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汤玉良 《四川建筑》2000,20(Z1):101-102
绵州,北接阁道之雄奇,内泛三江之华艳.历代地方志书誉为"四塞之郡"、"三川襟带",并冠以"富乐之乡"的雅称.它交通方便、战略地位十分重要,物华天宝、人杰地灵,过去有不少州牧或官宦是皇亲国戚或重德高俊之士.涪城在古代历史上,最辉煌的时代曾是蜀汉政权的终始之地(蜀汉城)和唐代显庆年间(公元565~661年)的唐城,蜀汉城和唐城光耀中华.  相似文献   

汉城既是一座历史名城,又是一座现代化的国际大都市。“88汉城奥运会”的成功举行和“汉江奇迹”的创造.使汉城在现代亿发展过程中异军突起.然而在繁华的背后,汉城却面临着新挑战:城市淹没在千篇一律的水泥丛林中,个性日渐模糊.  相似文献   

汉城拟建首条全球“最现代化”唐人街 据报道,韩国一家公司正计划在韩国首都汉城附近,辟建韩国首条唐人街,并声称要把它建设成为全球“最现代化和清洁的唐人街” 这条名为“韩国中国城”的唐人街位于汉城西北方25公里外高阳市的一个山区。中国城第一期工程预定今年  相似文献   

都市区是城市化进入成熟阶段的产物,是城市地域空间形态的优化组合。但都市区也存在 诸多问题,如城市膨胀、房屋短缺、交通拥挤、环境污染等。文章以汉城为例,论述汉城都市区发展 过程中出现的主要问题,并简述韩国政府为此实施的相关政策措施。  相似文献   

韩国汉城的物业管理 韩国首都汉城楼宇林立,住宅小区遍布,物业管理井井有条,给人一种温馨、舒心、放心和满意之感。汉城住宅小区物业管理讲究“四化”——规范化、社会化、商业化和自律化。 乐喜住宅小区地处汉城市中心偏西的繁华地带,这里有10栋10层  相似文献   

2015年是推进习近平总书记提出的“四个全面”的重要一年,是完成“十二五”规划目标任务、谋划“十三五”发展的关键一年.在这样的背景下,今年上海交通发展的工作思路是:全面贯彻党的十八大、十八届三中、四中全会和市委市政府有关会议精神,围绕“构建符合上海特大型城市发展需要、达到世界先进水平的综合交通体系”总目标,坚持“高标准、全覆盖、靠制度”的工作理念,坚持“主动牵头、注重协同、做好兜底”的工作原则,坚持“构筑体系、用好平台、创新机制”的工作方法,着力打造综合交通、集约交通、智慧交通、绿色交通、平安交通,推动上海交通发展迈上新台阶.  相似文献   

本文主要论述汉城如何迈向世界性城市的一些经验。 “全球化”(globalization)是当前世界上一股不可抵挡的趋势。我们一直希望能找到一个催化剂让汉城能很快的跻上国际舞台,扮演一个重要的角色。而且也认为汉城需要经历一番重整之后。才能达到全球化的目的,让汉城成为一个世界性都市。  相似文献   

“三国演义”涿州外景基地“汉城”何宝通“汉城”是为拍摄“三国”电视剧并与开展旅游相结合建造的一处外景基地。东西四百五十米,南北一华里,西面临小清河,南、东、北三面环城墙,建有四座城楼。城内建有魏、蜀、吴各一百多米的三条街道。以上工程自1992年三月底...  相似文献   

“88汉城奥运会”的成功举行和“汉江奇迹”的创造,使汉城在现代化发展过程中异军突起……  相似文献   

北村在汉城中心区,位于两处传统宫殿景福宫和昌德宫之间,是汉城旧城区的重要组成部分和反映汉城历史风貌特色的个重要窗口.  相似文献   

Minsuk Cho , founder of Seoul-based Mass Studies, describes the shifting environment of practice: a world in which curators and clients are already anticipating the way that future architecture will take on a new level of interactivity, responding to personal communication devices. There is a bittersweet flavour to these accounts of projects commissioned by curators that seek to maximise the interactions between the public and the making of pavilions. The irony is sharpened by the urban context of Seoul, a densely populated city in which individuals seek to excise themselves from the relentless interactions of everyday living.  相似文献   

韩国首尔清溪川的恢复和保护   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
李京鲜  曾玲 《中国园林》2007,23(7):30-35
21世纪首尔开始了生态城市建设。首尔的建设开始朝着改善市民生活的方向发展,政府在努力保护和恢复城市空间,创造良好的生态环境。第一个成功的项目是2005年10月完成的首尔清溪川复原和再发展项目。这个项目向世人证明了一个城市项目能给人们的生活带来巨大的影响。从历史、政治、经济和社会的角度验证了清溪川这样一个庞大且复杂的发展项目。通过清溪川复原和再发展项目,首尔的都市生态城市建设规划得到分析和验证。这个项目也可供其他面临类似环境和城市问题的亚洲城市借鉴参考。  相似文献   

首尔地面公交系统改革的成功经验   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
随着经济、人口的快速发展,首尔开展了一次针对地面公交系统的成功而深刻的变革。其中包括组建以公众参与为基础的公交系统改革公民委员会,形成了“以线路连接为导向的公交系统”,采用新型公交智能卡、票价新制度以及信息一体化的管理系统。  相似文献   

The urban space of Seoul that had kept the structure of the Fortress and the Seongjeo Shibri for more than 500 years began to be transformed with the introduction of modern transport facilities, the railway and tram, in the early twentieth century when Seoul became the colonial capital of Gyeongsung-bu. The railway station buildings that were constructed in the main areas of Gyeongsung-bu mirrored international developments through taking charge of the city's passenger traffic and cargo distribution. They also influenced greatly the course of the city's urban growth. This article investigates the features of the urban growth of Gyeongsung-bu through looking into changes in the station buildings' role and into the construction of railways, which became the public transportation system throughout the whole Korean Peninsula.  相似文献   

市政排水事业市场化改革的几点思考   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
马焕宗 《市政技术》2005,23(1):46-50,55
近几年来,随着我国社会主义市场经济改革的深入,要求对包括排水事业在内的市政公用事业进行市场化改革的呼声越来越高。但是,在政府、企业纷纷掀起“市场化热潮”的背后,对如何进行市场化改革,却少有系统性的研究。更重要的是,市政公用事业门类很多,各有特点,改革难点不一。以我国当前市政排水事业市场化改革中的热点问题为重点,在调查研究的基础上,从发展的角度对市政排水事业的市场化改革思路、方案进行了阐述。  相似文献   

We present a fractal study of the public transportation system of Seoul, composed of subway and railway lines. The fractal dimension of the whole network is determined for several years, indicating an increase of D, which is the actual fractal dimension of the lines, from 1.15–1.35. We also determined the actual dimension of the ensemble of the stations (1.50). We discuss the significance of the fact that the fractal dimension of the stations is larger than that of the lines and conclude that it could be a measure of the quality of the system. Our results are compared with those concerning Paris, for which the two fractal dimensions have also been determined.  相似文献   

The policy transition from gated community to block system, which is related to intergenerational justice and sustainable urban development, has aroused many controversies concerning public space. Through questionnaires and online-opinion survey, this paper fi nds that the public generally has a misunderstanding on China's new "community opening up policy." In detail, there is a remarkable group difference in the public's evaluation on this policy transformation. Those who have already bought houses mostly disapprove of the policy, while other groups have various considerations based on their own interest. The public's attitudes always have been infl uenced by different policy options and the ambiguity in policy implementation. Since the adjustment of urban space involves a wide range of interests, the relationship between individual interest and public interest and that between the government and civilians have become complicated when some property owners use the immature "common interest" as an excuse to protect their interests. The situation becomes even more complex when the power and voice is unbalanced. Thus, rational communication should be promoted to guarantee the procedural justice of policies, and systematic reform should also be promoted to guarantee the substantive fairness of policies.  相似文献   

政府工程管理模式综述及改革方向   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
政府工程管理模式的改革与创新,是经济体制改革的一个重点和难点.近年来投资体制的改革、政府与市场职能的明晰,使政府工程管理模式改革更显迫切,也为之指明了方向.本文基于明晰政府与市场职能、发挥专业机构优势、权力制衡等原则,对各种类型的政府工程管理模式进行了全面、深入的分析,并以此为依据,对未来政府工程管理模式的改革方向提出了建议.  相似文献   

As the previous service delivery mechanism initiated by government is not desirable anymore, institutional agency on behalf of government is necessary to intermediate public and private interests through policy network. The focus of this study is to identify the role of different intermediate agencies of Cardiff and Seoul within policy network towards sustainable community building through housing-led urban regeneration. It was identified that the policy network of Cardiff was a horizontal network administration organization-type issue network, which favoured inclusiveness, sequential legitimacy and stability with a private-like, bottom-up relational role and a wide coverage of functional role. The policy network of Seoul was a hierarchical, lead organization-type policy community, which favoured efficiency, internal legitimacy and stability with a public-like, top-down relational role and a narrow range of functional role. Finally, it was suggested that housing-led regeneration should be networked effectively through the better role of intermediate agency.  相似文献   

大公共交通系统之构建   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
城市交通发展已处在一个艰难的境地,如何突破现状走出困境是目前公共交通发展亟待解决的大问题,大公共交通系统的新构思无疑是城市交通进入新一轮发展阶段的有益尝试,在对大公共交通系统概念进行界定的基础上对其进行了体系框架上的构建,提出了公共交通文化体系和信息交通体系的新思想新观念,并指出目前公共交通规划发展中需要注意的一些问题,最后对大公共交通系统的实施平台建设提出了相应的策略.  相似文献   

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