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应用不同的特征函数描述了矩形板在非均匀压力作用下的屈曲形态,解决了采用三角级数为屈曲函数模拟非均匀受压荷载作用下单侧表面约束矩形板件屈曲模态的不对称问题;通过伽辽金法建立屈曲控制方程组,分析了非均匀荷载作用对矩形钢管混凝土构件局部弹性屈曲性能的影响。结果表明:钢管屈曲系数随着不均匀荷载梯度α增加而增大,纯弯作用下(α=2)的板件弹性屈曲荷载特征值约为轴压作用下的6倍;钢板的宽厚比限值随不均匀加载梯度α的增大而增加;非均匀荷载作用下非加载边固支约束板件的屈曲系数明显大于简支约束的板件。  相似文献   

带约束拉杆矩形钢管混凝土短柱偏压性能的试验研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
对7个带约束拉杆和2个不设约束拉杆矩形钢管混凝土短柱进行偏心受压试验研究,主要研究偏心率、约束拉杆水平间距对矩形钢管混凝土短柱偏压性能的影响。试验研究结果表明,在偏心压力作用下,约束拉杆的设置有助于提高矩形钢管混凝土短柱的延性,延迟钢管的局部屈曲。带约束拉杆矩形钢管混凝土柱的偏压承载力随偏心率的增大而减小。在相同偏心率下,试件延性随拉杆水平间距减小而增大。  相似文献   

带约束拉杆方钢管混凝土短柱轴压性能试验研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
进行了10个带约束拉杆和5个不设约束拉杆方形钢管混凝土短柱轴心受压构件的试验研究。主要研究参数为约束拉杆直径和间距、钢管厚度、钢材强度等。试验研究表明,在轴心压力作用下,方形钢管混凝土短柱在设置了约束拉杆后,能有效改善横截面周边中部钢管对核心混凝土的约束作用,延迟或避免钢管在应力达到屈服强度前发生失稳性的局部屈曲而导致构件的过早破坏,从而使方形钢管混凝土轴压短柱的承载力和延性均有较大幅度的提高。同时,应用现有规范及规程有关方形钢管混凝土承载力计算公式,对带约束拉杆方形钢管混凝土轴压试件承载力进行计算,计算结果与试验结果相比较为保守。  相似文献   

采用带约束拉杆矩形钢管混凝土的本构关系,利用纤维模型法对带约束拉杆矩形钢管混凝土短柱承载力进行了数值分析,计算结果与试验结果吻合良好。利用经试验结果验证的计算程序对带约束拉杆矩形钢管混凝土短柱轴压和单、双向偏压承载力进行了较系统的参数分析,回归出带约束拉杆矩形钢管混凝土轴压和单、双偏压承载力简化计算公式,公式的计算精度高,形式简单,便于应用,可供工程设计参考。  相似文献   

本文用能量法对刚性基底矩形钢板的屈曲性能进行了理论分析研究,利用满足边界条件的屈曲位移函数得到屈曲系数的计算公式,然后进一步用于矩形钢管混凝土轴心受压局部屈曲问题的分析和计算,得到矩形钢管混凝土屈曲系数计算公式,最后根据修正的温特(G.Winter)公式,推导矩形钢管混凝土全截面有效的宽厚比限值及其局部屈曲强度计算公式,计算结果与试验结果进行了比较,吻合较好。本文的研究成果可为相关研究提供参考。  相似文献   

带约束拉杆异形截面钢管内核心混凝土等效单轴本构关系   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在钢板中部位置设置具有约束钢板外凸变形作用的水平拉杆,是改善异形截面钢管混凝土柱力学性能的有效方法。在已有文献对带约束拉杆方形、矩形、L形、T形、十形截面钢管混凝土短柱轴压试验研究成果的基础上,通过合理假定,将L形、T形和十形钢管混凝土截面分别划分成一个无拉杆的方形和若干个有拉杆的矩形钢管混凝土区域,借鉴约束混凝土本构模型,分别建立力学表达格式统一的带约束拉杆方形和矩形截面、以及带约束拉杆L形、T形、十形截面各区域的钢管内核心混凝土等效单轴本构关系。采用所建立的本构关系对相关试验的试件进行了荷载-应变全过程分析,计算曲线和试验曲线吻合良好。  相似文献   

为了解约束拉杆预拉力对矩形钢管混凝土短柱受力性能的影响,进行了3个带预应力约束拉杆短柱轴压试验和另外2个对比试验,对比试验试件中1个不带约束拉杆,1个带普通约束拉杆。预应力约束拉杆和普通约束拉杆均由M20高强度螺栓组成,作为普通约束拉杆的高强度螺栓,在构件受轴向压力前与钢管壁焊接成一体;作为预应力约束拉杆的高强度螺栓,在构件受轴向压力前通过扭紧螺帽产生预拉力,然后与钢管壁焊接成一体,由拉杆预拉力对钢管壁和核心混凝土进行预压。试验结果表明,设置约束拉杆后,构件的承载力提高,轴向变形能力增强;与普通约束拉杆相比,预应力约束拉杆能减小构件最大荷载时的变形,但对构件承载能力和后期变形能力影响不大;减小预应力约束拉杆的横向间距,可有效减小构件最大荷载时的轴向变形,提高构件前期刚度,但对构件承载力影响不明显;在截面宽度和拉杆数量不变的情况下,随着截面长宽比的增加,构件后期变形能力减小。  相似文献   

纵向变厚度(LP)钢板是一种沿轧制方向具有不同厚度钢板的钢材,可用于优化结构的力学性能和提高材料利用率。为研究其局部稳定性能,设计了6根LP翼缘焊接工字形截面短柱,6根LP腹板焊接工字形截面短柱和4根传统等厚度焊接工字形截面短柱,并进行了轴向受压试验。试验研究中确定板临界屈曲荷载的两个主要屈曲准则,同时分析了破坏模式、荷载-侧向变形曲线、荷载-应变曲线和极限荷载,研究LP短柱的局部屈曲行为,得到试件更容易在LP钢板的薄端发生屈曲破坏。将试验结果与现有等厚度板设计规范计算结果进行比较可得,现有等厚度板的设计规范预测腹板变厚度短柱的极限荷载偏于危险,而对于翼缘变厚度短柱欧规EN 1993-1-5能较为准确预测,但需要进一步的数值模拟去验证,从而进一步提出修正公式或者修正系数来指导设计。  相似文献   

为研究带拉杆约束矩形截面钢管混凝土短柱的抗震性能,以轴压比、约束拉杆间距和截面长宽比为主要参数,进行了4个无拉杆约束和11个带拉杆约束矩形钢管混凝土短柱试件的低周往复加载试验。研究了其破坏过程、滞回性能、承载能力、变形能力、刚度退化及耗能能力等,并基于数值分析给出了带约束拉杆矩形截面钢管混凝土短柱压弯承载力计算式。结果表明:钢管板件宽厚比为50和67、剪跨比为3的矩形截面钢管混凝土短柱的滞回曲线饱满,没有明显的捏缩;设置约束拉杆提高了试件的承载能力、变形能力及耗能能力;带约束拉杆试件的极限位移角在1/19~1/50之间,位移延性系数在3.28~6.25之间;破坏时的等效黏滞阻尼系数在0.3以上;增加轴压比降低了试件的延性;减小约束拉杆间距可明显改善柱的抗震性能;保持截面宽度不变,增加截面长宽比,可提高试件承载力,但延性降低。提出的带约束拉杆矩形截面钢管混凝土短柱的压弯承载简化计算式的计算结果与试验结果吻合较好。  相似文献   

This paper is concerned with the eccentric load behavior of L-shaped concrete-filled steel tubular (CFT) stub columns with binding bars. Eight specimens with binding bars and one without binding bars were tested to examine the effects of horizontal spacing and diameter of binding bars, load eccentricity ratio, and load angle on the failure modes, bearing capacity and ductility of L-shaped CFT stub columns. Experimental results demonstrate that the local buckling of the steel tube can be postponed by setting binding bars, and the bearing capacity and curvature ductility of the L-shaped CFT stub columns are at most 1.04 and 3.31 times those without binding bars, respectively, and the plane section assumption can also be satisfied. Based on a modified stress–strain relationship of confined concrete, the fiber element analysis is applied to predict the bearing capacity of the specimens, and the predicted results agree well with the experimental ones. Then the parametric studies using the proposed theoretical model are carried out to further study the fundamental behavior of eccentrically loaded L-shaped CFT stub columns with various steel yield strengths, sectional steel ratios, cube strengths of concrete, confinement coefficients of binding bars, sectional aspect ratios and load angles. Finally, simplified interaction formulas are put forward to predict the Mx/Mx–My/My′ curves for the L-shaped CFT stub columns with or without binding bars subjected to biaxial eccentric load, and the theoretical results predicted by the simplified formulas agree well with those predicted by the fiber element analysis program.  相似文献   

采用ABAQUS有限元软件对双钢板-混凝土组合剪力墙中外包钢板的局部屈曲行为进行了有限元模拟,分析外包钢板在轴压作用下的局部屈曲和屈曲后的受力性能。共开展了15个模型的有限元分析,模型的变化参数包括钢板的宽厚比和对拉钢筋的列数。分析结果表明:对于列间距和行间距相同的对拉钢筋布置方案,钢板局部屈曲始终发生在相邻两对拉钢筋之间;钢板发生屈曲后,与屈曲位置相邻的对拉钢筋承受较大的拉力,且对拉钢筋拉力随着对拉钢筋间距的减小而增大;增加对拉钢筋列数和减小钢板宽厚比可有效改善外包钢板的局部稳定性能,提高钢板的承载能力和变形能力;相比点约束,线约束对钢板局部屈曲的约束更为有效;无对拉钢筋模型、单列对拉钢筋模型和双列对拉钢筋模型达到屈服强度(345MPa)所需的最小宽厚比分别为25、30和37.5。  相似文献   

孙刚  蔡健 《建筑技术》2010,41(1):31-33
在试验的基础上,分析了带约束拉杆L形钢管混凝土短柱的受力机理,将带约束拉杆L形钢管混凝土短柱划分成一个方形和两个带约束拉杆的矩形钢管混凝土短柱,提出了轴压下带约束拉杆L形钢管混凝土短柱的承载力计算公式,并结合试验数据确定了计算公式中的参数。用建议计算公式对有关试件进行计算,计算结果与试验结果吻合良好。  相似文献   

为研究开孔钢板连接件(PBL)加劲肋对矩形钢管混凝土轴压柱局部屈曲性能的影响,用能量法推导钢管屈曲系数计算公式,引入PBL和加劲肋相对刚度计算式并分析二者对屈曲模式的相互作用关系,讨论了PBL加劲型钢管的极限屈曲模式及其极限屈曲系数、最大相对宽厚比限值。结果表明:PBL加劲肋可明显改善钢管局部稳定性,钢管屈曲系数k随着PBL加劲肋刚度增加而增大,直至达到极限屈曲系数42.68;PBL连接件可减小板件纵向屈曲的波长,而加劲肋的影响作用与之相反;设置PBL加劲肋后,钢管的最大相对宽厚比限值可达184,并且板件屈曲后强度随宽厚比的变化曲线下降趋势减缓,强度值随着PBL刚度增加而逐渐提高。  相似文献   

An experimental study of 22 concrete-filled round-ended steel tubular (CFRT) stub columns under axial compression is conducted compared with 4 circular concrete-filled steel tubular (CFT) stub columns. The influences of width–thickness ratio, concrete strength, steel yield strength and wall-thickness of steel tube on the ultimate bearing capacity of the CFRT columns are discussed. The 3D finite element (FE) model is also developed to analyze the behavior of the CFRT columns under axial compression. From the results, local buckling of the round-ended steel tube associated with shear failure of in-filled concrete could be observed. With the increasing width–thickness ratio, the corresponding load–strain curves have a shorter elastic–plastic stage. The parametric studies indicate that the concrete strength, tube thickness and width–thickness ratio of the steel tube also have a great effect on the ultimate bearing capacity. The numerical results also show that the confinement effect of the stub columns decreases with the increasing width–thickness ratio. A practical calculation formula for the bearing capacity of the CFRT stub columns is proposed, which is well in agreement with the experimental results.  相似文献   

This paper describes the development of the direct strength method (DSM) for concrete-filled tubular (CFT) sections. The axial and flexural strength of CFT sections with local buckling are proposed based on previous test results. Although Eurocode4 does not allow the use of slender steel skins for CFT sections, the limit of the width-to-thickness ratio for the steel skin has recently been extended to slender sections in AISC specifications. A simple formula for the axial and flexural strength of CFT sections for the DSM is proposed to account for the local buckling of a thin steel skin and for the enhanced compressive strength of concrete from the confining effect of the steel skin. The squash load predicted by the proposed formula is compared with test results and those predicted by AISC specifications and Eurocode4. A formula for strength interactions of CFT members under combined compression and flexure is proposed and is compared with test results. The comparison confirmed that the formula for axial and flexural strength and that for strength interactions can conservatively predict the resistance of CFT columns to the axial load and combined compression and bending.  相似文献   

The seismic performance of irregular pentagonal concrete‐filled steel tube (CFT) megacolumns is very different from that of circular or square CFT columns. Six irregular pentagonal CFT megacolumn specimens, with multiple cavities each, derived from a tall building are tested under constant axial compression and low lateral cyclic loading. The main studied parameters are the lateral loading directions and bottom cross‐section constructions. The types of constructions investigated are normal, corner‐steel‐angle strengthened and simplified discontinuous partial steel plate fabrications. The influence of the parameters on the failure mode, bearing capacity, elastic–plastic deformability, and energy dissipation is analysed. The failure features are fractures of the bottom steel plates caused by the bending force. Both the normal and the strengthened CFT columns exhibit better seismic performance than the simplified columns and have a 8.9%–34.7% greater bearing capacity and a 24.5%–42.2% stronger elastic deformability. Therefore, utilisation of the simplified CFT columns should be limited due to its weakened ductility and energy dissipation ability when using a steel ratio similar to those used for the other column types. Finally, a simplified strength model for an irregular pentagonal CFT megacolumn is proposed, and the resultant prediction is conservative but matches the test result well.  相似文献   

带约束拉杆T形钢管混凝土短柱偏压试验研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
进行了16根带约束拉杆和11根不带约束拉杆T形钢管混凝土短柱试件的偏压试验研究,分析了不同荷载角、偏心率、约束拉杆间距下该类型柱的偏压性能。试验结果表明:约束拉杆的设置减小钢板的屈曲半波长、延迟钢管局部屈曲的发生、提高核心混凝土的约束作用,有助于提高该类型柱的承载力和延性;临近或达到极限荷载时近力侧拉杆及钢板对核心混凝...  相似文献   

提出一种带约束拉杆双层钢板内填混凝土组合剪力墙,通过对6个剪跨比为2.0、轴压比为0.6的此类剪力墙试件的低周往复加载试验,研究试件的破坏形态、滞回曲线、骨架曲线、承载力退化、刚度退化、位移延性系数和耗能等抗震性能。结果表明:带约束拉杆双层钢板内填混凝土组合剪力墙抗震性能良好,6个试件的屈服位移角平均值为1/147,极限位移角平均值为1/48,位移延性系数平均值为3.57;减小约束拉杆间距和采用梅花式布置约束拉杆的方式,能更好地对钢板和混凝土提供约束,延缓钢板局部屈曲,增大混凝土的极限变形能力,提高剪力墙承载力、延性和耗能能力,减缓承载力退化和刚度退化,改善剪力墙抗震性能。  相似文献   

带约束拉杆L形钢管混凝土短柱偏压试验研究   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
在钢板中部设置具有约束钢板外凸变形作用的水平拉杆,是改善异形钢管混凝土柱力学性能的有效方法。通过8个带约束拉杆L形钢管混凝土偏压短柱试件的试验研究,分析了不同约束拉杆设置、偏心率以及荷载角下带约束拉杆L形钢管混凝土短柱的偏压性能。试验结果表明:约束拉杆延迟了钢管局部屈曲的发生,有助于L形钢管混凝土偏压短柱的承载力和延性的提高;临近或达到极限承载力后近力侧拉杆和钢管对核心混凝土的约束作用明显;偏心受压下该柱的截面应变符合平截面假定。基于带约束拉杆L形钢管内核心混凝土的等效单轴本构关系,利用纤维模型法对试件偏压极限承载力进行计算,计算结果与试验结果吻合良好。利用该数值方法对带约束拉杆L形钢管混凝土短柱的偏压性能进行参数研究。分析结果表明:钢材屈服强度、含钢率越大,N/Nu-M/Mu相关曲线向内收拢;混凝土强度和拉杆约束系数越大,N/Nu-M/Mu相关曲线向外凸出。图12表4参11  相似文献   

A solution for the elastic buckling of flat rectangular plates with centerline boundary conditions subjected to non-uniform in-plane axial compression is presented. The loaded edges are simply supported, the non-loaded edges are free, and the centerline is simply supported with a variable rotational stiffness. The Galerkin method is used to establish an eigenvalue problem and a series solution for plate buckling coefficients is obtained by using combined trigonometric and polynomial functions that satisfy the boundary conditions. It is demonstrated that the formulation approaches the classical solution of a plate with a clamped edge as the variable rotational stiffness is increased. The variation of buckling coefficient with aspect ratio is presented for various stress gradient ratios. The coupling between plate aspect ratio, centerline rotational stiffness, and gradient of applied compressive stress is illustrated and discussed. The solution is applicable to stiffened plates and I-shaped beams that are subjected to biaxial bending or combined flexure and torsion, and is important to estimate the reduction in elastic buckling capacity due to stress gradient.  相似文献   

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