposed. However, up to now a tool to help engineers select the best alternative combination of exits location for a given workplace does not exist.The purpose of this paper is to present a new software application that takes into account the basic parameters of exit routes regulations (such as distance, exit routes angle, dead end - common path of travel distance limitation) and therefore providing all the possible combination of exit doors location. In addition, each combination acquires an efficient grade through a mathematical function. That mathematical function has derived from a study on the evacuation affecting parameters and provides optimized results for exits location. Therefore, on one hand, the users may observe those combinations that comply with the standards restrictions and on the other hand, they can choose the best alternative.  相似文献   

Efficient ventilation of VOC spread in a small-scale painting process   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A number of surveys have reported that large proportions of workers suffer from eye and respiratory discomfort, headaches and feelings of lethargy on account of volatile organic compounds (VOCs). In a small-scale painting process, therefore, efficient ventilation system must be provided for human health. In this study, ventilation characteristics of toluene have been analyzed in a room of a small-scale painting process with various exit locations and with different suction velocities at the exits. A commercial software FLUENT/UNS has been employed to solve the continuity, momentum equation and mass transfer equation. Steady state flow pattern and toluene concentration have been numerically calculated in cases with different positions and air velocities of the exits, and then transient ventilation characteristics of toluene have been simulated with the calculation of the room mean age and air change efficiency, which are key factors for the evaluation of indoor air quality. The result shows that a careful design of work space is needed to maintain allowable concentration, which may depend on the position of exits and local room mean air age.  相似文献   

根据对现行建筑设计防火规范的理解,叙述了地下室垂直部分疏散通道的独立性、防排烟楼梯间的设置原则以及防排烟系统的设计体会。同时对一些存在争议、规范规定不明确的地方,提出了探讨性的意见。  相似文献   

高层公寓/住宅设置燃气暗厨房可行性的疑问   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目前,国内的某些规范对于公寓/住宅的燃气厨房设置,从规定到条文解释,还存在一定程度的表述不完整以及互有冲突之处,本文尝试着对其中的个别观点做更深入的技术研讨,指出在高层公寓/住宅里设置燃气暗厨房,技术难度大、可靠性低、危险性高,不推荐建设方加以设计和运用.  相似文献   

为了确定长大铁路隧道紧急出口设置的最大间距,采用对列车运行时火灾车厢中人员疏散进行了现场试验和仿真计算,并对车厢内混合人群疏散和火灾烟流扩散进行数值模拟的方法得到火灾车厢内的人员必需安全疏散时间和可用安全疏散时间,从而确定了列车发生火灾后最大运行时间为275 s。根据火灾列车运行时速为80 km/h,火灾列车可运行6 km,即长大铁路隧道紧急出口设置间距最大为6 km。  相似文献   

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